How To Use Manipulator In A Sentence
The master feel good mind manipulator is saddened by her wayward "Jesus" and must come reining down to spread her pixie dust and re-christen the Annointed One.
Oprah Winfrey to tape Christmas special at the White House
The in-flight movie was the remake of The Manchurian Candidate, about a politician who receives instructions whispered into his ear by outside manipulators.
Three days later she called me and asked me not to interrupt as she read me a speech, five or six sentences, where she called me a manipulator and a liar, and said that she couldn't be with me anymore.
During the expedition, Voss conducted spacewalks in both U.S. and Russian space suits, and he was the first person to operate the Space Station Robotic Manipulator System.
I was a manipulator and scoundrel of the worst kind, who would do anything and everything necessary to satisfy my own insatiable appetite for ‘wine, women, and song’.
It must have manipulatory organs, such as this being very obviously did have -- organs very much like his own.
Anything You Can Do ...
He was supposedly a cunning manipulator who lured his adversary into a fatal trap.
Fire was used as the great manipulator of the land and its vegetation, a well-known fact to Native Americans, who made use of fire to improve hunting for centuries before the westward migration began.
In my view, everyone who turns on their radio or television immediately comes under hidden attack by the manipulator.
But the manipulator realises, too late, that she is being manipulated, despite warnings from her faithful dresser.
Trial observers see a master manipulator at work.
To a manipulator, all behaviors are manipulation.
I had the distinct sensation that I was a puppet of an addictive manipulator, that there was a kind of sinister hand which was forcing me in directions that I didn't like.
We first analyzed the instantaneous motions of 3 TPT parallel manipulator at initial configuration, after translation along Z axis, and when there are two configurations, by reciprocal screw.
Even before the latest talks began, China launched a vicious verbal attack on the Dalai Lama this week, denouncing him as a " flunky " and "the main manipulator" of violence in Tibet.
I have an idea for a short story that could develop...and I have an idea for a fascinating character based on a real person who I'd love to write into a book...a conflict-engineering virus of a person, a manipulator, insinuator, psychic bottom-feeder, a lonely monster whose elastic mind has stretched too far and is starting to unravel...
Associates describe him as a deft manipulator of the media and of the young women he turns into pop superstars.
In the first-ever penalisation of IPO manipulators and recovery of amounts from them, Rs23. 28 crore is proposed to be disbursed among 12,74,736 unsuccessful IPO applicants, who were denied the shares in the first occasion.
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But any implied criticism of players as heartless mercenaries or of club managers and financial backers as self-interested manipulators ignores the commercial realities of rugby in the modern era.
But is it reasonable, or just an article of faith in the marriage religion, that apostates must all be cynics or manipulators?
I had the distinct sensation that I was a puppet of an addictive manipulator, that there was a kind of sinister hand which was forcing me in directions that I didn't like.
They are skilled manipulators who lie with the proficiency of long practice.
Besides, what does a herbivore with no manipulatory appendages, and no natural defenses except sentient herders to kill off natural enemies, want with intelligence?
World of Ptavvs
We have already seen how the creators of wants, the psychology-manipulators in advertising, had set about trying to undermine it.
His book is populated with scoundrels, megalomaniacs, psychopaths, manipulators and sadists - people he happens to find interesting.
There is no reason why a robot equipped with multiple cameras and manipulators could not accomplish the tasks Alvin can do.
When a dual-arm manipulator carries an object from one position to another, the two arms and the gripped object constitute a closed loop system.
There is no reason why a robot equipped with multiple cameras and manipulators could not accomplish the tasks Alvin can do.
Manipulators, fed by red veins of hydraulic fluid, fold elbows-up beside her cheeks like legs of a praying mantis.
Jean Brodie is a manipulator. She cons everybody.
True or not, the story is in character: Mr Emanuel is famous for being the president's most pugnacious panjandrum and congressional and media manipulator, and proud of it to boot.
They are plotters, dissemblers, manipulators, murderers of children, fanatics.
Gracia's tough yet vulnerable, a manipulator who's also manipulated.
That woman and a string of mistresses describe him as a charmer but also a manipulator with a propensity to control weaker-willed people.
Your MIL sounds like a first-class manipulator who has decided things are going to be a certain way.
In terms of the law of conservation of momentum, an expression is set up that indicates the relationship between the manipulator speed and satellite and robot arms movement.
He acknowledged that his fingers had lost their cunning, but the fates ordained that his ideas should blossom as his manipulatory skill withered
Tropic Days
Analyzing interfacing strategy and rescuing operation of foretime, the scenario of multi - manipulator interfacing instrument was proposed.
She certainly seemed more manipulator than victim in a castle full of damaged humanity.
Times, Sunday Times
In a bleak look at the dark side of human nature, the master manipulator shows how reliably awful people can be given the right conditions.
Times, Sunday Times
Stereo-imaging technology and tactile-feedback manipulators let prospective parents "feel" enwombed foetuses.
Boing Boing: May 12, 2002 - May 18, 2002 Archives
They are plotters, dissemblers, manipulators, murderers of children, fanatics.
The manipulator has two prismatic joints that are actuated, while the third joint of the manipulator is a revolute passive joint which has neither an actuator nor a holding brake.
I entirely agree that a lot of spirits are liars and manipulators.
I entirely agree that a lot of spirits are liars and manipulators.
Louise Martin tells us that 'they did not know what to call the manipulator-actor back in that day,' and that Van Volkenburg, with some misgivings, hit on the word puppeteer following from the term for a mule-driver, a muleteer.
Robert Loerzel: Chicago, "Puppeteer" City
The simulation calculation of kinematics for tetrahedron - tetrahedron variable geometry truss manipulator is given.
He called these manipulators "regretful" but never clearly indicated who they were.
Shirin Sadeghi: Still-President Mubarak's Second Round of Threats
The palps are sensory and manipulatory mouthparts that have another important function - they are the male sex organ.
A waldo is a remote manipulator that mimics human motion at larger and smaller scales.
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As long as the sun continues to shine and the wind to blow, the supply of renewables remains unaffected by foreign-oil cartels or greedy manipulators.
Manipulators, fed by red veins of hydraulic fluid, fold elbows-up beside her cheeks like legs of a praying mantis.
The U.S., as expected, opted not to name China a currency manipulator though it called the yuan appreciation "insufficient.
U.S. Criticizes Japan, China on Currencies
Mr Saleh is a consummate manipulator of Yemen's complex tribal society and still has the loyalty of the armed forces.
That woman and a string of mistresses describe him as a charmer but also a manipulator with a propensity to control weaker-willed people.
Greenberg is known as the "manipulator" due to her willingness to embrace technology in enhancing her work; she purchased Adobe Photoshop as soon as it was released.
Jill Greenberg's 'Glass Ceiling' In New York (PHOTOS)
Adopts Panasonic programmable order manipulator control communicate servo system.
In addition, the pilot may assist in the deployment and retrieval of satellites using the remote manipulator system, in extravehicular activities, and in other payload operations.
So you proceeded to act with deceit, with cunning, with an aim so manipulatory and exploitative —!
The First Man in Rome
But he's not a schmoozer or a manipulator, he's just sincere and charming.
Times, Sunday Times
The physical model of a 2-DOF spherical 5R parallel mechanism had been studied. The constraint equations of the parallel manipulator were established by using the spherical trigonometry.
A sign of how skilful a manipulator of the media she has been is the idea which took hold that she was a helpless ingénue, caught up in a maelstrom out of her control and the victim of a politician with powerful media connections.
Fortunately the people of New Forest East have now sent a message to the manipulators.
The mechanical system consists of moving mechanism, clamping force amplifier, rotating manipulator mechanism.
He was a brilliant self-publicist; an arch-manipulator who took such care in the way he was portrayed that he wrote himself into a legend far greater than his reality.
excoriating the evils of "monolingualism" and "monoculture"-- that would be English -- and decrying currency speculators and manipulators.
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A bivalent B chromosome was removed directly from a pachytene slide by a micromanipulator.
His book is populated with scoundrels, megalomaniacs, psychopaths, manipulators and sadists - people he happens to find interesting.
He is not malevolent, a manipulator or much of a mastermind.
A manipulator is a manipulator, whether in sepia or sex.
Unless China changes its ways, on day one of my presidency I will designate it a currency manipulator and take appropriate counteraction.
How I'll Respond to China's Rising Power
The report displays a profound ignorance, or disregard, of the historical record of the apartheid government in its role as a destabiliser and manipulator, par excellence, first of its neighbours and then of its own population.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The elaborate songs of male birds clearly fit best a manipulatory interpretation.
Members of the Territory Band 3 (see September 22 entry) play in two small-group configurations: The first set features tubaist Per-Ake Holmlander, pianist Jim Baker, reedist Fredrik Ljungkvist, and sound manipulator Kevin Drumm, and the second features drummer Paul Lytton, drummer Paal Nilssen-Love, trombonist Jeb Bishop, and reedist Ken Vandermark. sunday September
Chicago Reader
This argument has received wide currency, in part because it again presents Gloucester as the victim of circumstances rather than their manipulator.
Simply put, we have a mix of self-made men and women as well as political connivers and manipulators.
Mainland bourses have started to clean up their act, from delisting chronic money-losers to penalizing stock manipulators.
Laval was a tough negotiator and manipulator, an activist in diplomacy in which he pushed at the frontiers of constraint.
Louise Martin tells us that 'they did not know what to call the manipulator-actor back in that day,' and that Van Volkenburg, with some misgivings, hit on the word puppeteer following from the term for a mule-driver, a muleteer.
Robert Loerzel: Chicago, "Puppeteer" City
According to the process of the mono-lever manipulator 's data acquistion, two effective processing methods-floating zero and nonlinear are presented.
So he squatted there in his ship, a centipede-like thing about five feet in length and a little less than eighteen inches in diameter, with eight articulated limbs spaced in pairs along his body, each limb ending in a five-fingered manipulatory organ that could be used equally well as hand or foot.
Anything You Can Do ...
So in the long run, their manipulatory tactics will not be able to stop the gold and silver bull market, nor will they be able to stop the continued bear market in equities.
Women in those situations are particularly vulnerable to a predator and a manipulator like Ben.
Remembering the Onites, who are very similar in shape and who manipulate stercoral matter, he would look upon the foreigner as another manipulator of dung.
The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
This quirky, sumptuous body of work presaged the ideas of many postmodernist image manipulators.
Well, he's possibly a manipulator - but cinema itself is manipulative and the best directors have to become adept at the art.
It is our centralized, manipulatory government that has brought us to the chaos.
You are what they call a manipulator of stocks; that means that you're living on the weaknesses of other people, and it almost means that you get your daily bread, yes, and your cake and your wine, too, from the production of others.
The Easiest Way Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911
He is both a great survivor and a great committee manipulator.
Times, Sunday Times
The result of this is that a world-class capability now exists in Canada for remote manipulatory systems.
Partners in Freedom
This would enable the launch of an Orion and an expendable orbital work platform that includes an EVA airlock, a remote manipulator arm and the necessary berthing equipment as well as the replacement components on shuttle-style payload racks.
New Uses for Constellation Systems? - NASA Watch
He was more of a manipulator and fickle back-stabber.
He acknowledged that his fingers had lost their cunning, but the fates ordained that his ideas should blossom as his manipulatory skill withered Gradually he became feeble in mind and body, and was wont to spend his time crouched in a rough shelter dreaming prodigious dreams.
Tropic Days
His book is populated with scoundrels, megalomaniacs, psychopaths, manipulators and sadists - people he happens to find interesting.
They are being manipulated by the master manipulators over there.
Robot system is composed of plate auxiliary conveying manipulator, moving body and a 6 DOF series-parallel hybrid structure plate mounted manipulator.
Yet the moulders of opinion and the manipulators of power could not, it seems, care less.
Yet the moulders of opinion and the manipulators of power could not, it seems, care less.
QCWL series manipulator frame cold benderSKJXS(JXS)series digital control (programme control)marine frame cold bender are the ideal facilities for the frame processing in marine industry.
Loeb, the newspaper publisher, gained a national reputation as a spiteful manipulator of politics.
McBride is an amazingly skilled card and coin manipulator and while this performance didn't have the power of some of the ones we've seen when he does closeup coin or card manipulation, it was very entertaining . . .
Christmas with Jeff McBride
This argument has received wide currency, in part because it again presents Gloucester as the victim of circumstances rather than their manipulator.
A profound approach about SCARA manipulators configuration space is made in this paper. The obstacle space of SCARA manipulator produced by convex polygon obstacle is proved to be a connected area.
However, it is evident that if someone who does not claim any manipulatory skill were to be able to perform the find-the-chosen-card effect without resorting to trickery, it would upset every notion of the universe as we know it.
On the other hand, every vile manipulator is entitled to the best possible defense.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Louisiana Parish Government Suing Online Commenters for Libel
The elaborate songs of male birds clearly fit best a manipulatory interpretation.
The dual robotic manipulator arms, fitted with tiny video cameras and precision positioning sensors, must accomplish the work mostly autonomously with only limited supervision from earthbound operators.
She's a cunning manipulator one moment, an adorably guileless charmer the next, one who tosses off winsome smiles like strike-zone fastballs.
Hackman is comfortably cast as the amoral manipulator.
Raevmo, did you believe Hitler when he called Jews Untermensch or only when you find cherry picked quotes designed make a master manipulator look like something he was not?
Darwin Strips Reality of Purpose?
They are plotters, dissemblers, manipulators, murderers of children, fanatics.
Jim was a sneaky little manipulator, and he could do a lot of damage to me behind my back.
But the Manipulators of Perception decried their fears, with soothful sayings, "Fear not, for they are but youths who do rage and burn and destroy.
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
They get into others' heads—they are seducers, manipulators, conmen, and often worse.
The guy may be a sleaze and a manipulator, but the newspaper means a lot to him.
The judge who sentenced Arian to 57 months in prison called Arian a "master manipulator" who had been a "leader" of the terrorist group.
Having an extra manipulatory appendage would be handy, and I think a nice long tail would be rather stylish, too.
Remaking Humanity Blank Slate Special Report: Remaking Humanity
I never have had that yen, to be a behind-the-scenes guy, a manipulator of players and the builder of a franchise so to speak.
It's really too bad that the Scopes Trial, and attendant religeous fervor, is relevant at all today, but we have "Intelligent (sic) Design" and "Creationism" being pushed on people by well-heeled manipulators like Ayatollah Robertson.
View from the Northern Border
But not using all its feet to maintain its grip, for it was using many of them in a manipulatory way, working on the circuitry or the lights or whatever the column held.
Project Pope
Many methods have been proposed for this, all of them of more or less value; those yielding the best results, however, requiring a considerable length of time for their execution, and involving so large an amount of manipulatory skill as to render them fairly impracticable to a chemist at all pressed for time, and receiving but a mere trifle for the results.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 324, March 18, 1882
The enlargement of sensory and manipulatory structures isn't to compensate for the loss of eyes, as Darwin suggested, but may actually be the developmental cause of the organism's blindness.