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How To Use Manifestation In A Sentence

  • Iron is absorbed in the proximal small intestine, where celiac manifestations are most prominent; hence, iron malabsorption is common.
  • One of them is the capacity of drinkers to adsorb liqueur without slurring or otherwise noticeably displaying physical manifestations of enjoying alcoholic beverages. What was Althouse drinking?
  • The publication of Quantum Leaps is not a fluke; rather it is an exceptionally clear manifestation of the taint, stigma, and taboo surrounding the paranormal.
  • When we glance over the history of flagellation and realize that, though whipping as a punishment has been very widespread and common, there have been periods and lands showing no clear knowledge of any sexual association of whipping, it becomes clear that whipping is not necessarily an algolagnic manifestation. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • Of course it is circular in the sense that, based on my proffered definition, since intelligence ultimately permeates all aspects of being, what we call sentient beings (life forms) are simply different manifestations of intelligence playing with itself, or as one old text puts it in the title: 'You are the Eyes of the Universe.' Telic Thoughts
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  • And this means that the theories of universally acting psychical repression, of the unconscious, of the endopsychic censor, of the significance of resistance and amnesia, of the employment of highly complicated and phantastic symbolism, of the manifestations of sexuality and so forth have been made use of in a high-handed, uncalled for, unnecessary and unscientific manner to prove the truth of the thesis with which the author set out upon his journey. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • If we condemn Ahmadinejad and other patrons of terrorism, we must, with equal force, commend those Muslim intellectuals and religious leaders who have the courage to speak out publicly against the continued fomentation of Holocaust denial and other manifestations of Judaeophobia in their midst. Menachem Rosensaft: Finding Common Ground
  • Her chasteness was somehow the outward proof, the external manifestation, of a potential for sexual abandon all the more alluring for being hidden, invisible.
  • Dr. Denture preaches that the body and its engine, the brain, are the physical manifestations of all of our flaws, psychic, spiritual, and dermatological. Anhedonia (excerpt)
  • Yet the realist vision shifts to the phantasmagoric, as spectator and spectacle undergo carnivalesque reversals and interpenetration, in their darkest and most violent manifestations.
  • Among the most common manifestations of previous torture are panic attacks, insomnia and claustrophobia.
  • She claimed that the rise in unemployment was just a further manifestation of the government's incompetence.
  • O greatly fortunate Vidura, this external energy is known as maya or illusion, and through her agency only is the entire material manifestation made possible. Vedic creationists in the U.S. - The Panda's Thumb
  • The two major clinical manifestations include permanent congenital heart block and transient skin lesions.
  • Current areas of investigation include neurohumoral, cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating airway contractility, airway smooth muscle growth and cell surface receptor expression; regulation of postnatal development and growth of the lung; developmental effects of pulmonary inflammation and oxidative lung injury on airway and pulmonary vascular reactivity; biochemical and molecular regulation of membrane ion channels in cystic fibrosis; maturational changes in chest wall and airway function; pulmonary manifestations of sickle cell disease; the physiological basis of ventilator dependence in children with chronic respiratory insufficiency; and developmental aspects of respiratory mechanics and ventilatory control. Fellowship Program in Pulmonary Medicine
  • As this column demonstrated last week, this polarisation is extreme and has clear-cut economic, cultural and political manifestations.
  • what seemed to be paranormal manifestations
  • The subject developed, firstly, the typical gleet of gonorrhoea, then went on to produce a chancre and then the manifestations of secondary syphilis.
  • Ferris's essay, since the "failure" he notes here seems to be the opposite of the aesthetic's "failure" to conceal its violence that he was discussing earlier: here the law cannot come to representation, whereas earlier, the violence of the aesthetic had to come to representation (or more precisely, to recognition; but even the recognition of a non-representation demands a certain manifestation of this non-representability). Response: Reading the Aesthetic, Reading Romanticism
  • Manners are made up of trivialities of deportment which can be easily learned if one does not happen to know them; manner is personality - the outward manifestation of one's innate character and attitude toward life.
  • The proliferation of narrowly based mutual aid societies and festas (feste, or feast days) honoring local patron saints were manifestations of these tendencies.
  • Where some saw self-aggrandizement, others saw the sartorial manifestation of a wry sense of humor.
  • The manifestations of SIRS include fever, hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, tachycardia, and tachypnea.
  • Does a religious objection to duty amount to a belief, and does an unwillingness by a volunteer to respond to recall amount to a manifestation of that belief?
  • Stuttering can be a rare early manifestation in Japanese B encephalitis.
  • Clinical manifestations of overdose include agitation, hallucinations, psychosis, lethargy, seizures, tachycardia, dysrhythmia, hypertension, and hyperthermia.
  • On y voit plus d’expression religieuse, mais cela ne veut pas dire que les gens sont plus spirituels que chez nous, où la religion est une affaire privée et souvent avec peu de manifestations extérieures. 2006 November — Climb to the Stars
  • Methods Analysis of 36 cases of acute epiglottitis cases, research its causes, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment.
  • Bruising, petechiae, epistaxis, bleeding gums, excessive menses, retinal hemorrhages, intestinal bleeding, and rarely cerebral hemorrhage may occur as manifestations of the thrombocytopenia.
  • Selection of the finest cow leather, fine process of finished product, simple fashion design, a new manifestation of modern life style of leisure.
  • Les autorités iraniennes ont interdit hier aux journalistes des médias étrangers de quitter leurs bureaux pour couvrir les manifestations de protestation dans les rues de Téhéran. From the dept of 'oh snap'
  • I may say that in the physical aspect of tics we have a specific somatic manifestation which, if explained, should, in a way, be the gateway toward the understanding of the many somatic symptoms which we find in the psychoneuroses and psychoses. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • One only has to witness the apparition, the manifestation.
  • It can be viewed as yet another manifestation of the awkwardness, or cussedness, of organisms.
  • They organize the missions not as a purposeless manifestation of despair but to attain a certain political aim.
  • Immediate clinical manifestations of acute lung injury include pneumothorax, pulmonary oedema, and air embolism.
  • The most obvious manifestation of this is the development of wood, or secondary xylem, from the vascular cambium.
  • These references to Niagara Falls as a manifestation of the Divine would become even more frequent as the century advanced.
  • Sabbatarianism, with the Lord's Day Alliance, a Canadian invention, in the van; then the gradual tightening of the laws against sexual irregularity, with the unenforceable New York Adultery Act as a typical product; and lastly, the general ploughing up and emotional discussion of sexual matters, with compulsory instruction in "sex hygiene" as its mildest manifestation and the mediaeval fury of the vice crusade as its worst. A Book of Prefaces
  • Shaftesbury's formulation of sentimentality as either a manifestation of latitudinarianism or deism, both vaguely secularized systems of advancing self-sufficient virtue as the means by which manners dominated and controlled behavior in the public realm. Talking About Virtue: Paisiello's 'Nina,' Paër's 'Agnese,' and the Sentimental Ethos
  • This conception of truth reflected more on the essence rather than the material manifestation of truth.
  • Its typical ocular manifestations are recognised by a variety of clinical features including pain, gritty eyes, photophobia, chemosis, diplopia, and exophthalmos.
  • Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .
  • And we should oppose terrorism, separatism and extremism in all manifestations and deepen international security cooperation.
  • On love, in all its many manifestations, few other poets have written so tenderly and so variously about the subject.
  • Such a machine synchronizes thousands upon thousands of cast dice in order to orchestrate the manifestation, if not the disappearance, of their “broken sentences,” each word extracted from a grammatical series of coherent points and then implanted into a statistical series of isolated events. Poetic Machines 06 : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • This is fairly common, is seen almost exclusively in women over middle age, and is usually a manifestation of lichen planus or mucous membrane pemphigoid.
  • One manifestation of this was the hypothesized existence of orgone which, as Wiki says, entailed: ... an extrapolation of the Freudian concept of libido as a physical, bioenergetic force, developed by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the late 1930s, who generalized and abstracted it far beyond Freud's semi-metaphoric use. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Future developments are likely to modify the clinical manifestations, treatments, and prognostic factors of critical illness in patients with HIV infection.
  • She says the whole event was a manifestation of some new kind of consciousness.
  • Whilst the picaresque is certainly an excellent example of episodic narrative, it isn’t its only manifestation. What’s The Fuss About Episodic Fiction? « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Thus, one manifestation of the lack of differentiation of self is emotional reactivity.
  • The church is the site of a number of supernatural manifestations.
  • Atypical manifestations are common: vesicles may not form, and HSV infection may be misdiagnosed as another disease.
  • Rehabilitation is another manifestation of positivism which was under general attack at this time.
  • Specifically, in both Gallup and Newport's and Ross and Joshi's studies, ‘contact with ghosts’ was reported more frequently than physical manifestations associated with poltergeists.
  • One of the most obvious manifestations of muscle mass loss is the decreased ability to produce force.
  • Confused with the orders of Judge Vianzon, respondents filed a manifestation seeking clarification whether the judge had recalled his earlier order of inhibition.
  • Some manifestation of your concern would have been appreciated.
  • They seem to be giant physical manifestations of a kind of extravagance, or excessiveness, a breaking out of boundaries, form, and structure.
  • Thus, it seems most reasonable to PostPone drug therapy of primary hyperuricemia until clinical manifestations occur.
  • Her normal shape of manifestation was that of a slender, short woman with snowy hair cut quite short in a page-boy bob and an ageless, lovely face.
  • These references to Niagara Falls as a manifestation of the Divine would become even more frequent as the century advanced.
  • E-petitions are the latest manifestation of slacktivism, the search for the ultimate feel-good that derives from having come to society's rescue without having had to actually get one's hands dirty or open one's wallet.
  • Many students overlook the fact that self-destructive behaviors such as overindulgence in alcohol or caffeine, drug abuse, and ignoring signs of fatigue are manifestations of self-violence. American Yoga Association Beginner’s Manual Fully Revised and Updated
  • Sonia is a freak, and a picture of Sonia whose face bears the manifestations of the congenital syndrome that afflicts her oblique palpebral fissures, I have learned they are called, epicanthal folds, and a mouth that is disproportionately small will serve as a constant reminder to Dad that he created for the second time in his life a child with physical and mental imperfections. A Traitor to Memory
  • Nirvana is the realm of Dharmata-Buddha; it is where the manifestation of Noble Wisdom that is Buddhahood expresses itself in Perfect Love for all; it is where the manifestation of Perfect Love that is Tathagatahood expresses itself in Noble Wisdom for the enlightenment of all; – there, indeed, is Nirvana! Think Progress » Right-Wing Fringe Rebels Against Palin Over Her Endorsement Of ‘RINO’ McCain
  • Freud outlined his theory of infantile sexuality and the development of various manifestations of eroticism around different erotogenic zones of the body.
  • The so-called seabed mining provisions were simply one manifestation of the problems Ronald Reagan had with LOST. Reagan and the Law of the Sea
  • Vulgar constructionism thus distorts the possibilities for meaningful identity politics by conflating at least two separate but closely linked manifestations of power.
  • As a manifestation of petty selfishness and greed such meanness is hard to credit.
  • Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation .
  • Long beard is the man, a manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • # -- _Secondary syphilitic_ manifestations in the form of congestion of the mucous membrane, mucous patches, or condylomata, are occasionally met with, and give rise to a huskiness of the voice. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Schleiermacher conceives of religion as pre-existing particular historical manifestations which are grounded in the fundamental unity of religion, an apriori condition.
  • Hence, for the most apparent, the most clearly defined, and the best understood foundation for a nosological scheme for insanity, we are forced to fall back upon the symptomatology of the disease—the apparent mental condition, as judged from the outward manifestations. The Mad Among Us
  • As I have often noted of recent, the project of giving consideration to why certain manifestations of the sacred arts and architecture are particular edifying is an important exercise, especially for those of you in a position to commission these things, or who might be in the future. A Look at the Architectural Work of Ethan Anthony and HDB/Cram and Ferguson
  • To this end, a theory construes those phenomena as manifestations of entities and processes that lie behind or beneath them, as it were.
  • Long beard is the man, a manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • It seemed the whole city was en fate as rival supporters with all manner of blue-and-white manifestations chaffed one another good-humoredly and cheered loudly.
  • He abominated such manifestations of the debasement of the modern age as cars, wireless sets and refrigerators; cherished the past; feared the future; and found in the societies he investigated a way of life and a moral attitude that seemed infinitely more important than anything on offer in the "civilized" West. Drawn to Harsh Places
  • Indeed, the contrary seemed to Proudhon to be something of a law of nature: his antinomies were the constant manifestation of counter-principles and counter-necessities, manifestations even of a species of that "immanent justice" which became one of Proudhon's guiding principles (along with individual sovereignty and federalism.) In the Libertarian Labyrinth
  • The acknowledging of this truth has a respect not only to the manifestation of his justice, but also of the wisdom, holiness, and dominion of God over his creatures: for that justice which, in respect of its effect and egress, we call vindicatory, which, as we have before demonstrated, is natural to A Dissertation on Divine Justice
  • What makes this hypothetical unusual and unrealistic is the unambiguously objective manifestation of intent in the advertisement.
  • Choose cats, and cheese in all its manifestations vanishes forever with only orange powdery smudges to mark its passing; choose cheese, and cats all over the word vaporize with an adorable, furry pop. 2007 January 16 « Whatever
  • The clinical manifestations of neurosyphilis include seizures, ataxia, aphasia, paresis, hyperreflexia, personality and cognitive changes, visual changes, hearing loss, neuropathy, and loss of bowel and bladder functions.
  • Snoopiness, gossip, toying with the occult, reluctance to do what is good, forgetfulness of God's will, factionalism, and many other failings are as much manifestations of concupiscence as disordered sexual impulses.
  • It touched me deeply to find such a teeming manifestation of indigenous life in a landscape so mercilessly overdeveloped.
  • This is certainly one of the better manifestations of interfaith efforts, it's nice to see Pagans included in the dedication, moving away from the idea that the earth can only be hallowed by a certain faith (or that the earth needs "hallowing" at all). UUpdates - All updates
  • This is to say, you will learn to intuit the same symbols that you would otherwise need to see laid out in front of you in a physical manifestation.
  • Therefore, the reality of prophethood, which is the Word of God and the perfect state of manifestation, did not have any beginning and will not have any end; its rising is different from all others and is like that of the sun. Some Answered Questions
  • This artifice, a manifestation of the diabolic nature of its author, had too much of the success intended by it, for, although the Governor managed to disculpate himself in the eyes of the more candid-minded Iroquois leaders, yet there were great numbers of the people who could not be disabused, as is usual in such cases, even among civilized races. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 12
  • Invoking and glorifying Him, praising and thanking Him and kneeling and prostrating before Him are the practical manifestations of worship.
  • From a Christian point of view the Incarnation crowns the Old Testament manifestations of God's love.
  • Objective To explore the manifestation of cyst of ischial tuberosity on CT scan and its diagnostic value.
  • Pondering the nature of addiction, which he's flirted with and which now has Midge firmly in its icy grip, seeing its rather unaesthetic manifestation before him, he writes about tobacco, a product that "never improves, causes illness, and makes people unhappy. William Bradley: Mad Men : Nothing Like a Little Lemonade to Rinse the Smoke From One's Eyes
  • Besides this diplomatical dignitary and his wife, we had two American gentlemen of more than average intelligence, who related wonderful things of the 'spiritual manifestations' (so called), incontestable things, inexplicable things. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Is the train of tragic events that follows a manifestation of its destructive nature?
  • In all its myriad manifestations, the language of anti-Semitism through the ages is a dictionary of non-sequiturs and antonyms, a thesaurus of illogic and inconsistency.
  • The contact with that unconscious process, either by transference or other manifestations, may be the most important lesson in psychodynamic supervision.
  • According to Malek, the cat was regarded strictly as a manifestation of a deity, not a deity itself.
  • We present a female patient wills clinical manifestation of pituitary tumor but visual field reveals homonymous hemianopsia.
  • The manifestation included: conflict interaction; harmony interaction; interfusion interaction; conformity interaction.
  • Courtesy is the formal manifestation of the spirit of respect.
  • So strange, so inexplicable a phenomenon, attested by eye-witnesses, corroborated by men of recognized standing, and acknowledged by government as well as unofficial historians among the people who had sworn undying hostility to the Bábí Faith, may be truly regarded as the most marvelous manifestation of the unique potentialities with which a Dispensation promised by all the Dispensations of the past had been endowed. Rothwell Polk: Baha'is Commemorate The Martyrdom Of The Bab
  • From prescription, in the case of hypaethral edifices, open to the sky, in honour of Jupiter Lightning, the Heaven, the Sun, or the Moon: for these are gods whose semblances and manifestations we behold before our very eyes in the sky when it is cloudless and bright. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Todorov finds a variety of different manifestations of the absent essence in James's stories.
  • All manifestations of their indigenous cultures were outlawed.
  • For him, sculpture and drawing are the different manifestations of the same thought process.
  • This policy applied to Abd al-Rahman's personal and Durrani state property, and the actions of the Jamrud darogha in response to the new variables in the trans-border sugar trade were manifestations of a more encompassing colonial policy. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • The worst manifestation is when the whole ordeal gets used to demonstrate how God made used the whole ordeal to make the survivor a stronger person! Your Right Hand Thief
  • Self-harm is a regressed behaviour; a preverbal manifestation of distress. Times, Sunday Times
  • The importance of William of Norwich to his aunt Liviva is made apparent in corporeal manifestations of the pain she feels: "A cold shiver invaded her innermost marrow, her face grew pale, her mind fled along with her blood, and as if dead she fell from the hands of the bystanders to the ground. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • It means fighting against sexism and its manifestations in areas such as people's attitudes and opinions, advertising and the law, to name a few.
  • One of the most impressive manifestations of salt diapirism is where diapirs emerge at the present surface as a glacier of pure salt, moving at rates of between ten and one hundred metres per thousand years.
  • This is a strong acknowledgement of the importance of performed or perceived gender as opposed to the physical manifestation.
  • That physical manifestation of the Skill-magic had gleamed like quicksilver. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • To be aggressive in behaviour, arrogant in manners and harsh in language is a manifestation of savagery.
  • The lection is comprised of Tara prayers with 21 manifestations.
  • The manifestations of spirits, the katsinas, are of supreme importance to the Hopi.
  • The name Manchu perhaps contributed to this belief.] [Footnote 52: It is described as a Svayambhû or spontaneous manifestation of the Âdi-Buddha.] [Footnote 53: Sanskrit, Maitreya; Pali, Metteyya; Chinese, Mi-li; Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
  • To cope with Monarchist manifestations and pogromist movements, it is indispensable to take immediate measures to suppress these movements, and for this purpose to create at Petrograd a Committee of Public Safety, composed of representatives of the Municipality and the organs of the revolutionary democracy, acting in contact with the Provisional Government…. Chapter 3. On the Eve
  • The most common symptomatic manifestation is a nonspecific febrile illness, with or without a rash, often accompanied by upper respiratory tract symptoms.
  • The way that speculation is discussed has generated a substantial literature in applied language study, with two important manifestations.
  • The prevalence rate of neuropathy among subjects with chloracne was almost 3 times greater than among those absent this manifestation.
  • Vishnu the preserver, under the name Hari, or either of Vishnu's chief incarnations, Ram or Krishna, is the usual manifestation of bhakti. New Ideas in India During the Nineteenth Century A Study of Social, Political, and Religious Developments
  • You will accompany me as we backtrack through art's history, before circuiting the globe in pursuit of art's diverse manifestations.
  • In the second instance it is problematic because what is often thought of as "post-conciliar" in manifestation was extant and growing in influence well before that period. Continuity, Beauty and Dignity within the Liturgical Arts and their Development
  • Condylomata represent a focal manifestation of a diffuse infection and occur in only a minority of those infected with HPV.
  • Here -- and more especially in the study of those spontaneous solitary manifestations which I call auto-erotic -- I have attempted to clear the ground, and to indicate the main lines along which the progress of our knowledge in these fields may best be attained. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • The recent success in agritourism is a manifestation of that. Times, Sunday Times
  • In conclusion our results emphasize the key role of changes occurring in basal ganglia network implicated in the manifestation of EPS induced by a typical APD, demonstrating that hypokinesia and catalepsy-induced by α-flupentixol are clearly associated with hypoactivity and abnormal irregular patterns of STN and SNr neurons. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Distinctions can be made between reformist, unificatory, and secessionist types, between revolutionary and counterrevolutionary forms, between successive liberal and conservative variants, and between European and colonial manifestations of nationalism.
  • a manifestation of great emotion
  • Arthritis, carditis, chorea, and less frequently, subcutaneous nodules and erythema marginatum are major manifestations of RF. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • That he loved her, on the other hand, was as clear as day, and she consciously delighted in beholding his love-manifestations - the glowing eyes with their tender lights, the trembling hands, and the never failing swarthy flush that flooded darkly under his sunburn. Chapter 20
  • The holy land of Bharat is the birthplace of many incarnations and manifestations of divine power that descended on earth in human garb as nimit avatars and nitya avatars.
  • If they are animal masks of a god, my best guess is that they are theriomorphic manifestations rather than anthropomorphisations.
  • Conclusion The early manifestations of fulminant epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis are mainly severe infectious signs.
  • However ephemeral, they will find a way to alchemize their internalization of the event into a further manifestation, filtered through the particularity of individual consciousness.
  • Given that low saturation is more likely for pathways with a majority of endergonic steps, it is possible that in the endergonic case the manifestation of dominance is less dependent on selection.
  • The humanity of Christ provides the opportunity for the manifestation of the Trinity.
  • And he is scathing in his criticism of current manifestations of loyalist paramilitarism.
  • I say peaceably instead: `All priests have a duty to support the genuine manifestations of the Holy Spirit. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • This riot is only one manifestation of people's discontent.
  • Life is a battle and for every real conquest man has had to summate and focus all his energies, so that anger is the acme of the manifestation of Schopenhauer's will to live, achieve and excel. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Sometimes these emotions are expressed in passive-aggressive ways, sexual withdrawal being one manifestation.
  • We all recognise the behaviour of the typical arrse-licker, which is just one manifestation of this symptom. Army Rumour Service
  • Emanating radiant compassion toward all of her devotees, Ammachi is understood to be a manifestation of the Great Goddess on earth - a living Avatar.
  • Twentieth-century art, particularly in its abstract manifestations, provides many examples of such integration.
  • The eventuality of an image-commodity is therefore a political manifestation.
  • It is as if the word described the inner 'resource' of God, that which grounds and informs God's substantial, objective presence, a presence which is fleetingly uncovered in theophanies in the Hebrew Scriptures but whose full manifestation in the world awaits the last days. Addresses given to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Archbishop Michael Ramsey: I. Theology in the Face of Christ
  • He witnessed Saturday's manifestation and calls it a ‘circus’.
  • Nguyen's work is one manifestation of her longstanding love for rigorous and creative mathematical proofs.
  • The ability to replicate is essential for the manifestation of the diseases they cause. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1997 - Presentation Speech
  • Marriage, whatever its particular manifestation in a particular culture or epoch, is essentially about who may and who may not have sexual access to a woman when she becomes an adult, and is also about how her adulthood -- and sexual accessibility -- is defined. When You're Desperate
  • The display of exotic animals in zoos was a public manifestation of the industrialized nations' ability to dominate the world.
  • But the social forms that the manifestations of the tendency take are very various and both historically conditioned and culturally determined.
  • My reverend friend is wrong in supposing that I admit DESIGN, and yet refuse to admit the force of the _design argument_, "On the supposition, then, that _law and order_ are manifestations of _design_, the design argument might be valid and conclusive: but" _no conceivable order_ "could prove the existence of God; why? Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • Methods A retrospective review of 14 patients with intracranial tuberculoma was conducted including the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and surgical outcomes.
  • It is this experience of re-associating and reorganizing his own experiential life that eventuates in a cure, not the manifestation of responsive behavior, which can, at best, satisfy only the observer…
  • The behavior and clinical manifestations of infectious diseases also might be dictated by the same phenomenon.
  • Each manifold is the virtual manifestation of your own private paradise. REVIEW: Lady of Mazes by Karl Schroeder
  • Tunguska event"; fire and "depopulation" - "An ear-piercing" whistling "sound, which might be understood as being a manifestation of the electrophonic phenomena which have been discussed in WGN over the past few years; the sun appearing to be" blood-red "before the explosion. Signs of the Times
  • He called it a hobby while I called it a manifestation of an evil spirit.
  • In the ancient world the tree in particular, in all of its lush sensuality, was a primary manifestation of the erotic Goddess.
  • Methods:6 cases of PTU-induced ANCA-associated vasculitis were analyzed on clinical manifestation, laboratory and biopsy findings, therapy and prognosis.
  • Specific manifestations include papules, plaques, lupus pernio, scar sarcoidosis, and rare morphologies such as alopecia, ulcers, hypopigmented patches, and ichthyosis.
  • He'd expected a more palpable manifestation of the harm it brought. EVERVILLE
  • Methods:140 cases with complete clinical and X-ray data of acute thoracic trauma were included in this group, the main X-ray manifestations were analysed on the basis of etiopathology and pathology.
  • So, too, some of the alterations met with appear susceptible of no other explanations than that they are reversions to some pre-existing form, or, at any rate, that they are manifestations of a phase of the plant affected different from that which is habitual, and due, as it were, to a sort of allotropism. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • That is why the Indian media - in all their manifestations - remain alive and vibrant and full of surprises.
  • Rather than being in favor of the caste system, as this article states, Mr. Sarkar, in one of his books, called casteism "another manifestation of long standing selfish mentality" Ananda Marga's strong stand against the caste system provoked resentment from orthodox Hindu leaders who supported such outmoded distinctions. Ananda Marga Replies
  • What kind of experimentally verifiable physical manifestation would serve to prove or disprove either the existence of “goodness” or, if such was proved, the presence or absence of “goodness” in real-world situation? Lean Left » Blog Archive » I Do Not Believe In the Theory Of Evolution; I Do Not Believe in Global Warming
  • In the literary ghost story, at least in many of its classic manifestations, the ghost is all, and the deliberate arousal of fear is the story's primary purpose.
  • Meanwhile, government ministers faced calls for their resignation, and Yeltsin acted to ban the more blatant manifestations of opposition activity.
  • a manifestation of disease
  • Could it be a manifestation of an ancient family curse involving vampirism, or is something more earthly - yet equally sinister - at play?
  • By His birth in the flesh, that Sonship, which was essential and uncreated, merely effloresced into palpable manifestation. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • According to Irenaeus he claimed to have appeared in Samaria as the Father, in Judea as the Son, and among the heathen as the Holy Ghost, a manifestation of the Eternal.
  • With birth, your soul, higher being, superconscious or whatever you want to call it is incarnated into the physical manifestation that we call our body.
  • This is a wide swath -- the term covers everything from the most mild manifestations to the most severe. Too Old For This Shit
  • This is not just a manifestation of extraversion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clinical manifestations contain hemorrhage, refractory headache, and epilepsy etc, part of the patients show progressive hemiparalysis due to long-term intracephalic steal blood.
  • Its primary manifestation is that we no longer refer to our lack of rain as “an extended drought”, but rather “get used to it.” Matthew Yglesias » Baby, It’s Cold Outside
  • As his research in dropsy, coagulable urine, and diseased kidneys unfolded, Bright was struck by uremic manifestations, cardiac enlargement, a hard pulse (what would later be hypertension), and cerebral symptoms in his patients.
  • Their determination to scorn the dictates of the IMF and the World Bank and pursue their own strategies for economic and human development is a manifestation of a powerful wave of national self-assertion.
  • The patient often became severely ill from the general manifestations of infection - fever, rigors, and toxaemia - and was very likely to die when this occurred.
  • This paper elaborates the views of scholars, at home and abroad, on the marine cargo insurance interests of the concept and its manifestations.
  • If technology is the height of modernity, nuclear technology must be considered the zenith of that technology and its highest manifestation.
  • Leprosy is a complex mycobacterial disease whose manifestations and complications are determined by the immune response.
  • While this article will be of interest particularly to our traditionalist readers, I'd like to draw attention particularly to the various manifestations of popular lay devotion -- the procession with its sodality and society banners, the family atmosphere, the call to live our Faith through our common culture. "Make the Truth Lovable to Them through Beauty"
  • The external manifestations of pure and impure emotions may be the same.
  • This change has many obvious surface manifestations.
  • I was already convinced that DRM is a crazy notion, but I found it interesting the read about its disturbing manifestations in Google selleth then » the "right to read" and other digital copyright musings
  • If at times she was perplexingly cool, -- or "upstage," as he called it, -- he flattered himself that he knew women too well to be discouraged by these purely feminine manifestations. Quill's Window
  • Iron is absorbed in the proximal small intestine, where celiac manifestations are most prominent; hence, iron malabsorption is common.
  • When concatenated across multiple entities, the manifestation of such outlier risks may cause systemic failure. DK Matai: Are Black Swans Proliferating? You Decide!
  • A common manifestation of witchcraft attacks are witch familiars such as ghosts, demons, evil spirits and tokoloshes disturbing a house or attacking individuals.
  • In 1848 the Fox sisters produced the poltergeist manifestations that led to the spiritualist movement; even if they were frauds, that too is Neptunian.

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