How To Use Manipulable In A Sentence

  • However, most of these investigations were done in the laboratory, where both animals and their environments are under control and manipulable.
  • The effectivity of masquerade lies precisely in its potential to manufacture a distance from the image, to generate a problematic within which the image is manipulable, producible, and readable by the woman.
  • Oh I forgot Americans always vote against their own interest because the majority are easily manipulable by the media and ready to believe anything they are told without verifying any fact. Town hall meeting on health care turns ugly
  • Conclusion Carrying out colligate prevention and cure step, basing continuance mechanism of prevention and cure of IDD are manipulable to keep eliminating IDD for long-term in a larger district.
  • Not with the first-stage boosters, which were manipulable and detonable masses of ball lightning, but with those boosters 'culminations, the Vangs; which were ball lightning raised to the sixth power and which only the frightful energies of the boosters could bring into being. Masters of Space
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  • If you were a scientist or an engineer, that idea was very liberating; it enabled you to treat information as a manipulable thing.
  • Equally so Gareth Porter who tossed around turns like "manipulable" to explain why Barack's acting like a War Hawk. Trina's Kitchen
  • But false endorsement, as we just discussed, is manipulable: suppose the plaintiff is Paris Hilton. Archive 2009-04-01
  • manipulable" into an affair, most of us just roll our eyes and look the other way. Trina's Kitchen
  • Controls are manipulable, self - contained screen objects through which people interact with digital products.
  • Now with the easily manipulable Romanov in power, Yuri offers the premier his grand plan to put the whole United States under Soviet control by using his psychic technology.
  • Vocal skill development is an interesting example, for there is no obvious visible or easily manipulable body part engaged in the activity.
  • If you were a scientist or an engineer, that idea was very liberating; it enabled you to treat information as a manipulable thing.
  • With images, courts are more deeply divided against themselves, because images do not readily translate into the kinds of manipulable words with which courts are so comfortable. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Earlier this year, Nespresso released its "Citiz" line, a minimalist approach to the machinery with little in outwardly manipulable mechanisms. The Best Luxury Espresso Machines
  • Instead of de-conceptualising them, to recover their ‘natural’ form, à la Reich or Marcuse, we must take them as manipulable elements ‘of a wholly conceptual character’ (AT 80). Ballardian » Better Living through Psychopathology
  • I would imagine that the prices of fruits and vegetables aren't that easily manipulable by even as big a retailer as Wal-Mart.
  • Moreover, the rule is highly manipulable, depending, among other things, on how broadly or narrowly a court construes the field in question.
  • Conclusion Carrying out colligate prevention and cure step, basing continuance mechanism of prevention and cure of IDD are manipulable to keep eliminating IDD for long-term in a larger district.
  • In the modern era, women's identity moved from being fixed and essential - something ‘in your character’ - to being exteriorised and manipulable, formed by clothing and makeup.
  • They expressed growing doubts about what was manipulable.
  • Performance indicators are always partial and are always manipulable.
  • We'd like this material to be accessible and manipulable.
  • The research object of this lesson is the instruct problem in Chinese reading. Through this the author try to find the rules in reading instruction, and make some manipulable suggestions.
  • Earlier this year, Nespresso released its "Citiz" line, a minimalist approach to the machinery with little in outwardly manipulable mechanisms. The Best Luxury Espresso Machines
  • This argument will never convince those who see our bodies as machines, as complex assemblages of molecular parts, whose workings become more manipulable the more we understand them.
  • The problem in America is that there is too many manipulable ignorants that cannot think rationaly. Congressman says some people aren't worth peeing on
  • If a revealed preference ranking constructed using our procedure were used in place of manipulable indicators like the crude admissions rate and crude matriculation rate, much of the pressure on colleges to manipulate admissions would be relieved. Tournament Ranking of Colleges, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

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