How To Use Maori In A Sentence

  • On average, Maori life expectancy is 10 years less than that of Pakeha.
  • There were some stunningly ignorant comments on the wero, asking why important visitors to New Zealand were greeted by "a Maori New Zealander jumping around half naked".
  • During the boat ride, he pointed out the site of a former Maori pa, a fortified settlement hidden in the bush where warriors had hauled their canoes high up the cliffs to protect them from saboteurs.
  • Ordinary Māori, many of whom were victimized by the police raids, descended upon Parliament today in a hikoi mass march, and beg to differ. Archive 2007-11-01
  • Ten percent of the foreshore and seabed is owned down to the mean high water spring by Maori under Maori title.
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  • Britain's Prince William, right, shares a traditional "hongi" greeting with Maori elder Sam Jackson upon his arrival to officially open New Zealand's Supreme Court, in Wellington, New Zealand, Monday, Jan. 18, 2010. Fore, right!
  • You experience a thriving mix of Maori, forestry, arts and crafts, a champion Maori rugby team, Tolaga Bay knitwear, peerless beaches and matchless surf.
  • Critics say he is too unworldly even to understand the hurt he has caused Maori.
  • He will later go sailing on Auckland Harbour in a New Zealand America's Cup yacht and have a traditional indigenous Maori "hangi" meal cooked in a pit in the ground. Channel NewsAsia Front Page News
  • The Maori of New Zealand, the Inuit of Canada, the Twa of Rwanda - all these and more sent representatives and concerns to the World Conference.
  • Puritia te ha o te wairua o te paati Maori me ona rarangi kaupapa tae atu ki ona putake, hai whakataki i a tatou, ahakoa piki, ahakoa heke. ScreenTalk
  • Risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome were remarkably consistent for both Maori and non-Maori populations within New Zealand.
  • The education sector union NZEI Te Riu Roa is challenging the Associate Education Minister to explain why he is ignoring the 80 percent of Maori children who will be affected by the government's untrialled National Standards policy. NZ On Screen
  • This replicates a traditional Maori War Club used by Maori warriors of old.
  • Even science and math and English are taught in Maori language. Language Nests - Nurturing First Nation Languages
  • Also, isolation through moving to urban centres means many Maori have been dislocated from vital support networks.
  • The Maoris have a traditional greeting, called hongi, in which they touch faces so that their noses are pressed together.
  • Finally, in the first years of contact with Europeans, Māori chiefs would draw their moko (facial tattoo) on documents in place of a signature. Frances McInnis: Five Conversation Starters: Jesse James and Tattoos
  • I remember taking classes in Maori in New Zealand, where each lesson began with the recital of a ‘karakia’ or prayer, the meaning of which was often fairly opaque, but not only were we uttering ‘real’ Maori, the recital had a pleasing ritual effect. F is for First Lessons « An A-Z of ELT
  • The runanga is currently a Maori trust board under the Maori trust board legislation.
  • The 1980 s have also seen the advent of schools operating totally in Maori Kura Kaupapa Maori.
  • Over the same period other publishers produced a further 100 items, including the only publications in Pukapukan (from Mataaliki Press) and the Pasifika Press series of dictionaries and/or language course books in Samoan, Cook Islands Mäori and Tongan. Book & Print in New Zealand: A Guide to Print Culture in New Zealand
  • In Maoridom, a tapu area is considered sacred and holy and it is believed that anyone breaking the rahui will face spiritual consequences.
  • Maoris claimed putting a road through a taniwha's home would have been a major insult to all those who believed in the beast.
  • The accounts given by those doctors who had Maori ancestry were real eye-openers.
  • The Maori Land Court has recognised that these lands and estates may include beaches and foreshores, and they seem to have a prima facie case… or at least they do if you think that there has been even one justified land claim under the Treaty.
  • Mandela rubbed noses with activists in Maori "hongi" custom and raised his fist from the pulpit to cries of "Amandla" as he spoke at an Anglican cathedral on the first day of a state visit to New ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In employment matters, he said, racial ‘equity’ policies and special rights, such as extended leave provisions for Maori tangi, should be ignored or over-ridden.
  • She explains that the tohunga of old practiced in the best interests of Maori and cared for their spiritual needs.
  • Rural Maori were concerned about absenteeism in employment, thriftlessness, marital instability, crime and delinquency’ which that situation engendered.
  • This kiss is also performed by numerous Pacific Islander cultures, including the Maori of New Zealand, where it is a ritual greeting.
  • Maori wrasse, sweetlips, trevallies, grouper and every variety of Indo-Pacific coral browser hover around.
  • So, if Maori have taken hangi stones from the beach from 1840 until now (no breaks) they can continue to do so.
  • The international media's attention was drawn sharply to a heavily tattooed Maori warrior, wearing nothing but a flax skirt (piupiu) with a black thong.
  • Under the Treaty of Waitangi Maori were guaranteed, subject to British kawanatanga or government, their right to te tino rangatiratanga or sovereignty over all their existing lands and possessions.
  • If one is a Maori Land Court judge, and at a hangi, and having a damn good time, does one have to constantly comply with tikanga Maori?
  • In our time, these disputes gave rise to protests, including land rights hikoi, and, more recently, have prompted hopeful participation in partnership deals between Maori and Pakeha. ScreenTalk
  • The taniwha is a mythical protector with a powerful role in Maori folklore, but get it angry and you're in trouble, Mr Wilcox said. The Australian | News |
  • Her particular study has been of the finely twined decorative borders known as "taniko," a technique that appears to be unique to the Maori.
  • Telling the New Zealand public that Maori have unlimited tangi leave is a canard.
  • As for the use of the Maori language, how can an interpreter translate adequately on the spur of the moment?
  • The TV finally arrived and you would have had to be a very stony-hearted New Zealander not to be moved by Maori Television Service's first day.
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) during a powhiri ceremony -- a traditional Maori ceremony which takes place when manuhiri, or visitors, and tangata whenua, or people of the land, meet, in honour of the new UNDP Administrator. - Articles related to Wage gap with Australia wider - report
  • Come to that, the word "iwi" would be as common in local English to denote a Maori tribe as the word "tribe" itself. ROBERT BURCHFIELD.
  • I have a fabulous image of a hongi in an advert for the Maori TV channel.
  • The Historic Places Trust says last week's find of koiwi as well as moa bones, an adze head and other artefacts indicate Maori occupation of the site more than 500 years ago, making it one of the earliest sites found. Radio New Zealand News Headlines
  • He is in a Maori cloak and waving the tino rangatiratanga flag on the side of iwi, who the coalition suggests will be granted ownership rights, mining rights, development rights and veto rights that might impinge on Kiwis 'rights to visit the beach. - Stuff
  • Indeed, the report of the Maori Affairs Committee states expressly that neither of them owns the service.
  • This story says that a Waitangi Tribunal report to be issued today will find that Taranaki Maori are entitled to a share of the profits from our oil and gas fields.
  • And the New Zealand spinach entry doesn't give its Maori name (puha) and there are lots of spelling mistakes in that entry (I know, I'm picky!) The Food Timeline :: Rebecca Blood
  • I have a trace of Maori blood in me, but Frank's father was half Maori. THE THORN BIRDS
  • It's further evidence that smaller class sizes in those kura work well for Maori students.
  • The haka is one of the most recognised parts of maori culture. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Best team ever…
  • -- 1996, Apirana Turupa Ngata, Kt, MA, LLB, DLit, MP: Ana Tuhinga i Roto i te Reo Maori, nga etita ko Wiremu raua ko Te Ohorere Kaa, Victoria University Press, Wellington. Book & Print in New Zealand: A Guide to Print Culture in New Zealand
  • He has suggested that he would hire a Pakeha over a Maori of equal merit because, he said, Maori could claim unlimited tangi leave.
  • What initiatives has the Government implemented to build capacity in the Maori tourism business sector?
  • It corrected some of the misapprehension of New Zealanders, stating that the Moriori were from the same East Polynesian background as the Maori.
  • The Maori Party has reached resolution of the process of whakahou wairua which is a process that restores the spirit of all those who have been affected by a particular action. ScreenTalk
  • His book details his family's land battles, his brother's notorious murder charge and his uneasy existence in a two-sided world (born of a Maori father and a pakeha mother).
  • The animals are revered by the Maori as a taonga, or treasure.
  • I can assure you, there was really something fantastic. We can also visiting the local western church and maori house to feel the culture difference.
  • Britain's colonial policy was shaped by a desire to limit the evil effects of the felonry on Maori.
  • To be regarded by the dominant society of Australia 1965 as being a "boong", "coon" or "Abo" was a passport to discrimination, prejudice and poverty, and many light-skinned Aboriginal people opted to assume a non-Aboriginal identity Indian, afghan, Maori, etc to escape the extreme difficulty of life as an Aboriginal person. Archive 2005-04-01
  • The indigenous Maoris took to the game as much as the Anglo-Saxon population.
  • For tax allocation purposes, assuming an equal consumption of liquor, tobacco and other dutiable items, then the implication is that Maori would bear 84 per cent of customs duties.
  • AUCKLAND - 12 April 2010 - Leah Te Weehi of Auckland received the ProCare Prize in General Practice today as the top-rated Maori medical student at the fifth-year undergraduate medical course at University of Auckland's School of Medicine. NZ On Screen
  • That area, which belongs to the Maori people there in terms of ancestral use, he would walk all over.
  • The town's Maori heritage remains evident everywhere, from the carved fascia boards of ceremonial marae meeting houses to the war canoes and ubiquitous tiki figures.
  • Traditional Maori beliefs are, for example, that all objects, both animate and inanimate, have a life force, a mauri.
  • He soon made friends with the Maoris and learnt their language well enough to compile a primer in pidgin-Maori, 'A Korao no New Zealand; or, the New Zealander's First The Poems of Henry Kendall With Biographical Note by Bertram Stevens
  • His best work, often direct copies of authentic Maori artefacts, deceived art experts and collectors around the world.
  • Foxtel has never been happy with the amount of Maori language content there is in coverage of Breakers' gamesIf all sports coverage in New Zealand was in Te Reo only, I wonder what that would do for the number of Pakeha enrolling in Maori language courses? Archive 2009-02-01
  • Pictured is a Maori family outside a whare puni near Masterton.
  • Artisans such as tattoo artists, canoe builders, house builders, and carvers were all classified as tohunga in Maori.
  • Then we continued on to the Blue Lake, where eating and drinking would trample Maori sensitivities, since they regard it as a sacred spot.
  • William later went sailing on Auckland Harbour, taking the helm of a New Zealand America's Cup yacht and on Sunday night was to be hosted at a traditional indigenous Maori "hangi" meal cooked in a pit in the ground. Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
  • But even modern Maoris don't like to meddle with makutu.
  • The trip passes many different points of historical interest relating to both early European and Maori settlement.
  • He advocated that Maori children "learn English first" and called for the elimination of the wero in favour of "a handshake or an honour guard or something".
  • They show their appreciation when they are entertained by mihi of welcome in the Maori language.
  • Lexicon_ as illustrated by the meaning of the Maori word _atua_. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • This pledge is sometimes referred to as the unwritten "fourth article" of the Treaty, and is said to protect and recognise not only major western religions, but also Maori custom. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Because of this, Maori have to somehow exercise rangatiratanga within the mainstream legal system.
  • This model does not give fisheries to the Maori hapu and iwi that had them.
  • We know that Maori working within this area are attracted to the learnings available through te oranga hinengaro and te oranga wairua. NZ On Screen
  • This is a particular issue for Maori, because in our culture, water has its own mauri - its own life force - and so when that is depleted, so are the people". NZ On Screen
  • The Maori word "whenua" means land/earth and umbilical cord, and whanau, derived from whenua, means biradri or extended family from common ancestry.
  • The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand.
  • This is especially apparent in the little black hole in which the Maori taonga and artefacts are presented.
  • UPDATE: (October 11) And here is mana tangata whenua, the power of the Maori struggles for tino-rangatiratanga ("self-determination" being the imperfect translation). Archive 2007-10-01
  • The judge is on the marae, he does something that someone says is contrary to tikanga Maori, and, bang, the judge is up on a complaint.
  • But claims that Maori are in some way advantaged or enjoy special privileges over other New Zealanders are simply false.
  • Nevertheless, Maori have succeeded in maintaining their distinctive identity.
  • He pointed to recent archaeological investigations which indicated that Maori had overexploited resources such as seals, marine crayfish and birds of several varieties.
  • Mixed with the Maoris were the sailors of the 'Galatea,' rolling about the streets, and, like them, frequent customers of the public-houses. A Boy's Voyage Round the World
  • Anyway, Helen doesn't need to dig up dirt on the Maori party.
  • Maori have been gulled into being part of the process by which busybodies and newly-minted planners impose their ideas of how property should be used, on the people who actually wear the costs.
  • The massive disruption estimated by the illegal Maori hikoi turned out to be adequately managed by the police.
  • I want to challenge Maori to challenge ourselves to be all that we can be, to refuse to accept the crime and poverty that infest our lives, and to lift ourselves to the status our tupuna dreamt of for us.
  • The Maori guy completely shattered the beef spines with his big taiaha - a five-foot battle club. May 2009
  • The Maori poet has been invited to visit and read poetry on his turangawaewae.
  • The drop in Maori unemployment on a proportionate basis has been most impressive.
  • Almost nothing can happen - certainly nothing can be officially opened - without a Maori ceremony, which will frequently include a lifting of tapu, or an invocation to banish spirits.
  • Maori, European Pakeha, and all people who have the privilege to live in this land, see it as their right to be able to access, and have the benefit of going to, the beaches, foreshores, and coastline around New Zealand.
  • He is still heavily involved in Mahi Tahi, a Trust working to reclaim Maori prisoners by linking them to their racial traditions.
  • Maori scraped it with mussel shells, wove it into fishing nets, made eel traps and tukutuku panels to decorate whare.
  • Harper offers some particular possible precedents for Tamarian in SF and Japanese literature, but I wonder if Maori is a better example. Archive 2004-04-01
  • TWoA Pouhere (chief executive) Bentham Ohia said the marae was the catalyst for a revolution in tertiary education provision - especially for Maori. NZ On Screen
  • Both Maori and British common law require continuous occupation and control for common law ownership.
  • Nicotine dependency can cause people to prioritise their individual tobacco use and in the process, sideline fundamental Maori values, such as manaakitanga, aroha and whakapapa.
  • We stop by the lake for a coffee and takakau (Maori bread) before one last ride up the hill to finish our horseback journey.
  • They determined to work together for Māori unity (kotahitanga).
  • Worse still, in their name, those seven Maori members are subjugating them to absolute insults.
  • Then, while Fred Elliot was speeding on a seven miles 'tramp round the shore of the lake to the surveyors' camp to invoke the aid of the only other white men in that remote part of the country, Hugh Jervois had made his way to the Maori _kainga_. Adventures in Many Lands
  • Traditional Maori beliefs are, for example, that all objects, both animate and inanimate, have a life force, a mauri.
  • A Maori village consisted of those of chiefly rank (rangatira), the main chief (ariki), the main body of the village and a small group of slaves.
  • The earliest known history of the town was as a stopping place for parties of Maori who had come through the Haast Pass in search of greenstone.
  • The koru (being a Maori symbol) balances the flag, and the traditional western approach of three horizontal stripes.
  • However, some Maori report cases of prejudice and discrimination against them.
  • The Maoris within the _kainga_ met them with sullen looks, for their soreness of feeling over the Government surveys now going on in their district had made them unfriendly to white faces. Adventures in Many Lands
  • In New Zealand the word Maori was productive in forming compounds: Maori axe, Maori welcome, Maori scone, Maori council, and so on.
  • The area has been occupied by Maoris since they first arrived from Polynesia and ethnic mythology identifies the mountains in the park with 'tupuna' or god-like ancestors. Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
  • I say to the Minister that he and his Government ought to consider this fact: why do Maori who live in Australia earn more than their kith and kin here in New Zealand?
  • The cruciform cast-pewter mountings continue their references to Maori Christian imagery.
  • That is, the structure, semantics, composition and constructs of Maori language itself.
  • ‘She was there for anyone and offered her Maoriness and aroha to anyone,’ says broadcaster and narrator Tainui Stephens.
  • This time around, the question line has been a bit more adult: instead of chit-chat about travel and hobbies, she has been talking about Maoritanga, love and land.
  • Noelle, on the other hand, works with unfired clay, which is not a traditional Maori artform.
  • Similarly with New Zealand items; a tree unknown to me (forty years a New Zealander), mako, is included while the ubiquitous macrocarpa (an introduced cypress) and important Maori social terms such as marae VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VI No 4
  • At one time all land was Maori land, save for the land that was confiscated, and we are having a debate about that.
  • Beyond that, I also said that assets such as forestry and fish are now being steered and managed by Maori governance.
  • Risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome were calculated separately for Maori and non-Maori children.
  • As mentioned by previous speakers, whakapapa links are important and will be a concern for Maori and Pacific Island groups.
  • Clayton Cubitt's Maori moko portraits, photo and video Boing Boing
  • In addition, obsidian is sacred to the Maoris.
  • We take seriously the kaupapa of the Māori Party-rangatiratanga, kaitiakitanga, kotahitanga No Right Turn
  • During the Third New Zealand War's so-called Hauhau campaign - named for the war cry of the Pai Marire sect amongst the Maoris of North Island - FREE MARKET FAIRY TALES
  • Second, it is a valuable historical document, shedding light on the history of Marlborough and Nelson, the whaling industry, and the relationships between the whalers and the Maori in the area.
  • Another correspondent defines as holocausts the almost total destruction of some Maori tribes by other tribes.
  • It tells the story of a polluted river, a consultation with a kaumatua, traditional Maori gods destroying a factory, and an expression of Maori sovereignty.
  • A week later, a larger party of some 200 Maori appeared, this time with spears slung over their backs, and muskets and tomahawks.
  • It seems to me unjust that the idea should be circulated that the Maoris are a source of danger to the Venereal Diseases in New Zealand (1922) Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Health appointed by the Hon. Minister of Health
  • Despite attempts to follow Maori kawa, a senior Australian politician was accidentally placed in the front row.
  • Whilst anchored in Chevalier Creek, Surville was overtaken by a frightful tempest, which brought him within an ace of destruction, but his sailors had such confidence in his nautical ability that they felt no anxiety, and obeyed his orders with a _sang froid_ of which, unfortunately, the Maoris were the sole spectators. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part 2. The Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century
  • In the final session, students debated the merits of acknowledging taha Maori in their practice, traversing issues raised by Johnstone and Read.
  • In Maori land tenure, tribal boundaries were defined by the putative area settled and utilized by the ancestors, modified by wars and invasions.
  • A Maori haka had fired them up, but alone with their thoughts they contemplated the long day in front of them.
  • The right of pre-emption or exclusive purchase in the same article was used by the Crown to lawfully extinguish Maori customary title and thereby allow alienation.
  • -- 1991, 'Maori literature: a survey', in The Oxford History of New Zealand Literature in English, ed. Book & Print in New Zealand: A Guide to Print Culture in New Zealand
  • Accounting for responsibility by invoking a third party repositions both Maori and tauiwi as victims of repressive colonial rule.
  • In 1867, the Maori won the right to a certain number of reserved seats in Parliament.
  • What they cannot accept is the fact that they currently have a Government that thinks it can condescend to Maori and give them a special preference when they do not need it.
  • Maybe it's the Maori ancestral blood going all kooky at being reunited with its ancient habitat?
  • As well as the picture of the Maori warrior, the diggers have also uncovered a rua, which is a large bowl-shaped underground storage structure.
  • Ngapuhi Maori elder Kingi Taurua sports traditional facial tattoos, known as moko, at a marae in Whangarei - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The reciprocity that is required in the treaty is not one-way, as some people are hinting - suggesting that only Maori are using it.
  • For me, there is an upside, a project I've been approached to work on has, inherently, some element of Maori music, its history and its direction.
  • Quick note: at the time your mom was on mission, "Maoris" was generally accepted, but now, in keeping with Māori use of plurals, it's Māori or Maori. Land Of My Bones.
  • This same dress code, however, allows Maori students to wear bone and greenstone necklaces as part of the school's ‘Treaty of Waitangi obligations’.
  • In the haka, a Maori tradition, the rugby players get in formation, jump up and down, and chant.
  • More than 500 signed the Maori version, which gives kawanatanga (government) to the Queen, but tino rangatiratanga (sovereignty) remains with Maori.
  • His work explored issues concerned with identity, politics, and colonization between the native Maori and European cultures.
  • We need people who have the skills to smell out somebody who comes along to try to fit us up - and I am talking about us, about Maori, as well.
  • And since we've tried some of the food cooked in those ovens (a traditional Maori "hangi" meal that included chicken, cabbage, taro, etc.) we can testify that it is delicious. Recent Updates
  • The Maori Party was founded on kotahitanga.
  • Work on a section of the new highway between Mercer and Long Swamp, dubbed the ‘Waikato Expressway’, has been put on hold after local Maori said they believe there is a taniwha in the way.
  • Then we continued on to the Blue Lake, where eating and drinking would trample Maori sensitivities, since they regard it as a sacred spot.
  • The formal part of the ceremony will include a powhiri (Maori welcoming) in the presence of the Maori King and the official flag-raising. Worldrowing
  • In fact, the plain text of the treaty would seem to indicate that taonga must be maintained exclusively by Maori and the government is legally required to avoid getting involved.
  • The important symbol in Maori carving termed the manaia is basically avian in origin, assuming human characters in many of its forms, and producing "bird-men" of distinctive type.
  • Such positioning serves to identify tauiwi alongside Maori in the matter of sovereignty.
  • The "katipo," found in sedges on the beach of New Zealand, is dreaded by the Maoris, who traditionally refuse to sleep nearer than half a stone's throw from the water, that being the extent of range of the spider. The Poison Bugaboo
  • This is an area long in history of the Maori and of early white settlement.
  • Arohanui is a Maori greeting which literally translates as ‘big love’ or more broadly peace and love among all people.
  • A group of about 12 Ngai Tahu Reo Maori speakers have been pushing the runanga to change the name for some time. Radio New Zealand News Headlines
  • And the people he hung out with were no better … they started calling my friend Serek a cannibal (because cannibalism was a regular practice in Maori wars), after he mentioned in history class that he is of Maori heritage. Think Progress » Progressive Victory In Oregon: Voters Approve Tax Hikes On Corporations And The Wealthy To Close Budget Gap
  • A Maori claim over the land was ignored.
  • He is training the first-born boys of the tribe in the traditional chants and skills of Maori warriors, especially the use of the taiaha.
  • Richard Boston Reading, Berkshire EUREKA Ngaio Marsh I seem to have known for a long time that ngaio, the given name of the late Novo-Zelanian author of detective novels, was a Maori word, but only recently did I learn that it is the name of a New Zealand shrub or tree, related to the Australian blueberry tree and the Hawaiian bastard sandalwood, the wood of which was used for making gunstocks. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 2
  • The outside is Tudor style architecture in contrast to the ornamented Maori art inside.
  • The report details the loss of Maori land as a result of raupatu.
  • Maori customary title extinguished by the last Labour Government's contentious Foreshore and Seabed Act will be restored, under proposals just announced. - Stuff
  • Explanations given to Maori at the time of signing emphasised the role of this kawanatanga in curbing the excesses of Pakeha settlers and protecting Maori.
  • Before a rugby match, the New Zealand team perform a Maori war dance.
  • When we got there, all of the convention guests were introduced on the main stage and welcomed by a traditional Maori dance, including a hongi, which is their custom of touching noses. Gelatometti
  • Somewhere you will find articles in which Maori speakers complain that terms like iwi, hapu and whanau all tribal/kinship terms are being misused as the straitjacket of the law imposes narrower, more Anglosaxon boundaries on their usage. GOOGLE DEFINITIONS.
  • It is a problem insomuch as this is the part of the bill that also makes it very clear to non-Maori New Zealanders that they have fewer rights to undertake activity on the foreshore and seabed of this country than Maori do.
  • The first is that the economic and social advancement of Maori is critical to New Zealand's future growth, prosperity, and well-being.
  • The Legal Maori Project seeks to resource speakers of te reo Maori who may not currently have access to a shared vocabulary to describe Western legal concepts. Maori Legal Archive
  • In turn, the Government acknowledged our rights of rangatiratanga over matters Maori.
  • He is equally emphatic about the need to promote Maori language.
  • New Zealand is a Maori/Polynesian and Pakeha (white) society. Archive 2008-09-01
  • For the rest, Hongi and the Maoris were the war lords, and the fiery torch was generally abroad. The Romance of a Pro-Consul
  • I have hope for my mokopuna and Maori kids at kura throughout Aotearoa, for they have a joy and a passion for being Maori that simply did not exist when I was a kid.
  • He also suggested the Greens had a vision of the future that was even more oriented to Maori sovereignty than was Labour's.
  • Many accommodations can be made for Maori so they can pursue their cultural heritage that make little or no impact on anyone else.
  • A major proportion of Maori live in urban areas, but our people are increasingly looking to their roots through a range of mediums such as sports or ta moko.
  • Mr Brown had taught at Tolaga Bay and was able to teach his pupils Maori songs, chants, poi dances and a haka.
  • The Maori component includes some songs in traditional waiata style composed by Wi Kuki Kaa, and some engaging sounds from Richard Nunns playing Maori instruments.
  • The programme has taken some care to successfully combine cognitive-behavioural psychology with Maori kawa.

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