How To Use manubrium In A Sentence
- The lenticular process is substantially longer than the arm of the manubrium which connects the tympanum to the articular facet.
- The manubrium sometimes extends to the insertion of the third costal cartilages.
- Legends: bm: bell margin; cc: cilia of the circular canal digestive cells; csc: cilia of the statocyst sensory cells; er: external nerve ring; g: gonad; ir: internal nerve ring; m: manubrium; s: statocyst; t: tentacle; tb: tentacle bulb. figure 2A-E). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
- The medial-caudal migration pathway forms the thymopharyngeal tract, which runs from the angle of the mandible to the manubrium of the sternum bilaterally.
- This approach involves incising the skin and subcutaneous tissue overlying the sternum, sawing longitudinally through the manubrium, body, and xiphoid process of the sternum, and cutting into the pericardial sacs.
- The right and left parts of the muscle are joined by a tendon that arises from the manubrium of the sternum.
- It's just possible to make out the Angle of Louis, the ridge in the middle of the sword-shaped breastbone where its immature plates, the manubrium and sternal body fused.
- The manubrium, which is the upper part, the body, which is the main part, then the xiphoid process. BLINDSIGHTED
- From the center of the subumbrella hangs the manubrium, which terminates with a mouth opening.
- The manubrium, which is the upper part, the body, which is the main part, then the xiphoid process. BLINDSIGHTED