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How To Use Manliness In A Sentence

  • 'Let it be _virtuous_ to be _obstinate_,' let there be no better principle of that identity which we insist on in men, that firmness which we call manliness, and the cherished _wrong_ is honour. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • Rugged outdoor numbers are the most doable - comfortable and relaxed, they exude confident manliness.
  • I lived with and was educated by a good priest, one not wanting in manliness and energy, but who often deplored the system of duelling, which is as strong with us as it is here, and denounced it as a relic of barbarism, and, at any rate, never to be put in use on account of a heated quarrel over wine, but only if some deadly injury had been inflicted, and even then better left alone. In the Irish Brigade A Tale of War in Flanders and Spain
  • It's partly a kneejerk reaction to rocketing fuel bills and a desire to live sustainably, partly a return to manliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The desert nomad has seemed the paragon of manliness. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Your collective manliness is amazing to behold and feared by all. Obama: U.S. not giving Israel green light to attack Iran
  • Independent man now wants a clingy woman to endorse his manliness and confirm his desirability in front of his mates.
  • Those of you worried about your manliness cred should leave your concerns at the door.
  • The emphasis on manliness was perhaps more than a reflection of the status quo; it might have been an active attempt to entrench certain roles.
  • On the contrary, creditable mention is made of the fact that she did instruct him, and that through that instruction he was made useful to the world; and all this upon the authority of inspiration, without one word of censure as to her unwomanliness.
  • But he does express his opinion about human nature, American manliness, and Iraqi democracy.
  • Feminine side: not to be confused with womanliness, which is not a side but pervades the whole and also does not need to be explored, on account of it just being.
  • She is to be seen standing on her tub shouting with the best; and as little abashed by the unwomanliness of her ‘environment’ as are her more mischievous compeers on the political stump.
  • Tonight, he was a megastar, a big-screen symbol of manliness.
  • The emphasis on qualities of manliness, gravitas, and dedication to family began to fade.
  • There's a bit of Oedipal stuff too but it's not like I'm buying my mother lingerie for Christmas - it's about the beautiful womanliness of things.
  • M-ness is defined thus: a masculinity that defines the best of traditional manliness (strength, honour, character) with positive traits traditionally associated with females (nurturance, communicativeness, co-operation).
  • Independent man now wants a clingy woman to endorse his manliness and confirm his desirability in front of his mates.
  • It's partly a kneejerk reaction to rocketing fuel bills and a desire to live sustainably, partly a return to manliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rudy G is more than just a manly man filled with macho manliness and male machismo.
  • Boys, especially those in ghettoes, grow up with this image of what manliness is: angry, dissatisfied, foulmouthed.
  • Most of them adapted to technological change and newer forms of manliness.
  • Thus, we are left with the question what significance should be attached to the language of manliness.
  • The slightly whiney girlishness that sometimes surfaced unintentionally has been replaced by a confident womanliness, and for the first time you are aware of her extraordinary sexual power.
  • The idea is that short men feel that they constantly have to prove their manliness.
  • So, you know how it is, if its a Libertarian or Right Winger, well … manliness is something they fantasize about. Matthew Yglesias » If High Taxes Led to Growth, the Most-Taxed Countries on Earth Would Be the Richest; Which They Are
  • The modern Olympic Games , like the Greek Olympics , include manliness , rhythm, art, beauty, and balance.
  • Manliness was essential for coping with such dangerous working conditions.
  • Lord Byron used to prove his manliness with epic nude swims from the Lido to the end of the Canal Grande. Resist the Urge
  • IN behalf of true delicacy and womanliness, we would make an earnest protest against that quiet essence of national vulgarisms, the almost universal use of the term female as applied to woman. The Woman's Advocate, Vol. I, No V.
  • One of the lads took umbrage at this public affront to his manliness and duly acknowledged the driver with a hand signal that wasn't too friendly.
  • Certainly, there are enough of idiotic friends and corrupters of woman among the learned asses of the masculine sex, who advise woman to defeminize herself in this manner, and to imitate all the stupidities from which "man" in Europe, European "manliness," suffers, -- who would like to lower woman to "general culture," indeed even to newspaper reading and meddling with politics. Beyond Good and Evil
  • It was a fine jacket, custom-made, showing off Julian's thickset manliness and his self-identification as a relict of the swinging `sixties. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • On the other hand, maybe we implicitly ask too little manliness of women.
  • To develop a sense of manliness, boys in rural areas are separated from their mothers at the age of six.
  • Surely there is no loss in manliness or dignity in sharing the heavier and more disagreeable household tasks.
  • The spectacle of war became increasingly popular but its tone changed to reflect the manliness of the soldier and his deadly seriousness.
  • It would, however, be a mistake to view all these characteristics of manliness and masculinity as monolithic and static.
  • Hunting celebrated the imperial virtues of courage and manliness and confirmed the power of colonial rule.
  • The little cares rasp and fret and sting the manliness and the womanliness and the godlikeness out of us. The Threshold Grace
  • You have bestowed manliness on male diet soda drinkers.
  • He shows that true manliness is not opposed to love but thrives on it. Ignatius Press
  • He was not a handsome man, having a protrusive nose, high cheek-bones, and long upper lip; but there was a manliness about his face which redeemed it. The Duke's Children
  • It was a period when middle-class fathers often withdrew behind taciturnity and rituals of manliness, when mothers stifled their finer feelings and aspirations behind domestic routines.
  • Like football, it is a strongly gendered cultural symbol, associated with manliness.
  • In the second place, men had to be brave and prove their bravery or manliness.
  • To me, Zaha's womanliness is what makes her designs so compelling. She brings a female sensibility and a goddess's touch.
  • ‘Paul has already made them see the unfitness of the unveiled head for woman, its immodesty and unwomanliness, and now, with that impression on their minds, he asks if it is proper to pray to God in such unseemly fashion’.
  • He was touched by the simple self-respect that would not let her suffer from what was not wrong in itself, but that made her shrink from a voluntary semblance of unwomanliness.
  • But Chow has a strong, manly voice, and now that he's been given some English lines the audience can hear and appreciate that strong manliness.
  • Obvious secondary sexual characteristics moderated manliness: height, strength, deep voice, dark hair and complexion all imbued masculinity.
  • Only the garish turquoise silk tie and the glint in his pale blue eyes detract from this picture of geriatric gentlemanliness.
  • They regard admitting loneliness as weakness, as ridiculous and as an expression of a lack of manliness.
  • Only the garish turquoise silk tie and the glint in his pale blue eyes detract from this picture of geriatric gentlemanliness.
  • And the term "retrosexual" has all but replaced "metrosexual" in the lifestyle sections of national magazines, which are full of stories about affluent urbanites wearing hunting garb, buying designer axes, and writing about the art of manliness on blogs with names like (ahem) the Art of Manliness. Men’s Lib
  • Sooner than such an inversion of social order, I would welcome even Turkish bondage; for surely utter ignorance is infinitely preferable to erudite unwomanliness.
  • He seemed to exhibit courage and manliness when others chickened out.
  • Hunting celebrated the imperial virtues of courage and manliness and confirmed the power of colonial rule.
  • When we label certain kinds of books "boy books" we are not only reinforcing a certain idea of manliness that doesn't include all boys, we are also cutting boys and girls off from a lot of books they might actually like. Charles London: There Are No Boy Books
  • The slightly whiney girlishness that sometimes surfaced unintentionally has been replaced by a confident womanliness, and for the first time you are aware of her extraordinary sexual power.
  • Sometimes, especially at National Review, the animus against braininess has overlapped with a crusade for traditional manliness - the idea being that book learning is for wimps.
  • Add a funny, finally devastating smile, the sensuous Portuguese language, and what can only be called the ease of Case's full-bodied womanliness, and you've got more than enough love to go around.
  • Theres nothing like a good strong growth of hair on the upper lip to suggest powerful manliness.
  • The internal qualities once said to embody manhood - surefootedness, inner strength, confidence of purpose - are merchandised to men to enhance their manliness.
  • Her power is unmistakably sexual, but it strips unwary men of their manliness.
  • Boys reveal their ideas of manliness in their dealings with girls.
  • My wife opens the door and greets me with that familiar look, the one of pity at my lack of manliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • A woman with womanliness takes pleasure in studying, reading papers and surfing internet often, but she doesn't madly cling to fashion magzine and the gossip news.
  • All this manliness and yet we manage to come up with the daft idea of a leaf blower. The Sun
  • Mansfield†™ s lecture is a reading from the first chapter of his book, which argues that manliness†"what he defines as sexual rapacity, an appetite for war, a general bull-in-a-china-shop heedlessnessâ€" is preferable to the namby-pamby faggotistical mores being pressed on us by radical feminism and the castratory mandates of late capitalism / twenty-first-century bureaucratic culture. Harper's Magazine
  • Republican manliness is not at odds with such unguarded displays of affect, for the "loftiness" and Love and Merit in the Maritime Historical Novel: Cooper and Scott
  • His conception of a restrained aristocratic manliness is as applicable to the potentially hubristic - or tyrannical - prince as it is to the courtier.
  • All the better, so it would seem, to throw into relief Schelling's philosophical manliness, his sturdy willingness to embrace what the aesthetes and mere pretenders to philosophy would deny, namely the irreducibility of ardent affective life. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
  • The girl character has to don a false beard to assume real manliness.
  • And they could show their manliness by not flinching at the small amount of pain felt when opening a bottle this way.
  • As we walked into the restaurant caked in dust, an old fashioned manliness came over me.
  • All this manliness and yet we manage to come up with the daft idea of a leaf blower. The Sun
  • I'd begin from the ancient Roman ideal of manliness - which is the root of our term virtue [vir is Latin for man] - and work up through the weakening of that ideal of manliness by Christianity, and on towards Rousseau's bourgeois man before turning to Hemingway and such figures as Michael Landon as Pa Ingalls [here I would be indebted to Dutch.] Archive 2006-06-18
  • That where manliness is concerned, women giveth and women taketh away. Call Max Clifford – those Chilean miners need him
  • My wife opens the door and greets me with that familiar look, the one of pity at my lack of manliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Republicans have seldom shied from an embrace of manliness.
  • I will take my own piece of humble pie but firstly I want to honour the manliness of the town clerk for his actions.
  • She had about her that charm of manner which can only be described as winsome womanliness. Prudence of the Parsonage
  • The most disturbing of these tropes is the idea that ‘combat’ is ‘the highest form of manliness’.
  • He saw the war as a test of his own manliness.
  • In his countenance, I saw kindness, worth, goodness and manliness altogether; he was a first man to affect me so powerfully.
  • They still fondled her with a child-like simplicity – these her almost grown-up sons; who had never been sent to school for a day, and had never learned from other sons of far different mothers, that a young man's chief manliness ought to consist in despising the tender charities of home. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • I can't stand it when hard lefties like you, Cockburn, Perrin et al start jerkin 'it to the supposed manliness of right wing leaders, even though they support things that disgust you, they GET THINGS DONE, and that should be admired? Matt Taibbi reports from Wonderland, his favorite beat
  • Woolf identified in her an essential womanliness which activated the ardent and romantic side of his personality, hitherto almost entirely dormant.
  • They were killed because some people loved to hate, and others thought that to kill was proof of manliness.
  • I am going along so that no one will run away with you," Bob announced with an assumption of manliness.
  • The two qualities seem naturally to combine into that self-containedness (very different from self-contentedness) which distinguishes Chaucer, and which helps to give to his writings a manliness of tone, the direct opposite of the irretentive querulousness found in so great a number of poets in all times. Chaucer
  • The press, all aswoon over McCain's manliness -- many of whom obsess over this because they're still working out their Boomer man-issues -- claimed that General Clark was somehow "attacking" Senator McCain or even more hallucinegenically "swift-boating" him. Last Dance, Last Chance for Loooove
  • Feeling the need to constantly prove your heterosexuality and your manliness eventually takes its toll on a relationship.
  • We heard over and over about Peck's impeccable gentlemanliness and old-school liberal decency, Hepburn's aristocratic east coast classiness, and Bob Hope's patriotism.

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