
How To Use Manger In A Sentence

  • (they are catalogued for us, and placed in rows in the shop windows); we purchase _lachryma Christi_ by the dozen; and, for a few sous, may become possessed of the whole paraphernalia of the Holy Manger. Normandy Picturesque
  • A host of excitable angels crowds around the manger's tiny, brightly lit doll. Times, Sunday Times
  • The roof skin is put on here, the feed mangers are added, and all of the internal components, such as the rear tack room, are added.
  • Stone felt a small pang of jealousy, then realised that he could hardly play dog-in-the-manger when he already had a bone for the taking. CORMORANT
  • The two robbers raid a shop in broad daylight and nick a manger stuffed full of rubies and emeralds. The Sun
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  • Jesus is coming this time not as a helpless baby in a manger, not as a man of sorrows, but as victor and conqueror to claim his own.
  • Next, from the garde-manger, where she had hidden it, she produced this hand-written acrostiche: French Word-A-Day:
  • There were still relics like this lurking in farm buildings when I started out on my agricultural life: I recall finding a woodworm-infected patten lying in the manger of a stable a week or so after the last draught horse had been put to sleep. Country diary: North Derbyshire
  • What an honest fellow was that same mumper who had forewarned us of all these things, and bid us take notice of the mangers above the racks! Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Fans, former players and mangers are now demanding to know where it all went wrong.
  • Self-locking manger stalls can eliminate the need for sorting animals by automatically locking animals upon return from the parlor.
  • A midi j'pestais devant mon flanc a la pistache d'une part parce que le flanc a la pistache c le seul truc que j'arrive a manger sous traitement et que malheureusement ajd'hui je n'y arrivais pas. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • I am not speaking of O'bama; he seems to mean well but be greatly hampered by both dog-in-the-manger Republicans and Dems who act like Republicans. Robert Kuttner: Listening to Paul Volcker
  • The two robbers raid a shop in broad daylight and nick a manger stuffed full of rubies and emeralds. The Sun
  • Wet feed remaining at the ends of mangers also provide a place for flies to lay eggs.
  • Pis apres j'v faire comme mon pere ... jouer a la console apres avoir eté poster mon monticule de lettre de motivation et perdre toute notions du temps a tel point que si personne me dit qu'il faut manger je mangerai jamais!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Once he had been up to his knees in a tempting blancmanger-like lake of lime, many times had he hammered or cut his fingers, and once his legs had gone through the new drawing-room ceiling, where he hung by the petticoats screaming till rescued by his brother. The Young Step-Mother
  • Pendant ce temps on attachoit au seigneur une serviette en soie; on pla鏾it devant lui une pi鑓e de cuir rouge, ronde et mince, parce que leur coutume est de ne manger que sur des nappes de cuir; puis on lui apporta de la viande cuite, sur deux plats dor閟. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Increasingly, we had grown concerned by the fact that too many MBA programs — often those at prestigious research universities — were failing to (a) impart useful skills; (b) develop leaders; (c) instill high ethical norms; and (d) prepare mangers to deal with complex, cross-disciplinary, nonquantifiable issues B-School Reform: Better Late Than Never (BusinessWeek) : Mervius
  • I also recall a waxwork representation of the Birth in the Manger. A Backward Glance at Eighty
  • _Blamanger_, is a Capon roast or boile, minced small, planched (sic) Almonds beaten to paste, Early English Meals and Manners
  • Immense vases and candelabras of alabaster were placed at different distances on the table, and hundreds of porcelain dishes were filled with sweetmeats and fruits – sweetmeats of every description, from the little meringue called "mouthful for a queen," to the blancmanger made of suprême de volaille and milk. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • His hutch, and that of the warren-cats his collaterals, was a long, spick-and-span new rack, a-top of which (as the mumper told us) some large stately mangers were fixed in the reverse. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The horses were crunching their straw at their manger.
  • Enfin a force de courir et de chercher quelque chose qu'ils pussent manger, ils apercurent entre les rochers qui etoient le long du rivage, de gros limacons, et de plus petits, qui y venoient de la mer, et dont le gout, qui etoit passable, parut excellent a des gens affamez. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • Fifteen years have passed away, and these old people, no doubt, have joined their ancestors; but I can see them still sitting in that _salle à manger_; the _buffets en vieux chêne_; the opulent candelabra _en style d'empire_; the waiter lighting the gas in the pale Parisian evening. Confessions of a Young Man
  • Très bien résumé pour l'ambiance, les plats et l'esprit de la cuisine de W.L. Dommage pour le bruit et l'absence d'intimité. ici on vient pour manger et discuter et pas pour conter fleurette!! A Foodie Froggy in Paris
  • A host of excitable angels crowds around the manger's tiny, brightly lit doll. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sharon picked up a currycomb and began brushing down the sleek chestnut while it nosed at the manger full of hay. Western Man
  • The regenerating habitats on Mangere provide refuge for the endangered Chatham Island black robin, Chatham Islands snipe, and the Forbes parakeet. Chatham Island temperate forests
  • Your friend has no right to play dog in the manger. The Sun
  • M'enfin bon la je crois que j'vais aller manger du lapin belier XD Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Quand ils me les eurent couppez, disoit-elle, ils me les voulurent faire manger; mais ie les mis sur mon giron, et leur dis qu'ils me tuassent s'ils vouloient, que ie ne leur pouuois obeir. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century
  • I think Ms. Ferraro needs to quit her dog-in-the-manger attitude. Ferraro suggests she may not vote for Obama
  • Either choice would be difficult, I'm sure, but there's something a bit dog-in-the-manger, or again, self-centered, to think that if a life that comes from me is going to be lived outside my control, outside my purview, then better, or easier for me, if that life just never exists. Abortion Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry
  • Next, from the garde-manger, * where she had hidden it, she produced this hand-written acrostic: French Word-A-Day:
  • Wage increases to local bus workers, accepted by a conference of busmen yesterday, will cost the company £43,700 per year, said its general manger.
  • Proficiencies in sausage-making, garde manger, pates, terrines, galantines and stuffed meats are also taught.
  • If an horse grows resty, head strong, and apt to throw his rider, surely to pamper him cannot be the way to tame him; but the discipline of the whip and spur will bring him to hand much sooner and surer than the plenties of the rack and manger. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • Taste wise - the blancmanger is incredibly light and soft, the closest description is that it's like eating clouds not that we've eaten them but you get the picture. Archive 2006-02-01
  • The workers booed and jeered as the manger of the factory addressed their annual Christmas meeting.
  • A manger should be accessible to his staff.
  • The shepherds went to the manger in Bethlehem and saw the Child.
  • By painting from photographs, Fromanger and his fellow artists wanted to document exact moments.
  • N'empeche c etrange car la veille dans la nuit j'ai révé que j'etais dans la salle a manger avec mon pere et qu'on regardait tous les deux la tele!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The Virgin's shawl is of a distinctly baroque blue and the manger itself is full of plump Midwestern wheat stalks.
  • What's wrong with our lives when the season of a boy being born in a manger keeps us too busy to enjoy each other's company.
  • Once upon a time my Sunday school teacher dragooned me into a little kiddie choir that performed ‘Away in A Manger’ during the Christmas cantata.
  • Ta {n} sey is good/hote wortes, or gruell of befe or of motto {n} is good. [t]  Gelly, mortrus, creme almondes, blau {n} che manger, Iussell, and charlet, cabage, and nombles of a dere, ben good/ Early English Meals and Manners
  • Why not ease up on the ukases against kids singing songs about mangers and stars?
  • March 7, 2006, 8: 34 pm how to count cards when playing pocker says: how to count cards when playing pocker interstage concubine impenetrability manger browbeat The Volokh Conspiracy » Prude fact of the day:
  • Everyone knows the story of the baby born in a manger in Bethlehem but few are familiar with His arch enemy - Satan.
  • En gros, le transfert d'à peine 10% des dépenses liées à du mal être drogue, armes, surconsommation et générant de la maltraitance permettrait à l'humanité de manger, boire et se soigner! Archive 2009-04-10
  • littlest" of his "little loves" -- in vain he asserted that she was his patron saint, and that it was his soul's delight to pray to her; she accepted the compliment with her eyes fixed upon the manger. Short Stories of Various Types
  • Si vous trempez en la saulce le pain ou la chair, ne les trempez pas derechef, apres y auoir mordu, trempez-y a chaque fois vn morceau mediocre, qui se puisse manger tout d'vne bouchee. George Washington's Rules of Civility
  • The centre's healthcare unit is staffed by a manger and ten nurses.
  • Estans pressez entre deux asiettes, prenez du beurre bien frais, avec persil et siboule, et les fricassez; aprés celas mettez-les mitonner, et lors qu’ils seront bien cuits, vous y pouvez mettre de la cresme, ou du blancmanger, et servez. Savoring The Past
  • Cancer, is the star cluster known as Praesepe, the Manger. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Manger et boire dans les fabliaux, rites sociaux et hiérarchie des plaisirs.” Savoring The Past
  • At elBulli they may refer to the station as “Cold Station” cuarto frio rather than garde-manger, and it may be responsible for spherifications and freeze-dried meringues instead of salads and pâtés, but the connection is clear. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • They're too busy throwing pots at their garde-manger, insulting customers, and sexually harassing any female who makes the mistake of walking into their kitchen. He Ate, She Ate
  • Which seemeth to haue bene true by the report of the Russes them selues, that tell of a certaine homage that was done by the Russe Emperour euery yeere to the great Chrim or Can, the Russe Emperour standing on foot and feeding the Chrims horse, (himselfe sitting on his backe) with oates out of his owne cappe, in stead of a bowle or manger, and that within the castle of The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 12: 03 PM surely we knew this a couple of years ago as reported in e. t so we get another report we already are aware of what awaste of money i supose this mean another target to meet. lets employ another manager to set another target for another manager to set another target which will not be acted on when pdh moves to edith cavel move all the managers in to make more reports and targets retrain the nurses and doctors as van and lorry drivers to move all the reports down to the waste paper unit in fengate to make more paper for the every increasing mangers to make more reports you can see why the trust is in so much debt poppet Peterborough Today - News Feed
  • She locked the door on the outside, and hid the big key on the ledge of the manger in the shippon. Women of the Country
  • Well! (may it count to me as gain!), rather than seem to offend him I lay down in that manger, though I had no more desire to sleep than has the flittermouse in our Sussex gloamings; also I was careful to offer no money, for that is brutality. The Path to Rome
  • Ayant une de c charmante bebete au coin droit de la levre inferieure je passe ma vie a le manger manger manger croker devisser lecher manger rouler ... avaler aussi ca m'est arrivé une seule et unique fois! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • We leave the manger scene in its place. Christianity Today
  • mouthful for a queen," to the blancmanger made of supreme de volaille and milk. Life in Mexico
  • He comes from the infinite distance of the eternal heavens to finite nearness, wrapped in swaddling cloths and laid in a manger (Luke 2: 7). Lieberman: I'll back health care bill without Medicare expansion
  • This is also the meaning of the incarnate God entering human history through a manger and not Herod's palace.
  • In Barbados Mr Ody, master mate of the Arab, was poisoned by eating "a Mangereen apple", causing "severe vomiting and violent convulsions, I poured down a good quantity of sweet oil, applied the warm bath, gave him a calomel purge & the next morning he brought away a considerable quantity of blood and skins of the stomach being corroded by the virulence of the fruit". Amputations, acid gargles and ammonia rubs: Royal Navy surgeons' 1793-1880 journals revealed
  • En fait j'en sais rien le 14 m'etant empifré de chocolat a n'en plus finir j'me suis dit que ct plutot le chocolat et tous les paket de chips et cahouete et pistache que j'm'envoyait en jouant a la play qui faisait que j'avais des brulures d'estomac, mais la maintenant ca continue alors que j'a arrété de manger des connerie ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Mangere Island now supports a remnant patch of akeake forest and healthy tundra communities of shrub daisies, iceplant (Disphyma spp.), koromiko, and megaherbs such as giant sowthistle and soft speargrass. Chatham Island temperate forests
  • Apres et bien j'ai rangé un peu mon chantier d'hier soir, donné a manger a mon chat qui boude toujours et puis j'ai fait le repassage. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Some dog-in-the-manger types chose to make bonfires and burn their abandoned goods in order to prevent others taking them up. Bird Cloud
  • Self-locking manger stalls can eliminate the need for sorting animals by automatically locking animals upon return from the parlor.
  • Francis of Assisi is accredited with the focus on the manger, the animals, and the child at Christmas.
  • Leo Steinberg wrote that famous article in October 25 years ago about “The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion,” in which he offered an explanation for a crude fact about Renaissance painting that had baffled so many for centuries, why it is that, in painting after painting, the genitals of Christ on the cross, as well as baby Christ in the manger, are often bizarrely showcased and foregrounded—so much so that later generations would sometimes paint a discreet cache-sexe over the offending items. Archive 2008-10-01
  • These plays were essentially the santons brought to life, unfolding their misadventures as they bumbled their way to greet the baby Christ in the manger.
  • Pilgrims are gathering in Bethlehem's manger square, near the church of the nativity, which is built over the grotto where it is believed Jesus was born, a belief not all share. CNN Transcript Dec 24, 2005
  • Cappella del Presepio (Chapel of the Manger) in S. Maria Maggiore, a powerful domical building over a Greek cross, a marvellously well-balanced structure, notwithstanding the profusion of detail and overloading of rich ornamentation, which in no way interferes with the main architecural scheme. lt is crowned by a dome in the early style of S. Mario at Montepulciano. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • And of course it just spawned a lot of security-consciousness and suspiciousness and made that owner be more powerful and more dog-in-the-manger than they needed to be. Will Wright on Spore / Sims / SL
  • Lee, whose environmental creed was spread across the Internet in manifestoes and blog posts, was killed at 4: 48 p.m. after he stalked into the building with a handgun, took three hostages and later pointed his gun at one of them, said Montgomery County Police Chief J. Thomas Manger. James J. Lee, environmental militant, slain at Discovery building after taking hostages
  • Karen Manger was to make the 175-feet jump to raise money for a cancer research project at Christie's hospital, Manchester.
  • He decorated his Christmas cards with totemic animals copied from Aboriginal rock galleries, not sheep and oxen kneeling in prayer around a manger.
  • Indeed, a pause (strike?) by mining companies in their investment programs may serve to focus the minds of some of the provincial administrations that tried to play the role of dog-in-the-manger or experienced overnight conversions to Greenness. Maul Scale | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The costing section provides the solicitor with a final MLSS invoice with a detailed breakdown of costs in respect of the work undertaken by the claims manger when a case settles.
  • There were still relics like this lurking in farm buildings when I started out on my agricultural life: I recall finding a woodworm-infected patten lying in the manger of a stable a week or so after the last draught horse had been put to sleep. Country diary: North Derbyshire
  • Corporate bonds are still our favorite sector," said Wilmer Stith , portfolio manger at MTB Investment Advisors. Bubble in Corporate Bonds? Portfolio Managers Mostly Say No
  • Ricky stood smoking with the garde-manger, who spoke little English and cleared his phlegmy throat frequently as if to make up for it. Georgia’s Kitchen
  • Objective To observe the clinical effects of Manger(rhIL-11)on thrombopenia of the patients with malignant tumor after chemotherapy and radiotherapy1 .
  • We slept in mangers, in huts, in caves, in ditches.
  • The kitchen was staffed with a full-time pastry chef, baker, entremetier, grill cook, garde-manger, saucier, and sous-chef.
  • Since we had to pass that way on the long, indirect route back to Jerusalem (intending to go to Gaza), we opted to stop by, getting out in Manger Square.
  • The sheep, cattle and donkeys were all stabled, their mangers stocked with enough hay to last through the Sabbath.
  • They found Him in a manger where oxen feed on hay.
  • Find the meaning of your gestures by all means (though why the clumsiest should be preferred I do not understand — I have in mind some manger scenes) and if you can bring yourself to at this particular season of the year, decorate, feast and give; manifest a bit of cheer even if nobody asks you why. The Anxiety of Christmas « Unknowing
  • For the holidays, the row houses were decorated to the hilt with multicolored lights, life-sized mangers, plastic reindeer hitched on roofs.
  • Then he went aweary to his manger, while the Bull thanked him and blessed him. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Vendredi quand j'ai senti que c'etait dur j'ai arrété de manger la part pour cacher que j'avais eu la feve ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Oh, and even the humble sarnie got madeover to suit a generation for whom a deskbound cheese and tomato on brown was no longer going to be quite enough: in 1991 a small chain called Pret a Manger had just six branches but plenty of big ideas.
  • At one, there is no champion in the RAF for helicopters yet, on the other hand – dog-in-the-manger style – the RAF refuses absolutely to hand over heavy rotary wing assets to the Army Air Corps. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Again, just as there is a channel for the admission of the unconcocted food into the stomach, namely the mouth, and in some animals the so-called oesophagus, which is continuous with the mouth and reaches to the stomach, so must there also be other and more numerous channels by which the concocted food or nutriment shall pass out of the stomach and intestines into the body at large, and to which these cavities shall serve as a kind of manger. On the Parts of Animals
  • But she already had a letter showing she had passed her probationary period, signed by her acting duty station manger.
  • I can recall, when we first began the outsourcing process, the transition manger came on-site and fired up his laptop.
  • Fourth and fifth Century writers describe the richness of its marbles, mosaics, frescoes, and the silver manger replacing the original clay one.
  • The tiny purr was brought forth and placed in the manger beside the swaddled child and began to snuzzle and bonks the babe and the babe glowed with heavenly light and the angels came forth and began a chorus of jubilation adoration for all was well and right and good in the little shelter under the stars etcetcetc Gold, frankensence, - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • But saddle or pillion were not an indispensable accompaniment to this equestrian duo, for many a "bare-back" _garran_ carried his couple, his only harness being a halter made of a hay-rope, which in time of need sometimes proves a substitute for "rack and manger," for it is not uncommon in Handy Andy, Volume One A Tale of Irish Life, in Two Volumes
  • Think Pret a Manger; think bendy buses; think automatic ticket barriers at Charing Cross station.
  • And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. The most recent Noel the angel did say

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