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How To Use Manipulative In A Sentence

  • This isn't helped a great deal by the characterisation of Lady Teazle: rather than manipulative coquettishness we get a slightly nervous adolescent.
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a usage is ethically unacceptable, politically manipulative and decidedly unhistorical.
  • Before a child can learn a musical instrument he or she first needs to acquire the necessary manipulative skills.
  • Nancy Dowd's script crackles with wit, while Newman is at his manipulative, womanising best.
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  • But while it's consistently interesting and hypnotically watchable, its manipulative techniques should remind us what sort of thing a movie is.
  • Tabu does full justice to the spirit of Lady Macbeth; scheming, greedy, manipulative, yet not stonehearted enough to drink wine laced with blood.
  • For those practising massage, bodywork and manipulative therapies, these somatic dysfunctions are vital to the assessment of musculoskeletal integrity.
  • But the sort of lying implied when you speak of manipulative people is something I find abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed intelligent but in a sly, manipulative way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even in her best work manipulative string-pulling is evident.
  • We do not want to watch his ‘out of control’ yet suspiciously manipulative antics nor listen to his condescending, holier-than-thou judgments.
  • the early manipulative techniques of a three-year-old child
  • This journalistic term can be used to describe an innocent delay of a story until a more propitious moment, or a manipulative delay of a story until it can do the most damage.
  • Alternative therapies such as osteopathic manipulative medicine, massage, trigger-point therapy, chiropractic and acupuncture may be utilized to control pain. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Why is it when, after greatly resisting temptation you eventually weaken and submit to its manipulative forces?
  • Why, when there is so much creative talent out there and so many new ideas, do television shows keep reverting back to the same ingenuine, manipulative ploys? 25 « January « 2009 « Axiom's Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • Who wants to be knows as the manipulative hot bitch with a paper thin life? Motivate-me1 Diary Entry
  • But what begins as manipulative flirtation soon turns into a dangerous and erotic game of passion, power and betrayal.
  • It's a strange, instinctive understanding of human behaviour that can be quite manipulative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leaders need to be manipulative and selfish at times. The Sun
  • The most apparently helpful, complaisant people are often the nosiest, the most intrusive and manipulative. Beard
  • I don't want to hear about your mind games or your manipulative tricks anymore.
  • It's a strange, instinctive understanding of human behaviour that can be quite manipulative. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's an unpleasant, manipulative trick, but actually pales in comparison with the moral vacuity of the concluding episode.
  • They are trained to perform osteopathic manipulative treatment.
  • It is incompatible with the manipulative attitude implicit in an instrumental view of religion.
  • He displayed aggressive behaviour, emotional immaturity, impulsiveness, rejection of authority and manipulative behaviour, lied, swore and had a leaning towards kleptomania.
  • We wanted these manipulative girls and violent boys to be unwashed for a year, unfed for a month, to be lashed, strapped, coshed and whacked.
  • Far from being instinct-driven dunces held back by a three-second memory, fish were cunning, manipulative, cultured and socially aware.
  • Its light genealogy and tearful reunions on beaches may be manipulative, but it is difficult to remain unmoved by tonight's opener. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wicked woman in yesterday's case was cunning and manipulative. The Sun
  • These manipulative attempts to get one's own way are sometimes referred to as "passive aggression" or "indirect aggression".
  • But the sort of lying implied when you speak of manipulative people is something I find abhorrent. Times, Sunday Times
  • It fitted with his manipulative desire to control and dominate.
  • In ordinary language, an individual that tries to control a relationship is called manipulative, overbearing, or colloquially, “a control freak.” Process Theism
  • The films portray executives as scheming, manipulative and dishonest. The Sun
  • The ever popular "Manipulative Mommy" scenario ala Bates has the film's plot thinning by the moment, with the utterly useless inclusion of a love tale between a dunce of a deputy and his "gurl". DVD Review - Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield
  • But a play that seemed mildly provocative on a first viewing now looks as coldly manipulative as its heroine.
  • Some in the medical establishment dismissed it as a manipulative, sentimental weepy and criticised it as unrealistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was certainly clever enough, but her nature was not conniving or manipulative in any way.
  • I have been around them enough to know that your mother is a manipulative gossip, and your sisters are empty-headed and vapid.
  • He was manipulative and cunning, and would resort to anything to get his own way. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed intelligent but in a sly, manipulative way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traits of last-borns include charm, tendency to be manipulative, persistence, and love of attention.
  • Marina is a monster, selfish and manipulative and sulky.
  • But what I admire, or more accurately, am in awe of, is his manipulative ability.
  • Manipulative experiments have provided some key insights into the abiotic and biotic forces influencing community structure.
  • You have to call conniving, manipulative, evil women Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • The real challenge is to discuss changes with those manipulative individuals who cornered you to begin with. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the commenters responding to Ann think the test is a typical bunch of manipulative rhetorical gotchas from people who think they know better.
  • He is a weak-willed, manipulative narcissus.
  • The semi-conscious bride and the manipulative groom pulling up to a Las Vegas wedding chapel drive-in did not conjure up images of a fairy tale romance.
  • She is as ruthless, manipulative, and blackhearted a figure as we've ever seen on screen, but you cannot help but admire her for her devotion and single-mindedness of purpose.
  • At her Old Bailey trial, Andrews was presented in evidence as "attention-seeking and manipulative in her relationships," he said.
  • You have to call conniving, manipulative, evil women * something*. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • It almost seems too emotionally manipulative for a horror show, it doesn't truly rely on scares or spookiness just loss and pain and the suggestion of mental illness.
  • She was physically weak but these letters reveal a strong-minded, manipulative woman.
  • Fiction, while sometimes manipulative, is not a deception unless it is portrayed as the whole truth; not to be confused with half-truths. Archive 2007-03-01
  • The canvas is then subjected to manipulative and destructive techniques that render the traditional form of the painting unrecognisable.
  • He was a selfish, manipulative, evil man. The Sun
  • It seemed intelligent but in a sly, manipulative way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sending out "mixed messages" that arouse interest, deliberately fishing about to see if we can get a little "stroking" - this is toxic, manipulative, adolescent. Hugo Schwyzer
  • They were all manipulative and selfish. Times, Sunday Times
  • But she is very sly and manipulative and the situation is tearing us apart. The Sun
  • Somehow he has mastered the art of conveying feeling, strong feeling, without seeming emotionally manipulative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Huge great gig-lamps with clunkingly heavy frames and they were all wearing them, from John Sessions as a doleful Geoffrey Howe to Michael Maloney as a quietly manipulative John Major. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • How could I phrase the question so that I could distinguish between free choice and manipulative coercion?
  • In The Caretaker, Davies, the manipulative tramp, attempts to inveigle his way into the slow-witted Aston's flat.
  • Gotta go with NYU Law Libertarian, for the kind of definitional, letter-of-the-law, manipulative hair-splitting (and circular reasoning) I've come to expect - nay, demand - nay! dread! Feminist blogs
  • Former Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, the authors wrote, considered Hillary an icy prima donna; her husband (who after exiting the White House often called Daschle, imploring him for help in burnishing his legacy) a narcissist on an epic scale; the dynamic between the couple, bizarre; their treatment of their friends, unforgivably manipulative and disloyal. In 'Game Change,' the Clinton profile gets more complex
  • She was a manipulative woman, but her power was very limited, and in our naiveté we saw her as a villain. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • A perpetrator often is deceitful and manipulative. Christianity Today
  • He's as manipulative as he is charming, a snake in the grass.
  • It was pretentious, and manipulative and was trying to give psychotics a good name.
  • Why is it when, after greatly resisting temptation you eventually weaken and submit to its manipulative forces?
  • I wanted to target children with an advert that parents wouldn't want their kids to see, even though it's not as manipulative or untruthful as any of the thousands of adverts they let their children see.
  • Sometimes in conversation, that verbal dance of expressive/manipulative articulations, of sympathic communion and antipathic combat, of connective language in its intricate dynamics, is more of a tango than a waltz. posted by Hal Duncan | 7: 14 AM Notes on Strange Fiction: Narrative's Function (3)
  • Such is the parasitisation of human life from the manipulative few who have grand designs on farming humanity for profit that people in essence; can expect no help soon from your governments, your politicians. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Before a child can learn a musical instrument he or she first needs to acquire the necessary manipulative skills.
  • He [ Bush ] isn't perceived as evil, manipulative or even especially political , like Nixon or Lyndon Johnson.
  • Also, there are some really sad bits and some manipulative bits of very dubious taste.
  • Far from being instinct-driven dunces held back by a three-second memory, fish were cunning, manipulative, cultured and socially aware.
  • Manipulative and conniving, Evie has driven a wedge between Tracy and her mother, Melanie, while at the same time insinuating herself into Tracy's home and school life.
  • Before a child can learn a musical instrument he or she first needs to acquire the necessary manipulative skills.
  • The films portray executives as scheming, manipulative and dishonest. The Sun
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its nudges and winks are manipulative. Times, Sunday Times
  • But she is very sly and manipulative and the situation is tearing us apart. The Sun
  • They are highly manipulative individuals who love to play mind games with you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another, there are other technologies out there from acupuncture to manipulative medicine like chiropractic and osteopathic approaches that can be very helpful.
  • Wedlock is the incredible story of her transformation from one of eighteenth-century England's richest, most free-wheeling heiresses into a piteous victim of a cruel, manipulative abuser into an improbable poster-child for modern women's rights. Wedlock: Summary and book reviews of Wedlock by Wendy Moore.
  • There are no surprises and the maniacally manipulative musical score often gets downright grating.
  • His manipulative aides complete a trio of fates, a malign constellation wheeling round Herman on the huge empty stage like a ghoulish mobile.
  • I gave Karen $35 for Popcorn's DVD, mendaciously and manipulatively titled This Is the Last Dam Run of Likker I'll Ever Make, and put it on back in my cabin. 'Chasing the White Dog'
  • Under stress these people will appear to be superficial, over-eager and manipulative.
  • Clemens is what a 'demigod' always turns out to be-- cruel, manipulative, narcissistic and controlling. I have made a photograph of the way I feel.
  • She is acold, manipulative lair, We need integrity in the White House. Florida court throws out DNC suit
  • They may be impulsive, manipulative, reckless, quarrelsome, and consistent liars.
  • Judge said she was manipulative, self-centred and had a temper. The Sun
  • His response gives an idea of the level of deceptiveness, denial and sheer manipulativeness afflicting mainstream media and politics.
  • And while it's hard to hear yourself called deceitful and manipulative, I remember Ben Franklin's admonition that our critics are our friends, for they do show us our faults. Statement By The President
  • Colonel Tigh is an angry bitter drunk, and Ellen is his shrewish and manipulative ex-wife. MIND MELD: If We Ran Battlestar Galactica
  • There's something very calculating and manipulative about how he does things.
  • Well, if he is two-faced, self-centred, plausibly insincere, manipulative and insensitive… be concerned.
  • Such is the parasitisation of human life from the manipulative few who have grand designs on farming humanity for profit that people in essence; can expect no help soon from your governments, your politicians. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • After adding a few not so nice adjectives she also accused me of being a manipulative user.
  • Her patients range from the terminally ill to manipulative hypochondriacs, from veiled Bangladeshi women to convicted felons.
  • Sure the film is somewhat sappy and manipulative but its sappy and manipulative in a manly way dammit!
  • Frivolous, flighty, whining and manipulative, she is a woman hanging on to life by her fingernails.
  • For example, their approach to studying argument and deliberation is to construct and apply stringent rules in order to secure transparent and non-manipulative discourse in carefully monitored forums (incidentally, these sorts of models only work well if you presume that all speakers voices are given equal weight and consideration – that all have equal power). Matthew Yglesias » The American Way
  • In the task of fortifying oneself with supportive personal relationships, compadrazgo offers extensive manipulative opportunities.
  • I'm increasingly angry at my brother and his wife for their manipulative ways.
  • A French gastro-psycho-thriller about the psychologically twisted relationship between a young waiter and a pompous, manipulative businessman who hires him as a food taster.
  • The judge found her controlling, manipulative, duplicitous and obstructive. Times, Sunday Times
  • And there is a corniness about it that can feel manipulative. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He is sharp and manipulative with a strong personality.
  • But she turned out to be quite a manipulative, sassy young woman, who trampled on others to get ahead. The Sun
  • As she becomes more emotionally involved the little madam becomes mercilessly manipulative and demanding.
  • As for "manipulative finesse," I find it enjoyable only when the chiropractor is putting my back into place. Pop Culture
  • Its nudges and winks are manipulative. Times, Sunday Times
  • A marriage begun without financial security looks hazardous to the poet, let alone where the man seems cunning and manipulative.
  • Early in the story, the narrator establishes that Diane is representative of her sex in being deceptive, manipulative, and inconstant.
  • You are an arrogant and manipulative man with a real dislike of elderly patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before a child can learn a musical instrument he or she first needs to acquire the necessary manipulative skills.
  • In a press conference held in Melksham, the extent of his ill-gotten gains was revealed giving an insight into a man who the police describe as manipulative and a shrewd businessman.
  • Indian men must shed their moral self-righteousness and acquire a practical sense, a manipulative, this-worldly cunning and aggressiveness.
  • He is sharp and manipulative with a strong personality.
  • My sister had told me of incidents of violence in the past, and of controlling and manipulative behaviour.
  • You are also deceitful, dishonest and manipulative. The Sun
  • He is a manipulative cunning man. The Sun
  • Police say he was manipulative, dishonest, cunning and intimidating.
  • It was a classic jailhouse romance: a manipulative crook grooming a "cleanskin" woman so she would front for him to obtain guns, cars and rental properties.
  • As icily controlling as Agnes, with the sweet superficiality that keeps suburban women from instantly attacking each other, Edna is a manipulative bitch with a false sense of dignity and entitlement. George Heymont: Stiff Upper Lips
  • In both there is a father who disappears, a mother who would rather be elsewhere, a manipulative clergyman, a wisecracking love interest, a fatal unicycle or bicycle accident, a budding artist, and a flight to the city.
  • And for many people it represents a welcome attempt to break from the jaded parliamentarianism of New Labour and the manipulative methods of the Stalinism that collapsed in 1989.
  • They were shrewd, but not smart; manipulative but not masterful.
  • But at the very least I think the evidence suggests that nasty and manipulative behaviour is not essential. Times, Sunday Times
  • His argument isn't funny, though - it's a sledgehammer use of manipulative language to bluff Australians into believing they can't decide against war.
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the osteopathic physician's highly developed sense of touch that allows the physician to palpate (feel) this motion and, through skilled hands, to administer osteopathic manipulative treatments.
  • You're not calculating, not manipulative, not any of those things.
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • More trouble comes in the form of Puja (Lucy Tulugarjuk, who now lives in Edmonton), Oki's flirtatious and manipulative sister, who insinuates herself into Atanarjuat's family.
  • Warner Brothers never tells you the truth about a key plot twist that turns this pedestrian boxing movie into an insufferable manipulative right to die movie.
  • Police say he was manipulative, dishonest, cunning and intimidating.
  • Jerry was hot-tempered, manipulative and unstable.
  • Every person who has ever told the camera that is always a conniving, manipulative sociopath.
  • Gabby Deeds Kendra Lee Oberhauser, a fast talking, narcissistic, and extremely manipulative hedge fund manager at Icarus Wealth Management Group who has clawed her way up the corporate ladder by becoming a back-stabbing bitch. George Heymont: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures
  • He would also be unable to undertake employment which involved prolonged fine manipulative skills.
  • Under stress these people will appear to be superficial, over-eager and manipulative.
  • Francois Truffaut once said that the documentary is a thousand times more manipulative and deceptive than the work of fiction.
  • President Obama has once again debunked the obviously trumped up deceptive, manipulative, fear driven tactics of the opponents of health care reform. Obama: Canadian health care model won't work in U.S.
  • She meddled in places she had no business being, was emotionally manipulative, and a professional passive/aggressive.
  • You are also deceitful, dishonest and manipulative. The Sun
  • Well, he's possibly a manipulator - but cinema itself is manipulative and the best directors have to become adept at the art.
  • His wife is either a manipulative shrew or a patient, generous, supportive soul, depending on the perspective of the scene.
  • But for a straightforward and practical English girl like herself it was nothing more than a maddening, pointless contrivance that reflected an attitude that was at once phony, deceitful and manipulative.
  • His demands on your daughter seem unreasonable, aggressive and emotionally manipulative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some become rather dependent on their teams and easy prey for any manipulative workers with bigger brains. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, if he is two-faced, self-centred, plausibly insincere, manipulative and insensitive… be concerned.
  • His use of evidence was tendentious and manipulative.
  • Instead we get a boozily celebratory Don striking out again at the Waldorf bar that night with Dr. Faye, the fetchingly manipulative consulting psychologist for the agency. William Bradley: Mad Men Makes the All-Time Television Pantheon and Unspools Another Fine Episode
  • This persuasive, manipulative emphasis has been seen in political tactics: withholding information, bluffing, making alliances, publicly supporting but privately opposing particular views, compromising, and using delaying and diversionary tactics.2 Participation is likely to be seen with general, rather than close, supervision; with the equalization of power; and with nondirective leadership. The Bass Handbook of Leadership
  • Go read the depositions and transcripts and tell me this sicko was anything other than a manipulative pervert. Worldwide Audience Watches Michael Jackson Memorial
  • There is no denying that they are manipulative - they are famous for their ability to mimic moths, wasps and bees to cheat insects into having sex with them.
  • But beneath the virtuous-widow facade she presented to the world was a cold, calculating, manipulative monster who used her feminine wiles to get what she wanted.
  • He has been shown to be dishonest, calculating, egocentric, manipulative and a control freak.
  • There's something very calculating and manipulative about how he does things.
  • A sinister, manipulative government and major corporate industries are exposed as the primary culprits.
  • She craves attention, is selfish, dishonest and manipulative. The Sun
  • He was described as a manipulative, maybe evil guy whose team sang crazy rock songs," Groff says. Glee's Jonathan Groff on Jesse St. James' "Rock Scream," Shrugging Off Newsweek
  • You are also deceitful, dishonest and manipulative. The Sun
  • The first one suggests that Pascalian reasoners are manipulative egoists whom God might take exception to, and they won't be rewarded after all.
  • And the prose was lamentable: a sex scene was said to involve "the disposings of accustomed practice, the preparations of purpose and consent, the familiar mute motions of furtherance," "moist manipulative reception" and "the mutual heat of pumped bloods" (an image Macdonald likened to "a Fortune description of an industrial process"). In Praise of Dispraise
  • It's as manipulative, sentimental and mawkish as any film could possibly dare to be - cinematic saccharine with a shimmering pro-fantasy, anti-science trim.
  • We no longer tolerate being besieged with manipulative messages that we don't want to hear and cannot respond to.
  • What a scheming, clever, manipulative little beast.
  • Objective:To study therapeutic effects of manipulative upper and middle cervical vertebra in the treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome at earlier period.
  • These require you to face manipulative individuals, relinquish your rights unfairly or be exquisitely tactful when you'd be justified in blowing up. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other side of the aisle, the Obama re-election campaign has quietly opened a counteroffensive against Republican-backed changes to election laws that Democrats say will suppress votes for their candidates and limit their get-out-the-vote drives, a campaign Republicans are calling manipulative. This Week: Europe Trembles, Cain Parries, MF Files
  • What was your interpretation of what some people have described as manipulative, selective leaking about your investigation by people close to your witnesses? CNN Transcript Oct 28, 2005
  • Unlike the good-natured bumbler from the Disney cartoon, this honey-happy bear is a manipulative, abrasive, self-indulgent schemer who is clearly unapologetic in his larcenous adventure. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • He's extremely manipulative, so don't let him persuade you.
  • The notion of the intentional fallacy, in rejecting the authority of the author, denying the expressive-manipulative functions of narrative, its aesthetic stance and agency in the world, ultimately seeks to objectify that narrative, to render it a product for philistine consumption or philosophical scrutiny, completely and unchallengeably possessed and controlled. posted by Hal Duncan | 11: 55 PM Notes on Strange Fiction: Narrative's Function (2)
  • Combining bioenergetics and manipulative treatment, a full course involves ten one-hour treatments, each focusing on a different part of the body, which should combine to successfully reorientate the whole.
  • Her manipulative, importuning presence violates their sense of entitlement, which at first the film seems not to question.
  • But she is very sly and manipulative and the situation is tearing us apart. The Sun
  • A life tainted by tragedy has left her emotionally unstable, manipulative and messed up. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't want to hear about your mind games or your manipulative tricks anymore.
  • So, at seventeen, Andersen found himself in a classroom with eleven-year-olds, again an outsider and at the mercy of a mean-spirited, manipulative headmaster.
  • I know how manipulative, as the shrinks say, members of my sex can be.
  • Do they show a manipulative attitude to nature, or an inability to be content with what they are given?
  • And he's superbright, but channels it into being really manipulative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't let's minimise his perverse and manipulative behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were attacked as meretricious and manipulative, but what is film-making anyway but that?
  • It's so true to the scene that it almost feels like a documentary and comes devoid of moralistic sideswipes: there are no evil dealers or manipulative promoters, no troublemakers showing up with guns or deaths from overdoses.
  • The classy and manipulative Kitty is now a gold digging dame with a thrill for danger and dangerous men.
  • You are an arrogant and manipulative man with a real dislike of elderly patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • These days, as an increasing number of adults are discovering what teenagers have long known: Texting lends itself particularly well to manipulative or, in other words, juvenile behavior. Why Texting Turns Us Back Into Teenagers

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