How To Use Mankind In A Sentence

  • She soon became very drunk and forgot about mankind, so they were saved from destruction.
  • She seduces the despondent radical with whispers about the bleakness of mankind.
  • I have seen human bathers acting just like the birds, though from a different cause, bobbing down towards the water, but afraid to dip their heads, and the idea of comicality arose, as it does in most of the ludicrous actions of animals, from their resemblance to those of mankind. The Naturalist in Nicaragua
  • A reaction induced on the laboratory bench may, like yeast in inert dough, leaven the whole of mankind, lightening and lifting it to heights undreamed of by its ancestors. The Contribution of Creative Chemistry to the Humanities
  • She had too little faith in mankind not to know that they were erring.
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  • In its seeming ambiguity yet divine reality it remains free of the influence of humankind and our lusts.
  • Thought his pain and shame would be lesser, If on womankind he might his anger wreak, THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • Hence the words man, mankind, humanity have come to be treated as interchangeable synonyms.
  • I also recall the ferocity of the werewolf, and his insatiable hatred for humankind while in that form. Red dust
  • Climate change in the same breath as greed and consumption, sounds like our man (as was) at the IPCC, Houghton, who believed that emissions reductions would save the planet from mankind's 'greed and indifference '. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The effective cure of the biggest killer in the Western world would have been a triumph for mankind, medicine, and big pharma.
  • Mankind is constantly striving to expand his horizons, to push back the boundaries of the unknown, and to challenge himself further and further.
  • Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world--the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.
  • Human documents belong to humankind: hence his rage against obstructive archivists who dare refuse access to precious materials which have fallen to their care.
  • Tall mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good.
  • The race of mankind would perish did they cease to aid each other. We cannot exist without mutual help. All, therefore, that need aid have a right to ask it from their fellow men; and no one who has the power of granting can refuse it without guilt. Seneca 
  • Asteroid-sourced raw materials will enable and catalyze the development of an Earth-Moon space economy and humankind's expansion into the solar system.
  • As a complete man, constant, generous, full of honest courage, as a hardy follower of Thought wherever she might lead him, above all, as a confessor of that Truth which is forever revealing itself to the seeker, and is the more loved because never wholly revealable, he is an ennobling possession of mankind. Among My Books First Series
  • The deal will eliminate heavy intercontinental missiles and multiple-warhead missiles, the most devastating weapons mankind has ever devised.
  • Sharing a genuine concern for the future of mankind? Times, Sunday Times
  • But the reserve's defenders were unswerving in their commitment to a greater cause: conserving the region's biodiversity for the benefit of mankind.
  • The good of mankind may be much increased by the naturalist's insight into the trades.
  • It should have made us all proud to be of such brotherhood of humankind.
  • Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from commintting it. 
  • The Bible teaches that mankind was originally monotheistic.
  • I ended my conversation with Marco by asking which he thought would come first: mankind is conquered by robots of our own design, or the U.S. wins the World Cup? What do the Dutch think of the U.S. national team?
  • I mean, how many demos do you go on these days where a majority of the marchers are in their late teens or early 20s and whose aims are to defend ‘science, reasoned debate and the welfare of mankind’, no less?
  • He was a noble son of the earth and his death was an irreparable loss to mankind.
  • The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind ... to filch wealth and power to themselves. DeMint says Tea Party activists leading spiritual revival
  • Mankind has prospered from science, but prosperity will endure only if institutional innovation keeps apace of technological innovation. The Prize in Economics 2009 - Presentation Speech
  • Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation as presents to the posterity of those who are yet unborn. Joseph Addison 
  • An infinitesimally small step for mankind, maybe, but one ginormous step for this unlucky man.
  • There is no challenge more pressing nor more fundamental than developing a genuinely sustainable way of life for humankind.
  • This same government has every know kind of nite/restricted vision devices know to mankind even sights that can see through object for heat fluctuations. Bin Laden hacked?
  • The majority was still not ready to abandon the belief that humankind was intended to dominate the earth.
  • Hebrews expressly taught that Christ was peccable, in that He was tempted "in all points" as are the rest of mankind. Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
  • That sits well with the yacht race, representing one of mankind's cleanest pursuits.
  • Perhaps, though I scarcely dare to hope it, the hydrogen bomb will terrify mankind into sanity and tolerance.
  • Ms. SONIA SHAH (Author, "The Fever: How Malaria Has Ruled Humankind for 500,000 Years"): Well, the parasite is called plasmodium, and it's protozoan. Malaria: The 500,000-Year-Old 'Fever' That Won't Die
  • If only we could love one another and become as one in a race called humankind.
  • At any rate, as the years pass, let us on this side of the water be more and more in the one great family, looking to the time when the young Canadian will win the crown of wild olive, that emblem of sweet honour and gray rest, that which is given as a reward and as a guerdon to gallant youth who stands dowered from the night and splendid for the day as the pride and hope of mankind. The Imperial Significance of Games
  • This dysgenic crisis would surely bring communism and the regression of mankind.
  • Burn with righteous indignation , martyr sacrifices for equality, do the mankind to liberate emancipator.
  • From the caves of Lascaux to the clay or stone figures made by primitives and modernists, animal likenesses or essences have abounded in humankind's representational practices.
  • Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from commintting it. 
  • By Him who made mankind and every branch with leafage dight, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In pt ii. of the _Niebelungen Lied_, he sees his sons and liegemen struck down without making the least effort to save them, and is as unlike the Attila of history as a "hector" is to the noble Trojan "the protector of mankind. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
  • He was uneducated, but he possessed that exact knowledge of mankind that makes leaders; and his shrewdness was the result of caution and suspicion. Half a Rogue
  • He then told us of an idea he had about breeding a common, mongrelized man which every race would be distilled into, until mankind had a homogenous race.
  • Behring, however, who announced, in 1913, his production of a mixture of this kind, and subsequent work which modified and refined the mixture originally produced by Behring resulted in the modern methods of immunization which have largely banished diphtheria from the scourges of mankind. Emil von Behring - Biography
  • Could biological research really refute the insights Freud formulated about mankind?
  • Today, humankind has the science and technology to destroy itself or to provide prosperity to all.
  • Full she drad that God the Wreaker all mankind would fordo with water for his evil sins. Ulysses
  • If you think Miller, Smith and Applewhite were unbalanced, how about the ridiculous apocalyptical predictions of doom in 1999 in the approach of the 21st century, when computer glitches were supposed to throw mankind into chaos? Jeff Schweitzer: The End Is Not Nigh: Take a Deep Breath and Move On
  • This means that by the end of this year, you'll be able to own every single Marx Brothers feature - apart from The Story of Mankind with its brief, pointless cameos - for under a hundred bucks.
  • However, it was, at the very least, a small step for womankind because, unlike the ancient Roman, the husband now had a legal obligation to protect his wife.
  • Conscience and science must go hand in hand to prevent the destruction of humankind.
  • Enlil agrees to grant the remnants of Mankind implements and seeds; agriculture begins in the highlands.
  • Is this the future for mankind? Times, Sunday Times
  • Now I have to buy the books to find out the forbidden secrets that have been hidden from mankind for thousands of years!
  • As it appears that children are now completely unable to walk to school, can we expect an evolutionary change in mankind so that we all resemble daleks!
  • And he that appeals to Heaven must be sure he has right on his side, and a right, too, that is worth the trouble and cost of the appeal, as he will answer at a tribunal that cannot be deceived, and will be sure to retribute to every one according to the mischiefs he hath created to his fellow-subjects — that is, any part of mankind. Two Treatises of Government: of Civil Government Book II
  • Hu pointed out that diversity is a fundamental feature of civilizations of mankind and thanks to this feature the world becomes colorful.
  • Mankind, divided and confused, still hesitates, vacillates like a sleepwalker on the edge of an abyss.
  • Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from commintting it. 
  • Gretchen-One split the seconds into a thousand pieces releasing seconds as Einstein split the atom astonishing energy, unfathomable energy she destroyed that day remotely it lay in the distant timeline, she found it destroyed it with atomics with the atomic seconds thus saved mankind forever thus saved what remained of mankind a dry skeleton in an underground bunker deep in the heart of old egypt Three gretchens
  • If we exclude those individuals who consciously choose to act unethically, we must still ask what motivates people who are ostensibly dedicated to helping mankind to perpetrate injustice.
  • Given the difficulty of engaging the production economies of the mainstream popular culture, not to mention the lowish aspirations for humankind often conveyed in the wares offered by the aggressively Accessible mass culture, anyone's decision to enlist in the smaller and more specialized realm of art is understandable. Bettina Korek: David Robbins Talks High Entertainment
  • Humankind possesses this uncanny ability to survive in the face of adversity!
  • In this future setting mankind transposed modern nautical and naval terminology to their spacefaring starships.
  • Mankind's road to Mars is fraught with perils and unanswered questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • You Artemisians may go on with your noble experiment at civilizing mankind. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • II. iii.67 (297,2) [A mankind witch:] A _mankind_ woman, is yet used in the midland counties, for a woman violent, ferocious, and mischievous. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • In the long run, I'm optimistic that, as mankind, we shall succeed in curing this problem of epidemic, or endemic decadence, which causes these cyclical behaviors in cultures.
  • Julius Caesar, but in a certain uniqueness of mankind's own behavior: a uniqueness which is to be adduced from in our species 'unique, historical concern with ancient maritime culture's mastery of universalized astronavigation as such. LaRouche's Latest
  • What is humankind but a knot of flames burning with nostalgia for the infinite? The Broken God
  • I had, after all, accounted for two male children and thus done womankind something of a statistical favour.
  • Much international misunderstanding will disappear when all the islands of mankind are connected together with the bridges of communication technology.
  • Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world--the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.
  • The video looks to show that one individual in the aggroup may have pointed a rifle toward the armored helicopter -- which given in turn going aiming its shanks at the mankind on the ground as it circled -- though there's no evidence the Iraqis fired a weapon. - Articles related to Tobacco Funds Shrink as Obesity Fight Intensifies
  • I feel that it is not necessary for me to go further to convince any one of my readers that the lustfulness of the priestcraft is a menace to the chastity of womankind, for if this nun has told the truth, and which I know from past experiences is true, and which I also know is a recital that could be intensified ten thousand times over, if the whole truth could be told, but which cannot be told in this volume, as I have too much respect for my readers to recite what I have seen with my own eyes and what I have had repeated to me by broken-hearted "sisters" who have come to me with tears in their eyes and with sighs in their throats to tell me of their miseries. Thirty Years In Hell Or, From Darkness to Light
  • The race of mankind would perish did they cease to aid each other. We cannot exist without mutual help. All, therefore, that need aid have a right to ask it from their fellow men; and no one who has the power of granting can refuse it without guilt. Seneca 
  • This event was hailed as a glorious triumph, in which all of mankind was united in celebration.
  • I would go to any extent in my art to fathom the mystery of humankind's existence.
  • Emmanual: While I believe that nuclear armament is the most illogical concept ever devised by mankind, the statement above makes nuclear arms logical. Supremes to Hear Second Amendment Case
  • Obviously I'm a mild mannered man with an unending love for humankind, and I only ever see the best in people.
  • The human spirit is not dead. It lives on in secret.... It has come to believe that compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind. Albert Schweitzer 
  • Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. Independence Day (Blog for Democracy)
  • The storyline behind Infestation depicts the routine sci-fi staple of aliens at war with mankind.
  • Intercontinental travel and trade, and the mixing of cultures and populations are as old as humankind; after all, the foremothers and forefathers of everyone of us walked originally out of Africa.
  • And this entitles the precept, _Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself_, to the pre-eminence given to it, and is a justification of the apostle's assertion, that all other commandments are comprehended in it, whatever cautions and restrictions {28} there are, which might require to be considered, if we were to state particularly and at length what is virtue and right behaviour in mankind. Human Nature and Other Sermons
  • The future of mankind is at stake.
  • According to the Bible, the whole of mankind is descended from Adam.
  • Looking ahead towards his - and mankind's - future, the misbegotten son of this unholiest union history has ever known said he was optimistic.
  • They're worthless as commodities, but not valueless to humankind.
  • They must demonstrate that the intelligence of mankind to-day, with the mechanical energy now at its disposal, is capable of organizing society so that food and shelter be made automatic, labor be reduced to a three-hour day, and joy and laughter be made universal. Goliah
  • So the next day, after his sermon, the Pope concluded by saying, ‘Tuti homini, et tuti femini’ - Blessed be mankind and womankind.
  • I marvel at the almost boundless ingenuity and skill of mankind sometimes.
  • My father said my brain is no great loss to mankind. The Sun
  • Yet knowledgeable economists agree that these restrictions are bad for humankind.
  • History is little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind. History and Historians. Edward Gibbon 
  • My father said my brain is no great loss to mankind. The Sun
  • Ethnologists tell us that the interblending of races is favorable to the general progress of mankind. The Negro and the White Man
  • It appears Tom is on a mission to shave the world and with his determination and commitment, it looks like he's well on the way to achieving his goal of taking the pain out of shaving for all humankind!
  • Education is the key to a future for humankind, especially for a healthier humankind with a suitable replacement rate.
  • As a matter of fact, this condensed expression condenses a series of positive features, rising above the controversial and dark facets of migration, beginning with the observation that "the passage from monocultural to multicultural societies can be a sign of the living presence of God in history and in the community of mankind, for it offers a providential opportunity for the fulfillment of God’s plan for a universal communion" n. Archive 2008-07-27
  • To understand ground rents and land prices is to understand cities; not to understand is to remain mired forever in confusion and fallacy, to be gulled and misled and bamboozled, which is, indeed and alas, the common lot of mankind.
  • This prestige is ours, too, to use for the good of mankind. The Empire in Africa and the Middle East
  • Only Jesus Christ, both fully divine and fully human, can accomplish this for all of humankind.
  • The Daggian faith was based on the belief that an ancient man called Dagan had received divine insight to organize all mankind into countries and civilizations after centuries of barbarism.
  • I, too, hold that he was a giant among the great thinkers of mankind.
  • In this way began the darkest chapter in the cat's long association with mankind.
  • The sweat of our bodies mingled with spilt Red Stripe and stale poppers, as I realised I was in the greatest place ever in the history of mankind.
  • The term optimism as thus extended would also include "meliorism", a word first used in print by Sully to designate the theory of those who hold that things are, indeed, bad, but that they can be better, and that it is in our power to increase the happiness and welfare of mankind. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • To rule mankind as benevolent tyrant was now clearly seen by our Lord to be a rejection of the will of God who does not impose his sway upon unwilling peoples or force them into submission for their good.
  • It is a brave and safe new world in which technology has liberated humankind from tedium.
  • The evil that was spawned from Cain became spirits, monsters, fiends, goblins and giants, forging the blood feud between mankind and monster.
  • He has become the arch enemy of mankind.
  • It was many years before I realized that activism must be rooted in the very simple principle of love: love of some kind of moral or spiritual guidepost (some call their guidepost "God"), love of self, love for each other, and, unquestionably, love for humankind. Kevin Powell: Barack One Year Later: Open Letter to Young America
  • Divine law is God's direct revelation to humankind through the Scriptures.
  • From all this they deduced a lofty theory which embraces all mankind, and all that portion of creation which may be animalized. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
  • This widely panned science fiction effort follows the familiar storyline of humans fighting to save mankind after aliens invade Earth. The Sun
  • So thus through the monuments of writing which is the testimony unto virtue many men have been moved, some to build cities, some to devise and establish laws right, profitable, necessary and behoveful for the human life, some other to find new arts, crafts and sciences, very requisite to the use of mankind. John Lyly
  • Zephyrus, a mysterious, icy seductress, uses her power over men to snare them into aiding her scheme to overthrow the world order in order to avenge the wrongs done to womankind over the course of history. Straight for the Art: ‘Swallowing the Earth’ | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Think'st thou wisdom came to mankind with the stenchful rocket and the sundered atomy? No Great Magic
  • The animal kingdom does not display a linear pattern of species linking the lowest forms to humankind.
  • Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. The Declaration of Independence
  • If mankind generally are the shipwrecked survivors of some pre-Adamitic cataclysm, set adrift in these little open boats of humanity to make one more trial to reach the shore, -- as some grave theologians have maintained, -- if, in plain English, men are the ghosts of dead devils who have "died into life," (to borrow an expression from Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • We control universal processes, as a willful act of mankind, through these discoveries.
  • The finding suggests that great apes can understand the minds of others in a way that was once thought to be the sole preserve of mankind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of them realize the deficiency and limitations of science as the only savior of mankind.
  • After surveying the "ongoings" from the safe point of a masthead, he came to the conclusion that the proceedings interested him no more, and with a dismal croak he flew off to the skeö, and, seating himself on the topmost point of its ruinous gable, commented in very uncomplimentary terms upon the ways of mankind. Viking Boys
  • Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world--the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.
  • The photographs on display here together present a contemporary vision of the world; they evoke the beliefs and the traditions of mankind, as well as the landscapes they portray.
  • I would hope that they start the movie with a synopsis of what has happened before, explaining the colonization, first fall, genetic engineering, and the slow rise and fall of mankind and dragonkind on Pern. Pern Movie!
  • MECCA, Saudi Arabia -- Draped in white robes to symbolize purity and the equality of mankind under God, nearly 3 million Muslims from all over the world gathered Friday in Mecca, on the eve of the sta ... 3 Million Muslims In Mecca For Pilgrimage
  • Misguided craven cowards have debased the nobleness of mankind.
  • Now we left Mankind behind and raced back to a time when the earth cracked open and molten lava welled out, at the end of the distant Mesozoic Age.
  • Benbow, a chartist, who was one of the earliest pamphleteers to articulate the idea of a labour theory of value, called for a whole month's holiday to promote the happiness and liberty of all mankind. In praise of… a grand national holiday | Editorial
  • The sharp allotment of this or that feature to nature or to nurture alone is therefore always wholly wrong: and the nice estimation of the relative importance of the natural as compared with the nurtural factors must necessarily be difficult, especially for the case of mankind, where critical observation, on a large scale, and with due control, of the effects of environment upon natural potentialities is still lacking. Woman and Womanhood A Search for Principles
  • They were both in that degree of intoxication necessary to prepare such dispositions for what they commonly call frolics, and the sober part of mankind feel to be extravagant outrages against the laws of their country, and the peace of their fellow-subjects. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Tower of Babel, to follow the dispersion of Mankind over the whole habitable and habilable globe. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • Hippocrates is an amazing figure, both a father of scientific ethics and first articulator of the insight that frees humankind to discover the universe.
  • We can get 6 economic characteristics as a conclusion according to the local ecosystem environment, natural resources of the region, mankind production, life style etc.
  • He had served his time regularly, was a member of the Stationers 'company, kept a shop in the face of mankind, purchased copyright, and was a bibliopole [1022], Sir, in every sense. Life Of Johnson
  • The essential amino acids During the course of evolution, mankind lost the ability to make some amino acids so they must be supplied from diet. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • The fundamental structure of Christian proclamation "outwards" - towards searching and questioning mankind - is seen in Saint Paul's address at the Areopagus. Zenit: Benedict XVI on the Roots of European Culture
  • For instance, mankind could be replaced by humanity, craftsman by artisan, forefathers by ancestors, spaceman by astronaut and so on.
  • P: If Allah were to take mankind to task for their wrong-doing, he would not leave hereon a living creature, but He reprieveth them to an appointed term, and when their term cometh they cannot put (it) off an hour nor (yet) advance (it). Three Translations of The Koran (Al-Qur'an) side by side
  • After months of trying to undo the harm caused by our deception, we finally managed to promote a grudging parental acceptance of the strange new children of humankind.
  • One word, however, may still be said about that evolution of the race -- that progress which all creation, with mankind at its head, is ever destined to achieve century by century, millennium by millennium, manvantara by manvantara, and kalpa by kalpa. The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria
  • The precious haoma, the drink of immortality, not only conduced in the case of mankind to eternal life, but was likewise a drink for the gods themselves. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • This brilliant adaptation makes mosquitoes the most deadly animals in the world for humankind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mithra was slain upon a cross in Persia to make atonement for humankind and take away the sins of the world.
  • The blood and tears of this past week are a reminder, terror is as old as humankind.
  • A little concern for the rest of mankind is surely part of what makes us human.
  • Fortunately, after I bought my venti coffee and apple fritter aka the Doom of Mankind, I rounded the corner to my office, and what did my wondering eyes behold? Crankiness is an Asset
  • They take a pride and pleasure in bantering all mankind; they are pests of the country, for they neither fear God nor regard man. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • At that moment, I broke down and realized Jesus Christ is the Savior of all mankind.
  • Hobbes accepted that human beings are capable of generosity, kindness, and co-operation but the pride and egoism which is inherent in human nature means that mankind also is prone to conflict, violence, and great evil.
  • That message was that technology offered mankind the chance to actuate its potential. 50 years of cyborgs
  • That dusty old English moralist John Milton loved to wax poetic about mankind's mad descension into hell.
  • His ‘sacral’ texts are more in line with the original Latin texts, so that the exclusive use of words like he and mankind have enraged feminist theologians.
  • His face showed the effect of a sleepless night, and wore an expression inimical to all mankind. The Celebrity, Complete
  • If there be horns (which denote the force and fury of beasts) against the church, there are carpenters (which denote the wisdom and forecast of men) for the church, by which they find ways to master the strongest beasts, for every kind of beasts is tamed, and has been tamed, of mankind, Jam. iii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • FIFA are celebrating a century of international football by hosting a special photographic exhibition of soccer star mugshots in what used to be the Museum of Mankind.
  • They may be the most functionally useless clothing items ever devised by humankind.
  • And yet this man he calls the basest of mankind, a name which no man is entitled to call another till he has proved something to justify him in so doing; and notwithstanding his opulence, his high rank, station, and birth, he despises him, and will not suffer him to be heard as an accuser before him. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 10 (of 12)
  • He is the one who claims that one day he is going to judge the world, and he is going to separate all mankind as a shepherd separates his sheep from the goats.
  • I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... Marianne Mollmann: Race, Class and Justice in the U.S. Legal System: Still a Long Way From the Promised Land
  • That volcanic energy erupted about 20 or 30 years ago when he discovered that there existed a hydrogen bomb capable of destroying mankind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trouble with all elect brotherhoods is that they tend to place themselves above the ruck of mankind.
  • You have to believe in the redemption of mankind.
  • This brilliant adaptation makes mosquitoes the most deadly animals in the world for humankind. Times, Sunday Times
  • At that time, the gods Anu and Enlil, for the enhancement of the well-being of the people, named me by my name Hammurabi, the pious prince, who venerates the gods, to make justice prevail in the land, to abolish the wicked and the evil, to prevent the strong from oppressing the weak, to rise like the sun-god Shamash himself associated with dispensing justice over all humankind to illuminate the land.3 In the Valley of the Shadow
  • The human spirit is not dead. It lives on in secret.... It has come to believe that compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind. Albert Schweitzer 
  • The accidental function of marriage is the gratification of the amoristic sentiment of mankind. Maxims for Revolutionists
  • Either you believe global warming is the worst problem mankind has ever faced and that cutting carbon is the only solution, or you are an antiscientific ignoramus who probably thinks the Earth is flat. U-Turn On Global Warming? Hardly.
  • The world ocean is what laboratory scientists would call a culture medium, the largest petri dish known to mankind.
  • Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters requiring thought: the less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them, while on the other hand to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. Galileo Galilei 
  • The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years.
  • -- While some princes may be embruing their hands in the blood of their subjects, this man is offering up his prayers to God to preserve all mankind: -- While some ministers are sending forth fleets and armies to wreak their own private vengeance on a brave and uncorrupted people, this solitary man is feeding, from his own scanty allowance, the birds of the air. A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, 1777 Volume 1 (of 2)
  • In their arrogance and recklessness they are openly admitting they plan first-strike nuclear attacks against non-nuclear powers, endangering the very survival of humankind with their hegemonic attitude.
  • Mankind to-day has had more than enough of high-sounding principles and beautiful declarations.
  • Mankind being what it is, murderers, robbers, thieves, thugs, and con artists will always exist.
  • This simple test showed that all mankind was one; but it was difficult to do with exotic or shy creatures.
  • Lacking gloriousness in themselves, they deny gloriousness to all mankind; too cowardly for whimsy and derring-do, they assert whimsy and derring-do ceased at the very latest no later than the middle ages; flickering little tapers themselves, their feeble eyes are dazzled to unseeingness of the flaming conflagrations of other souls that illumine their skies. THE KANAKA SURF
  • Traditional concepts of security were woefully inadequate to meet the new challenges faced by humankind.
  • Hume in one of his essays (Of Essay-Writing) makes a distinction between the learned and the conversible realms of rational discourse ("The elegant Part of Mankind, who are not immers'd in the animal Life, but employ themselves in the Operations of the Mind, may be divided into the learned and conversible"). Weblogs and the Conversible World
  • The pleasure he takes in humbling the proud and exalting those of low degree (v. 6): The Lord lifts up the meek, who abase themselves before him, and whom men trample on; but the wicked, who conduct themselves insolently towards God and scornfully towards all mankind, who lift up themselves in pride and folly, he casteth down to the ground, sometimes by very humbling providences in this world, at furthest in the day when their faces shall be filled with everlasting shame. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The biblical figures bracket seated personifications of Virtues, and they establish the underlying context: mankind's redemption through Christ's advent.
  • Let us be clear that we owe this not to the taxers but to the creators, not to those who live off others but to those who make their own way and dedicate themselves to the improvement of humankind.
  • The planet, which was laid waste some millennia previously thanks to the stupidity of mankind, is now littered with ruins.
  • There are some scientific positions on which the church must take its stand: for example, monogenetic (and special) origin of mankind. Reasons to Believe -
  • TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good.
  • I believe that my dharma is to prove that the Force for Good takes precedence over the force for evil in mankind.
  • That was a large part of what the war had been fought over-those in the Old World had wanted to eradicate magic from mankind. NAKED EMPIRE
  • Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind
  • But I suspect, some days, that beauty helps protect the spirit of mankind, swaddle it and succor it, so that we might survive. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Evolutionary biology enjoys a privileged position at the core of this belief system because it offers explanations about why and how humankind originated.

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