
How To Use Manifold In A Sentence

  • Bolts around exhaust manifolds or superchargers get hot and tend to rust.
  • The possible moves being not only manifold but involute, the chances of such oversights are multiplied; and in nine cases out of ten it is the more concentrative rather than the more acute player who conquers. The Murders in the Rue Morgue
  • The end result is an extremely complex manifold that actually reduces component complexity and trims assembly time.
  • The Hamiltonian constraint NH = 0 defines a diffeomorphism structure on spatial manifolds by the lapse function N, but this is not identical to time. Einstein Still Rules, Says Fermi Telescope Team | Universe Today
  • The two boys were blind, also, to the manifold glories of Mirror Lake which reposed at their very feet. DUTCH COURAGE
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  • The best thing about a check jacket is that you can wear it in manifold ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he produced his first few results on 4-manifolds, the ideas were so new and foreign to geometers and topologists that they merely gazed in bewildered admiration.
  • Catalytic converters are being mounted closer to the engines to improve their performance and exhaust manifolds are being integrated into cylinder heads.
  • When I conjure in my mind the objections that people I know make to Christianity, I am reminded of my friend on the couch, enervated by life's manifold demands.
  • Your eyes are riveted to the fuel and engine gauges - flow meter, mixture, tachometer, manifold pressure.
  • Along the path there were fascinating details, composed of the manifold greenery which revels in damp heat, ferns, mosses, confervae, fungi, trailers, shading tiny rills which dropped down into grottoes feathery with the exquisite Trichomanes radicans, or drooped over the rustic path and hung into the river, and overhead the finely incised and almost feathery foliage of several varieties of maple admitted the light only as a green mist. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • Capitalism may work manifold miracles, but they don't include meeting essential social needs such as housing and health care.
  • I'm thinking, for instance, of the manifold practical advances today from biomimicry to hydrogen fuel cars.
  • Included in their list are A / C condensers, alternators, bumpers, carpets, catalytic converters, cowl top panels, door handles, engine parts, exhaust manifolds, fenders, grilles, mirrors, and radiators.
  • In 1952 Nash published Real Algebraic Manifolds in the Annals of Mathematics.
  • From early animism in its manifold expressions, through polytheism, kathenotheism, henotheism, to monotheism, and so out into loftier possibilities of conceiving the divine nature and purpose -- the main road which man has traveled in his religious development now is traceable. Christianity and Progress
  • These sources were the printed cases; they expressed, in manifold dress, the few, everevolving and fructifying principles which constituted the genius of the common law. A History of American Law
  • Throughout subsequent centuries and manifold troubles, an idea arose that YHVH would one day send another 'deliverer' - one like Moses - who would save his people from their enemies. Keisha and Mary.
  • That Darwin's ideas could have such manifold influence throughout the entire structure of modern biological theory should not now be surprising.
  • The sonnet is probably the most durable of poetic forms, flexible yet sufficiently ordered to provide both infinite variety and a high level of unity in its manifold expressions.
  • The b -boundary is the projection into a space-time of a natural boundary attached to a higher-dimensional Riemannian manifold.
  • It's also important, but not critical, to note that screw and centrifugal superchargers compress the air within their housings whereas Roots blowers force air through the blower and the compressing is done in the manifold.
  • Water and air are pumped at high pressure through hoses to a manifold to which the flexible hoses, which lead to the lances, are connected.
  • Lamenting that environmental pollution had increased manifold, he said that farmers there were still using some of the weedicides that were banned in other countries.
  • Most kits run on the benchtop with minimal additional equipment (usually a vacuum manifold or a centrifuge). The Scientist
  • This paper discusses the space-like submanifolds with constant mean curvature in a pseudo-Riemannian space form, and obtain an integrate inequality and a rigidity theorem.
  • It's one of these sixty-cent table dotty joints, with an electric name sign, a striped stoop awnin ', and a seven-course menu manifolded in pale purple ink. Odd Numbers Being Further Chronicles of Shorty McCabe
  • Despite her manifold faults, she was a strong leader.
  • Boost is engine manifold pressure, a key ingredient in the maintenance of horsepower and ultimately, miles per hour.
  • The implications for the dramatic action of the opera are manifold. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Womanhood, according to the theory, is a manifold phenomenon as different women live and behave differently in different circumstances and conditions.
  • The exhaust gas exits through the other exhaust manifold.
  • This is Aston Martin's own engine, but has been re-engineered for the DB9, with a new crankshaft, cams, manifold, and engine-management system for more midrange torque.
  • Given a closed Riemannian manifold M, we construct a suitable class of perturbations to achieve Morse-Smale transversality for the heat equation.
  • The broadness of the excited-state manifold is probably due to the strong electron coupling to high-frequency phonons, very recently suggested by Ihalainen et al.
  • We took pictures of the ziraffe (her strange bendy giraffe with zebra stripes capable of manifold contortions).
  • Back pressure causes some of the restriction in exhaust gas flow, as does the design of the stock manifold itself. Fitting Your Truck with Aftermarket Exhaust
  • The Universe is one organic whole, no matter how diverse and widely differing its manifold aspects may seem to be.
  • Direct gasoline injection and hydrogen intake manifold supply.
  • Amid the hilarious exhilaration of her manifold dislikes, it strikes a sombre note.
  • Explicit iterated integral formulae of the moments in various order of the hitting times of geodesic spheres by Brownian motions on rotationally symmetric manifolds are given in this paper.
  • The three dimensional velocities of the manifold junction with a rectangular section were measured by use of three dimensional particle dynamic analyzer (3D PDA) to verify the modified KIVA program.
  • Their reluctance can only multiply manifold after Sunday night's brutal massacre.
  • Christ delights even in the saints on earth, notwithstanding their weaknesses and manifold infirmities, which is a good reason why we should. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Typical applications include manifold absolute pressure ( MAP ), barometric , EGR pressure and brake boost.
  • Nay, a strong rëaction occurred in his ideas the moment he had seen his brother's writing; and when he fainted, he fainted from the struggle in his mind of manifold exciting causes, such as these: -- hatred, jealousy, what he called love, though a lower name befitted it, and vexation that his brother was -- not dead. The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper
  • The new converters are mounted closer to the exhaust manifold for quicker lightoff and reduced cold-start emissions.
  • In everyday parlance, a manifold is a pipe or chamber bristling with subsidiary tubes.
  • When trying to improve your Mini's breathing efficiency, carburation and inlet manifolds are open to as much speculation as other ` performance enhancing’ components.
  • The Lorentzian manifold is a pseudo-Riemannian manifold, the generalization of the Riemannian manifold, such that the metric tensor need not be positive-definite. Bad Language: Metric vs Metric Tensor vs Matrix Form vs Line Element
  • Their reluctance can only multiply manifold after Sunday night's brutal massacre.
  • our manifold failings
  • However, the manifold blunders and petty jealousies of this official are now producing such grievous results that his downfall is almost certain, and if his removal in disgrace from a position which he has proved himself totally unfit for be considered a satisfaction to those he has injured, why then I, among others, am morally assured of that amount of vengeance, at least. The Civil War In America
  • It requested the President “to appoint a day for humiliation and prayer” and to ask the people “to convene at their usual places of worship” in order that they may “confess and repent of their manifold sins, implore the compassion and forgiveness of the Almighty, that, if consistent with his will the existing rebellion may be speedily suppressed” and “implore him as the supreme ruler of the world not to destroy us as a people. Chapter X
  • manifold reasons
  • Is time just a fourth dimension which, together with the three dimensions of space, helps to comprise a unitary four-dimensional manifold in which all physical objects and events somehow reside?
  • The bolts fastening the intake manifold to the cylinder-head were torqued to a base value, and a holographic plate was exposed, developed, and reinserted into the CAHI system.
  • Furthermore, some crazy admirers aswe the acceptance and aswell added manifolds. Think Progress » GOP Rep. John Fleming On Doctor Saying He Will Refuse Care To Obama Voters: ‘I Applaud What He Said And Did’
  • I used to ‘acknowledge and bewail my manifold sins and wickedness’ every week.
  • The reasons for the failure of the Greeks to develop a fruitful notion of laws of Nature and commence their systematic discovery are manifold, and their mutual interrelationships complicated.
  • The exhaust manifolds are dual-skin, with stainless steel inners.
  • Now there's a thousand ways you can cheat, especially in the motor area, carburation, cylinder heads, manifolds. Oral History Interview with Junior Johnson, June 4, 1988. Interview C-0053. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Liquid is pumped to each atomizer on the boom via a separate manifold attached to the boom.
  • A kin slayer and fugitive, Tyrion assumes manifold roles in "Dragons": mummer, soldier, paymaster, slave, river rat and captive.
  • That Darwin's ideas could have such manifold influence throughout the entire structure of modern biological theory should not now be surprising.
  • It is degeneration and not upward evolution that is now opened up before our astonished eyes by this peep into the ultimate laboratories of nature; and he is surely a blind observer who cannot read in these facts the grand truth that all this substance called matter with which science deals in her manifold studies must at some time in the past, I care not when, have been _called into existence in some manner no longer operative_. Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
  • Each manifold is the virtual manifestation of your own private paradise. REVIEW: Lady of Mazes by Karl Schroeder
  • My joy of the life of man-folk was manifolded of worth. The House of the Wolfings
  • Your eyes are riveted to the fuel and engine gauges - flow meter, mixture, tachometer, manifold pressure.
  • Then she took her lute and, preluding thereon in manifold modes, lastly returned to the first and sang these couplets, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Despite her manifold faults, she was a strong leader.
  • It involved appeal to the flow of energy governed by thermodynamics and differential equations - all concepts possessing unobservable aspects - and made full use of a manifold of mental pictures.
  • They are cultural hybrids, to be sure, combining indigenous traditions with Christian theology in manifold ways. Introduction
  • A fluid delivery manifold and a method of manufacturing a fluid delivery manifold is provided.
  • We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness... Elizabeth Cunningham: Credo: Community Without Conformity
  • These reasons alone are sufficient for us to continue extending helping hands to Africa, no matter how long it may take to solve the continent's manifold problems.
  • Creator, the realizing life to all things fair and true and good: and more especially would we revert to its spiritual purity, emphatically manifested through all its manifold operations, -- so impossible of alliance with any thing sordid, or false, or wicked, -- so unapprehensible, even, except for its own most sinless sake. Lectures on Art
  • If the four manifold is a 4-sphere then the 3-homology sphere bounds both of then and there is then a quaternionic structure in the whole 4-space. The Lopsided Universe
  • What she embodies to us is the abstraction which you call the loving-kindness of the Father, revealed in his manifold gifts, wherever we turn our eyes. Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works
  • This eliminates the need for multiple manifolds, and bar coding matches the right throttle body with the right engine.
  • By the typewriter such lists can now be manifolded much more cheaply than they can be written or printed. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • The line of descent from the first organism to the manifold life around us is astonishingly beautiful, orderly, lawful and harmonious, the more so if there are no gaps that must be bridged by ad hoc divine interventions. Stromata Blog
  • The City Council has a manifold plan to beautify the city.
  • Its fruits are unsurpassably pre-eminent, so mighty and so manifold that there is not room enough to receive them.
  • The report will provide the most detailed and authoritative account so far of the manifold threats to Scotland's wildlife.
  • Included in the intermediate chapters are introductions to differentiable manifolds and Lie groups.
  • You shall place the vpper or best end of your house, as namely, where your dining Parlor and cheifest roomes are, which euer would haue their prospect into your garden, to the South, that your buttery, kitching and other inferiour offices may stand to the North, coldnesse bringing vnto them a manifold benefit. The English Husbandman The First Part: Contayning the Knowledge of the true Nature of euery Soyle within this Kingdome: how to Plow it; and the manner of the Plough, and other Instruments
  • Sound is used inventively, in manifold relationships to image, to suggest an active interplay between the conscious and unconscious.
  • Both plastic fuel tanks and plastic intake manifolds have experienced significant gains since 1995.
  • The reasons for the resurgence of popular tango are manifold and it is not only the popularity of glitzy shows that has brought it about.
  • You need a piston, a manifold, then you need an engine block, a carburetor, a distributer, this that and the other thing.
  • manifold intelligence
  • My primary interest in geometry is for the light it sheds on the topology of manifolds.
  • And just as a cutting from the vine planted in the ground fructifies in its season, or as a corn of wheat falling into the earth and becoming decomposed, rises with manifold increase by the ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • One of the most important branches of mathematics is the study of objects known as manifolds, which result from generalizing these ideas to three or more dimensions.
  • Lulled by a steady inflation rate—a product of cheap Chinese goods and floods of Eastern European migrant labor—Mr. King's BOE glibly ignored manifold warning signs. Dangerous German Export Machine Needs Reverse Gear
  • The source of the leak will be above the exhaust manifold. Times, Sunday Times
  • And there isn't a single sandwich in the inlet manifold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, when I opened this letter, I found it written a little more carefully, but still, written, not printed, or typewritten, or manifolded, or lithographed, or anything else of that kind. On Nothing and Kindred Subjects
  • The world of the book is the percolation into articulate consciousness, into graphemes and syntax, of the manifold silences, the teeming capillary life of nature.
  • General rules they can lay down, as poets can the elements of their own trade; but these rules are at the command of the veriest daub or rhymester; the manifold development of them to results almost divine remaining, even to those who achieve it in either walk, evasive and untraceable. Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, August, 1878
  • Already the world had shown Polly manifold discourtesies, and her brother often had to cart her home on his trolley. Here Comes Another Lesson
  • The first modular manifold receives each of the high purity fluid streams at a corresponding porting aperture.
  • The manifold effects of disulfonic stilbene derivatives and suramin on RyRs make these compounds potentially useful probes for elucidating the mechanisms of RyR function.
  • I crawled underneath the car and, using fencing wire, reattached the exhaust manifold.
  • Lord Grey had lost his temper: but Raleigh kept his, and answered quietly — “Her majesty shall at least not find me among the number of those who prefer her favor to her safety, and abuse to their own profit that over-tenderness and mercifulness of heart which is the only blemish (and yet, rather like a mole on a fair cheek, but a new beauty) in her manifold perfections.” Westward Ho!
  • Now there is a compelling formulation of the principle of Anglican comprehensiveness - ‘manifold and yet harmonious dissimilitude’!
  • The resulting surface is a two-manifold called a torus.
  • Work in your communities, offering your manifold skills to groups that need them.
  • It is to be looked on as a great issue of the wisdom, goodness, and love of God, that by manifold ways and means he is pleased to restrain the sons of men from running forth into that compass of excess and riot which the depravedness of their nature would carry them out unto with violence. Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
  • The third and most unusual of his talents is an eye for the lustre among the manifold drudgeries of research. Times, Sunday Times
  • This book is a classic in the study of the geometric topology of 3-manifolds.
  • The passage-way from the mixing chamber to the intake manifold is controlled by a butterfly valve which is called the throttle-valve and is connected to the throttle-lever on the steering wheel as well as to the foot accelerator, its position determining the amount of gas and air or mixture being fed the engine. Marvel Carbureter and Heat Control As Used on Series 691 Nash Sixes Booklet S
  • Granted, I don't know an intake manifold from a fuel injector, but I bought into their portrayal.
  • The Declaration invokes God in manifold capacities including as Nature's God, as Creator who endows man with unalienable rights, as Supreme Judge of the World and as Author of Divine Providence.
  • Nor are the unions, with their manifold grievances, going to be placated by a couple of sentences.
  • The rectangular manifolds checked out, as she probed the divide that beautifully separated the two evenly, checking the wire housing and electrical connections.
  • We are now resolved to expiate each and every deplorable outrage committed against Thee; we are determined to make amends for the manifold offenses against Christian modesty in unbecoming dress and behavior, for all the foul seductions laid to ensnare the feet of the innocent, for the frequent violations of Sundays and holy days, and the shocking blasphemies uttered against Thee and Thy saints. Feast of the Sacred Heart
  • Perhaps they’re Hodge numbers (i.e. topological data) telling us the correct manifold on which to compactify to get our four dimensional world with all the observed physics. Friday Random Ten: iPod Tells the Future of String Theory?
  • After her husband's premature death from a suspected brain haemorrhage Maria became one of her son's main props, helping him to cope with the manifold pressures of a revolutionary's life.
  • It contains the first proper definition of a differentiable manifold.
  • Equally definite and elaborate are the manifold restrictions on marriage, commensality, occupation, food, ceremonial observances and personal conduct which affect the mutual relations not only between the different castes but also between the innumerable sub-castes into which the higher castes especially have in turns split up. Indian Unrest
  • We are implementing a new turbocharger and exhaust manifold as well as other components of the anti-lag system.
  • Brookfield was therefore without pretensions -- it could hardly be called 'a place '-- but, manifolded in dreams past and present, it extended indefinitely before Alice's eyes, and, absorbed by the sad sweetness of retrospection, she lingered while Olive ran through the rosary from the stables and back again, calling to her sister, making the sunlight ring with her light laughter. Muslin
  • And a unique glass-reinforced-nylon manifold is molded in halves, joined together by ultrasonic welding, then cloaked with a form-fitting foam noise attenuator.
  • Of special interest to topologists are manifolds, which means ‘having multiple features or forms’.
  • Public Library, the librarian makes a list of desiderata, has it manifolded, and sends a copy to each of the thirteen members of the Board of directors. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • Calculation of the curvature of the center manifold shows that this periodic solution is an attractor.
  • Telling indications of the power of a free press were also manifold during this period.
  • The Moslem's "Wa'lláhi" must not be rendered "By God," a verbal translation and an absolute nonequivalent; the terms Jehovah, Allah and God and the use of them involving manifold fine distinctions. Arabian nights. English
  • A kin slayer and fugitive, Tyrion assumes manifold roles in "Dragons": mummer, soldier, paymaster, slave, river rat and captive.
  • Air was supplied to each inlet via a manifold connected to a 500 mL charcoal filter and continuous duty diaphragm air compressor.
  • Fourthly, because they be put to their husbands; and this excellence that virginity had as to the respect of the accouplement of marriage appeareth by manifold comparation. The Golden Legend, vol. 6
  • In such a manner we acquire manifold, thorough, and even useful knowledge about how philosophy has been presented in the course of history.
  • We shall need to learn how to appreciate anew that ‘manifold and yet harmonious dissimilitude’ that characterizes the people of God on earth.
  • The manifold deficiencies were expected and easily borne.
  • She makes a creditable effort at interpreting the manifest and manifold mysteries of her subject's motivations.
  • Fault Description ( reason ): High voltage detected at intake manifold pressure sensor signal pin.
  • He represented subspaces of a space by coordinates leading to point mapping of an algebraic manifold now called the Grassmannian.
  • The bolts are torqued in a special sequence to draw the intake manifold and its molded rubber gasket on to the cylinder head.
  • The implications of this essay, when read in conjunction with the earlier historic and ethnographic chapters, are manifold, and indicate fertile ground for further ethnohistorical investigation.
  • There is nothing in its character, its manifold wrongs, its wretched results, and especially its influence on the class who claim to be 'ennobled' by Struggles for Freedom; or The Life of James Watkins, Formerly a Slave in Maryland, U. S.; in Which is Detailed a Graphic Account of His Extraordinary Escape from Slavery, Notices of the Fugitive Slave Law, the Sentiments of American Divines on the Subject
  • The titles thus manifolded could be combined into volumes, by cutting away all superfluous margins and mounting the thin title-slips alphabetically on paper of uniform size, which, when bound, would be readily handled. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • The Universe is one organic whole, no matter how diverse and widely differing its manifold aspects may seem to be.
  • I caught the newsreader saying, ‘We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness’.
  • In many engines, the thermostat is located in a well in the intake or exhaust - manifold.
  • The processes of promotion give a song repeat hearing; the processes of covering augment the repetitions manifold by its own variants.
  • The manifold forms of nature fascinated Klee and inspired him to help himself like from a construction kit and compose his own, imaginary landscapes.
  • The reasons are manifold but the main ones are poverty and a distinct lack of commitment by governments to ensure that no child is deprived of quality education.
  • The remaining lump now consisted of the crankcase, blacks, heads, inlet manifolds and fuel trunk.
  • The Osmia's larvæ, in fact, contrive to enclose themselves in an egg-shaped cocoon, dark brown in colour and very strong, which preserves them both from the rough contact of their shapeless cells and from the mandibles of voracious parasites, Acari, [5] Cleri [6] and Anthreni, [7] those manifold enemies whom we find prowling in the galleries, seeking whom they may devour. The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
  • However, the manifold blunders and petty jealousies of this official are now producing such grievous results that his downfall is almost certain, and if his removal in disgrace from a position which he has proved himself totally unfit for be considered a satisfaction to those he has injured, why then I, among others, am morally assured of that amount of vengeance, at least. The Civil War In America
  • The brane is a distinguished sub-manifold (the skin) in the higher-dimensional space. Science and Unobservable Things
  • To the great benefit of Kozloff's criticism, he does not eliminate the manifold ways of discussing photographs nor overly narrow his concerns.
  • Marber may or may not be a poker player, but he understands that the competitiveness and stoicism of the card table opens up manifold opportunities for exploring the male psyche.
  • Her manifold legs danced swiftly, all angles and jabs; chitin claws embraced, for brief moments, dry and cracking branches; her bulbous body swayed slowly in counterpoint. DREAMING LIES TO CHANGE THE TRUTH • by Kaolin Fire
  • The feat was achieved by moving the catalytic converters closer to the exhaust manifold, allowing quicker warm-up times, and improved recirculation of exhaust gas to ensure more complete combustion.
  • Vectra believed that God has compactified 6 of the dimensions into a Calabi-Yau manifold, forcing the exponential inflationary expansion of the other 4, and the creation of the world we see around us. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Juvenal derided the idea of married eunuchs and yet almost all of these neutrals have wives with whom they practise the manifold plaisirs de la petite oie (masturbation, tribadism, irrumation, tete-beche, feuille-de-rose, etc.), till they induce the venereal orgasm. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Of the plenteous perks of publishing a birding blog, and rest assured, they are manifold, one of the best has to be the free stuff.
  • Page 48 the LAND, and the Rights and Privileges of the subject, by which great and manifold mischiefs and inconveniences have arisen and happened, and much incertainty, by means of such proceedings, hath been conceived concerning men's rights and estates; for settling whereof and Preventing the like in time to come, Journal of the Senate at an Extra Session of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, Convened Under the Proclamation of the Governor, March 10th, 1864.
  • Back of these in turn are folding blinds; then long, close curtains of muslin; then, finally, thick, manifolding, shrouding draperies of some airproof woolen stuff. Europe Revised
  • I wish there was some way to make these felonious corporate entities accountable for their manifold crimes against us and the environment.
  • This submanifold is called the brane (as in membrane). Identifying Dark Matter
  • If anything, this should motivate those of us who can see the manifold difficulties with the current multicultural ideology to critique it with even greater vigour and clear thought and to refuse to be silenced.
  • Noted Dr. F. B. Kane, of San Francisco: “Very many times my attention has been drawn professionally to the injury caused by the long hours of standing required of the saleswomen in this city, the one position most calculated to cause the manifold diseases peculiar to their sex, and direfully does Nature punish the disobedience of her laws.” Origins
  • The problems with upgrading from normal pedals to something jazzier are manifold and blindingly technical. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such breakthroughs could lead to manifold benefits.
  • And the exhaust manifold is water-cooled as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further, the faultiness of speaking of the supreme being as having the property of being in any place whatsoever is manifold, because it would be strange to speak of anything whatsoever existing beyond the presence of the sacred being.
  • The advantages of studying films for understanding cultures are manifold, even if the portrayals are stereotyped.
  • In other words, the idea that physical principles are those we think of in terms of a Cartesian manifold, is a fallacy.
  • My dealer found oil on the exhaust manifold but could not identify a leak. Times, Sunday Times
  • The valve was seating badly and again the mixture ignited in the exhaust manifold and gushed flame. Bomber
  • In this paper we constructed all positive genus incompressible surfaces with boundary in boundary reducible 3 - manifolds.
  • The spiritual power and manifoldness and largeness which is the most informing quality of a really cultivated man comes from a certain refinement in him, a gift of knowing by tasting. The Lost Art of Reading
  • more importantly, Weber held that the manifold meaning attached to the event by the social scientist could alter his definition of the concrete event itself
  • There was, of course, the drawback of its decaying monarchy with its manifold lunacies which her father had so adhered to. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • And it has done almost nothing to demonstrate the manifold benefits to Britain from immigration, even in its current, not especially well organised form.
  • The engine's electronic throttle control is designed to increase manifold pressure to maintain engine torque.
  • The resulting pump system features stainless steel columns and pipes, and the discharge manifold, pump head and internal fusion are bonded with epoxy.
  • Karpov has played this sequence many times before and should have been fully conversant with its manifold nuances.
  • The oil pan, exhaust manifolds and transmission housing have been reinforced with ribs for added strength.
  • An Irish History of Civilization reads like a sotto voce commentary on all Akenson's manifold interests, spun into a series of aperçus, short stories, reflections, mini-biographies and explosive jokes.
  • an original and two manifolds
  • These 4D event horizon surfaces form as a result of the fact that the very existence of energy densities prohibits their existence - or that of space/time at a certain place in scale, and that these scale/anergy density relationships vary with great complexity, depending on the mass of the energy denisties and how, and from what place within the manifold they are observed. Incompatible Arrows, IV: F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • The rules require all cylinder blocks, heads and intake manifolds to have factory part numbers.
  • In the early 1980s, the discovery of some pieces of zircalloy in a moderator pump in MAPS Unit - 1 was traced to the problem of substantial cracking of the reactor inlet manifold.
  • Variable as the shade, by the light quivering aspen made"; but variable as the _light_, manifold in fair and serene division, that it may take the color of all that it falls upon, and exalt it. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • The best thing about a check jacket is that you can wear it in manifold ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where I differ from Einstein is that he conceives this quantity which I call the impetus as merely expressing the characters of the space and time to be adopted and thus ends by talking of the gravitational field expressing a curvature in the space-time manifold. The Concept of Nature The Tarner Lectures Delivered in Trinity College, November 1919
  • The engine-component and cylinder-head moratorium includes, but is not limited to, engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, fuel injectors, and superchargers.
  • Fault Description ( reason ): High voltage detected at intake manifold pressure sensor signal pin.
  • We specialize in making plastic air intake manifold . Welcome contact me for more information!
  • The original intake and exhaust layout has been reversed and equipped with a long-branched 4-1 stainless exhaust manifold to improve flow and increase power and torque.
  • A familiar Riemannian manifold is a Euclidean manifold (where one has to add a smoothly varying inner product on the tangent space of the standard Euclidean space), with the familiar Euclidean (distance) metric (our 3-space, for example). Bad Language: Metric vs Metric Tensor vs Matrix Form vs Line Element
  • Manifolds: valve operation, safety, minimum pressure switch, pressure regulator and gas filter.
  • Nor is the metaphor necessary to provide the name for the principle, since it has been given other designations, such as “esemplastic” or “coadunative unity” by Cole - ridge, an “intensive manifold” by T.E. Hulme, or a ORGANICISM
  • This address can take several forms, in keeping with the manifold diversity of writings that constitute the Bible.
  • The printhead assembly includes an elongate manifold that defines a plurality of ink passages and is dimensioned to span a print area.

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