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How To Use Manipulate In A Sentence

  • She knew now how attractive Miguel could be when he wanted to be, and she knew he could manipulate her feelings.
  • Both these people have lied and manipulated people through the press to believe one facade after another in order to get whatever it is they want…
  • Its political culture, once fiercely democratic, is being eroded by a manipulated, bureaucratic legalism that identifies dissent as disloyalty.
  • I think we have to distinguish those narratives which crudely manipulate fear or repulsion and disgust from that which Lovecraft correctly calls ‘the weird tale’.
  • I unconsciously manipulate situations to my advantage
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  • Rowe said Jackson was a man being manipulated by opportunists, who kept information from him and wanted to milk millions of dollars out of him.
  • Likewise, a few citation errors in the IPCC report were trumpeted as the final nails in the coffin for the climate movement, despite the fact that not a single investigation even those in which climate skeptics have participated has found any evidence thatscientists "fudged,""manipulated" or "manufactured" data, and the fundamental conclusions of the IPCC still stand. Kelly Rigg: The Movement with a Thousand Faces
  • The development of western civilization is predicated on the ambition to achieve mastery over nature and to manipulate it unrestrictedly.
  • To manipulate religious conviction into a political commodity is a contemporary form of simony.
  • People who are emotionally needy or manipulate others to get their own way by making them feeling guilty are unconscious vampires.
  • In the face of "misalignment," the very existence of a "currency imbalance" would be sufficient to open the door to trade sanctions -- whether or not that imbalance resulted from a deliberate attempt to manipulate the market. News
  • Given its vast capacity, it could manipulate the world price by adjusting output.
  • The full picture of how the government manipulated the legal justification for war, and political pressure placed on its most senior law officer, is revealed in the newspaper today.
  • He manipulated public opinion in his favor
  • But as long as elected Republicans continue to be the conduit by which megacapitalists manipulate the god-fearing, intelligence-hating base, the GOP will continue to be the pustule it's become. GOP: Dems' health care reform plan 'a prescription for disaster'
  • Don't allow judgmental and critical people to influence and manipulate you, as you are ready to make a final decision about the past.
  • They then manipulated them in the laboratory to turn them into specialised cells that form myelin, the insulating layer than surrounds nerve fibres.
  • They managed to manipulate us into agreeing to help.
  • The capability to manipulate high-frequency acoustic phonon generation in both temporal and spatial domains should flourish the field of nanoultrasonics.
  • I hope that this kind of bibliographical, aesthetic, and technical information, as well the ability to manipulate images on one's home computer to detect what has heretofore required examination of the originals, stimulates new ways to teach, research, and think about art in general and Blake in particular. Introduction
  • To do anything useful, you must use the language to manipulate objects exposed by the host environment to the script language.
  • Jacob knew now, trusting in God as he was, that he did not need to manipulate and beguile and cheat to find favour for himself and his loved ones; he did not have to worry about his welfare.
  • The group's design manipulates the laser beam instead of using a translation stage to shift the sample, which allows the user to scan the sample layer by layer while still correlating the information spatially.
  • The computer can manipulate massive amounts of data.
  • The bitwise operators allow you to manipulate individual bits in an integral primitive data type.
  • This problem appears to demonstrate intent to manipulate elections, and was installed in the program under the watch of a programmer who is a convicted embezzler.
  • To realize Flitter, you must extend the Drupal database to include a new Flitter table; permissions to access Flitter data, or flits; a form to edit a flit; and some code to manipulate the database.
  • They retain considerable autonomy and power, and have a self-interested reason to manipulate economic statistics.
  • Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media.
  • The buffer cache buffers requests between the file systems and the block devices that they manipulate.
  • From here, one of their objectives is to be able to manipulate the baseband 's memory, so they can also change communication parameters.
  • Some governments manipulate their figures in extraordinarily blatant ways. The politics of Egypt's feeble statistics
  • States and ruling orders continually seek to manipulate religion to political advantage.
  • Color, often manipulated and used to painterly effect, is an important element in all of these works, with hues ranging from acidic yellows and oranges to stormy blues and greens.
  • I showed them examples of artists known as colorists, Paul Gauguin and Franz Marc, so they could see how one might choose to manipulate the viewer's eye.
  • This enhances the testing of ideas and the learning of how to manipulate the variable parts.
  • Robert then decides the role is too small for him and convinces corporate to promote him to CEO — a position in which he'll freak the staff out with his eeriness and manipulate them. Has The Office Found Its New Boss in James Spader?
  • Fake contraceptive technology manipulates women in ways that we are coming to condemn when they are practised on members of other species.
  • To examine treatment effects, experimenters manipulate independent variables and control extraneous variables.
  • He said Paton, who was gay, manipulated young men using power and drugs and surrounded himself with "ned" henchmen. Undefined
  • Edible algae as well as higher plants that are manipulated so that they are esculent as a whole are cultivated there. Boing Boing: May 9, 2004 - May 15, 2004 Archives
  • The centerpiece of his live act is a set of four gizmos he calls dub machines-Arduino-powered gear he can manipulate to produce sounds, loops, and rhythms. Wired Top Stories
  • But the same wires that would make qubit chips easy to manipulate and link together also connect them to the quantum-defiling messiness of the outside world.
  • A beechen implement, resembling somewhat our potato masher, and called the "brayer," was used to manipulate the ink as it lay on the table; an iron shovel, known as the "slicer," being used to portion out from the mass of ink such quantities as were needed from time to time for the brayer. The Building of a Book A Series of Practical Articles Written by Experts in the Various Departments of Book Making and Distributing
  • Computers can construct and manipulate areas and objects in cyberspace, too, but they do so mostly under human guidance.
  • Like our own hands, those of most primates allow them to manipulate objects with a high degree of precision.
  • He is a very difficult character. He manipulates people.
  • Special software is needed to manipulate the mass of data.
  • In that case, the manipulated emotion simply disappears.
  • With it they are able to manipulate objects as well as if they had hands.
  • Since these frequency effects may be linearly combined, one may then easily manipulate the acupuncture effect by combining different acupoints on different meridians to give a more specific treatment.
  • If we translate analogue information into a digital form, we can suddenly manipulate it freely in almost any way we wish.
  • Special software is needed to manipulate the mass of data.
  • He succeeds in becoming John Doe, even in the midst of such spectacularly false and manipulated media proceedings.
  • The yet-to-be-released report does not allege that evidence had been manipulated to benefit prosecutors, officials said.
  • Her show last year maintained a semblance of identifiable images suggesting real, if manipulated, skyscapes, seascapes and landscapes.
  • Under what circumstances would managers have the incentive to manipulate the timing of revenue recognition? How would they do it? What risks are involved?
  • The problem is that he's dull-witted and easily manipulated.
  • In the painting the revolution's populist crowd is transformed by the painter into a common herd, a mob of grotesqueries, to be manipulated by the speaker to do his bidding.
  • The tools to manipulate NetCDF and HDF4 files. newfangle Releases
  • Because if you're anointing your appliances with olive oil because a WEBSITE told you to, you're clearly easily manipulated.
  • As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion.
  • But solar power is always discussed, I guess because of the energy crisis that we always seem to be in--aka manipulated prices at the pump--and the real cost spikes of oil. Mike Ragogna: Lighting Up and Lifting Off The Ground : Conversations With Shawn Mullins and Chely Wright
  • If a revealed preference ranking constructed using our procedure were used in place of manipulable indicators like the crude admissions rate and crude matriculation rate, much of the pressure on colleges to manipulate admissions would be relieved. Tournament Ranking of Colleges, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But the manipulator realises, too late, that she is being manipulated, despite warnings from her faithful dresser.
  • Generally, the idea that the Red-State Democrats and Blue Dogs are simplistic, purely procedural, and therefore easily manipulated is a convenient assumption for certain arguments. Matthew Yglesias » How Many Votes to Change the Senate’s Rules
  • To manipulate the level of production also meant that the role of government must be enlarged.
  • Milbank also is superb in describing how Beck manipulates his listeners by dredging up the nuttiest whoppers from the blogosphere, presenting them as serious alternatives to conventional truths, and then taking a perfectly neutral pose, a la I'm not suggesting anything. Dana Milbank's Glenn Beck book "Tears of a Clown," reviewed by David Oshinsky
  • The doctors then suck out a little bit of the contents of the donor egg - the cytoplasm - using a microscopic needle manipulated by tiny robotic arms.
  • Such a program provided Personnel Management with the ability to manipulate data already stored in the payroll system.
  • They've manipulated it into existence and I find that abhorrent.
  • Do you know how to manipulate a computer?
  • Westerner's perplexed by the artificiality of Hangzhou's dredged, diked and manipulated Xihu need only recall their own foundational myths.
  • As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion.
  • The ability to manipulate information, he implied, could be our very salvation.
  • Without many people realizing it, debate in astrobiology is being actively manipulated by deeply held theological beliefs.
  • La psy a remarqué que j'etais affreusement manipulateur et que je jouais le role qu'on attendait que je joue! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The aim of nanotechnology is to manipulate molecules atom by atom, treating them like mechanical devices with gears, wheels, levers, hooks, pivots, locks and keys.
  • With the infusion of resources into cancer research came an explosion in our ability to understand and manipulate the cancer cell.
  • Tradition condemned the demagogues as tyrants who manipulated public opinion for their own selfish ends.
  • He would not be able to manipulate the situation at all.
  • Virginia Radcliffe gave an alive, vampish performance as Elena, suggesting powerfully the will to survive and ability to manipulate.
  • The series opens with " Woman in the Dunes, " a film celebrated for its spareness in which Takemitsu ' s sound design is virtually a character, even as his electronically manipulated music — compressed strings, plinking percussion — is used stintingly. Japanese Cinema
  • Petrushka, the Blackamoor, and the Ballerina are four-foot-tall figures, each manipulated by three onstage, barely visible puppeteers in black.
  • Prosecutors said the former TV star was part of an "illicit kickback scheme to manipulate the volume and price of microcap stocks and illegally generate stock sales. CHiPs Star Larry Wilcox Charged with Securities Fraud
  • And yet surely it is a vision worth celebrating, worth giving thanks for if we see it in terms of the embrace of the intellect by the church as issuing in that confident freedom, that liberty not to be manipulated, not to be bullied, not to be deluded, which is celebrated in our epistle. Archbishop Celebrates Selwyn College's 125th Anniversary
  • These sculptures are at once highly crafted and naturally formed, skillfully manipulated and sloppily organic.
  • Occasionally the inmate may manipulate the system, and the choice allows that.
  • The atoms were manipulated to form tidy bundles of waves, called solitons, which retained their shape and strength.
  • It was an era when politics had passion and party political conventions could be dramatic, world - changing events rather than media-manipulated yawns.
  • The diet doctors at this seminar are learning how to carefully manipulate their image.
  • Parasites that manipulate the sex of their hosts are called reproductive parasites - and they are not as rare as one might like to think.
  • The econometrically-oriented have always wanted to look at crime data by state because it provides a larger data set to manipulate in a technically sophisticated fashion. Welcome to the War Zone!
  • How many times you've had to manipulate URLs to get only the file name part or the folder path?
  • The law is vulnerable to being manipulated or abused to serve injustice, and vulture lawyers simply rape the law and prostitute justice to serve the unscrupulous and guilty for profits. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The speeches were really like a competition to see, who could manipulate and how they used their power.
  • I think one could make a stronger argument that World or Warcraft, Farmville, the lottery, Rolex's ..or GWAPs are more exploitative because they utilize psychological tricks to extract money/labor from people who may not realize they are at some subconscious level being involuntarily manipulated. Work and the Internet
  • A $1 bill and the fragments of a 810 note have been pasted on canvas, covered by a thin scumble of paint, and further manipulated to give it a painty appearance.
  • The editors allows a programmer to directly manipulate the intentional program tree.
  • The internal life of their organizations was manipulated from the top and brooked no dissent.
  • He created a number of fictitious characters and situations which he manipulated to brainwash his new friend.
  • On the basis of constructing laser microbeam system we manipulate hollow dielectric spheres in suspension with optical trap, it validates the kinetic performance of the laser trap.
  • Don't manipulate the academic system on behalf of your child; it makes kids guilty and doubtful of their own ability.
  • If the place was dry it was going to be a damn sight tougher to manipulate them.
  • Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media.
  • Around it was a scaffolding of steel and aluminum, acrawl with tiny figures that manipulated minute, blue-white welding flames. The Space Merchants
  • He is concerned that future elections could be decided by fraudulent voting manipulated by unscrupulous cartels and the like.
  • They are weak beings, easily controlled and manipulated.
  • The problem comes when a swimmer or diver manipulates the brain's automatic breathing control device through hyperventilation.
  • The therapy was developed in France, but is rooted in the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture, where pressure points relating to specific parts of the body are manipulated to alleviate particular problems.
  • Manipulated to seek and destroy hardy cancer cells, viruses have been shown to shrink tumours in animal models and in early human studies.
  • An article was judged as empirical if it manipulated some type of raw data in its analysis.
  • When countries tend to manipulate their managed floats in order to pursue particular goals at the expense of other countries, the behavior is referred to as dirty floating.
  • Never on God's sweet earth has there been a more glorious union of manipulated kiddie-singing samples, frenetic bhangra pluckings, and classic crunk growl.
  • The researchers used a custom-built microscope with an iron-coated tip to manipulate cobalt atoms on a plate of manganese.
  • The devil knows physical pleasure and how to manipulate the physical world.
  • Special software is needed to manipulate the mass of data.
  • It was the litany of fruity vowels and partisan plosives of the Russian language that inspired Musorgsky; likewise, Scriabin manipulated hemiolas and syncopes to mimic the rhythms of his native tongue.
  • He was indifferent to the attention he received, calmly going about his business, never using his influence to manipulate others.
  • But the bird has only her bill to manipulate this awkward baton, which rotates first one way, then the other as she tries to make it fit.
  • The program can produce and manipulate text and graphics.
  • The plaintiffs further state that the defendants have manipulated the nicotine in their low tar cigarettes, raising the nicotine dose to the smoker and ensuring addiction.
  • Primitive streak stage embryos can also be manipulated using a dissecting microscope but the lower resolution makes such manipulations less precise.
  • She was cruel, omnivorous, heartless - and yet it seemed as if she cared about Margarite and Celeste even as she sought to manipulate them. FLOATING CITY
  • And these individuals in Germany were handling hydrogen peroxide, which is very unstable, very, very difficult to manipulate. CNN Transcript Sep 24, 2007
  • The present impasse has also aroused a deep dislike for the politics being manipulated and imposed on the society.
  • Fear, whether it is quelled or stimulated, provides the capacity to both control and manipulate a variety of social and political discourses.
  • It is a mistake to try to persuade them with gifts: you simply have to discover how to manipulate them, to report them to a higher authority, someone higher up the line of unitary command.
  • Further, in a currency union no government of a member country can manipulate the money supply growth rate for electoral purposes.
  • As the medium extends the integrity of the pigment, he manipulates it to achieve substrata and surfaces that range from a glazed appearance or deepening craquelure to the look of pollen, each seductive in its own right.
  • Her dislocated shoulder was carefully manipulated back into place.
  • Natural selection favours those genes that manipulate the world to ensure their own propagation.
  • The syntax of XML makes it easy to programmatically manipulate textual data while still allowing it to be easily understood by humans.
  • A team of international observers was monitoring the vote amid claims by opposition and human rights workers that the election was being manipulated.
  • He slyly begins to manipulate the situation by playing Cyrano for both youngsters.
  • He also defended his seizure of white-owned farms, saying the program pitted the majority against an "obdurate" racial minority which he alleged was "supported and manipulated" by Blair. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Habitat is manipulated to increase goose numbers and therefore create the excuse that hunting is needed to control overpopulation.
  • Therefore, the basic scope of the metallurgical processing of cast iron is to manipulate the type, amount, and morphology of the eutectic in order to achieve the desired mechanical properties.
  • We have lashed out at those we fear and allowed ourselves to be manipulated by opportunistic and exploitative politicians.
  • This may well explain why we have a populace that excepts a two-party system the does not represent them andcan be easily manipulated by a corporate controlled media. Lying Traitors vs Economic Cowards
  • And because it's vector-based, designers can manipulate it without losing the ability to edit the text.
  • When properly manipulated, bureaucrats can help dominators maintain their tight grip on markets while supplying a convenient scapegoat for unfair rules.
  • But in fact I use that word gingerly the reader is being manipulated. Morality, Irony, and Fiction
  • Players are trained to dive and manipulate refs to get decisions their way.
  • If you agree with the conclusion you are as thin-backboned as Gaius Baltar and just as easily manipulated (this is coming NOT-from an atheist BTW). Battlestar Galactica: Watched The Finale? Still Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
  • No pedestrian gestures to glaze the eye; no taped electronic ephemera to abrade the ear; no agendas to manipulate the sensibilities.
  • As layered rebuses of meaning with an exceptional iconographic density, they visually manipulated inherited codes of social value, adroitly invoking both positive and negative contemporary references.
  • The new software is a multimedia environment with a simple, understandable tool palette and easily manipulated views of related drawings, documents, and data.
  • She uses her charm to manipulate people.
  • These genes can be manipulated and used to predict meat quality, tenderness, fat contact, milk yield and disease resistance.
  • The kids are manipulated and indoctrinated from a young age and it takes a long … long time for them to get out of it (if they ever do). Think Progress » Virginia GOP Mocks Epic Snow Storm As ‘12 Inches Of Global Warming’
  • By precisely controlling the intensity, wavelength and duration of extremely short pulses of light, we can manipulate electronic processes at the atomic level.
  • Also, that bedwetter is remarkably easy to manipulate into showing his true colors. Matthew Yglesias » A Missed Torture Opportunity
  • All of the jewelers used compressed-gas torches to heat-manipulate metals; in the process, metals were volatilized and subsequently condensed on nearby surfaces.
  • According to the Afghan Islamic Press (AIP), Taliban spokesman Qari Muhammad Yousuf confirmed the statement of the Taliban chief in which he praised the people of Afghanistan for what he called foiling the American drama by avoiding participation in the American-manipulated elections. Undefined
  • All political regimes attempt to manipulate information as a means of social control.
  • In this mad pursuit of history itself, the facts of the past in so far as they are known are blatantly manipulated and distorted.
  • The performers and devisers of the piece manipulate the glove puppets dressed in kabuki-style black costumes.
  • An interface for issuing commands to a computer utilizing a pointing device, such as a mouse, that manipulates and activates graphical images on a monitor.
  • While the prosecution argues that Dunn and his team manipulated the books to claim the bonuses, the defense said such a fraud would have required the acquiescence of hundreds of accountants at both Nortel and Deloitte, an idea it called "preposterous. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • She stretched to manipulate the hot tap with her toe.
  • Physicians use their hands to diagnose injury and illness and manipulate the musculoskeletal system to encourage the body to heal.
  • Our brain knows what muscles to manipulate without our conscious thought. THE MANANA MAN
  • This extreme version of the distrust of government has often been manipulated by the corporate sector to block passage of government regulation.
  • In the topsy-turvy chaos of a web world where images and ideas are deracinated, massively projected, manipulated and recycled, Lawson's beachwear has already become iconic – and in a small way, revolutionary. Nigella Lawson and the great burkini cover-up
  • Each level in the tree is represented in a buffer, and you can manipulate Customize buffers as usual.
  • The creative artist may manipulate a medium until something of interest turns up.
  • Likewise, Faraday thought that electric fields somehow manipulated charged particles with ghostly hands.
  • Key constructs in C such as structs, pointers and arrays are designed to structure, and manipulate memory in an efficient, machine-independent fashion.
  • The supernatural beings of the Sinhalese could be manipulated by humans soas to influence events, but their ethical position was ambiguous.
  • And they are so easy to manipulate in the garden: Plant a corm and harvest flowers 85 to 100 days later.
  • Using a stylus on-screen to manipulate images is very intuitive, like using a pencil or brush to draw and paint.
  • In other words, a prudent, asymmetric-thinking enemy manipulates time and space to disperse the greater power's military forces, protracting the conflict and wearing down the will of the orthodox opponent.
  • Anamorph is based on the concept of anamorphosis, a painting technique that manipulates the laws of perspective to create two competing images on a single canvas. KARL HUNGUS IS IN A MOVIE
  • The logic of flowcharting a system, figuring out how all the pieces and parts are interrelated, and making it work without having to manipulate the cranks is the exact same process as writing a book. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Moreover, whereas Aristotelianism was specifically not a worker science, the hermetic corpus intimated that natural philosophers could not only understand but manipulate this spirit universe for their own ends.
  • Figure 1 shows where static and dynamic data APIs originate and how to use them to instantiate Service Data Objects that you can use later to manipulate the business data underneath.
  • The surgeon can perform intricate procedures by using joystick-like controls to manipulate the surgical instruments.
  • Marty casually manipulates the two contenders for the estate in her quest for the formula.
  • As far as appears, the only attempt to choreograph the meeting occurred when a Chattanooga reporter manipulated the process to have a question about armored vehicles posed.
  • However, even with these basic commands, you can successfully manipulate text files from within your own shell scripts or right from the command line.
  • The puppeteer holds the puppet in one hand and manipulates the hands with the strings to the accompaniment of music.
  • Only later was the word transferred to the thing being manipulated to give us the modern sense.
  • To be concerned only with things that are congenerous and homogeneous, thereby depriving the artist of his power to manipulate things on a conceptual basis from a third party's standpoint, he becomes prone to extract the naked truth from things from a mode of positive involvement with them.
  • The patient is positioned and anchored securely to prevent injury and movement when the surgical hip is reamed and the surgical leg is manipulated throughout the procedure.
  • The latest case follows a complaint from two women, one of whom says she was manipulated into handing over 20,000 euros for costly products, including an "electrometer" to measure mental energy. Raw Story
  • It requires a seasoned politician to take advantage of a no-win situation and manipulate circumstances to drive home a point.
  • Now, the real difference between sorcery and wizardry is that with sorcery, you do not manipulate the environment.
  • This extreme version of the distrust of government has often been manipulated by the corporate sector to block passage of government regulation.
  • The aim of nanotechnology is to manipulate molecules atom by atom, treating them like mechanical devices with gears, wheels, levers, hooks, pivots, locks and keys.
  • IN PRACTICE it is widely derided as undemocratic, unaccountable, manipulated, unlistening, and at the end of the day railroaded by the government. Historic Warwick: Comrades, Sisters and Brothers, Colleagues - What Has Been Delivered?
  • Since the data is exported from the iPod in a standardized format, it's relatively easy for other services to manipulate.
  • And individuals with the ability to manipulate what is written about a public person have enormous power.
  • With the infusion of resources into cancer research came an explosion in our ability to understand and manipulate the cancer cell.
  • Computers can construct and manipulate areas and objects in cyberspace, too, but they do so mostly under human guidance.
  • The court believes that supernatural forces manipulated the downfall of this picture.
  • With the force of the aerodynamic booster, we can manipulate the loader relaxedly with less force,[sentence dictionary] and control it conveniently and easily.
  • The format must be manipulated and contrived to prevent anything extemporary or natural from happening on the screen.
  • Managerial control over information allows the railways to manipulate the public presentation of results to political effect.
  • Shadow puppets are manipulated with bamboo sticks attached to the lower part of leather puppets.

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