How To Use Manichean In A Sentence
But couvade, as I attempt to untangle its relation to colonialism in this essay, is a strategy re-invented for the purposes of reconciliation in narratives of Manichean allegory.
This brought about by a Republican President with a chiliastic world view aided by the Neocon Manicheanism.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
In this last particular, the tendency of the Fourieristic morality is quite Manichean.
What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government.
When the germs of the Manichean heresy sought to find a lodgement in the healthy body of Christendom, the reaction of that healthy body was the great Dominican tradition of learning.
The clean contrasts of the Manichean universe are what we respond to: good versus evil.
No Shelleyan syncretist, Heber was nonetheless a learned comparatist (as his "Brightest and Best" Magi hymn suggests), interested in a Manichean Zoroastrianism that would divide good from evil.
Hemans, Heber, and _Superstition and Revelation_
Artaud's solid and daunting denials of lies and politics, as in the opening of Pour en finir avec le jugement de dieu To Have Done with the Judgment of God, and his horrific explorations, like flaying of the psyche and Manichean screams were there to be read, heard, and imagined.
Anis Shivani: Exclusive: Beat Poet Michael McClure On Jim Morrison, The Doors, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac
It developed not into an open ended inquiry into the nature and causes of imagery, but a manichean struggle between the computational pictorialism championed by Kosslyn and his supporters, and the computational description theory still most ably and enthusiastically represented by Pylyshyn.
His Name Was Do Re Mi
Heber's comment develops a lengthy portrait of "the mind of the savage" as Manichean and prey to "baser" moments such as the worship of priests, wizards, Furies, and witches.
Hemans, Heber, and _Superstition and Revelation_
A toner cartridge is color (or the soot-black lack thereof, and by extension, Manichean dualism), disposability, the Gillette model of razor marketing, the democratization of print publishing.
Lateral Thinking for Writers | The Long Write
All the characters are unflinchingly presented as if lit by fluorescents, which somehow suits the story's Manichean division of Sharks & Chumps.
A toner cartridge is color (or the soot-black lack thereof, and by extension, Manichean dualism), disposability, the Gillette model of razor marketing, the democratization of print publishing.
Lateral Thinking for Writers | The Long Write
At the time of the Pelagian controversy, Augustine was already successful in defending orthodoxy and having the Donatist and Manichean sects declared heresies.
Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Four - The Politics of Free Will | Heretical Ideas Magazine
There was not a trace of Manicheanism in him, and he called puritanism, in his biography of Louis XIV, an “evil out of the pit”, meaning the pit of hell.
Hilaire Belloc: Defender of the Faith
The descriptions of genders, sexuality and generation, etc. in Manichean documents are very peculiar.