How To Use Mantis In A Sentence
Each eye can move independently and can focus on object with three different areas, giving the mantis shrimp "trinocular vision".
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
It looks like a preying mantis, has a huge hook to snare its prey and is coming to a rocky shoreline near you.
Girl power: This female Malaysian Orchid Praying Mantis is, at 60mm, long, twice the size of it's diminutive male counterpart.
If you recall, run-of-the-mill DSPs typically store numbers as a floating-point, 24-bit mantissa and an 8-bit exponent.
“autosemantic expressions” (autosemantische Ausdrücke) or simply “autosemantica”
Anton Marty

I watched with interest - it was like observing the gyrations of an alien species, a praying mantis or something.sentence dictionary
For more and more she is coming to resemble a mechanical praying mantis, frozen there in the glass, he wrote.
With his long legs almost under his chin, he looked like a praying mantis.
(Autosemantika), as exemplified by names and sentences of various kinds, whereas he calls the latter “synsemantic expressions” (synsemantische Ausdrücke) or simply
Anton Marty
He goes for walk one day and witnesses a fight between a cicada and a much smaller praying mantis.
My mother gamely tolerated them, along with the odd praying mantis on the net curtains, smuggled home on the Train Bleu from Menton, where my French pen-friend, Jean-Franois, lived.
So, actually, I started working on what's called the mantis shrimp a few years ago because they make sound.
Sheila Patek clocks the fastest animals
Neither the eye of an insect or a human is likely to detect the deception until the mantis moves.
We found lobsters among the rocks, too, and on some beaches a strange kind of lobsterish delicacy called in Tahiti _varo_, a kind of mantis-shrimp that looks like a superlatively villainous centipede.
White Shadows in the South Seas
Praying mantises, unlike other insects, do not eat plant life; they are the outstanding cannibals of the insect world and devour even members of their own family.
Sporting a Heavy Laser Autogun in each arm, the Mantis can lay down an impressive field of fire. It also has a stripped down Engineering Suite which can repair the unit.
Visa applicants are rarely told whether or not their work falls under a Visas Mantis category.
And mantis shrimp are called mantis shrimp after the praying mantises, which also have a fast feeding appendage.
Sheila Patek clocks the fastest animals
When mimicking a mantis shrimp, for example, the octopus sits in a burrow with only the eyes and part of the head exposed, and wraps one tentacle around its head to resemble the folded raptorial appendages of the mantis shrimp.
Juvenile rockmover wrasse and dwarf scorpionfish, ghost pipefish, razorfish, stonefish, mantis shrimps, snake eels, and the flamboyant anemone hermit crab are frequently seen in this area.
Manipulators, fed by red veins of hydraulic fluid, fold elbows-up beside her cheeks like legs of a praying mantis.
Back and forth between the particular and the germane like a praying mantis lost in a butcher shop, cowboys and cowgirls riding side-saddle into the arena, gladiators peering through slits in spiked helmets, who do you love?
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By choosing appropriate mantissas and exponents, we can increase the resolution at shallower depths and degrade it at greater depths.
In these cases, the 24-bit fixed standard is equivalent to the 24-bit mantissa, plus 8-bit exponent used in the 32-bit, floating-point version.
However, its main claim to fame is its armament of raptorial claws, bearing a strong resemblance to those of the praying mantis - hence the name.
The insect is the first praying mantis to be homed at Studley Grange and is on display in a glass tank and now basking in the heat it is used to.
Hemisquilla californiensis – magnified view of a uropod, or tail feather, of mantis shrimp.
Hemisquilla californiensis - The Panda's Thumb
Like jackals around a tiger kill, small flies hovered around the feasting mantis, even daring to settle on its grotesque pea-like eyes.
Perhaps they're a pair, I thought, and went indoors and fetched my mantis and placed him on the jasmine bush, opposite his fellow insect.
In The Temple of Doom, Indy walks through a chamber filled with mantises, beetles, worms, millipedes, moths, slugs, snails, and puppy dog tails.
Mantis shrimp skulked liked cats under the jetty, one feasting on a juvenile pufferfish that had strayed too close to its spearing claws.
When Jerry comes in to interview the bed-bound man he looks like a preying mantis by comparison, as though the two men aren't even the same species.
Opening up his eyes, the monkey found a stout mantis tightly holding a delicate branch with his saw-like forelimbs.
Hemisquilla californiensis by Mike Bok — magnified view of a uropod, or tail feather, of mantis shrimp.
Photo Contest Vote: Animal - The Panda's Thumb
All Rights Reserved to Tooth & Nail Records Lyrics: on a cold December, just before dawn as the sun said "hello" to the sky the mantis prayed while the lamellicorn tumbled and rolled in a threadbare tie the holland lops in the Callicoon glades indignantly thumped their feet and hopped away when they cut their noses on the sharp-tipped blades (since the grass doesn't mind in the least) the heat pad waiting in the chicken-wire hutch where the does from the netherlands stay but that dry alfalfa don't taste like much and we're tired of the timothy hay - Business News
Remy and Avnimelech described a lobster-like macruran decapod, which has subsequently been referred to the Stomatopoda Latreille, 1817, the mantis-shrimps.
The hummer measured 2 inches and the mantis was about the same!
Boing Boing
The acklay was born out of George Lucas' request to combine the characteristics of a praying mantis and a velociraptor to form a deadly arena creature.
They wibble like inquisitive aliens, jab their arms like a praying mantis on a mission.
Times, Sunday Times
It is the size of a paper clip and is described as a cross between a stick insect and a praying mantis.
Maybe I could just buy some predator bugs, such as the praying mantis , to keep watch.
Although our mantes are brown or green, there are a great many species living in hot countries that are much more brightly attired; and when you find yourself on a visit to the tropics, you must look for the flower mantis.
The Insect Folk
A newcomer could easily get lost in its tunnels, and the unwary is easy prey to predatory wasps or mantises.
This is a standard floating point representation that the first bit of mantissa must be 1.
A mantis cannot stop the wheel of a cart.
If the exponent of a floating point number is zero, the number is stored in integer format in the mantissa.
We see the barreleye fish, whose eyes extend from its head on tubes, Anableps anableps, a fish with four eyes, and the mantis fish whose color vision is so acute, Dr. Knowlton writes, that it makes what we see look like it is "practically in black and white.
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Spiders and butterflies and mantises, being pretty solitary for the most part, are easier to identify with.
At remote Kechria, in what the Skiathian writer Papadiamantis called a "beautiful, melancholic valley", a Greek flag flies above the craggy beach as people wade into the sea, or stop in the shade of the beach taverna for a cold Mythos beer.
Insiders' guide to Greece
The common European mantis is classified as Mantis religiosa, while the Carolina mantis is classified as Stagmonantis carolina.
It was a twelve-foot Fire Angel that had just enteredrusset-colored, with wings like stained-glass windowsand, along with intimations of mortality, it brought me recollections of a praying mantis, with a spiked collar and thornlike claws protruding through its short fur at every suggestion of an angle.
Sign of Chaos
A battered anglepoise lamp, like a praying mantis, crouched over the chair, an ancient golf ball dangling from its chipped arm.
The little Grey Mantis (_Ameles decolor_), which differs so widely from the Praying Mantis in that the wings of the female are almost completely absent, builds a nest hardly as large as a cherry-stone, and covers it skilfully with a porous rind.
Social Life in the Insect World
***** hic summa leni stringitur Thetis vento: nec languet aequor, viva sed quies ponti pictam phaselon adiuvante fert aura, sicut puellae lion amantis aestatem mota salubre purpura venit frigus. nec saeta longo quaerit in mari praedam, sed a cubili lectuloque iactatam spectatus alte lineam trahit piscis.
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The mantissa provides the significant information, or digits, and the exponent provides a scaling factor that shows how big the number is.
When ColdFusion was generating the ID for the input, it was happily smashing the mantissa of the points together.
O'Reilly News and Commentary
Manipulators, fed by red veins of hydraulic fluid, fold elbows-up beside her cheeks like legs of a praying mantis.
One cannot be sure what it was about the appearance or the behaviour of this insect that led the Greeks to call it, too, mantis; perhaps its habit of adopting a motionless position as if transfixed.
Each mantis shrimp eye has trinocular vision allowing them to operate independently.
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_ I take _cursu canis_ as equivalent to _currente cane_, as in i. 324, _spumantis apri cursum clamore prementem_.
The Aeneid of Virgil
Belle is like a dark mantis sneaking in for the kill.
In 3-D, Dolby 0.5 and 24 MP; on furious faces and hateful placards, in frustrated screams plus shallow stentorian hate mongers/hucksters/rainmakers/preying mantises up close and personal.
Jane-Howard Hammerstein: "You Can't Handle the Truth" ... Col. Jessup (a/k/a Jack Nicholson)
The mantis will often slowly undulate, which is thought to mimic wind-blown foliage.
The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head 360 degrees.
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Few crustaceans hunt prey as a lion or a tiger does, but the mantis shrimp visually selects and stalks its victim.
Photo Gallery : Marine Marvels A male peacock mantis shrimp plies the seafloor off Papua New Guinea.
The mantis shrimp's elongate, jointed carapace sports stalked eyes, the most complex in the animal kingdom.
Words of more than two syllables are accented upon the penult (next to the last) if that is a long syllable, otherwise upon the antepenult (second from the last); as, amā´vī, amántis, míserum.
New Latin Grammar
The frexp intrinsic function has been updated to return a mantissa in the range of Mixed RSS Feed
Special light-sensitive cells in mantis shrimp eyes perform similar functions to electronic sensors found in the mechanism of a DVD and CD player, the study said.
There is also a new predator - a South African preying mantis that grows far larger than the New Zealand native one.
More than one unwary diver who has extended the hand of curiosity a little too far has lost a finger to the mantis shrimp's lightning stab - one of the fastest animal movements known.
Seems a bit more likely than a nine-foot mantis, doesn't it?
Mantis shrimps also have an extraordinarily intricate colour vision system - humans have three-colour vision, they have 12-colour.
The Sun
A lightning-fast predator, the mantis shrimp uses its powerful limbs to smash or spear its prey with a force equivalent to a .22 bullet.
Some insects also hunt down spiders, including the mantis and a wasp that specializes in catching and paralyzing spiders.
The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body.
Something funny from Jennifer
Yes | No | Report from ggmack wrote 29 weeks 6 days ago beer can in mako stomach mantis shrimp in striper stomach
I caught a channel catfish, about 12lbs, that had a partially digested muskrat in its stomach.
The team has also found that 300 milliseconds before the bat hits the mantis, the insect's auditory nerve goes completely dead.
“Ay,” answered Hayraddin, “it required neither astrologer, or physiognomist, nor chiromantist to foretell that I should follow the destiny of my family.”
Quentin Durward
When the cicada attacked, the mantis angled to the side and then pinned the cicada with its powerful forearms.
One mantis may be kept on its own as a pet and fed throughout the year.
The creatures look part stick insect, part mantis, with a touch of grasshopper.
The African Chiromantis builds arboreal foam nests, which may be, in part, made of seminal fluid.
After he had his fill, the mantis gave his foreleg several swift jerks and freed his leg.
Praying mantises, unlike other insects, do not eat plant life; they are the outstanding cannibals of the insect world and devour even members of their own family.
Even when the mantissa can be expressed with a single base-10 digit, like .4, it may not be the case in base 2.
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A mantis cannot stop the wheel of a cart.
I decided to take the mantissa of the latitude and longitude points (everything to the right of the decimal point) and combine them together to get a unique id.
O'Reilly News and Commentary
The praying mantis' ultrasonic hearing picks up frequencies above 20,000 hertz - just beyond the range of humans - through a single ear located in the center of its chest.
The mantis is a fresh hatchling, tiny and delicate as an ant.
The Song of The Dodo
Middle Eastern people and Thais eat nearly all types of insect but foreigners tend to love the green mantis most.
Certain lacertilian species such as the lacertid, and insects such as the mantis, possess a third eye, known as the parietal eye.
Double-precision fixed-point would employ two times 24, or a 48-bit word length; double-precision floating-point would use a two times 32, or 64-bit mantissa.
In autumn children listen to singing insects, observe and play with red dragonflies, collect inago locusts, stage spider fights, watch mantises, and collect wasps' nests.
Much more on mantis shrimps at The Lurker's Guide to Stomatopods, which describes its other special features such as rolling like a wheel and having sophisticated trinocular vision with 10 types of receptor for detecting colour and polarisation.
Smashing shrimps
Special light-sensitive cells in mantis shrimp eyes perform similar functions to electronic sensors found in the mechanism of a DVD and CD player, the study said.
-- The peripatetic Alexander of Aphrodisias who fought fatalism in his [Greek: Peri heimarmenês], at the beginning of the third century, and who violently attacked the charlatanism and cupidity of the astrologers in another book (_De anima mantissa_, p. 180, 14, Bruns), formulated the contradiction in the popular beliefs of his time (_ibid. _, p. 182, 18):
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Instead of chemicals, their defense is based on ‘herds’ of preying mantises, scores of ladybugs, and armies of earthworms.
Encourage natural predators such as dragonflies or praying mantises.
In insects the Orthoptera (especially grasshoppers), and in crustaceans the Decapoda (especially caridean shrimps), Stomatopoda (mantis shrimps) and calanoid Copepoda, are the only groups to far exceed a typically small range.
The acklay was born out of George Lucas' request to combine the characteristics of a praying mantis and a velociraptor to form a deadly arena creature.
The mantis will attack butterflies, bees, beetles, frogs, spiders, mice, lizards, and small birds.
The waters of Bali, Indonesia, are home to this otherworldly creature peacock mantis shrimp ( Odontodactylus scyllarus ) .
Sharp and completely accurate visions of hexadecimal mantissas and binary fractions floated about my head, along with the sure and certain knowledge of how to convert them to something more useful.
* Omnibus quidem quae divina sunt cum reverentia et vehementi cura opertet intendere, maxime autem his quae de Spiritus Sancti divinitate dicuntur, praesertim cum blasphemia in eum sine venia sit; ita ut blasphemantis poena tendatur non solum in omne praesens seculum, sed etiam in futurum.