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How To Use Mangrove In A Sentence

  • The Marabi mangrove forests are halophyte forests distributed along the Ecuadorian Coast and located at the mouths of river systems converging on the Pacific Coast of South America. Manabí mangroves
  • Close to the mangroves a big hawksbill turtle surfaced then lay motionless in the sunshine, no doubt sunbathing.
  • The mangroves' waterlogged roots decayed into peat, and the peat's acidity and lack of oxygen kept the wood from rotting.
  • Natural deterrents against sea erosion (mangroves, sandbanks, reefs etc.) have been depleted to such extents that their revival cannot be considered a viable plan to counter sea disasters.
  • Plant roots need oxygen for the uptake of water and nutrients and so do not penetrate below the water table (apart from those such as mangrove types with special adaptations).
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  • It is also suggested that the reef may be a source of pelagic larvae of sessile organisms that may settle on mangrove roots for greater diversity.
  • Some mangrove stands are close to tropophilous semi-deciduous seasonal forests, characterized by one or two strata, and heights from 5 to 8 m, with emergent individuals up to 10-12 m. Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • Many people depend on mangrove swamps for wood for construction, craft materials, medicines and honey.
  • Mangrove forests function to protect coasts from storms, erosion and abrasion, as well as providing habitat for various animals especially fish and bird species.
  • Visitors also have a chance to taste tambelo, a grub that lives inside the bark of mangroves.
  • Mangrove forests, tropical evergreen coastal mudflats on the unique plant communities, most of its species, belong to Rhizophoraceae, ecology, and its called: mangroves.
  • So I repaired to slightly higher ground away from the bank, found a nice black mangrove to provide some shade and plopped down on a bed of glasswort.
  • Biodiversity FeaturesThere are no endemic mammalmammals in the ecoregion, but many species are known to use mangroves, including the tiger (Panthera tigris), tapir (Tapirus indicus), and siamang (Hylobates syndactylus). Indochina mangroves
  • On the coasts, the Caribbean to the east and the Pacific to the west, there were mangrove swamps with frigate birds, great egrets, pelicans, skimmers, sanderlings and vultures.
  • The park spreads out behind the mouth of the river, where each day at twilight a flood of scarlet macaws migrates from the tropical forest to the mangrove swamps.
  • Every spring, female lemon sharks return to give birth in the shallow waters of a lagoon edged by a mangrove swamp.
  • In mangroves this is accomplished with seed germination while still attached to the parent tree.
  • The western and northern boundaries and are delineated by mangroves and the Atlantic Ocean, while the eastern boundary occurs along a precipitation gradient - bordering xeric scrub and scrublands in the north, llanos and wetlands in the central portions, and moist forests in the south. Orinoco Delta swamp forests
  • Australia found twined round its boughs, the misletoe, with its many home associations -- the elegant cedar -- the close-growing mangrove -- and strange parasitical plants, pushing through huge fungi, and clasping with the remorseless strength of the wrestler, and with the round crunching folds of the boa, the trees they were gradually to supplant and destroy. A Love Story
  • The last part of the drive on a road causewayed through the endless mangrove swamp impresses the imagination strongly by its dolefulness. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • Coral reefs provide protection to coastal areas and protect delicate coastal wetlands and mangrove swamps from storms.
  • You snake your way through mangroves where trees stand tiptoe on their roots to avoid sucking up much brackish water.
  • If he did, he'd have found himself in a cruel parody of Gilligan's Island, a region of thick mangrove swamps and tribes of headhunters and cannibals.
  • Likewise mangroves grow well despite transient flooding of their root system with sea water.
  • Shankou mangrove reserve is the conservation of marine vascular plant ecosystem diversity in South China Sea.
  • As a group the human activities that in one way or another have played a part in the loss of the forest would include the construction of infrastructure for expanding towns, airfields, aquiculture pools, cutting and utilization of trees in unsustainable ways, exploitation of fishing resources associated with the mangrove (piangua), cutting of trees to change soil use and establishment of coconut crops. Esmeraldes-Pacific Colombia mangroves
  • Black, red and white mangroves and buttonwoods cover much of the low coastal areas of the South Florida shoreline.
  • Yet, some of these species have also been reported in other habitats; for instance, P. cancrivorus is common in savanna forests, far from mangrove stands, and D. petechia can be found in grasslands and rain forests. Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • The mangrove swamps, tidal flats and sandy isles around the lake become their home for two full months.
  • Mangrove Capital Partners, a Luxembourg-based venture capital firm which has backed Skype and Nimbuzz, has invested $4 million for a minority stake in Global Online Apparel, a holding company of Indian shoe e-tailer, as well as other e-commerce sites across the globe. Deals India: Morning News Roundup
  • Between the heavy clays and blue mud of the mangrove swamps and the granite and sandstone of the mountain ranges, the undulating rises are mainly composed of red clay, sandstones, shales, and granitic and feldspathic rocks, with extensive deposits of laterite in red clays on the surface. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • Low Isles make the most minimal of archipelagos; just two islands; the one, a small sunny cay of coral sand, and the other, a dark wilderness of mangroves.
  • The open sea blows huge out there, white circles curling on the crest of waves like eyes that notice momentarily our piece of shore-a rocking catboat, mangroves, an egret hunkered on a post.
  • Considering that many other species of vertebrates also depend on fish for food, this close relationship between the ichthyofauna and the mangroves is crucial to the maintenance of diversity in these communities. Petenes mangroves
  • Mangroves forests used to be the source of tan bark for the tannin extract industry, while now there is little or no commercial extraction of timber and mangrove wood is widely used locally for fuel, charcoal and for the manufacture of poles and piles.
  • The area of transition from freshwater glades to saltwater mangrove swamps is a highly productive zone that nurses great numbers of commercially valuable crustacea. Everglades National Park, United States
  • In particular, mangroves are the nurseries for huge numbers of tropical fish, which as adults live in the open sea.
  • They develop on lacustrine-palustrine surfaces characterized by the presence of lacustrine materials, derived from differential accumulation as well as biogenic deposits coming from the remains of the mangrove swamp itself or other similar ecosystems like the swamp grasslands. Cuban wetlands
  • They are commonly found along the continental or insular shelves as well as freshwater estuaries or mangrove marshes.
  • Just before sunset, flocks of the red birds gather to roost in the mangrove trees transforming green bush to a glowing red.
  • The aircraft banked sharply over Mangrove Cay before leveling out as the pilot made his final approach to the runway.
  • The mangrove forest of the Rufiji Delta is any important site for migratory wetland birds, such as curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea), little stint (Calidris minuta), crab plover (Dromas ardeola), roseate tern (Sterna dougallii) and Caspian tern (Hydroprogne caspia). East African mangroves
  • In the Mangrove creeks we found Telescopium, Pleurotoma; and heaps of oyster-shells, for the first time on our journey. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845
  • For the next hour or so we moved slowly along the mangroves seeing the odd bonefish, barracuda and shark.
  • The swamps include sago palms, mangroves, and patches of tropical rain forest.
  • And, while Jerry slew it, knowing that the lust of killing, once started, would lead him to continue killing the silly birds, Agno left the laying-yard to hot-foot it through the mangrove swamp and present to Bashti an ecclesiastical quandary. CHAPTER XVI
  • Aldabran drongo Dicrurus aldabranus (approximately 1,500 individuals) is also an endemic species which inhabits scrub, mangrove and casuarina areas. Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles
  • The Orinoco wetlands are flooded grassland occurring in seven distinct patches, which are embedded in a mosaic of mangroves, swamp forest, moist forest, and llanos. Orinoco wetlands
  • Hundreds of species of birds, such as seagulls, herons, starlings, sparrows and many others, live or often visit mangrove forest areas.
  • The coastal maritime region is filled with mangrove swamps and alluvial plains that support palm trees.
  • Just a wall separates it from Mangalavanam, forested with mangroves and tall trees, home to migratory birds which call at Kochi from afar.
  • On one side of the river there is a fishing village of mat and attap hovels on stilts raised a few feet above the slime of a mangrove swamp; and on the other an expanse of slime, with larger houses on stilts, and an attempt at a street of Chinese shops, and a gambling-den, which I entered, and found full of gamblers at noonday. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • The tidal swamp subzone (0-1 m) comprises one land system, the Kajapah land system (KJP) consisting of inter-tidal swamps of mangrove and nipah palm. Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
  • The swamps include sago palms, mangroves, and patches of tropical rain forest.
  • A long term multidisciplinary research approach and report on mangrove ecosystem of Sundarbans. Sundarbans National Park, India
  • The sea around Mafia is a tropical Marine Park ranging from coral reefs, sea-grass beds, mangroves and inter-tidal flats.
  • The depletion of mangroves has also affected the fish wealth of the State.
  • Finally, mangrove vegetation recolonized the area and the overlying soil developed.
  • Monkey River is 45 minutes to the south by boat, through mangrove estuaries that are home to manatees.
  • Many of Panama's commercially raised chickens are fed fishmeal from anchovetas, small fish which also depend on mangroves.
  • In addition to consuming leaf litter and propagules, grapsoid crabs also browse directly on mangrove vegetation.
  • In the mangrove-lined estuaries that ring most of the 2,000-miles of sparsely inhabited coast you can fish for trevally, queenfish or tarpon.
  • University expert Juan Bravo said the mangroves are important for fishing as sources of the white shrimp, anchovetas and red porgy, among others.
  • Naturalist Gloria Caminotti describes the mangroves in halting English, and points out some elusive lizards sunning themselves.
  • It has been suggested that the viviparity of the mangrove is a survival of a very remote period in the development of the earth — that a mangrove swamp represents an age when the earth was enveloped in clouds and mist; and that with the gradual decrease in tepid aqueous vapour the viviparous habit, then almost universal, was lost, except in the case of this plant. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Offshore drilling, they argued, would damage coral reefs and mangrove swamps and threaten endangered sea life.
  • We followed the canal into another wooded area, this one with swamp forest trees instead of mangroves.
  • The mangroves never cease building, ever creeping seaward.
  • Casuarina equisetifolia (she-oak) Avicennia officinalis (white mangrove). Tropic Days
  • I also took the little boat into the mangroves where we tried fly gear and surface poppers, and were probably the first anglers to ever cast there.
  • The water is too muddy for filming, and, worse, crocodiles lurk in the mangroves of Missionary Bay and the nearby Cardwell River.
  • I just put up a new project page to document some work on a brackish water Southeast Asian mangrove biotope-ish aquarium. Mangrove setup pictures
  • Mr. Moya alternates chapters of Haydée's diary with the comic misadventures of her son Clemen and his cousin Jimmy, both on the run from the regime, as they attempt to escape the country, shifting disguises—housemaid, priest, sacristan, livestock traders—and getting lost in a labyrinthine mangrove swamp. Adios, Warlock
  • With the rich mangroves depleting fast, the number of migratory birds has decreased over the years.
  • The first, north of the Cuanza River, is a mosaic of tall, tropical gallery forest and tall grassland, interdigitated by mangrove and swamp communities along the major rivers and their mouths. Angolan scarp savanna and woodlands
  • For example, at Magela Creek, northern Australia, hydrophilic palms and mangroves proximal to the waterhole give way to fire-prone sedges, grasses and paperbark on the dry floodbasin.
  • The area is a complex and beautiful ecosystem of coastal forest, mangrove, rivers and lagoons.
  • Seawater forests of mangrove trees and agronomic meadows, such as salicornia, yield lumber and food for humans and animals. Simple Solutions for a Complex Planet
  • If not the mangrove, what other tree species could be used, and in what conditions?
  • Birds that may visit mangrove communities include Amazona autumnalis, scarlet macaw (Ara macao), green macaw (Ara ambigua), military macaw (A. militaris), snowy cotinga (Carpodectes nitidus), and several parrots, parakeets, and hummingbirds. Mosquitia-Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast mangroves
  • In the ringing silence afterward they could hear the swishing of the mangroves and the plash of wavelets on the nearby beach. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • Unlike mangroves, trees and other vegetation in the scrub sites dropped most of their leaves during the dry season in spring, and standing water was never present on these sites.
  • Its mangrove swamps are rapidly being wiped out by pollution from the satellite towns that are springing up along the shore.
  • There was significantly greater population density of holothurians when a coral reef was adjacent to the mangroves than a shoreline with coral reef alone or mangroves alone.
  • Researchers have long known that fish often mature in the murky saltwater amid the tangled labyrinths of roots created by mangroves.
  • Under these mangrove swamps near Dar es Salaam lies a solution for the thirstiness of this large metropole
  • Together with epiphytic herbaceous communities (orquedeae, bromeliaceae, cacti, and mosses), and rhodophytes, the mangroves form complex forests responsible for providing a physical buffer against sea swells and winds on the coast, purifying the salt in marine breezes, enriching the coastal profile and producing soil recovery. Manabí mangroves
  • The finding that mangroves serve as crucial nurseries for coral reef fish highlights another reason to conserve these rapidly disappearing habitats.
  • These elusive creatures live in sea-grass meadows, mangrove forests, and other secret shallows in the ocean.
  • No understory or ground level vegetation was present except for the pneumatophores of the mangrove trees.
  • The Green chromide, an aquarium fish, is a native of India and Sri Lanka, and is found in the mangrove-lined estuaries along the Johor Straits.
  • In the desert coastal areas of western Venezuela, mangrove forests are associated with xerophilous littoral scrubs, and halophilous and psammophilous littoral meadows. Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • Natural effects reduce the mangrove forest through fluviomarine erosional processes, geomorphological processes and desalination of mangrove soils, allowing the invasion of non-halo-helophytic species. Esmeraldes-Pacific Colombia mangroves
  • At dawn that morning, the truck driver had pulled up in the fourteen-wheeler to a grassy clearing on the north bank of the Tana River, where crocodiles skulked in typhoidal water in the viridescent shadow of mangrove trees. Peace Meals
  • The origin of the shallows is a combination of ongoing aeolian transport from the desert on top of alluvium from relict estuaries which nourishes the 3,100 ha of mangrove swamp. Banc d'Arguin National Park, Mauritania
  • Island, lying some five miles south by west, are masses of cocoas, fringed with mangroves; a great contrast with the prairillon of the neighbouring Point Ovindo. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • There among the buttonwoods, palm and the spidery red mangrove, I return to walk and work among them, to breathe their air and tell their time.
  • They also learned at least one species, the rainbow parrotfish, depends on mangroves for its very survival.
  • Two endemic birds listed by IUCN as vulnerable are found in the mangroves of this ecoregion: the mangrove hummingbird (Amazilia boucardi) and the yellow-billed cotinga (Carpodectes antoniae). Moist Pacific Coast mangroves
  • Buttonwood is a shrubby mangrove tree that has a picturesque appearance when exposed to constant seashore winds creating an attractive addition to the beach.
  • Let's buy up tracts of vulnerable mangrove lands and begin securing at least the future.
  • But even in death the mangroves are unusual, becoming gnarly bits of modernistic art few sculptors call match.
  • Punta Cana also has a number of unique natural features like freshwater lagoons and coastal mangroves that make it a delight both for visitors and environmentalists.
  • Our guide leads us through cobwebby jungle, with the unfamiliar howls of animals echoing through the mangrove and roots from centuries old ceiba trees doing their best to prevent us penetrating further into the pitch black woods. Navigating Through Colombia
  • The workmen appear to have unearthed a section of root from a plant which grew in the prehistoric equivalent of the mangrove swamps found today around the Amazon or Northern Australia.
  • The turtles spend most of their lives in mangrove-lined tidal estuaries, where rivers flow into the sea.
  • Unlike in other habitats, here tigers live and swim among the mangrove islands, where they hunt scarce prey such as chital deer (Cervus axis), barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak), wild pig (Sus scrofa), and even macaques (Macaca mulatta). Sundarbans mangroves
  • The terrestrial vegetation contains 16 of the 28 plant formations for Cuba, including low-altitude, submontane and montane rainforest, cloud forest, xeromorphic sub-thorny shrub, pine forests, semi-deciduous forest, riverine forest, and mangrove forest. Alejandro de Humbodlt National Park, Cuba
  • As usual, a fair to strong current was running from north to south, and we let it glide us through the schools of game fish, big-eye jack, yellow-tail jack, Bank steenbras, German, slinger, and mangrove snapper.
  • Many mangrove forest areas along the country's coast have been converted into fish farms.
  • Near sunset, flocks of white and black egrets flew in to settle in the tangled mangrove branches above.
  • Mangrove as a ecosystem have unique structure and function . For the degraded of mangrove ecosystem , it's a important way to improve kinds of the organism through restoration and rehabilitation .
  • ‘We were knee-deep in mud and mangroves being bitten by fire ants, leeches and bugs,’ he recalls.
  • In waters connected to coastal lagoons gentle manatees laze in the mangroves.
  • Over the three year study period, mangrove sites contained an average 60% male and 40% female redstarts, whereas scrub had an average of 24% male and 76% female redstarts.
  • The origin of the shallows is a combination of ongoing aeolian transport from the desert on top of alluvium from relict estuaries which nourishes the 3,100 ha of mangrove swamp. Banc d'Arguin National Park, Mauritania
  • Unlike in other habitats, here tigers live and swim among the mangrove islands, where they hunt scarce prey such as chital deer (Cervus axis), barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak), wild pig (Sus scrofa), and even macaques (Macaca mulatta). Sundarbans mangroves
  • Due to the amount of wetlands, as lagoons, marshes, swamps, and mangroves to the coast, and its location in the northernmost part of the continent, the valley is the place of arrival of many migratory species of birds of prey, waterfowl, and songbirds during the northern winters. Sinú Valley dry forests
  • At dawn that morning, the truck driver had pulled up in the fourteen-wheeler to a grassy clearing on the north bank of the Tana River, where crocodiles skulked in typhoidal water in the viridescent shadow of mangrove trees. Peace Meals
  • It is estimated that Haiti has about 134 km2of mangroves that are part of the Greater Antilles mangroves ecoregion and it is home to much biodiversity. Haiti
  • Mangrove as a ecosystem have unique structure and function . For the degraded of mangrove ecosystem , it's a important way to improve kinds of the organism through restoration and rehabilitation .
  • However, there is no doubt that mangroves of this ecoregion are crucial to several long-distance bird migrants including ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres), spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularia), and whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) that utilize them as feeding and resting places from August through April during their extraordinary intercontinental journey. Rio São Francisco mangroves
  • You can wade for miles, across everything from mangrove lagoons to pancake flats carpeted with turtle grass.
  • In the desert coastal areas of western Venezuela, mangrove forests are associated with xerophilous littoral scrubs, and halophilous and psammophilous littoral meadows. Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • The mangroves of this ecoregion lie on continental deposits from the recent Quaternary; resulting soils consist of sands, clays, gravel and poorly consolidated stone such as muds and fine sediments. Gulf of Guayaquil-Tumbes mangroves
  • Tour guide Rob Parenti kept us interested and entertained as the tour boat chugged along through a tangle of red mangroves, with their arching prop roots, and poisonous manchineels, with their shiny, pointed leaves.
  • It is estimated that the Dominican Republic has about 325 km2of mangroves that are part of the Greater Antilles mangroves ecoregion and it also is home to much biodiversity. Dominican Republic
  • Mangrove jack have appeared in the bottom end of the Brunswick River, although I cannot confirm whether lures or live bait were used.
  • In Asia, shrimp ponds destroyed vast swaths of mangrove forests, the key nursery habitat for many undersea creatures in tropical waters.
  • These data suggest that the mangrove trees in the two studied forests probably do not grow much older than 100 years.
  • This green patch, spread over a few acres, is home to mangroves and huge trees.
  • We passed egrets nesting in the mangrove and great mats of water hyacinth with lilac flowers; we saw fish-hawks and blue herons and watched the crocodiles being fed.
  • The adaptation of saline habitat Born in hypersaline environment mangroves, faced with two questions.
  • Expertise in using mangroves for medicinal purposes has been acquired over a long period of usage.
  • There is actually another Cessna in Last Thing, single-engined, "flying low, dropping a roll of toilet paper over a mangrove clearing, the paper streaming and looping as it catches on the treetops, the Cessna gaining altitude as it banks to retrace its flight path. The Black Album
  • Disappointed at not finding them, they avenged themselves by climbing on the mangroves and making a dreadful slaughter of the young alcatras, grouped in pairs in their nests. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • I prefer a neaping tide and fish from the mangroves out to about 60m wide and catch all varieties.
  • Unlike in other habitats, here tigers live and swim among the mangrove islands, where they hunt scarce prey such as chital deer (Cervus axis), barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak), wild pig (Sus scrofa), and even macaques (Macaca mulatta). Sundarbans mangroves
  • Although the mozzies can eat you alive, the mangroves are great for shellfish, which we cook on the fire and use sticks to pull out the meat.
  • Try kayaking the mangroves, whitewater rafting or a jungle hike to the waterfall. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a rich mosaic of savanna grassland, thickets and woodlands; grasslands: low-lying, hygrophilous and floodplain; sedge swamps, freshwater reed and papyrus swamps; riverine woodlands, swamp forests and forested dunes; the lake with its uniquely variable salinity regime;, underwater macrophyte beds, saline reed swamps, salt marshes and mangroves; rocky and sandy shores, coral reefs and submarine canyons. Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, South Africa
  • As we crept slowly across the flat in about 15 inches of water, we could see tailing bones rooting about in the soft bottom or around the mangroves, for crabs, shrimps or any other food item they could find.
  • Then the region was a vast coastal mangrove swamp, similar to the Florida Everglades.
  • In the ringing silence afterward they could hear the swishing of the mangroves and the plash of wavelets on the nearby beach. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • Darien harbors a variety of habitats ranging from sandy beaches, rocky coasts, mangroves, swamps and lowland and upland tropical forests containing several endemic faunal species. Darién National Park, Panama
  • Samphire, a sparse low chenopod shrubland, occurs on tidal salt flats, typically of fine clay, between mangroves and the supratidal fringe. Kakadu National Park, Australia
  • All that remained was a quick whizz round a few interesting features of the park - the Mangrove Channel, the fissures from an earthquake in the 80s and the Magic Lagoon.
  • In a café his last Malayan cheroot tasted of hot sun and the mangrove reek of over-ripe bananas. THE OPEN DOOR
  • On either side were great forests of mangrove trees, standing tiptoe on their myriad down-dropping roots, each root midleg in the water. Euphemia Among the Pelicans
  • The Ten Thousand Islands of southwest Florida have the highest concentration of mangroves in the state.
  • Source: Mifter/Wikipedia See Hispaniolan moist forests, Hispaniolan pine forests, Enriquillo wetlands, and Greater Antilles mangroves Haiti
  • Perhaps even more worrying, the pythons may be preying on native mangrove fox squirrels and wood storks.
  • Any anchorage with a mangrove shoreline is likely to produce mangrove snapper and, if you are in the Greater Antilles or along the South American coast, snook.
  • At one extreme are pure, natural ecosystems like an alpine meadow or a mangrove swamp.
  • She or her sailors dynamited fish daily, while the Balesuna natives were paid tobacco for bringing in oysters from the mangrove swamps. Chapter 7
  • It emerges from the waters of the right bank, a mere "ponton" plumed with dark mangroves and streaked with spar-like white trunks. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • Hence, they did not care much for mangroves that grew along banks of water bodies and wetlands.
  • Many mangrove forest areas along the country's coast have been converted into fish farms.
  • The mangrove is the sacred tree of her husband's clan.
  • He knocked before going in, the combined smell of pumice and cracked drains not far from the odour of mangrove swamps. THE OPEN DOOR
  • In the muddy vegetation associated to these mangroves, big hydrophilous herbs, mainly grasses and forbs, and musaceae (Heliconia latispatha) predominate. Guianan mangroves
  • In the desert coastal areas of western Venezuela, mangrove forests are associated with xerophilous littoral scrubs, and halophilous and psammophilous littoral meadows. Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • Two azonal vegetation types, mangrove communities at the major river mouths and swamp vegetation in floodplains on the lower reaches of the larger rivers, are also found within the ecoregion. Angolan scarp savanna and woodlands
  • At Magela Creek, northern Australia, hydrophilic palms and mangroves proximal to the waterhole give way to fire-prone sedges, grasses and paperbark on the dry floodbasin.
  • Adverse effects include the loss of mangrove habitats crucial for shoreline protection and habitats as well as soil and water salinization, destruction of wild stocks, and the introduction of problematic chemicals. Bryan Gobin: Gulf Coast to Visitors: Y'all Come Down and Eat!
  • Punta Cana also has a number of unique natural features like freshwater lagoons and coastal mangroves that make it a delight both for visitors and environmentalists.
  • Species found associated with these mangroves because of their location adjacent to tropical forests and because of high freshwater input include the tropical forest species, leguminosae vine (Dalbergia brownei), and Apocynaceae liana (Rhabdadenia biflora); freshwater macrophytes, Araceae Montrichardia arborescens, and Leguminosae Mora oleifera; and palm species, Euterpe oleracea and Orbygnia martiana. Pará mangroves
  • The country is covered with a wide range of mangrove, heath, peat swamp, mixed dipterocarp, and montane forests.
  • Giant shovelnose rays lay their eggs inshore around atolls, mangrove swamps and estuaries.
  • In addition to the deterioration of the landscape, the decline in the mangrove forest has created effects throughout the lacunar system such as the loss of habitats for a large number of species of fish, birds, and bentonic organisms. Magdalena-Santa Marta mangroves
  • Hidden by trees and mangroves, you would hardly know it existed.
  • In addition, these mangrove forests shelter a large number of species in certain groups such as 42 species of birds, including Pelecanus occidentalis, Columbina sp., and Fregata magnificens; carious mammals such as crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata), white-faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus), and jaguar (Panthera onca), and reptiles like Iguana iguana. Manabí mangroves
  • Many fish species use the mangroves as oviposition areas, as well as breeding grounds, contributing to the high diversity of ichthyofauna in this region. Petenes mangroves
  • There were lots of little crabs scuttling around behind the mangroves and on the tidal flats there were wrybill, plump little birds that have beaks skewed to the right.
  • Rhizopora mangle is the most frequently occurring mangrove species and is found closest to the coast at heights of up to 25 m. Pará mangroves
  • These are just a few of the many bird species frequenting the unique habitat of the mangrove lagoons.
  • Trees from a plantation were collected from the mangroves in Gazi Bay.
  • Mangroves buffer mainland areas from the strong storms that routinely hit tropical coasts and are natural protection areas for sea life and birds.
  • Oh, to be a mangrove nymph is to be of both worlds and neither; oh, how I wished I had been born an ash or yew, oak or maple, and not to suffer these longings! Valentines, part the first
  • Found all over the country, the night herons can be sighted normally near jheels, inland waters, tidal creeks and mangrove swamps.
  • Try kayaking the mangroves, whitewater rafting or a jungle hike to the waterfall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Comprises seven main vegetation types: closed forest including rain forest and tall eucalypt forest dominated by satinay and brushwood; blackbutt forest; scribbly gum and wallum banksia communities; communities of wet sites often dominated by Melaleuca spp.; coastal communities; Callitris forest and woodlands; and mangrove and salt marsh. Fraser Island, Australia
  • He recalled the motorboat which had darted, arrow-like, out from around the southern edge of the mangrove swamp, and which he had been watching when his scow went to pieces on the reef. Black Caesar's Clan : a Florida Mystery Story
  • Diverse woodwork is presented at Manu-Koko, a group of artisans that make carvings from Mahogany, Teak, Mangrove, and Saria. Global Voices in English » East Timor: From sighs to steps forward with the use of the Internet
  • The outlook for this once beautiful natural coast, its mangroves and marine life looks bleak.
  • Aldabran drongo Dicrurus aldabranus (approximately 1,500 individuals) is also an endemic species which inhabits scrub, mangrove and casuarina areas. Aldabra Atoll, Seychelles
  • Shankou mangrove reserve is the conservation of marine vascular plant ecosystem diversity in South China Sea.
  • The sites varied in character from pristine rainforest to coastal mangroves and oil palm and rubber plantations.
  • Mangrove as a ecosystem have unique structure and function . For the degraded of mangrove ecosystem , it's a important way to improve kinds of the organism through restoration and rehabilitation .
  • English naval officers, amongst whom two fell victims to mangrove-oysters, and the rest to the deadly "calenture" of the lower Congo. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • The three men raised both arms as they walked ashore and into a mangrove swamp.
  • Passing out of the mangrove swamp, we entered a deep marsh.
  • Species found associated with these mangroves because of their location adjacent to tropical forests and because of high freshwater input include the tropical forest species, leguminosae vine (Dalbergia brownei), and Apocynaceae liana (Rhabdadenia biflora); freshwater macrophytes, Araceae Montrichardia arborescens, and Leguminosae Mora oleifera; and palm species, Euterpe oleracea and Orbygnia martiana. Pará mangroves
  • Important fish species found in Bahamian mangroves are snappers, grunts, parrotfishes, and mojarra, Nassau grouper, Bonefishbonefish, tarpon and barracuda a very important economically as a sport fishery. Bahamas,The
  • The disappearance of mangroves will also lead to the loss of such precious native wisdom, says the booklet.
  • For example, defoliants which were sprayed during the Vietnam War killed most of the mangrove forests in the Mekong Delta.
  • Rainforest tumbles down to mangroves at the water's edge.
  • Avoid docking or beaching where plants such as reeds, grasses and mangroves are located.
  • Other bird species associated with mangroves include spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularia), roseate spoonbill (Ajaia ajaja), green heron (Butorides virescens), belted kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon), mangrove cuckoo (Coccyzus minor), mangrove warbler (Dendroica petechia), and reddish egret (E. rufescens). Bahamian mangroves
  • The country will also replant and restore mangrove swamps to act as natural shields against strong waves.

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