How To Use Manifest destiny In A Sentence
This national identity had been created by the sensible spirit of business enterprise, linking the provinces like great beads on an iron railroad line, rather than by any evangelical preachment of a Manifest Destiny — manifest only to its Anglo perpetrators — that had hurled the agglutinated United States westwards and then outwards, across all the oceans, where its boy soldiers lost limbs and died.
'The Widows of Eastwick'
Because for students to learn about the many atrocities strewn along the path of Manifest Destiny would upset the national narrative of continual social progress, rugged individualism, and free enterprise.
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Despite the great successes and future promise of automated, commandable, unmanned spacecraft in providing vital human services and scientific advances, the President and Congress persist in giving primary emphasis to the misty-eyed concept that the manifest destiny of mankind is to live and work in space.
Van Allen's Wisdom
The doctrine of manifest destiny was distinct from the imperialist dynamic that flourished around the turn of the century.
Many even began to speak of this expansion as their nation's ‘Manifest Destiny’.
Benton was a standard bearer for what came to be called Manifest Destiny, the idea that the United States was justly fated to fill the continent.
It is the continuation of an abominable racist policy called Manifest Destiny carried forward.
Corpses in the Garden
Is that the end for what was once thought to be humanity's manifest destiny?
Times, Sunday Times
Regarding the aforementioned statement about our history with Native-Americans, the film is not so much anti-military, as it is anti-genocide, and anti-manifest destiny, making it thus anti-ethnocentrism and anti-overbearing theocentrism.
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One of these days, over the Taiwan Straits or Central Asia, we will learn that eternal air superiority is not guaranteed to the United States as some kind of codicil to Manifest Destiny.
Matthew Yglesias » Government for Sale
We see from conduct of later generations even after the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, the idea of Manifest Destiny continued among American leaders with continued slaughter of Indians and theft of their land. 321 treaties of peace by Indians with the US government were broken by the government.
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Similarly, black industrialist would have arisen to serve the black community, and the presence of these black billionaries would have fored the gods to factor them into positioning, excluding such Manifest Destiny abused such as AIDS in Africa, drive-by gangbanging and the crack epidemic.
Your Right Hand Thief
One of these days, over the Taiwan Straits or Central Asia, we will learn that eternal air superiority is not guaranteed to the United States as some kind of codicil to Manifest Destiny.
Matthew Yglesias » Government for Sale
These heroes have served culturally and historically to personify and embody Manifest Destiny, the best of America's imaginary frontier in the flesh.
Is that the end for what was once thought to be humanity's manifest destiny?
Times, Sunday Times
Esskay subscribed to the Manifest Destiny theory of sleeping space, and the headboard was her horizon.
In a Strange City
From that mission emerged the idea of Manifest Destiny -- American ideals should spread across the continent and around the globe.
Andrew Bacevich's "Washington Rules" and John Dower's "Cultures of War"
Is that the end for what was once thought to be humanity's manifest destiny?
Times, Sunday Times
Europe did not possess a manifest destiny to transform the politics of the rest of the world.
Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
The doctrine of manifest destiny was distinct from the imperialist dynamic that flourished around the turn of the century.
Of course, this is part of Coolidge's larger view of history, a view that may be termed "Augustinian," with elements of a devotion to "manifest destiny" in it.
Perhaps, like Manifest Destiny, it will continue to expand until the land runs out to the sea.
Gregory Unruh: Red Queen Sustainability
This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.
Is that the end for what was once thought to be humanity's manifest destiny?
Times, Sunday Times
In the 19th century Americans believed in manifest destiny, meaning that they thought God wanted them to occupy the whole continent.
Europe did not possess a manifest destiny to transform the politics of the rest of the world.
Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
Europe did not possess a manifest destiny to transform the politics of the rest of the world.
Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
In a weird duplication of manifest destiny, the white folks (plus assimilates without a culture of their own) are now going to educate, civilize, interbreed with, and take control of the indigenes.
Mind Meld Make-Up Test with Geoff Ryman
This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.
The plan was to carve out an existence in the new country based on the pure and simple logic of freedom... well, that and Manifest Destiny and its messy imperialistic annihilation of the Native People but that's another article.
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The term Manifest Destiny is a code to identify the idea that God himself has given ample manifestation of his wish that the people, government and corporations of the United States have a special role to play in realizing the hegemonic destiny of Western civilization.
The Lies and Crimes of 911: A Canadian View of the War on Terror's Origins
This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.
The idea of American exceptionalism was expressed domestically in the doctrine of manifest destiny.
The doctrine of manifest destiny was distinct from the imperialist dynamic that flourished around the turn of the century.
The term Manifest Destiny ceased to be used in a political context in the early 20th century.
T r u t h o u t
Europe did not possess a manifest destiny to transform the politics of the rest of the world.
Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
Europe did not possess a manifest destiny to transform the politics of the rest of the world.
Ambassadors: From Ancient Greece to the Nation State
Is that the end for what was once thought to be humanity's manifest destiny?
Times, Sunday Times