
How To Use Manta In A Sentence

  • The Ticonderoga-class cruiser USSPrinceton(CG-59)detonated two Iraqibottom-moored influence mines(MANTAs) at the north end of the Persian Gulf and was seriously damaged.
  • The large lagoon and break in the reef attract many species, including dugongs, whale sharks, dolphins and manta rays.
  • There were plenty of turtles, huge infestations of purple spotted stingrays and some large manta rays.
  • It was only after these fish vanished from the ecosystem that mammals and cartilaginous fish such as manta rays, basking sharks, whale sharks began to adapt to that ecological role. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The stockpile has 40 million treatment courses of Tamiflu, 10 million courses of Relenza and nearly three million courses of an adamantane. In the War Against Flu's Mutants, a Big Ally Is Weakened
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  • A strangler fig (Ficus citrifolia) photographed in Kalimantan, Borneo. Biological diversity in Sundaland
  • Manta rays cruise past, turtles lumber along, sharks scope the scene, the odd octopus creeps along the ocean floor, and further out, the whale sharks make their way north.
  • Whale sharks and mantas might be seen at any time of the year, but especially between November and January.
  • No wonder these mantas are often called devil-fish.
  • Whale sharks, manta rays and even grey whales are almost common.
  • A lot of skates and rays and the chimaeras are not as charismatic as white sharks or whale sharks or a manta ray, but these things are probably taken in far greater numbers in terms of by-catch.
  • On calm days, dive trips go to the windward side of the island to search for large schools of pelagic fish: bronze whaler sharks, hammerheads, mantas and sometimes oceanic white tips.
  • At Rangali, often known as Madivaru, or Manta Point, giant mantas arrive in groups from the open ocean.
  • In the age of dinosaurs, North America was divided in two by the Western Interior Sea, and the Great Plains was a skeleton-covered sea bottom, the water above it home to sharks, squid, manta rays, giant clams, giant reptile mosasaurs and plesiosaurs, and plankton, a microscopic animal still thriving today. -- Front
  • There is incredible 60m visibility, amazing multicoloured coral, and everything from hawksbill turtles to giant manta rays to see.
  • When they feast a friend they kill an ox, and set immediately a quarter of him raw upon the table (for their most elegant treat is raw beef newly killed) with pepper and salt; the gall of the ox serves them for oil and vinegar; some, to heighten the delicacy of the entertainment, add a kind of sauce, which they call manta, made of what they take out of the guts of the ox; this they set on the fire, with butter, salt, pepper, and onion. A Voyage to Abyssinia
  • With the instantaneous and free flow of information brought about by the Internet and other technological innovations what happens in, say, a remote part of Kalimantan or New York could reach Jakarta in a matter of minutes.
  • Tropical fish haunt its few coral reefs, and whale sharks and giant Pacific manta rays feed on its plankton.
  • The many battleships, cruisers and transport ships which were bombed or torpedoed during the war have now become coral-encrusted artificial reefs, attracting schools of fish, sharks and manta rays.
  • Sometimes it was a ride to the doctor, other times it was sharing her famous recipes, whether gefilte fish, hamantashen, Jordan's blueberry muffins, or her husband's favorite sauerbraten. We Remember - Emily Shain Mehlman, 1941 - 2006
  • Data from the East Kalimantan health office shows there were at least 11 cases of residents bitten by dogs recorded between July and August.
  • Although I am in full support of Gay rights (I dont think marriage should be a state institution in the first place) some degree of judicial formalism is absolutely necessary to mantain balance of powers so I am also in full support of this courts decision. Think Progress » New York court nixes gay marriage.
  • Trevor Kavanagh requested an interview having told Hughes that they had obtained phone records proving he has phoned the gay chatline ManTalk. Another Porky from Simon Hughes?
  • Cue Manta birostris. "Just after high tide you'll see a few manta rays turn up, " says Guy Stevens, a British marine biologist who's been researching the Maldives mantas for the past three years.
  • ► In the still-pending case of Samantar v. Yousuf, Kagan, along with State Department Legal Adviser Harold Hongju Koh, signed an amicus brief on behalf of victims of torture in Somalia, who are seeking affirmance of a lower-court ruling that denied a former Somali official immunity from their suit under the Alien Tort Statute, a 1789 law permitting human rights suits in U.S. courts. Diane Marie Amann: Reading Tea Leaves on Kagan and International law
  • World Heritage Site Aldabra has green turtles, tiger sharks, mantas and potato cod.
  • Europe and is intended acetazolamide should isolate amantadine. Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
  • For several years, a manta nicknamed Molly used to be the star attraction here.
  • Vavi on Thursday said there were moves afoot amongst the ANC leadership to oust Mantashe before his term concluded in 2012. News24 Top Stories
  • On calm days, dive trips go to the windward side of the island to search for large schools of pelagic fish: bronze whaler sharks, hammerheads, mantas and sometimes oceanic white tips.
  • Though medicine such as amantadine, rimantadine and ribavirin can inhibit the influenza virus, the side effects of these drugs minimize their clinical uses.
  • A manta ray flashed, scattering a school of butterfly fish, silver and striped with dark gold, each moving like the pulse of a wing.
  • Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin berkata, dasar berkenaan mempunyai enam teras strategik, termasuk menubuhkan pusat keusahawanan di setiap IPT untuk merancang, menyelaras, memantau dan menilai program serta aktiviti pendidikan keusahawanan. Utusan Online
  • Researchers will determine if the species is endemic to Kalimantan.
  • Though as a shark she glided through the tank like a needle and her manta ray was as graceful and sly as a ruffle of fox, when she was an angelfish she strutted her stuff, bright stripes flashing, her big eyes aware, and lips seductively puckered. Enjoy It Now
  • Many male mantas follow a single female, mirroring her behaviour in a bid to attract her as a mate.
  • He claimed that Masetlha was working with Mantashe to "demobilise" the campaign to elect Mbalula as the next secretary general in 2012. Guardian Online
  • Two Heliamphoras pulchella and minor ‘Chiamanta’, two pots of Utricularia nelumbifolia, a bromeliad that has a utric plantlet in it, and a sundew: Mennonites, those Goth kids, and al Qaeda
  • Those who demand crystal water on every dive best stay at home, but on the positive side, it is this occasional green soup that draws in the mantas and the other vast profusion of life.
  • Those awful hamantaschen with the figgy prune inside are not pleasing to the palate until one is well into her diabetic sixties, just for the record! Roseanne Archy
  • A: I found two plants sold as goldfish plants, Columnea sp. and Nemantanthus sp., although the second one is also called the guppy plant. Undefined
  • Manta rays live in tropical waters and feed on plankton, using their frontal flaps.
  • I got crossways here with many regulars a long time ago for calling backup a troll when he was captain mantastic. Think Progress » The Party of Lincoln falls short on civil rights.
  • Everybody's taking up diving these days - but they all want to be Jacques Cousteau, swanning about in the coral with hammerhead sharks and manta rays.
  • Martin said modern, giant planktivores, such as manta rays and blue whales, are very common in today's oceans. stories
  • Drugs used in the treatment of Parkinsonism like Amantadine may help your symptoms.
  • No plankton means no basking sharks or manta rays but it also means exceedingly good visibility.
  • Examples of commonly used medications that may contain large amounts of sorbitol include acetaminophen, amantadine, cimetidine, and theophylline.
  • The Great Latke Hamantash Debate (2006) is a collection of "scholarly" presentations on behalf of the latke, the potato pancake traditionally served during Hanukkah, and the hamantasch, the triangular filled sweet pastry associated with Purim. The Chicago Blog
  • Unlike stingrays, manta rays do not have venomous tail barbs.
  • The major trading of tuna, marlin, shark, kingfish, swordfish and manta ray is conducted in the covered hallways of the central market in Creek Road.
  • Charity "raging" -- it reminds us of Mr. Mantalini's savage lamb -- but I can use no other word but "rage" to express these frantic gushes of affection for the poor. Side Lights
  • The Jakarta Post - The Journal of Indonesia Today: Residents in Balikpapan and other parts of East Kalimantan may be familiar with the Borneo Crocodile Recreational Park on Jl. Mulawarman in the city, managed by CV Surya Raya Crocodile Farm. Archive 2007-06-24
  • Turtles, large shoals of fish and pelagics including hammerhead, sharks, manta rays and whale sharks are often encountered.
  • The attraction is the bigger animals - the mantas and the whalesharks - and, of course, the grey reef sharks.
  • These treatments include combination drug therapy with interferon and ribavirin Rebetron; a drug called amantadine; and a procedure called phlebotomy, or iron reduction therapy. DR. SANJIV CHOPRA’S LIVER BOOK
  • These nutrients feed plankton, which attracts mantas, whale sharks and huge schools of small plankton-feeding fish such as fusiliers and red-toothed triggers.
  • Whales, dolphins, enormous groupers, turtles, whale sharks, manta rays, great whites, hammerheads - they all play a starring role in attracting divers to worldwide destinations.
  • The fact that over 75 percent of the hot spots identified on peat land in West and Central Kalimantan were on oil palm plantations, timber plantations and forest concessions means that there are roads to access the areas.
  • Eagle rays, manta rays, sharks, barracudas and carangids can easily be seen in the blue.
  • The Muruts, who live in the interior region near the borders of Sarawak and Kalimantan, are agriculturists and hunters, and were once headhunters.
  • Teh kitteh iz awdishumning az auko… awbidomat…. it-do-it-itseff wyr strippr 4 noo TV shoue “Forever Home” wof Norm Abrms an Bobb Veela an TimTehTuleManTaylr, an Al Borland an Payge Daviss… Dawin Award Kitteh - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Like many Krautrock bands, Manta Ray effectively fluctuates between singing in English and in their native tongue, Spanish.
  • Big fish enjoy the current - mantas, tuna, sharks (oceanic white tips, threshers, tigers and silvertips) all pay regular visits.
  • It was called a manta, and was contrived somewhat on the principle of the mantelets used in the wars of the Middle Ages. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a Preliminary View of Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes
  • They also go after sunfish, marlin, and dorado, as well as manta rays (the largest of all the rays, these can weigh up to one and a half tons).
  • It is, fortunately, treatable with the antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza (oseltamivir and zanamivir), but it is resistant to the other major class of anti-flu drugs, amantadines. The Path of a Pandemic
  • There's also a chance of seeing blue manta, the dark, silent deltas of the deep.
  • A manta ray lazed through the water to Savage's left, and he turned on his side, avoiding it. MINUTES TO BURN
  • As the hours pass the next day, it seems that after weeks of sharks, seals, mantas and whales, we are slipping back to the real world, where disappointment can be the order of the day.
  • Behold the manta ray with the laser that shoots out of its head, the cool little bathyscape. Story reading log
  • For several years, the powerful lights that shine from this hotel have been a magnet for plankton, which in turn attracts the manta rays from nearby deep water.
  • The Gulf is an area valuable to science, increasingly important for tourism and is an important economic fishery, especially for blue shrimp, corvina, northern milkfish, sierra, manta ray, guitarfish, shark, crab and clam. Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California, Mexico
  • Dragging a fine-meshed net known as a manta trawl, he discovered minuscule pieces of plastic, some barely visible to the eye, swirling like fish food throughout the water. PACIFIC OCEAN PLASTIC STEW ( BPA ) STILL ENDANGERING HUMANS
  • We also saw jacks, trevally, dogtooth tuna, bumphead parrotfish, huge schools of batfish and barracuda, sting rays and mantas. Dive Time
  • Two Heliamphoras pulchella and minor ‘Chiamanta’, two pots of Utricularia nelumbifolia, a bromeliad that has a utric plantlet in it, and a sundew: Mennonites, those Goth kids, and al Qaeda
  • We also saw jacks, trevally, dogtooth tuna, bumphead parrotfish, huge schools of batfish and barracuda, sting rays and mantas. Dive Time
  • For flu, a flu shot will help your body fight off the flu virus, but if you already have the virus, the CDC recommends zanamivir (Relenza), an inhaled drug, for treating seasonal flu in people age 7 and older or a combination of oseltamivir and rimantadine. 5 cold-weather health hazards, and how to stay safe
  • The Jakarta Police confiscated a shipload of undocumented logs that arrived here from Central Kalimantan, an officer revealed on Friday.
  • We also saw jacks, trevally, dogtooth tuna, bumphead parrotfish, huge schools of batfish and barracuda, sting rays and mantas. Dive Time
  • The only one that is being spewed like a manta is the same one that has not worked i.e. trickle down economics. Election Central Sunday Roundup
  • My main interests were natural compounds, from adamantane and aialoids to rifamycins and boromycin. Vladimir Prelog - Autobiography
  • A manta ray flashed, scattering a school of butterfly fish, silver and striped with dark gold, each moving like the pulse of a wing.
  • a Vno hasta haçerle esclauo por muertes por adulterios por hurtos, por deshonrrar de palabra alguna muger prinçipal, o por quitar le la manta en publico y dexarla desnuda o ser causa qe por huyr o defenderse le caya qe esto tienen por muçha afrenta The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Police have arrested 80 people during the unrest in the Central Kalimantan province.
  • Mantashe had displayed "no particular reaction" during the telephone conversation, but had been "appreciative" that he had called, Mboweni told reporters in Pretoria on Tuesday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The first day we headed out to Manta Point, where mantas can be seen all year round.
  • As I understand it, Trevor Kavanagh requested an interview having told Hughes that they had obtained phone records proving he has phoned the gay chatline ManTalk. Another Porky from Simon Hughes?
  • If this new hybrid Flu A-H1N1 is proven to be a bio-warfare agent, could a vaccine create the foundation, perhaps dormant—for a subsequent binary agent to trigger a worse Pandemic? Is Swine Flu source leaked military weapon?
  • Tautan balik ditutup, tapi anda bisa memberi komentar. bayu and friends,pontianak ang kami PALC Pontianak,kalimantan Barat mendoakan. KPA ITB: Angklung Around The World – Netsains.Com
  • The Great Latke Hamantash Debate" (2006) is a collection of "scholarly" presentations on behalf of the latke, the potato pancake traditionally served during Hanukkah, and the hamantasch, the triangular filled sweet pastry associated with Purim. Undefined
  • So, there's a class of drugs called the adamantane drugs, what is called rimantadine and amantadine. CNN Transcript Jan 16, 2006
  • Shaped like a manta ray, it swoops through the trees on translucent wing membranes. We get a glimpse of glassy fangs unfolding from its mouth like cat-claws, then the cannon blows it into chunks.
  • At that bommie, we watched a manta swimming off into the distance.
  • On the second dive we spot a manta ray and an enormous grouper.
  • The hardest part is getting started, but in the end when you're putting on that final protectant coating, you feel rewarded knowing that you mantained your investment. Stop New-Shotgun Misfires with Break Free CLP
  • The sight that greeted me the first time I snorkelled off the beach in Eriyadu was a patrolling eagle ray, and mantas, turtles and small blacktip sharks are almost commonplace.
  • Eagle rays and occasionally mantas also cruise the reef.
  • The 30-foot dive off the end of the pier showed me an array of sea creatures, from manta rays to green turtles to Galapagos sharks.
  • But Madagascar isn't entirely mantas and sharks, crabs and pipefish.
  • Indeed, horse is related to the Manta Ray kingdom that often appears as large birds or bats flying under the water.
  • The harvest of mantas in eastern Indonesia has increased exponentially in just a few years.
  • August / September: Second plankton bloom of the year, with more reliable sightings of mantas and whale sharks, but visibility can be variable and potentially poor.
  • Over time, widespread use of this relatively older class of drugs has put significant evolutionary pressure on influenza, giving viruses with this mutation a selective advantage, leading to increasing rates of adamantane resistance in recent years. Planet Atheism
  • They found that about one-third of those samples carried mutations enabling the virus strains to resist the effects of adamantane drugs. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • It's early-season, but you never know, a manta or whale shark could pass by.
  • Store amantadine give providers magnacort some effects magnesium clofibrate originated. Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
  • The small fleet of Amantani boats with their distinctive green plumb-line idle there.
  • Consequently, 30 percent of the avian flu samples recently analyzed by the study authors proved resistant to the adamantane drugs.
  • Swine flu, however, has a single mutation (S31N) that makes it resistant to adamantane drugs. Planet Atheism
  • At midday all the people from Amantani dress up in traditional costume and they go up to the two centres.
  • We see the same pattern -- now with these tags we're seeing a similar pattern for swordfishes, manta rays, tunas, a real three-dimensional play. Tierney Thys swims with the giant sunfish
  • Less commonly, mantas, giant bumphead parrotfish, hawksbill turtles and giant stingray make appearances, as do more than its fair share of eagle rays.
  • The reefs rise, luxurious, from the deeper sandy bed where manta and white tipped shark roam.
  • They were lucky - it turned out to be the first time even our guide from Atlantic had seen a devilfish, that smaller relative of the manta ray, in five years!
  • I lack the patience to carefully examine a fan coral for pygmy seahorses no bigger than my little fingernail, but there's enough of the big and dramatic to keep me astonished: the orb-like shimmering jellyfish, the wrasses, turtles and mantas, the epaulette sharks that "walk" on their fins, the unworldly-appearing frogfish or the schools of silver barracuda. Dive Time
  • The currently circulating swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) virus is sensitive to the neuraminidase inhibitor antiviral medications zanamivir and oseltamivir, but is resistant to the adamantane antiviral medications, amantadine and rimantadine. Blogger News Network
  • It is obvious to us that this breakaway is not in the interest of the poor or the working people ... it is in the interest of the so-called disillusioned and disgruntled ANC members," said Mantashe. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Amantadine, anticholinergic drugs, selegiline, and non-pharmacological treatments (such as physical therapy) provide symptomatic relief in mildly affected patients.
  • Even the migration pattern of species such as whale sharks, manta rays, turtles and whales has a bearing on when to go.
  • Meanwhile a manta ray passed overhead like a modern stealth bomber.
  • Oh well, retardation is a birth defect, thankfully it only effects republicans. rimantas Town hall anger echoed in Congress
  • On calm days, dive trips go to the windward side of the island to search for large schools of pelagic fish: bronze whalers, hammerheads, mantas and sometimes oceanic white tips.
  • They had caught a manta ray and said it was good eating.
  • On average fully half of the animals caught on long lines can't be sold and are thrown away - manta rays, sea lions, sea birds.
  • The star of Baja California on the Pacific coast is Cabo san Lucas and the islands and sea mounts off La Paz, where divers can encounter whale sharks, mantas and hammerheads.
  • I was alone in the water when a giant black manta ray came billowing along, headed shoreward. Strange Paradise
  • On any dive one can easily spot angel fish, manta rays, hammerhead sharks, jacks and trevailles, barracudas… Finding Nemo would be impossible if he got lost here.
  • After their greeting she was the first to allude to the dress, regretting that it was not more of a rough disguise, and that, as she must now discard the national habit of wearing her shawl "manta" fashion over her head, she wanted a hat. In the Carquinez Woods
  • Each field is mantadory and defines the number of units used, the cost per unit, the factors allowing to transform the current unit to the base unit and finally the account is charged.
  • Polynesia is the source of body ornimantation/tatooes as well. Your Right Hand Thief
  • The blueprint for the temple follows Hindu ‘aagama’ traditions with a flagpole, an entrance gopura and mantapa with musical and sculpted pillars, the main shrine with a gold-covered gopura and smaller shrines.
  • The mantas here also illustrate the kinds of discoveries waiting to be made by biologists.
  • As I flumped backwards into the water, expecting a lazy dive, I landed almost on top of two large mantas sailing out from the lagoon.
  • No flu / A virus was simultaneously resistant to oseltamivir and an adamantane antiviral. News
  • The oseltamivir flu / A picture was reversed for the older adamantane antivirals (which work by a different mechanism). News
  • For flu, a flu shot will help your body fight off the flu virus, but if you already have the virus, the CDC recommends zanamivir Relenza, an inhaled drug, for treating seasonal flu in people age 7 and older or a combination of oseltamivir and rimantadine. 5 cold-weather health hazards, and how to stay safe
  • This balloon floater takes its inspiration from the manta ray. It's a remote-controlled hybrid floater with a helium-filled ballonet and a beating wing drive.
  • Sri Antakari — A seated goddess, with open mouth, ready to devour — must mean the “death-causer,” fromanta, “end or death.” Chausath Yogini Temple - Inventory of Goddesses and Gods | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context
  • Watch out for large sting rays, eagle rays, moblia and mantas.
  • Mr. Samantar, who now lives in Fairfax, Va., contends that because he was prime minister or defense minister from 1980 until the Somali regime's 1991 collapse, he was an "instrumentality" of government and thus immune from liability. High Court Addresses Foreigners' Immunity
  • What she saw displayed now on the Vendikar's screens reminded her mostly of a Terran fish called a manta ray. Objective: Bajor
  • Amantadine is meant for use only in humans.
  • Big fish enjoy the current - mantas, tuna, sharks (oceanic white tips, threshers, tigers and silvertips) all pay regular visits.
  • The remaining Indonesian tropical rain forests are largely in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Irian Jaya.
  • On calm days, dive trips go to the windward side of the island to search for large schools of pelagic fish: bronze whaler sharks, hammerheads, mantas and sometimes oceanic white tips.
  • The most imaginative autonomous Unmanned Undersea Vehicles known as MANTA are developed by the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC).
  • There are no frickin 'manta rays with frickin' lasers on their heads in the film. Story reading log

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