
How To Use Manned In A Sentence

  • They had divers arsenals, or piratic harbors, as likewise watch towers and beacons, all along the sea-coast; and fleets were here received that were well manned with the finest mariners, and well served with the expertest pilots, and composed of swift sailing and light-built vessels adapted for their special purpose. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • The ships of several passenger and mail lines were also purchased, or leased as auxiliary cruisers, and were at once remanned and put in commission. Our War with Spain for Cuba's Freedom
  • Manned Orbiting Laboratory gloves with sharkskin palms and sewn-in steel fingernails, so nimble that an astronaut could pick up a dime while wearing them, even when they were pressurized; long johns laced with plastic pipes, to water-cool the wearer; and box after box of headgear, including Armstrong's gold-visored external helmet, once thought to have been left on the moon. The Seattle Times
  • Missions for unmanned vehicles will gravitate toward those compatible with their primary strengths - persistence, expendability and stealth.
  • But phones, tablets and other gadgets that are used by one person are the unmanned drones of digital retailing. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Most of the departments had been undermanned anyways.
  • When a carload of thieves tried to steal oranges from our yard, I soon found myself outmanned and outgunned - and decided that 100 pounds of pilfered fruit is not worth your life.
  • An influential government advisory panel yesterday recommended an end to long-standing opposition to manned space flight. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old look out towers had to be manned against corsairs but they also earned their keep as observation points for the lucrative and highly organized hunts for the great shoals of tuna fish.
  • It has an unmanned turret, radar used in fighter jets and an armoured capsule for crew. The Sun
  • By early 1966 the Soviets had not launched a single manned spacecraft in a year.
  • For unmanned spacecraft you can use both aerobraking and propellant while with manned spacecraft you can use propellant. Trying To Spin The Facts - NASA Watch
  • His badly undermanned team played with heart but had no hope of matching the two great world powers of the game.
  • A rescue plan could be achieved by sending an unmanned module to the space station.
  • After a lot of negotiation it was agreed that the U.S. would supply all the equipment, Canada would do the construction, and the missiles would be manned by the R.C.A.F. The launchers are installed at North Bay and work is being completed at Maccaza in northern Quebec; the launchers are there but there is no ammunition. The Future of Canadian Defence in the Nuclear Era
  • Not only was this the first manned flight to and from the Moon, Apollo 8 served to validate many of the technical procedures necessary to support upcoming lunar missions.
  • At the Information Ministry, also on the river's west bank, civilians armed with rocket-propelled grenade rifles stood by and a half-dozen soldiers manned sandbagged positions.
  • These won't be the first manned balloon flights into the stratosphere, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to our research, the instrument was probably manned by a Paul Thardo, who was the xylophonist with the Harley Sadler troupe.
  • Above us we heard the buzzing sound of slow-moving unmanned aerial surveillance drones circling the sky.
  • At the same time, enlisted personnel slots should be manned by conscripts - that is to say, draftees, not contract servicemen.
  • Sure, there are some important achievements, but also many tens of billions have been wasted on absurd military space projects or in imposing requirements on the Shuttle (such as its huge down range) for military manned polar recon missions from Vandenberg only to 15 years later realize an astronaut crossing the Van Allen radiation belts 4 times per LEO orbit (every 90 minutes) was not quite a good idea. Latest NASA Administrator Speculation - NASA Watch
  • From the top of the balcony, Howard manned the Ryman's 40-input Soundcraft Europa and an effects rack equipped with Yamaha and Lexicon processors and an assortment of dbx compressors, among other items.
  • The EU lacks heavy-lift aircraft, attack helicopters, fighter/ground attack aircraft, and unmanned drones, and has to rely on American spy satellites for basic intelligence.
  • It would be easier to send down one of the robot vehicles, unmanned but tethered to a surface ship, with cameras and that sort of thing.
  • Up to five of the unmanned aircraft buzzed around key sites including the Eiffel Tower. The Sun
  • It means that new cross-Channel agreements on civil nuclear power and unmanned military drones will be postponed until next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 24-hours centre is manned by trained physically challenged people monitoring the stock in the various blood banks of the city that have been networked and looking up suitable donors from the site.
  • Force-on-force maneuver warfare is not advantageous to the enemy when he is outmanned and outgunned.
  • There were three of them, and not even the spray which played over them like a fountain could prevent Crowle from seeing that they were manned by Judies. The White Feather
  • Called "agha mama," or "father uncle," by his guards, Karzai now lives in a relatively modest house with a marble facade on a barricaded street manned by police in downtown Kandahar City. Ahmed Wali Karzai, an ally and obstacle to the U.S. military in Afghanistan
  • Force-on-force maneuver warfare is not advantageous to the enemy when he is outmanned and outgunned.
  • Yards away, police officers manned a cordon around the house, and tarpaulins hung over the charred first floor window where firefighters are thought to have made the discovery of the bodies.
  • A method is presented for unmanned helicopter flight dynamics model identification.
  • For 3,000 you can push the buttons to send the unmanned rocket hurtling into space. Times, Sunday Times
  • The honours system should be abolished in its present form and a revising chamber should be manned only by the elected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rocket man Steve Bennett has started the countdown to his first manned mission - to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Wright brothers' maiden flight.
  • Local authorities have become vast empires of superfluous activity, overmanned at taxpayers' expense.
  • The mode presenting the greatest risk to life is truck transport because its manned systems are restricted to moving along linear lines of march.
  • But it so chanced, that Bello's crafts, one by one meeting the foe, in most cases found the canoes of Vivenza much larger than their own; and manned by more men, with hearts bold as theirs; whence, in the ship - duels that ensued, they were worsted; and the canoes of Vivenza, locking their yard-arms into those of the vanquished, very courteously gallanted them into their coral harbors. Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. II (of 2)
  • But Network Rail, formerly Railtrack, is concerned that more houses will mean more people using the local unmanned and unmodernised level crossing to reach the town centre and other facilities.
  • There are manned observation points on shores all over the country, and you are welcome to join them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another 20 unknown contacts were countermined in harbours as the team responded to USN unmanned vehicle or marine mammal searches.
  • Again the dual HLV - one manned, one unmanned - architecture is utilized, with the second launch of the EDS launching after the crew, to minimize boiloff effects on this large cyro stage.
  • Management decided the office was overmanned and sacked three junior typists.
  • The University of Bath researchers are studying the complex aerodynamics needed to fly very small unmanned aircraft.
  • Strict liability regulates robotic applications that may be deemed dangerous, for example, semi-autonomous unmanned ground vehicles.
  • As we reached the middle of the sound opposite Armadale, there fell a dead calm; and the Betsey, more actively idle than the ship manned by the Ancient Mariner, dropped sternwards along the tide, to the dull music of the flapping sail. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • To realise the goal, the agency aims to develop Japan's own manned space craft, similar to the US Space Shuttle, the Mainichi said.
  • The honours system should be abolished in its present form and a revising chamber should be manned only by the elected. Times, Sunday Times
  • It means that new cross-Channel agreements on civil nuclear power and unmanned military drones will be postponed until next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • But guard positions that need to be manned are manned. The Sun
  • At the bottom was an unmanned reception desk in front of a curtain, through which a sprauncy dining room could be glimpsed.
  • They are undermanned and feel neglected, lack confidence in their generals and are disgusted by political leadership.
  • It was not a straight line course either; the unmanned vehicles had to use their computer brains and sensing devices to follow a programmed route and avoid hitting obstacles.
  • The unmanned aircraft can only launch airstrikes over Iraq. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another danger was other aircraft, including unmanned aerial vehicles and passing fighter jets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Soviet Union, in preparation for manned landings, then concentrated on landing automatic unmanned spacecraft on the lunar surface.
  • Entry into this inner stockade was by a single, permanently-manned gateway. RIOT
  • You can pay tolls in sterling cash at manned booths. Times, Sunday Times
  • SpaceX already has unmanned orbital capabilities, and a contract to deliver resupplies of cargo to the ISS. First Flight of Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo | Universe Today
  • China successfully completed its manned space flight as Yang safely returned to earth.
  • Men who were typically average Americans, draftees, called to defend the nation in time of war, manned the division.
  • The helpline is manned by volunteers in centres all around the country.
  • The corridor leading to the underground rail system was heavily barricaded and manned by starguards while others stood guard around the room.
  • The station is seldom manned in the evening.
  • I say "unnervingly" because Israeli drones (unmanned aircraft guided by remote control) often target such missile-launching operations from the sky. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • What's ahead for the beleaguered agency and manned exploration of space in general?
  • Management decided the office was overmanned and sacked three junior typists.
  • He had earlier argued in favour of manned exploration of the Moon. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will track suspicious vessels and relay the information to manned naval patrols. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reid is also looked on favorably by the lascar, natives of the Indian Ocean area who manned the European-owned ships, he ends up commanding on the way to Calcutta. Book Review: Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh « A Progressive on the Prairie
  • Iron out the kinks at manned cash registers, before you open up self-checkout lanes.
  • One way is to travel to the planets, either with remotely operated probes or with manned spacecraft.
  • At the same time, unmanned offensive air weapons, precision-weapon warheads and air-to-surface missiles are always within the range of military air defense weapons when the former engage protected installations.
  • It would not even have constituted what accountants call a rounding error to make a saving of £2.7 billion in a total of that magnitude, yet Mr Brown could not bring himself to sack a few thousand from his overmanned client state, or trim spending elsewhere, like the private sector is being forced to do thanks to his mistakes. More anger over the 10p tax con
  • The village is separated from the school compound by a barrier manned by an askari in old khaki. WHITE LIES
  • Machines are manned by operatives in fixed positions, recruited and trained to fit specific jobs.
  • Still, these findings come only just over a week after NASA Administrator Michael Griffin testified to the US Senate that NASA funding for basic science would be cut to fund manned missions. Archive 2006-05-01
  • But while those manned planes still must fly at 180 knots, the unmanned Predator can remain airborne at a mere 75 knots. Hunting the Taliban in Las Vegas
  • For example, the reserve components are eliminating a number of units that have traditionally been undermanned to ensure that remaining units are more likely to have their full complement of personnel.
  • Developing a new manned spacecraft in addition to larger launch vehicles becomes an expensive proposition.
  • The information desk was manned throughout the weekend, the timetable was strictly adhered to and everyone benefited from the efficiency.
  • In case anyone starts to think they are camping in the park instead of hunkering down in a war zone, the camp's perimeter is ringed by razor wire and sandbagged foxholes manned by armed guards.
  • The honours system should be abolished in its present form and a revising chamber should be manned only by the elected. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ‘lynchpin’ unit will be based in London and manned with 40 specialised officers, headed by detective chief superintendent Len Hynds.
  • An amphibious vehicle manned by volunteers is offered to ship us out but I am sure they have far more pressing cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sail were loosed and reefed, furled and unfurled, braces manned, halyards tested.
  • Some debate whether such aircraft will eventually replace manned aircraft.
  • A sensor of the unmanned Chandrayaan 1 spacecraft has "malfunctioned" and steps have been India may have to abandon its Moon mission midway, launched in October with a two-year shelf life, as its first indigenous lunar craft Chandrayaan-I lost a scientists around the world, Neil Armstrong's 'giant leap for mankind' was a defining event. - Articles related to GM Shipping Hummer Brand to China
  • The federal appellate courts are vastly undermanned, largely because Congress blocks more judicial nominees than it confirms.
  • For 3,000 you can push the buttons to send the unmanned rocket hurtling into space. Times, Sunday Times
  • Probes were constructed, thankfully unmanned, that could traverse space for long enough to touch down on the face of a planet and act as a beacon, or as a receiving antenna for the light matter.
  • Beijing has been trying somehow to turn its rickety and overmanned steel industry into leverage over international ore prices. China Convicts Itself
  • Only bathe with confidence on main beaches manned by lifeguards. Collins Traveller, Brittany
  • They manned anti-aircraft guns and filled noncombatant roles.
  • But they are undermanned and spread too thinly.
  • The company is plainly overmanned, and that is the single biggest cost that needs to be tackled.
  • There were tanks and armored personnel carriers on the streets, and checkpoints manned by young soldiers, cold and miserable under the inglorious Polish December.
  • Instead of our government wanting American scientists to lead in manned space flight by giving them continuity by moving to the next shuttle and allowing americans to do their space thing on their own terms, now we will have to get permission from Russia to put Americans in space for the foreseeable future. Think Progress » Steve King Blows Up, Physically Grabs TP Blogger When Asked About His Justification Of IRS Attack
  • The towers and unmanned blimps, called aerostats, worked so well at detecting and identifying enemy forces and objects that Defense Department officials want to buy more of them.
  • Management decided the office was overmanned and sacked three junior typists.
  • Firms are boosting profits by finding new commercial purposes for the unmanned aircraft. The Sun
  • One such area is operating and maintaining unmanned aerial vehicles.
  • In minutes, therefore, the Boskonians rushed up and proceeded to englobe the newcomer; supposing, of course, that she was a product of the world below, that she was manned by the race who had so long and so successfully fought off Boskonian encroachment. Gray Lensman
  • Mr. Smith manned the reception desk in the morning
  • They followed Kinade to a rope ladder, then climbed down into a wooden boat manned by four oarsmen.
  • Yet his latest journey was uniquely significant, because he was on his way to see his colleagues send China's first manned spacecraft into orbit.
  • At the mouth of the Slave River the outfit was transferred to twelve large freight canoes, each carrying three tons, and manned by six lean-shouldered canoemen, in charge of one Louis LeFroy, Lapierre's boss canoeman. The Gun-Brand
  • Turkish iron-clads and, amidst flying colours, fully-manned yards and swarming caiques and steam-boats the journey to the shore was made -- with some private speculation as to what would happen to the Life Guardsmen of the Prince's suite if they should be upset in the water with all their cumbrous "toggery" on. The Life of King Edward VII with a sketch of the career of King George V
  • So each time a manned permanent outpost is established in Earth's orbit or on the Moon with a necessity for regular transportation of goods and passengers, a market is established by which companies have an identifiable source for revenue and profit. A Shift in Policy? Moon Base Axed? - NASA Watch
  • On launch day he worked the hob while Land manned the till. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unmanned aircraft can only launch airstrikes over Iraq. Times, Sunday Times
  • For those of you who visited York Livestock Centre, you will remember the bewhiskered gentleman who manned the sweetshop and tended the gardens.
  • Besides being critically short of fuel, Rommel was outgunned and outmanned by the British.
  • The veteran pilot arranged with the “leadsman,” the deckhand who took constant soundings of the channel depth with a lead-weighted rope, to falsely cry out smaller and smaller depths as Sam manned the pilot wheel across a passage that he knew to be safe and deep. Mark Twain
  • The airstrip, which does not have a manned control tower, is served by a non-directional beacon.
  • So good on him for ditching the manned (shouldn't that be "personned ''?) space program. Weekly Dig - Humor, News + Nightlife
  • They had council managers as witnesses who claimed the cleansing department was undermanned, underresourced and always short of men.
  • I'd also have no problem shuffling the mix I presented to reduce the robotics and put considerably more weight on fundable and achievable human spaceflight items on the list like more space station use, COTS-D, robotic lunar demos specifically designed to prepare for astronauts, space infrastructure, manned commercial suborbital flights and NASA X planes, etc. Bill Nelson Continues To Block NASA Administrator Nominees - NASA Watch
  • These won't be the first manned balloon flights into the stratosphere, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tank is emptied using an exhauster truck manned by trained personnel.
  • But the women who had manned the factory benches now frequently had to give up their jobs to the men. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • There is a manned signal box at the crossing and the barriers cover the full width of the road when closed. The Sun
  • The youth's regiment relieved a command that had manned a series of trenches along a line of woods.
  • When a carload of thieves tried to steal oranges from our yard, I soon found myself outmanned and outgunned - and decided that 100 pounds of pilfered fruit is not worth your life.
  • That was back in 1965 when earth's first unmanned mission to Mars snapped 22 grainy photos of the red planet.
  • ‘America the Vulnerable’: the federal government will not adequately staff our border patrol, claiming unmanned aircraft can do the job.
  • Police manned roadblocks and checkpoints and foreigners were told to stay indoors after threats against today's independence day party. The Sun
  • Samples of lunar surface material have been brought back to the earth for laboratory study by our Apollo spacecraft and by unmanned, commandable spacecraft of the Soviet Union. Van Allen's Wisdom
  • The “manned” in manned space flight has truly hindered space exploration for a number of reasons. Kepler Is On Its Way - NASA Watch
  • The Air Force currently suffers from a critical shortage of aviators for manned aircraft.
  • Airlocks are commonly found on submarines and manned spacecraft.
  • Phoenix will be used as a demonstrator for the autonomous navigation and flight-control system used for the final approach and landing of the unmanned vehicle.
  • For unmanned aerial vehicles, though, inflatable wings are just the ticket, figures ILC Dover, a leading supplier of blimps and airships.
  • From now on every shuttle launch will be tracked and examined in microscopic detail, and this should set a precedent for all future manned space launches.
  • When a squadron deploys at sea, they need a fully-manned deployable unit.
  • There is additional evidence that points against China planning near-term manned lunar missions.
  • While the finding may bolster the case for a manned base on the lunar surface, the U.S. likely won't be involved in manned trips to the moon anytime soon because Obama rec ently canceled a return plan. Tight Races, Moon's Water, Not-So-Private Apps
  • It points out that this may be due to the extra services now available within communities for tackling drugs and alcohol misuse or to the fact that some callers contact the helpline when the telephone is unmanned and don't leave a message.
  • These guidelines specifically exclude manned aircraft but include the export of uninhabited aerial aircraft and related technology.
  • On each corner of the warehouses roof were sandbagged machine gun emplacements, which were manned twenty four hours a day and provided the first line in the facility's defence.
  • NASA officials also continue to spar with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle who say that the agency is balking at congressionally imposed plans for manned exploration of the solar system.
  • Then two long sweeps were manned amidship, with two sturdy fellows to tug at each; and the quiet evening air led through the soft rehearsal of the water to its banks the creak of tough ash thole-pins, and the groan of gunwale, and the splash of oars, and even a sound of human staple, such as is accepted by the civilized world as our national diapason. Springhaven
  • Burke was there for the birth of the so-called triad, the three-sided nuclear force—missiles, manned bombers, and submarines—the U.S. was embarked upon building. How the End Begins
  • Intelligence chains had been set up in Tunisia, Algeria, and French Morocco manned by an odd collection of foreign agents with comical code names like “Pink Eye” for a former legionnaire organizing midlevel French officers who hated the Nazis. Wild Bill Donovan
  • In the new century, impressive achievements have been scored in manned spaceflight and lunar probe projects.
  • Earlier this month, Johnny was among a galaxy of stars who manned the phones at a televised tsunami telethon to raise money for victims of the Asian disaster..
  • Only bathe with confidence on main beaches manned by lifeguards. Collins Traveller, Brittany
  • Constant readiness units manned by conscripts and those manned by conscripts plus contract soldiers are trained in accordance with a five-month program.
  • Launched in 1977, the unmanned ship is about 10.8 billion miles away from the sun, in an area of the solar system called the heliosheath. Voyager 1 reaches the edges of the solar system
  • This system achieves a low-cost intelligent unmanned supervisory function, and realizes a 24-hour unmanned surveillance, and with real-time news reporting and emergency alert function.
  • Up to five of the unmanned aircraft buzzed around key sites including the Eiffel Tower. The Sun
  • I think these will eventually replace manned reconnaissance aircraft.
  • The management manned the ship with experienced hands.
  • As outlined, the cost and length of training for UAV operators are substantially less than they are for pilots of manned aircraft.
  • The city wall was of great interest, and even on the west side, where it was of less strength, was constructed in successive tiers, each of less than a man's height, and each with a path extending all along so that it could be remanned continuously in time of attack. Across Coveted Lands or a Journey from Flushing (Holland) to Calcutta Overland
  • Replacements began to arrive almost immediately on the other two lifts, and the main bridge was fully remanned in moments. Encounter At Farpoint
  • But the technology of manned space flight isn't one of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Air came from a pump manned by a tender on the jetty above (or the lugger, if it went out to sea).
  • Entry into this inner stockade was by a single, permanently-manned gateway. RIOT
  • Ten boats, each manned by two skilled operators with up to eight passengers, can be hired to run the rapids.
  • Robotic unmanned predator drones, for example, which can seek out and kill human targets, have already moved out of the movie theatres and into the theatre of war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  • There is a debate in the scientific community about the investment that it takes to have those flights be manned -- and I guess we say 'personned' now -- but manned and what the safety of it is," said Pelosi. - latest science and technology news stories
  • While the pace contingent is threadbare, the spin section is overmanned.
  • Vang Pao again captured the PDJ in July and established a network of artillery strongpoints, manned by Thai gunners.
  • We don't already have translunar manned transport capability (to the surface), and getting it will cost many, many tens of billions more than a sufficiently dexterous RC bot. Why the Moon? Here's Why. - NASA Watch
  • The day after the election, as the recount began, his campaign was already outgunned, outmanned, and outmatched.
  • Local authorities have become vast empires of superfluous activity, overmanned at taxpayers' expense.
  • In London and Birmingham, trams and buses were manned by drivers and conductors; the latter also known as clippies.
  • And it took four years and ten billion dollars of hand waving by John Shannon et al. and his ilk (you all know who they are) to demonstrate to the world convincingly and irrefutably, that the myth of reusability flew just last month, and will fly again next month, and now, after the absolute debacle of Constellation, still remains the defacto standard of manned heavy lift launch vehicle utility, scheduling, sustainability and affordability. Augustine Commission To Meet Today - NASA Watch
  • a soldier manned the entrance post
  • I said that "For unmanned spacecraft you can use both aerobraking and propellant while with manned spacecraft you can use propellant". Trying To Spin The Facts - NASA Watch
  • Skane's Edge Of the seven sailhands who manned the pinnace from the foun'dering of the galleass Crow only four reached the beaches of Skane's Edge alive. Stormwarden
  • One of the surfmen who had manned the lifeboat seemed to be particularly interested in the rescued boy, for he came into the station several times to ask how he was feeling, and if there was not something more he wanted. Darry the Life Saver The Heroes of the Coast
  • The hallways were dark and unlit, the rooms unmanned and quiet.
  • I've heard from others that Mike Griffin threatened Lockheed if they created a manned Atlas V for Bigelow. NASA ESAS Study Appendices Show up on Pay-Per Use Site - NASA Watch
  • The Lunokhod 1 retroreflector was sent aboard the unmanned Luna 17 mission, which landed on the moon November 17, 1970, releasing a robotic rover that roamed the lunar surface. Space Business and Industry News at
  • But as long as there's manned spaceflight, the ISS is a place for us to learn lessons about that. David Leckrone's Premature Judgement of ISS - NASA Watch
  • However, certification only applies to the various types of aircraft, as well as manned balloons.
  • He led the design and construction of a new generation of precision radiometers, which have been flown extensively on both manned and unmanned aircraft.
  • They're so outmanned, outmanoeuvred and outgunned that it's hard to think of what else they could do to fight back.
  • He prefers the term "small unmanned aircraft" to describe the two units his department is buying. The Law's New Eye in the Sky
  • Unmanned by grief he broke down and wept.
  • Objective To design a new digital temperature sensor with quartz crystal for manned space flight.
  • The first manned spacecraft ever to leave Earth orbit was Apollo 8.
  • The peak of manned space flight has probably already been reached. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dumpers were parked in the company's godown, which is manned by security guards. The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) - Frontpage
  • Leaders in Beijing have ordered that the safety of astronauts be ensured first when launching a manned spacecraft, the newspaper said.
  • I rode shotgun with Buffalo Bob as we drove from place to place maintaining the campground privies, and manned the pump hose on that detail. Buffalo Bob and the Honey Dipper
  • It has an unmanned turret, radar used in fighter jets and an armoured capsule for crew. The Sun
  • On launch day he worked the hob while Land manned the till. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is time for a decentralisation programme for our vastly overmanned Civil Service.
  • Separately but in the same session, the Security Council voted to kill King Claudius of Denmark, approving, with the Danish government's consent, the use of an unmanned aerial drone to strike at the usurping monarch and avenge our sweet father's murther with the native hue of resolution. U.N. Puts Huns on Notice
  • Police manned roadblocks and checkpoints and foreigners were told to stay indoors after threats against today's independence day party. The Sun
  • SSP Naunihal Singh said he had sought permission to fly a manned microlite but used the unmanned plane instead. The Times of India
  • Below Houston, each street into Soho was barricaded and manned by huddles of cops.
  • The unmanned Impact probe is aiming telescope at five stars are known to have gas planets circling them. The Sun
  • China's burgeoning manned space program aims for a long-term orbital foothold even as the U.S. has drawn down its manned space operations, and as Western officials and analysts worry about a Chinese military build-up in space. China Makes Giant Leap With Space Docking
  • The station and crossing are unmanned and the train crew operate the gates.

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