How To Use Many a In A Sentence

  • It might as well be closed, because in many American hospitals you're simply shooed from the windowsill after you've been nursed back to health (usually in 72 hours or less), and you're expected to "fly" on your own. Mark Lachs, M.D.: Care Transitions: The Hazards of Going In and Coming Out of the Hospital
  • We laugh a lot and he has many anecdotes, funny, funny stories. The Sun
  • She would have taken a great deal of trouble that her daughters might not be a flounce behind the fashions, and was so far-seeing in her motherly anxieties, that she junketed herself and Major Buller to many an entertainment, where they were bored for their pains, that the extensive acquaintance might ensure to the girls partners, both for balls and for life when they came to require them. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • Homeobox genes encode transcription factors involved in many aspects of developmental processes.
  • Many are illustrated with sketches and doodles.
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  • Though the population is still fragile, today as many as 1,000 birds overwinter in the state.
  • As many as 30 different species grow, among them Alpine bartsia Bartsia alpina, Alpine bistort Polygonum viviparum, Unalaska fleabane Erigeron humilis and thick-leaved whitlow grass Draba crassifolia. Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark-Greenland
  • Star staff Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The southern coastal city of Sidon saw banners fill its streets and lights brighten up its sky days before the Holy Month of weather in Baltimore has been sweltering lately, putting many at risk for heat-related conditions. such as Italy criticised Internazionale coach Jose Mourinho for comments the Portuguese made about Ramadan at the weekend. - Articles related to Lagos Fires Tourism Through Sports
  • It includes two passes over the classic Whaanga Coast test, which hugs the Tasman Sea coastline and is rated by many as the best stage in the entire championship.
  • One of the big reasons why many Americans don't like buses is that they are so rumbly. Why streetcars are better than buses
  • Many archaea thrive at hot temperatures (they are also found in volcanoes). Smithsonian
  • Pollution control work, then, is typical of the many areas of social control characterized by goals of regulation rather than repression.
  • The fable is plainly implex, formed rather from the "Odyssey" than the "Iliad;" and many artifices of diversification are employed, with the skill of a man acquainted with the beet models. Lives of the English Poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
  • For many Africans, the ‘coffin-headed’ black mamba is synonymous with death.
  • Many animals are not properly stunned as they are pushed through the slaughterhouse as quickly as possible.
  • It was a pleasure to present the awards last Friday and to see so many adults attend to show their appreciation and support for these champions of literature.
  • There were so many appetizing choices, Nikki said, she couldn't decide which one to order.
  • Another suggests that there are as many as ten lawyers in the city disguised as tourists. Times, Sunday Times
  • How many alcohol-free days do we reckon they have? Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps tools like moviolas might have more efficiently weeded out the dabblers - it's hard to say since moviolas were part of a more elitist type of technology and denied many an opportunity.
  • As a result, many aspiring leaders look to outside organisations for the support they need, often paying for external coaching. Times, Sunday Times
  • These changes serve as the background for the spread of crack cocaine in Germany as well.
  • Consider why the patient has consulted; many are worried about heart disease or cancer.
  • Many AIDS activists have opposed home test kits, because they feared people would receive inadequate counseling.
  • Many are stunned that such far-reaching changes can be made without their consent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Too many airlines treat our children as second-class citizens.
  • There are many alternatives to equities that can prove to be equally dubious while being wrapped in a cloak of respectability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Churinga, over a foot in length, they tell us, are not usually perforated; many churinga are not perforated, many are: _but the Arunta do not know why some are perforated_. The Clyde Mystery a Study in Forgeries and Folklore
  • There are thousands of film festivals around the world, many as welcoming to the casual visitor as they are to movie industry bigwigs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain has many admirers around the world, but who actually owns our green and pleasant land? The Sun
  • I find as many homes as I can and keep as many as I can house properly; I spay/neuter, give annual shots, treat for heartworms and fleas, and hold the others in my arms as my veterinarian gives them the shot to euthanize them.
  • The numismatics gallery has coins collected from as many as 60 countries.
  • Having been bottle-fed myself and suffering from many allergies and asthma, I decided that when I had my first child, I would try breastfeeding to see if it worked for me. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
  • In many areas, this year's bumper crop means exceptionally high removal of nutrients.
  • In North Africa, it represented the whole Free World against the Axis powers - Germany and Italy.
  • The spaceport is predicted to bring as many as 4,000 jobs to the region. Canada Plans its First Spaceport | Impact Lab
  • Perhaps that is why so many athletes major in kinesiology, which is the science of the body and body language. The Strange Death of Liberal America
  • The next stop was the Dominican Republic, where Mays’s All-Stars were met by so many at the airport in Ciudad Trujillo, the team’s traveling secretary said, “They must have declared a holiday.” WILLIE MAYS
  • The wyvern was the emblem of the rulers of Wessex and the word "wyvern" is associated with the many areas of Wessex, reflected in many county and town heraldries of the South West and west of England.
  • They are widely known as martyers in Germany and once a week we must pay homage to them by giving them maccaroni art. Hamletwildie Diary Entry
  • Many avid viewers of "quarterlife" probably recognize themselves somehow in the show, but they may not necessarily know why. Jeremy Axelrod: "quarterlife": Gen-Y Bloggers Shake The Cradle
  • A contractor will remove ragwort, which is hazardous to many animals.
  • We believe, and we believe that you believe, that of the many and proliferating means for communicating big ideas, one of the most effective, and therefore most enduring, is fiction. A Long Story
  • Blindly, unwittingly, erringly as Dickens often urged them, these ideals mark the whole tendency of his fiction, and they are what endear him to the heart, and will keep him dear to it long after many a cunninger artificer in letters has passed into forgetfulness. Literature and Life (Complete)
  • It is also home to the legendary Afflecks Palace from where I have purchased many a pre-loved item in my quest for sartorial elegance.
  • These are some of the most beautiful renderings of baseball stadiums seen, and on top of that are the animated scoreboards and surrounding stadium features that are the envy of many a sports game.
  • Indeed many are still advice workers and are thus constantly furnished with very real on-going practical experience to support their tutoring role.
  • There are many adjectives routinely used to describe jazz fusion, but ‘restrained’ isn't one of them.
  • Many are labelled PDO protected designation of origin, indicating that the cheese has been produced in a traditional way. Insiders' guide to Greece
  • Spacewatch has been discovering as many as 20, 000 new belt asteroids per year.
  • We salute his many accomplishments as an astronaut and as a husband and father.
  • The tartan army, for many a source of national pride as a good-natured counterpoint to prevailing hooliganism elsewhere, is now routinely derided in the press for its apparent buffoonery and lack of knowledge of the beautiful game.
  • It had become clear that he was dying and Frieda took him first to Germany and then to the south of France in search of what could only have been a miraculous cure.
  • Like many African families, these Creole families are matrifocal, centering on the mother's lineage, with strong traditions of women working outside of the home.
  • Many agree on one point: If no action is taken, the country runs the risk of a social explosion.
  • Many an oversuspicious person will find advantage in remembering what a too liberal application of Foxey's principle of suspecting everybody brought The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete
  • The house that he occupied, of Venetian design, and four stories in height, bore many architectural marks of distinction, such as the floriated window, the door with the semipointed arch, and medallions of colored marble set in the walls. The Financier
  • But what seems to turbocharge this practice, as in so many areas of life, is passion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chaconne also became popular in France and, towards the middle of the 17th century, in Germany and England.
  • Many are prompted to make their own training arrangements by the lack of opportunities from their employer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like the blue whale, many aquatic organisms filter plankton. Biology Basic Facts
  • Many argue this would keep the country moving while suitable public transport alternatives are worked out.
  • Thus we can calculate how many atoms would cross the exobase fast enough to escape into space.
  • Like many animals, people also learn to swim through trial and error.
  • This feeling is very strong in many apartment houses where small rooms are overburdened by this kind of wainscot, and to make matters worse, the top is used as a plate-rail. Furnishing the Home of Good Taste A Brief Sketch of the Period Styles in Interior Decoration with Suggestions as to Their Employment in the Homes of Today
  • Many a man's reputation would not know his character if they met on the street. Elbert Hubbard 
  • There are typically nine to 14 criaderas in a solera system although some manzanilla sherries can be made from as many as 19 tiers.
  • So naturally he felt a force-feeding ban should be added to the many anticruelty laws already on the books, but he also freely acknowledged the practical benefits of fighting this particular battle. The Foie Gras Wars
  • There are many agencies that help victims of crime at various stages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through such volumes many Americans first encountered hymns that were to become part of the standard repertory. Christianity Today
  • Ornate doorways offer glimpses of inner courtyards and enticing interiors; many are university buildings, but just as many are candlelit bistros and bars.
  • Now that the partisans were well organized in the Province of Parma they committed many acts of sabotage.
  • Now, FBI agents' time is a much scarcer commodity because so many agents focus on counterterrorism.
  • This insensitivity must include disregarding the garbage that is thrown anywhere and everywhere on many a city street.
  • The colours are vibrant and bright, although coloured lighting is overused in many areas.
  • Suddenly there was a promising smudge on the horizon, which quickly resolved itself into a misty outline familiar from many a Turner painting.
  • Many ASPs have folded in the past 18 months, a trend that's sure to continue.
  • As many as 44 percent of those aged 55 to 90 who still have their teeth also have periodontitis.
  • Leaked U. S. diplomatic cables show that the United States and Germany allegedly are developing together a spy satellite system despite strong opposition from countries such as France.
  • As for asexual reproduction, the authors discuss why vegetative reproduction works so well for so many aquatic plants: rhizomatous growth (clonal growth), as well as reproduction through fragmentation and the production of corms, stolons, tubers, turions and gemmiparous plantlets.
  • As well as handling helicopter movements, they temporarily provided control services for the military tarmac to try to get as many aircraft into the small airfield as possible.
  • Many older adolescents and many adults abstain from alcohol, too. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • Many advanced techniques of practical lens design will be illustrate with easy-to-understand examples drawn from the design of anastigmats and telescope objectives.
  • Hurrell helped established the identity of many actresses and actors and created an iconography of steamy sexuality with dreamy glamour.
  • Many a flower is born to blush unseen. 
  • Viticulture is most extensive in the Rhine and Mosel valleys in west Germany and is an important export industry.
  • On the other hand, many arguments disfavor the possibility of bioluminescent communication among larvae.
  • The skills jockeys employ to get horses to win races are largely visible and obvious - despite many attempts at mystification by a racing culture addicted to magic and superstition.
  • Where many actors hide behind their characters, you do seem to delight in revealing yourself.
  • The order of gentlemanly parleying and brokery has, therefore, with many apprehensions of calamity, been reluctantly and tardily giving ground before something that is of a visibly underbred order. An Inquiry Into The Nature Of Peace And The Terms Of Its Perpetuation
  • Many a pleasant evening the two spent there, talking of locomotive planished iron, wire nails, and turnbuckles, and the late lunch Miss Monon served beat the system's regular buffet service a city block. Laughing Bill Hyde and Other Stories
  • By the middle of the nineteenth century there were twice as many; by the early twentieth century twice as many again.
  • Figures on how many had voted were not available as many Americans would have cast their ballot through their home-state election offices, said the consulate.
  • She owns six foreclosures that she's turned into rental properties and has flipped as many as 10 others.
  • In many areas essential treatments such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and psychological support are not available to stroke survivors. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Rachel Gray might be an outstandingly good actress but many actor-managers preferred to have a lesser actress and less temperament.
  • Many Americans these days are buying their first gold shares — but with a certain ambivalence, all too aware that the metal 's price can move suddenly. An Age of Creative Destruction
  • In 1955, one of the richest and most powerful men in the new West Germany and a fresh face in its Bonn parliament, he went back to Rome. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Your London girls would give many a guinea for a bouquet like that — natural flowers, begad! The History of Pendennis
  • That sense of humour has helped the group survive many an erroneous rumour.
  • A strong group of expert skiers can expect to climb and ski as many as four peaks in five days.
  • My wife finds this impossible to deal with and it's causing many arguments. The Sun
  • Over the next few days I witnessed more of his boorish behaviour, to the annoyance of many around him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ashmole was fascinated by magic, alchemy and astrology, and befriended many astrologers regardless of political allegiance.
  • But what we do now know is that there endures, in many apparently civilised quarters, a simmering rage of misogyny and mistrust. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bran cereals are great for fibre but many are also very high in salt. The Sun
  • Juniper whiled many a day away in her sitting room, speaking to none, playing absently with the pale rose petals, as soft as the skin of a newborn's cheek.
  • As many as 290 children were rehabilitated this year in institutions and families.
  • By the first many a smatterer acquires the reputation of a man of quick parts; by the other many a dunderpate, like the owl, the stupidest of birds, comes to be considered the very type of wisdom. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8
  • The positive virtues are those of many a New England area: clear air, swimmable sea, home-grown tomatoes.
  • There are of course many agentive female political forces both in history and today.
  • Born in Australia, Young first came to prominence in Germany and is familiar in the UK to audiences at Covent Garden, where her interpretations of the mainstream repertoire have been variable.
  • His third novel is regarded by many as his best.
  • Teddy Roosevelt endorsed an effort to remove spellings that many Americans perceived to be cumbersome and illogical from the English language as used in America. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • One of the great fallacies that many Americans hold in regards to Chinese cookery is that there is one over-arching cuisine that is known as Chinese. Tigers & Strawberries » Yin and Yang
  • Many accountants and auditors were unlicensed management accountants, internal auditors, or government accountants and auditors.
  • With as many as seven inserts, the mailer contains recipes, product information, and special sales offers.
  • We must re-examine all that we do and redesign our many and complex systems to make them less vulnerable to human error.
  • Altogether, over 900 million people—well over twice as many as speak English as a first language—use an Indic language as a native tongue. The English Is Coming!
  • An adult anteater can eat as many as 30,000 ants or termites in a single day
  • It is impossible to say with any accuracy how many are affected.
  • Yet there's something sad about the collapse of what inspired so many as an ideal: something melancholy in its decay. Times, Sunday Times
  • Part of the German family of smooth, mild pork or pork-and-beef sausages, frankfurters have always been the food of the people, served with grated horseradish or mustard and eaten at street stalls throughout Germany and Austria.
  • He should have hinted darkly at death threats and used many anonymous sources without ever producing any kind of proof.
  • Sekt in Gemany and Austria is largely made from Riesling, yielding fruit-driven and light wines that are terrific aperitifs.
  • Second, many advisers are still intent on chasing high returns.
  • However, a shared care, multidisciplinary approach has many advantages.
  • The world of computing uses many acronyms. Computers Basic Facts
  • How many albums can a group of stoned-out gangstas make about weed and killing people?
  • Another lawsuit is pending in Germany against the Opel division of General Motors, this one for a version of the Brahms 'Lullaby' performed in what he calls a suspiciously Waitsian voice. Archive 2006-01-01
  • It sounds as good as many a stereo hi-fi system. The Sun
  • And they are humbled by the task of transforming so many ambitious individuals and obstreperous regions into a harmonious but innovative whole.
  • Text messaging has many advantages over old - fashioned talking.
  • Separately and together they wrote many books, mainly set in Ireland, as well as many articles, letters, diaries, and jottings.
  • Maybe it's not too much to say that our delight also makes us repent of the ways we fail to share our bountiful and abundant food when many are starving.
  • It sounds as good as many a stereo hi-fi system. The Sun
  • SAMSON - Many around Samson knew Bruce Maloy as their town's comedian, a goodhearted, wiry little jokester who was always boasting about hitting it big someday. News | GT |
  • Legend Potential areas of conflict Roads Railroads Threats to the troopsIn planning the peacekeeping operation, army officials are preparing U.S. troops for Bosnia's many dangers: 1 As many as 1,000 Islamic fundamentalists, called mujahedin, are operating independently in Bosnia and could harm U.S. troops. Gearing Up For Peace
  • There is little, however, of that rapturous extasy which issues from many a finally most infelicitous husband, some days, weeks, or even months, after the conjugal union. The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, Volume 1
  • Has Mr Reece not heard of the Procurement Directive (97/52/EC) with its many additions and corrigenda? What does it take?
  • It was in these vales that the Saxons of the plain and the Gad of the mountains had many a desperate and bloody encounter, in which it was frequently impossible to decide the palm of victory between the mailed chivalry of the low country and the plaided clans whom they opposed. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Slavery provided the foundation for many ancient types of society.
  • Strikingly, Podhorzer said that his union's internal polls -- which push voters hard on the question of whether people are really firmly committed to their pick -- show that as many as "15 to 20 percent" of battleground state voters remain "persuadable," as he put it, despite what public polls say about the level of undecided voters. Top Obama Labor Supporter Warns Race Remains Volatile, Says Voters Lack Clear Sense Of Obama
  • So while selection within groups favors selfishness, those groups with many altruists do better. SuperCooperators
  • Her dedication and commitment to the pupils over the past seven years has brought the school to the forefront in many areas.
  • Many adults, including your staff, will be thirsty for information.
  • Now if, in the view of many Australians, lying does not disqualify you from national leadership, then it is no good just going on calling politicians liars?
  • Many are drawn in by the creative aspect — deciding whether to make a tropical terrarium, for example, or one of "the really artistic terrariums," she said, which "take an artistic hand to make.
  • Many are available routinely in Scotland and Wales. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the trend's most recent period of reference is the '80s, when demure collars topped many a blousy shirt, observers are quick to note that the more influential time is the early '60s, when JFK led men's fashion trends with trim collars that sat close to the chest. The Incredible Shrinking Collar
  • Nationalist officers gave orders in many areas to exterminate the civilian population.
  • Frankel, meanwhile, is rated the best horse Henry Cecil has had in many a year after a sensational 10-length success in last weekend's Royal Lodge at Ascot propelled him to the top of the betting for the Newmarket Classic. Talking Horses
  • As many as nine out ten truck crashes involve human error, often attributed to fatigue. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Swinburne's work as a whole many adjectives are used as nouns and many nouns as adjectives.
  • Rajkumar essayed the role of many a mythological character as well as historical figures.
  • This brought the majority of the crew onto the main deck, many armed, all alarmed.
  • Under present policy the county council is putting down as many as five hundred dogs annually.
  • From its famous open pulpit in the old hospital churchyard many an inflammatory sermon had been preached. THE HERBALIST: Nicholas Culpeper Rebel Physician
  • But I will say, as you shall see, that he matched their subtlety with equal subtlety; and from what I saw of him I have little doubt but what he would have confounded many a disputant in the synagogues. Chapter 17
  • Cannot you recall many a wry face; cannot you remember how unpleasant the after sensations when stern, but kind mothers forced a nauseous decoction called "senna" down your widely-gaping throat? In Eastern Seas Or, the Commission of H.M.S. 'Iron Duke,' flag-ship in China, 1878-83
  • It is regarded by many as the most prestigious fell hound show there is, with classes for beagles, harriers, Jack Russell's and terriers.
  • And tho’ I helped make many a parchment from the chosen lambs, I did all my writing practice in my wax tablet, for parchment is far too precious for aught but the practised scribe.
  • Like many a libretto and even many a straight play, it creates its dramatic flux by a careful control and mixture of versification.
  • Contestants come from all over the country, from many and varied backgrounds.
  • Though many adaptations have obvious applications, there are those only their creators could accurately explain.
  • I'll bet many a life now being lived was conceived to the dulcet tones of F Sinatra directing the rhythm of the rumpy-pumpy. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • I auditioned many actors for every role and had seen many actors for this part.
  • One contained an undisturbed ship burial, including many Anglo-Saxon artefacts of outstanding historical and archaeological significance. Times, Sunday Times
  • In board meetings all across the nation, many are discussed, but few are ever chosen for implementation.
  • His grounding has prepared him for many adversities, but he is also making his mistakes in an unforgiving environment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The structure, designed by John B. Jervis, had blank walls, huge central and corner pylons, and a blank cavetto cornice, a concave bracket that lines the edge of many ancient Egyptian temples and facades. 19th-Century Egyptian Revivalism
  • The word summons up images of late-night cram sessions, essays fleshed out with as many adjectives as can fit onto a sheet of wide-ruled paper, bibliographies that are technically works of fiction, and grades that are lower than we secretly believe they ought to be. Seanan_mcguire: Thoughts on Writing #32: Deadlines.
  • Many area used car dealers are having their inventory tested or offering to test before purchase.
  • He wrote many articles for the now sadly defunct newspaper, the Daily Correspondent.
  • I don't see many arty-farty bodies supporting, say, writers of romantic fiction.
  • Many art exhibitions and cultural events were sent abroad.
  • A single blended brand can contain as many as 75 different straight whiskies and neutral spirits.
  • Many are sent home because there is no one to watch them, or because supervisors refuse to work at weekends. Times, Sunday Times
  • Huckleberries flourish on the timbered slopes, and kinnikinick gladdens many a gravelly stretch or slope. Wild Life on the Rockies
  • The summer tourists have gone, leaving plenty of space to enjoy the many activities on offer against the backdrop of outstanding scenery.
  • I asked them how many expected to get jobs carving, and how many actually thought they had an opportunity to get a job as a cabinetmaker, a joiner, or a chippy's labourer.
  • This isn't to knock all priests who hear confessions - many are compassionate and have a gift of knowing just what to say.
  • Many are still prescribing calcium channel blockers, which increase the risk of death.
  • Many are still facing the uncertainty of life in refugee camps a year after leaving their homes.
  • There are many, many arguments to consider and contentions to examine.
  • Their houses by the river, to the number of twenty-two (_palagi e case grandi_), were sacked and burnt, and many among the chief of those who bore the Bardi name were driven from the city. Romola
  • Jones's wise words are a timely reality check for many at the club who believe the great days are just around the corner.
  • Specifically, motor vehicles deployed within the region were susceptible to explosive attacks, and many army personnel had found themselves raiding junkyards to create makeshift armour in order to protect themselves.
  • The manifesto was many things to many artists and tended to seek a compromise among the various concepts of the fourth dimension.
  • Secondly, the computer keyboard has many additional keys which are used to alter the function of the alpha-numeric keys.
  • I often feel like many aspects of my personality remain child-like and unformed, while in other areas I feel a wisdom that belies my age - possible naive musings, but questions that puzzle me on occasion.
  • Many albums are reissued for "reasons" - Band X was ahead of its time, criminally underappreciated, it's influential yet out of print, whatevs.
  • There are also over 150 illustrations of native trees, common flowering plants and shrubs, as well as many animal species.
  • Many are like the music en sourdine of Paul Verlaine in his "Chanson D'Automne" or "Le Piano que Baise une Main Frele. Chopin : the Man and His Music
  • Her charisma and warmth made her the object of many a student crush, and Margarett was no exception.
  • For as long as Germany are in the competition, the country will remain en fête and that will be a wonderful thing to live with. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, it will be many an aeon before the Sun rises from the East. Sunil Sharan: Will the Sun rise from India's East?
  • Although the guns were reached and many artillerymen sabered, this charge was extremely foolhardy. THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
  • He caused many an offence during the Christmas period by openly stating his hatred of the Geldof coup.
  • O Truth, Truth, how inwardly did even then the marrow of my soul pant after Thee, when they often and diversly, and in many and huge books, echoed of Thee to me, though it was but an echo? The Third Book

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