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How To Use Mangle In A Sentence

  • The nearby street was littered with shattered vehicles, pieces of glass, bricks, mangled steel and scraps of clothing.
  • The mangled wreckage of the stricken craft was such that rescue teams had not found him. The Sun
  • Or, the lift wreckage would become mangled inside the tubing, preventing any further use of that tube.
  • It can't: it is crammed with lovers packed in tight, the details smashed flat, extraneous facts shorn away to save space, mangled and compressed to the point of incomprehensibility and all beyond counting or collating.
  • The husky female voice on the other end explained in mangled Franglish that she would like to - merde!
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  • My writing heart feels as crushed as that last bit of toothpaste that refuses to be squeezed out its flattened, mangled tube because someone (and I won’t name name but it begins with S and ends in cott) left the cap off again … Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » That’s Right. It’s Contest Time.
  • Mum used a mangle and a washboard so when the washing machine arrived it was a big moment.
  • Andi reached into one of her mangled pockets and pulled out an unfamiliar billfold.
  • Blood was splattered on the walls of the mangled buses.
  • -- But then they are not charged for seeing the lamps; there is no charge for walking round the walks; there is no charge for looking at the cosmoramic pictures; there is no charge for casting a glance at the orchestra; there is no charge for staring at the other people; there is no charge for bowing or talking to an acquaintance, if you meet one -- all these are gratis; and if you neither eat nor drink, there is no charge for witnessing those who do mangle the long-murdered honours of the coop, and gulp down the most renovating of liquors, be they hale or stout, vite vine, red port, or rack punch. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 321, July 5, 1828
  • Walker, standing at the foot of the shaft waiting for the answering signal from above, heard the noise and the rush of Mag's body as it bumped from side to side in its mad descent, and starting back, he was just in time to get clear as the mangled mass of rags and blood and pulpy flesh fell with a loud splashy thud at the bottom, the blood spattering and "jauping" him and the bottomer, and blinding their eyes as it flew all over them. The Underworld The Story of Robert Sinclair, Miner
  • WE EMERGE into the prison laundry past a guard, WIDENING for a final view of the line. The giant steel " mangler " is slapping down in brutal rhythm. The sound is deafening.
  • A mangled bicycle lay by the railroad tracks.
  • In another moment it forged slowly past me, tolling as it were a death knell from the engine-bell and associating in my mind spectral tableaux of horrible collisions and mangled dead. A Run by Rail from Washington to St. Louis
  • Its twisted trunk and mangled branches resembled a terrifyingly gaunt person arching their back in immense agony.
  • Now I slur my words and mangle the language with the best of them, though people close to me do still tease me for my tendency towards pomposity.
  • As he read the poem out loud, he mangled the rhythm so badly that it scarcely made any sense.
  • Anybody else impressed that these posters aren't just some mangled publicity shots of the actor's faces photoshopped onto random disproportioned bodies? Kick-Ass Outdoor Posters | /Film
  • One sign declared DWIN WITE U.S.A., a worse spelling error than the 1999 banner—my favorite—that mangled the word Satan to declare: “Down with the Great Stain!” Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • Language purists shudder at the way text-speak mangles, simplifies and abbreviates. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence the urgency to fast-track a raw-boned 17-year-old from Everton, who might as easily be mangled by the demands of the international game as made by them.
  • One has to be a certain age to remember the soggy, steamy awfulness that was the drudgery of washdays when it involved galvanised tubs, poss-sticks and mangles.
  • Rescuers had to bring in a HGV crane to remove the mangled wreck. The Sun
  • The first continuous process involved squeezing a ribbon of molten glass through two hot rollers, similar to an old mangle.
  • Two problems: firstly, we don't have a hat that she can sleep in, and as a consequence she mangles her head.
  • The mangled wreckage of the stricken craft was such that rescue teams had not found him. The Sun
  • Then, when he was just 15, I took him to a very tough under-18 tournament in Italy, pushed him through the mangle, gave him a right old rollocking on one occasion, and he responded by forcing me to eat my words.
  • Matt had found a mangled antler base in a bale from the same field …. harvested during the first crop, taken several weeks earlier! Hay, Now That's a Find!
  • One has to be a certain age to remember the soggy, steamy awfulness that was the drudgery of washdays when it involved galvanised tubs, poss-sticks and mangles.
  • It is mangled beyond recognition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Happily, yesterday the Moses talk was brought to an end by the April baby herself, who suddenly remembered that I had not yet seen and sympathised with her dearest possession, a Dutch doll called Mary Jane, since a lamentable accident had bereft it of both its legs; and she had dived into the schoolroom and fished it out of the dark corner reserved for the mangled and thrust it in my face before I had well done musing on the nature and extent of my love for Moses -- for I try to be conscientious -- and bracing myself to meet the next question. The Solitary Summer
  • It's much less amusing that the quote was mangled and misattributed.
  • The Old Hell Shaft, the pitman said, with a curse upon it, was worthy of its bad name to the last; for though Stephen could speak now, he believed it would soon be found to have mangled the life out of him. Hard Times
  • A mangled foot dangled from a sliver of skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • This blast was so powerful, it left storefronts mangled, blew out car windows and sent metal and glass flying in all directions.
  • Shocking pictures showed the charred and mangled wreckage wrapped around a tree. The Sun
  • And, of course, I got to remembering Monday wash days at home, clouds of steam billowing, the washboard clattering and the mangle creaking, lines of gleaming white washing hanging out to dry.
  • While R. mangle and R. mucronata are usually about 20-25 m tall, R. apiculata can grow to heights of 60 m. Chapter 8
  • Shave from me with sharp razors my lips, my nose, my ears -- ay, and tear out the eyes of me by the roots; and there, mewed in that featureless skull that is attached to a hacked and mangled torso, there in that cell of the chemic flesh, will still be I, unmutilated, undiminished. Chapter 12
  • His body was crushed and mangled beyond recognition.
  • If the peasantry ever found out, they'd eat him alive, and strew what remained of his mangled pride across the four corners of the kingdom.
  • A mangled foot dangled from a sliver of skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mangled wreckage of the stricken craft was such that rescue teams had not found him. The Sun
  • All that remains of yesterday's car crash is a pile of mangled metal.
  • She quickly set to work, chopping vegetables into little mangled bits and depositing the mess into a huge steel pot.
  • Actually, I don't think they physically cooked anything, they just stood around and watched their recipes being mangled by the in-house excuse for a chef.
  • WE EMERGE into the prison laundry past a guard, WIDENING for a final view of the line. The giant steel " mangler " is slapping down in brutal rhythm. The sound is deafening.
  • And the mneme to be altered corrects a mangled interpretation of Charles Darwin's evolutionary theories. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Rescuers cut through mangled wreckage to reach survivors. The Sun
  • Emergency workers cut open the train's roof to get to dozens trapped in the mangled wreckage. The Sun
  •  When he is gone she has dreams of his plane crashing, of an unavoidable jack-knife in the fog of Highway 101, of Ted trying to call her with bloody hands, his legs already mangled by a head on collision. A Wedding
  • The show is titled “Jimmy Big Time” and it is a tongue-in-cheek peek at an outdoor anti-hero; a relatively clueless dolt who spooks game, mangles equipment and generally makes a fool of himself. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • Shrapnel hit the armor plate under the cockpit, mangled the plating and destroyed the equipment mounted directly above.
  • Mum used a mangle and a washboard so when the washing machine arrived it was a big moment.
  • The adumbrative quality of the work's first third is mauled and mangled by the third.
  • On the cart lay the following: proximal and distal portions of a left femur; a fragment of proximal left fibula; two fragments of left tibia, one proximal, the other distal, including the mangled malleolus; a portion of left pelvis extending from the pubic bone out into the blade; the talus, navicular, and third and second cuneiforms from a left foot. Spider Bones
  • It then goes on to mangle the line ‘will things ever be the same again?’
  • The dais was in the form of a human whose skeleton was mangled beyond recognition.
  • Egged on by friends he proceeded to rap out some tone-deaf songs, the melodies of which were mangled through drink.
  • Television footage showed a scene of massive devastation, including badly mangled cars and injured people being carried away.
  • The smooth shell of the car was mangled beyond recognition.
  • Possibly all for the best, considering the first time I ever saw the word mangle in that context was in a Stephen King story about one that was possessed. All Good Fabric Weeks Must End - A Dress A Day
  • The aircraft was heavily damaged with the prop destroyed and one wing mangled.
  • Two crushed and mangled pick-up trucks have been flipped on their side.
  • We moved him onto the board and worked with the ambulance service to move him across the mangled car wreck onto the hard shoulder. Times, Sunday Times
  • A mangled cane is a great place for fungal disease spores to hide out, lying in wait to cause problems later or causing cane dieback now.
  • (Click on thumbnail for enlargement) The blog "My Surmise" has a scan of a flexible keyboard user's manual written in mangled English. Boing Boing: December 3, 2006 - December 9, 2006 Archives
  • Slower presentations can be the ticket for catching early-season northerns that aren't in mangle mode. 25 Killer Spring Tips for Bass, Trout, Crappie, Walleys, and Pike
  • I could hardly recognize the body of the driver, as it had been badly mangled up in the accident.
  • Sorcha whispered his name beneath the mangled concrete and metal, her eyes glassy with pain. My Soul to Keep
  • The old-fashioned electric rotary irons or “mangles” that are now making a modest comeback let you iron many tablecloths almost without effort but produce less good results on cloths with extensive cutwork or embroidery. HOME COMFORTS
  • Russell blustered his way through to the end, leaving corpses and mangled bodies in his wake. Several movies : Bev Vincent
  • When I got close enough to see, the front half of the car was literally mangled.
  • Neill turns on the boy, and in low, menacing tones, he demonstrates to the child how a prehistoric nasty would mangle and devour him.
  • I argued that the washerwoman might have mangled her hand if she was caught in the wringer, but it couldn't have engulfed her entirely.
  • On washing day it was my job to wring out the washing by turning the mangle for her.
  • Social media users who denounce drug cartel activities along the Mexican border received a brutal warning this week: Two mangled bodies hanging like cuts of meat from a pedestrian bridge.
  • She does not have a TV and her washing machine is an archaic model involving rubber hoses and a handle-operated mangle.
  • Shocking pictures showed the charred and mangled wreckage wrapped around a tree. The Sun
  • In general, Dobbin said, if the President completely mangles a sentence it should be noted in the story, but ‘if he's simply muffing the syntax it seems OK to correct it so as not to torture the reader.’
  • Stories of men given to hitting their women weren't unheard of in my family, but I associated them with my grandparents' generation, like chenille tablecloths or mangles or the music hall itself.
  • However, when I see "computer manager" I tend to read "computer mangler", what with me being a bit of a BOFH. Archive 2007-02-01
  • I could hardly recognize the body of the driver, as it had been badly mangled up in the accident.
  • A mangled foot dangled from a sliver of skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • And when institutions routinely mangle language is it any wonder that individuals will too?
  • Fire crews worked with paramedics to cut the two men from the mangled wreckage of the car.
  • Stephanie grabbed the wine and mangled the cork with the corkscrew.
  • I remember that I approached the beloved object with fear and trembling; my heart beat, my ideas grew con fused, my voice failed me, I mangled all I said; I cried yes for no; I made a thousand blunders; I was inimitably inept; I was absurd from top to toe, and the more I saw it the more absurd I became. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • He fitted in study of the museum's European portrait miniatures and this would later materialise as a catalogue, handsome but somewhat mangled by the American editing.
  • Like looters after a big raid who tried to steal the mangled possessions of shattered houses.
  • Happily, yesterday the Moses talk was brought to an end by the April baby herself, who suddenly remembered that I had not yet seen and sympathised with her dearest possession, a Dutch doll called Mary Jane, since a lamentable accident had bereft it of both its legs; and she had dived into the schoolroom and fished it out of the dark corner reserved for the mangled and thrust it in my face before I had well done musing on the nature and extent of my love for Moses -- for I try to be conscientious -- and bracing myself to meet the next question. The Solitary Summer
  • Running the collars and cuffs through the mangle was also Joe's idea. Chapter 16
  • Over the next few years you might have spotted him if you looked real hard from your window seat on the trains leaving or coming throughHanover, somewhere on the hills above the train tracks ducking in and out of the rutted rocks and natural grown inlets, a blur of curly reddish hair, thick mangled beard, and hiking boots as you sped down the track headed for your destination. Curly’s Fiddle
  • Rescuers had to bring in a HGV crane to remove the mangled wreck. The Sun
  • The car was reduced to a mangled wreck, and debris and broken glass were scattered across the road.
  • As he read the poem out loud, he mangled the rhythm so badly that it scarcely made any sense.
  • The museum is full of wonderfully ridiculous inventions from the future such as the pneumatic pencil sharpener, peanut sheller, robotic nurse maid, old razor blade mangler, robotic hitch-hiker's aid, potato peeler, the hydraulic potato peeler, mechanical bottle opener, and the automatic bundle wrapper. Boing Boing
  • Nothing vile or repugnant happens here, but we do get the feeling that we are witnessing someone's last moments on film as this mangled mess of a movie unravels.
  • Well, today in another unlinked article - pointedly positioned under a picture of a mangled car - Monash's Ian Johnston gets the right of reply…
  • Prop maker Peter Greenwood found a real mangle so the dame can wring clothes in the panto's slapstick scenes.
  • The TNT people who botched this opportunity to create quality television are sentenced to watch endless repeats of Cletus Done Got His Hand Mangled In The Cotton Gin Agin, or whatever the hell they show on that network now.
  • Cops hunting them found the car a mangled wreck on a tight bend close to a motorway. The Sun
  • In other words, ‘dump a bunch of apples and watch them get mangled into something tasty’ creates a delicious appley drink.
  • The garden also contains a vintage mechanical washing machine as well as antique ploughs, mangles and bacon slicers.
  • The car was catapulted into the air and the mangled wreckage came down in long grass at the side of the track.
  • Clue: Has your car got a mangled wreck of glass and metal where its boot used to be? The Sun
  • Kristy had been badly bruised, had cuts all over her body, and her armour had been mangled almost beyond repair.
  • The way this younger generation has recently mangled the spelling of "wussy" has been driving me crazy. BSNYC Frigedæg Blētsung Cunnian!
  • After the disastrous collapse accident the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized.
  • The car was reduced to a mangled wreck, and debris and broken glass were scattered across the road.
  • Maybe it’s because I never saw much of her early work and focused too much on her mangled pronunciations in forgettable Hollywood misfires (Remember “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin”? Robert Downey Jr. And Tom Cruise Get Nods! Plus Miley Cyrus And Clint Eastwood?!? What The Golden Globes Got Right… » MTV Movies Blog
  • It is mangled beyond recognition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Barack Obama is used to having his name mangled and his ties to the Muslim world questioned. CNN Transcript Apr 14, 2008
  • She was knocked down by a car and badly mangled.
  • And when Tim Hagan, with straight left for the hundredth time to bleeding nose and mangled mouth, and with ever reiterant right hook to stomach, had him dazed and reeling, the breath whistling and sobbing through his lacerated lips — ­was no time for succor from palaces and bank accounts. CHAPTER IV
  • Clue: Has your car got a mangled wreck of glass and metal where its boot used to be? The Sun
  • Darting Snake clomped up on his rattlesnake crutches, his mangled leg swinging. Fire The Sky
  • Because ultimately, the Scot is one of those unvarnished antagonists, a man whose endeavours have brought him a decent reward, but nothing more than you would expect for a rider prepared to risk being mangled and maimed by machinery.
  • Even his lies, incompetence, and mangled syntax can be negative exhibitionism, meaning a manner whereby he generates the negative assessments that, emotionally, he expects to encounter from others. Uncovering the Psychological Roots of the Bush Tragedy
  • So basically, I would say that the only solution I would be satisfied to attempt at the moment is to look at Brythonic/ Old Welsh type names, particularly of the 'Cumbrian' variety used in Strathclyde, then try to make an educated guess at how these names might have been mangled as a northern dialect and possibly gaelicised to some degree as contact with the Irish increased. Pictish female names
  • Mangled sheets cascaded from a bed that was half buried in an assortment of sex mags and political books. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Giant cranes were lifting large, mangled steel beams and depositing them onto 18-wheelers.
  • Sergeant Barry Woon said a truck driver came across the mangled wrecks and radioed police for help.
  • Druid talent Mangle's duration icon is not being refreshed properly on reapplication.
  • The two players were trapped in the partly mangled bus and eventually died while a few others sustained minor injuries.
  • mangle the sheets
  • After the disastrous collapse accident the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized.
  • Absent from all this good cheer is any mention of that humble bipedal ambulator, the pedestrian - you know, flat footed, wearing battered Converse or ballet shoes, tends to get mangled on the bull bars of an SUV, that sort of thing. Londonist
  • She was knocked down by a car and badly mangled.
  • Avast, me pretties, it be 'Talk Like a Pirate' day, where people, what whom should be in the ways of knowing better, if y 'mark me meaning, go round talking in mangled West Country accents what with the passing "yar" thrown in the mix. 19th September '07
  • Leander Rowing club president Mark Lindstrom inspects the smashed and mangled riggers stolen from rowing boats recently after a regatta on the Buffalo River.
  • The marine cable is so easily aging or mangled, because of being used in ill-being for longtime.
  • The evening got off on an unsteady note as models Iman and Veronica Webb introduced the program as if they were kicking off a school assembly, reading their prepared text stiltedly and managing to mangle the names of a couple of the evening's choreographers. Shrimp Balls and Booty Calls: The ABT Gala: James Wolcott
  • Mr Gibson's mum would get up at five in the morning to do the washing in the communal washhouse complete with mangles.
  • Rescuers cut through mangled wreckage to reach survivors. The Sun
  • He had a very low opinion of the Tizimin group, the most historical of the chronicles: "The whole scheme of prognostication is so mangled and so full of errors that it is next to meaningless. The Books of Chilam Balam - part one
  • Master Pucklechurch growled at first, and foretold that nothing would come of "thicken a '"; that the "mangled weazel," as he called the mangel wurzel, would not grow; and that the cows would never eat "that there red clover as they calls apollyon;" but when the mangel swelled into splendid crimson root and the cows throve upon the bright fields of trifolium, he was as proud as any one, and he showed off the sleek sides of the kine, and the big mis-shapen roots of the beet with the utmost satisfaction. The Carbonels
  • A licence would not have helped the fatally injured cyclist whose bike was a mangled wreck under the wheels of the lorry in your shocking photograph. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is easier to understand mangled grammar than new vocabulary, because people mangle grammar constantly.
  • A licence would not have helped the fatally injured cyclist whose bike was a mangled wreck under the wheels of the lorry in your shocking photograph. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the disastrous collapse accident the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized.
  • I could hardly recognize the body of the driver, as it had been badly mangled up in the accident.
  • But she has been left with no shin bone in her left leg, which was completely mangled in the accident.
  • Then I wondered over to another right-wing blog, and after having my name mangled by the other commenters of that blog, I went back to the rabbit name. "If I quit blogging, it will be because I get tired of having to pay attention to the news all the time."
  • Smoke pours from the hood of the mangled car that has wrapped itself around a sturdy palm.
  • All that remains of yesterday's car crash is a pile of mangled metal.
  • He looked terrible, armour torn and mangled while blood pumped from numerous wounds around his body.
  • After suffering each variety of insult and torture, his head was severed from his body, the mangled trunk was cast into the flames, and the same treatment was inflicted on the statues of the vain usurper, and the seditious banner of the green faction. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • As you say, Hercle is most definitely performing haruspicy because of his left foot raised to rest on what looks like nothing more than a stone, unbeknownst to mysterymonger De Grummond who mangles the meaning of the mirror with cutesy parenthesized question marks and disjointed artistic interpretations. More about egg symbols in Etruria and the rest of the classical world
  • The hapless, mangled galaxy may have once looked more like our Milky Way, a pinwheel-shaped galaxy.
  • A lot of times in the captioning the dialogue gets misrecognized and mangled into some pretty interesting language.
  • He would tear his hair as they mangled the beautiful old German words.
  • Rhizopora mangle is the most frequently occurring mangrove species and is found closest to the coast at heights of up to 25 m. Pará mangroves
  • Solve early mangle of pavement because thermal dilation, cool shrink, traffic miscellaneous, overfreight and bad quality of material and son on by Form design of low temperature mixture.
  • All that remains of yesterday's car crash is a pile of mangled metal.
  • She put a dressing on the mangled toe.
  • And on that note I shall end this quick jaunt through the mangled musings of a multitude of minds.
  • This got me thinking about how some mangled enunciation has become par for the course in pop music, and we don't really think it's weird anymore.
  • I could hardly recognize the body of the driver, as it had been badly mangled up in the accident.
  • I could hardly recognize the body of the driver, as it had been badly mangled up in the accident.
  • She was knocked down by a car and badly mangled.
  • A bit of audio doctoring mangled Pogue ` s AT&T in sputtering mimicry of a bad connection. P2pnet World Headlines – May 28, 2009
  • The most crippling injuries were to Simon's right leg, mangled beyond recognition below the knee, the entire calf musculature torn off.
  • The garden also contains a vintage mechanical washing machine as well as antique ploughs, mangles and bacon slicers.
  • The general legal status of Amerindians has evolved over the generations but the general question was resolved well over a century ago: anyone of genetic Amerindian descent has certain rights and privileges stemming from the dubious “dependent sovereignty” status of the tribes as sloppily defined back in the 19th Century and mangled through a series of treaties negotiated in bad faith and dishonestly managed by the federal government. Matthew Yglesias » Goldberg: The Middle East Is Complicated and It’s All the Arabs’ Fault
  • With the fires still burning deep within the mangled wreckage, it may be months before the area is cleared by health and safety authorities.
  • Towards the stern, the propulsion was mangled, the diesel-electric engine still trying to turn.
  • There was now a massive hole torn in the mangled roof of the pod.
  • His pieces have, however, frequently been mangled by editors.
  • But while the validity of moulding the myths from separate classical poems is questionable, he is not the first to mangle the work of Homer in the name of cinema.
  • Good to see a local hangout that's within staggering distance home if you're totally mangled.
  • Cherish communal establishment, not to mangle public property.
  • This wasn't just a case of a misplaced letter or a word mangled by the spelling checker. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Emergency workers cut open the train's roof to get to dozens trapped in the mangled wreckage. The Sun
  • Where men bark at passing forklifts, women hiss and mangle any creature offensive enough to browse for shoes the same size as our own.
  • Prop maker Peter Greenwood found a real mangle so the dame can wring clothes in the panto's slapstick scenes.
  • He made a linocut about the raid and printed it on his mother's mangle.
  • It is mangled beyond recognition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now here is a situation where that carrying your D-lock on your left arm and swinging it wildly might have been appropriate... glad you are in one piece and not mangled and scraped on the side of the road. A little too much morning adrenaline - And She Knits Too!
  • One of the top offenders, according to critics, is the former German captain, who regularly mangles his sentences.
  • Just a few hundred yards down the road, workmen are busily winching the last of the mangled passenger carriages off the tracks at the site of North Yorkshire's worst rail disaster.
  • Shave from me with sharp razors my lips, my nose, my ears -- ay, and tear out the eyes of me by the roots; and there, mewed in that featureless skull that is attached to a hacked and mangled torso, there in that cell of the chemic flesh, will still be I, unmutilated, undiminished. Chapter 12
  • When the treacherous currents mangled oil platform cables and pipes, companies would send the strapping Australian into the murky depths to sort them out. Times, Sunday Times
  • A mangled foot dangled from a sliver of skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • We moved him onto the board and worked with the ambulance service to move him across the mangled car wreck onto the hard shoulder. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the same, I can't help thinking that if only I could force myself to peep, burble and mangle my words like a child, I'd soon be able to communicate with the peoples of the world, or at least their kids.
  • Sounding rods were used before antibiotics to ream out a gonorrhoea-mangled urethra.
  • The aircraft was heavily damaged with the prop destroyed and one wing mangled.
  • The washing dolly, the washing tub or bucks, the mangle, types of water, fuller's earth, soap, bleaching agents, blue, starch, bats, and washboards were keywords in the washing process.
  • The little girl was otherwise unrecognisable, covered in blood and crushed in the back of the mangled wreck that had been her parents' car.
  • Soldiers and members of the National Guard are protecting much of the scorched and mangled wreckage.
  • As he read the poem out loud, he mangled the rhythm so badly that it scarcely made any sense.
  • But an episode of some kind of dysphasia caused him to form entirely different syllables, so while it looked to the world like he was absolutely speaking with perfect clarity of voice and thought, it was all really just a mangled mistake. The Full Feed from
  • I arrived at the scene and waited for the medical team to leave and the fire department and highway patrol to finish before I could start the job of loading what was left of this mangled vehicle onto the back of my wrecker.
  • He miscounted and for a ghastly moment thought he had overshot the seventh floor and was about to be turned upside down or mangled in the winding gear.
  • It was officially said that he had intimidated his helot jailer into giving him the knife, and had so mangled himself.
  • His body was crushed and mangled beyond recognition.
  • There was a shared washroom that contained mangles, and once a week Kilroy-Silk went to the local baths.
  • ‘If I wasn't at school, I had to turn the handle on the mangle while mum put the sheets through,’ Peter recalls.
  • The mangled metal frames of what were once York phone boxes are testament to a new, and potentially lethal, craze.

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