
How To Use Maneuver In A Sentence

  • A typical write-up of last August's vote in the New York Times, for example, focused on the way the president had "outmaneuvered" the Democrats. Why Obama's Support For FISA Cave-In Is Such A Downer
  • Often called gyroscopic stabilization, inertial stabilization enables the telescope to continually point at a celestial object while the aircraft maneuvers in flight. - latest science and technology news stories
  • In a way, you could say this thrill seeker is also following his father's adventuresome footsteps - his dad once maneuvered a motor boat from Venezuela to Miami.
  • Other reporting from the field indicates the use of a combined-arms offensive - employing ground maneuver forces, artillery and aircraft - to effectuate the assault on Samarra.
  • We have worked very hard in the last couple of years and the kind of maneuverability that we have just spoken about in the fourth quarter typifies the progress we've made. Home Page
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  • There are two classes of objective points, -- objective _points of maneuver_, and _geographical objective points_. The Art of War
  • Despite this, Rosenthal completed the bomb run and instigated a series of violent maneuvers to throw the aim of the flak guns.
  • The wedge or snowplow is often one of the first downhill maneuvers a skier learns, but it is not easy to do.
  • One soldier managed to successfully execute the somersault maneuver that most people are familiar with from the childhoods.
  • Flattery, cajolement, humble supplication and the finer maneuvers of tact, all have this in mind. The Foundations of Personality
  • When she reached her room, she maneuvered carefully around the contents of her floor and fell onto her bed.
  • Having maneuvered through the boles of the blue trees of the grove and into the open plain beyond, Saffron and Hawk decided to head off in the direction of a grassy hillock they spotted about a kilometer away.
  • Done with maneuvers, a US Navy aircraft carrier skipper decided to let his crew vote on which port to visit for shore leave.
  • Authorities say when they had last recontacted the pilots, the pilots answers were so vague, they were ordered to take the plane through a series of unnecessary maneuvers to prove it was under their control, not hijacked. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2009
  • Basically, you'll be tugged along by a speedboat while standing atop a small surfboard-like platform, all the while performing aerial tricks and deft-defying maneuvers.
  • Forrest will need to press Mora and not give him the room to maneuver his way around and outslick him. East Side Boxing
  • I always admired that aspect along with the fact bodyboarding was pushing maneuvers far past what surfers dreamed of doing.
  • Every besieger promises the commoners that his only enemy is the aristocrat in the citadel: such a maneuver weakens enemy will to resist. New Dan Simmons Story
  • He wrote a book called The Prince in which he described the amoral maneuvers and machinations of men in power.
  • The officers of the xebecs knew they couldn't outmaneuver or outrun the British so they decided to scuttle their craft, toss their armament overboard and escape on foot to the north.
  • He must anticipate the maneuvers of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game.
  • He maneuvered to get the chairmanship
  • The Republicans, in the face of Obama's ascendancy and the indefensibility of their policy decisions in the last eight years, have just pulled a desperation maneuver and hijacked what is perhaps the most important election in America's history by demoting it to an emotional cat-fight between pro-choice and pro-life women, over the one issue where neither side can be reasonable. Cintra Wilson: It's the Freedom, Stupid
  • The Zero was just too maneuverable to tackle in a dogfight.
  • Lately, my wife has added a new and terrifying dimension to the Air-Conditioning Wars: night maneuvers.
  • Companies that rely solely on such a customer-focused approach may find themselves outmaneuvered by competitors with more imagination.
  • This paper describes a new nonlinear filtering algorithm (NLF) for tracking maneuvering targets, presents reasonable maneuvering likelihood function, derives estimating equations.
  • I agree that there need to be more CA specialists collocated with maneuver units.
  • Their thirty and forty - thousand-ton battleships slowed down half a dozen miles offshore and maneuvered in ponderous evolutions, while tiny scout-boats (lean, six-funneled destroyers) ran in, cutting blackly the flashing sea like so many sharks. Goliah
  • They should have performed a variety of dodge maneuvers.
  • In other words, Bulgaria will again have to diplomatically maneuver and make its choice in a vulnerable situation.
  • This can create some interesting maneuvers as Rayne takes on nearby enemies while evading hostile fire.
  • While the runabout is a faster deep-space vessel, the streamlined hull and large reinforced wings of the aeroshuttle make it significantly more efficient in high-speed atmospheric maneuvers and operations. STARSHIP SPOTTER
  • Maneuvers such as castling or capturing '' en passant '' have been developed within the past few hundred years. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Even so, with bolts and base plates at myriad angles, the steel erector had to maneuver the pieces with hydraulic rams and remove some to fit others in to fine-tune sequencing.
  • As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window.
  • And now we have this situation where you have these various religious factions, these other people who are maneuvering for position now.
  • Disturbances can occur while a fish is at rest, when swimming forwards and backwards, and during maneuvers while moving in either direction.
  • Also, larger oars were heavy and clumsy to maneuver and required multiple oarsmen.
  • It's one of the lightest and most easily maneuverable scanners we tested.
  • At the center of the maneuvers is the USS George Washington, a floating fortress that can carry up to 70 aircraft and more than 5,000 sailors and aviators. US, South Korean Ships Drop Anti-Sub Bombs In Drills
  • There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow. 
  • Furthermore, the most difficult offensive maneuver to defend is the screen. Motion Out | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Allied troops begin maneuvers tomorrow to show how quickly forces could be mobilized in case of a new invasion.
  • Carefully, the two maneuvered around the sleeping police chief and went into the office.
  • There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow. 
  • They tried by diplomatic maneuvers to obtain an agreement.
  • John Woo certainly lives up to his repute and delivers absolutely breathtaking action scenes and camera maneuvers, which are, quite frankly, the only aspects that keep you watching the movie till the end.
  • There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow. 
  • The glide and end-game maneuverability are achieved without the added weight, cost and complexity of a rocket motor.
  • Force-on-force maneuver warfare is not advantageous to the enemy when he is outmanned and outgunned.
  • It was crowded, and I had to maneuver around many people, but finally she led us into an empty corridor.
  • Through a series of about 30 maneuvers, the Snowbirds perform a multitude of loops, spins, criss-crosses and bursts that make formation flying appear easy.
  • A slight instability in an aircraft leads to increased maneuverability, which is highly desirable in fighter and attack aircraft. [flight dynamics] twist, dihedral and wingtips
  • Force-on-force maneuver warfare is not advantageous to the enemy when he is outmanned and outgunned.
  • A police officer tried several times to perform what is known as a fishtail maneuver to make the car lose control, but those attempts failed until the driver exited the highway and tried to turn into a restaurant parking lot. KAKE - HomePage - Headlines
  • The most forward sections fall into line with the rest of the soldiers, who then join in the retrograde maneuver.
  • We were also outmaneuvered by his sophisticated public relations machine.
  • In a risky fly-by maneuver, the Deep Space 1 spacecraft successfully navigated past a comet, giving researchers an unprecedented view inside the glowing core of icy dust and gas.
  • Isometric handgrip exercises or Valsalva's maneuvers normally increase the heart rate, but this effect may be minimal or absent in patients with this syndrome.
  • In the south, there are special reasons such as military maneuvers, " says Lin Shiping, manager of Xiamen Airlines' Fuzhou branch operation center. "Different areas have different reasons.
  • She put the ship through a series of difficult maneuvers at top speed.
  • Canoes and narrow-beam boats can often be righted by a maneuver called the Capistrano flip. How to Survive When Your Canoe Tips Over
  • Her fame had once been based on her beauty, but during these last twenty years she had become known, revered, and feared for the power of her mind: her ability to outwit, outplan, and outmaneuver the enemies of Troy. Shield of Thunder
  • It would not be a “vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver” as those are vessels which are restricted due to specialized operations, such as trawling or dredging. Waldo Jaquith - M’ville: Goode’s got nothin’ to do with it…kind of.
  • Actually, the prac - tice of dressing up for military maneuvers began in Tarsalonia -- some place like that -- long ago -- Stalling
  • Attackers employed three maneuvers to generate movement and control.
  • This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy.
  • And this spacecraft will go through a series of so-called aerobraking maneuvers over the next few months. CNN Transcript Mar 10, 2006
  • The counselor has maneuvered her into a situation where she can no longer act sensibly and decently.
  • Standing in the water, working like a tug, I maneuvered these hundred-foot behemoths against the banks and anchored them to the brush with yellow rope while Radish took rides on their backs.
  • This was no easy lift like the one from Luna to Mars; in choosing to take a 'cometary' or fast orbit to the Hallelujah the Stones had perforce to accept an expensive change-of-motion of twelve and a half miles per second for the departure maneuver. The Rolling Stones
  • This one offers a maneuverable and spin friendly feel that will favor aggressive all court players.
  • The phantom tag at second base is another maneuver that big league middle infielders have mastered on steal plays.
  • I spent 40 years in the Army, about six of them separated from my family and perhaps a couple more on maneuvers, training exercises and temporary duty.
  • She maneuvered carefully so that she was beneath the liquid.
  • If, as I am positing, Clare assumes the Byronic form to dramatize the limits of his own poetic persona, this maneuver indicates a shrewd perception of how, in the phenomenon of Byronism, the extremes of aristocratic and popular traditions meet; above the law, the poetic "free-booter" is redeemed by "the notice and affections of the lower orders" (Clare qtd. in Martin 85; Byron qtd. in Strickland 61). Like
  • A 9-foot-long "cargo" bicycle, featuring a super-stiff 48-pound frame and a wood platform that was able to maneuver agilely while carrying 400 pounds. Reinventing the Two-Wheeler
  • Not to mention the fact that Clinton "outmaneuvered" Newt Gingrich after Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • I am amazed at how he can maneuver it through tight ancient towns or down the switchbacks of a mountain.
  • The creature bellowed a seeming laugh at the pitiful maneuver, gnashing its wicked teeth and bullying its fiery body in such a way as to corner Galafar from getting away, coiling its body all around him.
  • The term chess has come to represent political, economic, or military maneuvers. Archive 2007-03-01
  • A maneuverable sled is provided for use over snowy terrain.
  • internal party maneuvering
  • They were very coordinated in the way that they maneuvered, like a well oiled team.
  • They were as close as they dared to the shore, and were rapidly running out of river to maneuver in. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • The only access is either by helicopter or hoisted by a derrick from a boat small enough to maneuver close inshore. A Real Columbarium in the Pacific
  • A prediction method of lift to drag ratio of subsonic maneuverable missile was given.
  • Right now, the site's position as king of online toys owes as much to its unbeatable brand and the failures of its competitors as to its strategic maneuvers.
  • The boardrooms of media companies are virtual hotbeds of political maneuvering, petty jealousy and back-stabbing.
  • The air defense (counterair) operation can also provide protection for aircraft and missile systems conducting the long-range fire strike and ground maneuver forces striving to penetrate rapidly into enemy territory. FM 100-61 Chptr 10 Air Support
  • Skillfully and carefully, the owner maneuvered it into position between the stacks of oats, unhitched the tractor and turned it around to the face of the threshing machine.
  • The battle developed into one of maneuvering and firing with neither vessel gaining the advantage.
  • By a combination of luck and behind-the-scenes maneuvering, he defused a player revolt, midway through his tenure, led by Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer. The Man Who Groomed the Game
  • When this maneuver is properly executed, you can literally turn within one wingspan.
  • The subsequent development of the screw propeller, concealed beneath the surface of the water, yielded greater maneuverability as well as greater protection.
  • A palpable ‘clunk’ during either maneuver is considered a strongly positive sign for dislocation of the hip.
  • When a unit is engaged by an enemy force, it is likely that the commander will react by maneuvering forces to counter the enemy and, if possible, to pursue any evading forces.
  • Using x-ray guidance, the catheter is maneuvered to the area where the clot has formed. Thrombolysis
  • the cunning maneuvers leading to his success
  • Most successful basketball plays involve only two or three players in any particular play with the remaining players maneuvering or decoying opponents away from the intended point of attack.
  • In a snap she had maneuvered her feet under him and had sent him flying off the bed again.
  • But he remained annoyingly unloverlike and, worst of all, seemed to see through all her maneuverings to bring him to his knees. Gone with the Wind
  • NASA has released a video of the Endeavour performing the "rendez pitch maneuver" which NASA dubs a "backflip" as it arrived at the ISS for the last time. The Full Feed from
  • Now as we came into the heart of the target area, they cobbed their light maneuverable craft and spit up from our blind bellies. Thud Ridge
  • This paper investigates the least maneuver velocity through the tolerable apolune and other lunar orbit elements.
  • Racing school" is for more advanced sailors who are looking to become proficient at race strategy, tactics and maneuvers "spinnaker" gives individuals or teams instruction and practice with this element of sailing. The Roanoke Times: Home page
  • '' outmaneuvered '' the Obama administration and now has taxpayers '' over a barrel. '' Insurance Journal
  • And for that matter, is the reason he's now so interested in learning the truth behind the newspaper fire simply that he doesn't like her having outmaneuvered him?
  • The pilot was able to maneuver the crippled aircraft out of the hostile area.
  • Staffed by blooded veterans of the Clinton years -- from the "war room" in Little Rock to the impeachment hearings in Washington -- the Gore campaign is outmaneuvering and outmanning a Bush campaign that sometimes seems to be run from a cigar box in the back of the old family store. The Heat From Gore's Kitchen
  • Its clever oval shape allows you to maneuver perfectly around such delicate areas as ankles, knees and underarms.
  • The watch-wher, its snarl turning into an anguished cry of alarm, executed an incredible maneuver in mid-air, turning aside from its trajection. DragonFlight
  • At first when sails triumphed over oars, a large square sail was rigged on the mainmast while two smaller sails fore and aft gave the ship maneuverability.
  • Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal 'One feature shared by all successful surgeons is the ability to stand confidently beside a trusting, helpless and anesthetized patient, make a deliberate incision on unblemished skin and carry out often complex and sometimes lifethreatening maneuvers inside a body cavity. Healing Reads: The Year's Five Best Books
  • Your bobsled seems to jerk around the track and it is very difficult to learn how to properly maneuver your sled down the course.
  • He had recorded it two years earlier, but after two years and 7,000 miles by foot, horse, canoe, and keelboat, Lewis still maneuvered his vessel to the Missouri's shore in search of one last flower.
  • There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow. 
  • Twisted her other behind her back, all while avoiding the wriggling kicks and thwarting the clever maneuvers designed to slither out of even the tightest holds. Earl of Durkness
  • The probe's launch is the first in a series of critical navigational maneuvers on which the success of the mission depends.
  • These doctrines address a range of concerns including ambush, spies, maneuver, counter-intelligence, mutiny and force protection.
  • ROME—The operator of the Costa Concordia formally suspended the shipwrecked vessel's captain Thursday, as investigators scrutinized his final maneuvers with his stricken ship and reports emerged that he enjoyed a pre-wreck meal and wine with a 25-year-old woman. Scrutiny on Captain's Final Actions
  • No wonder the pre-election atmosphere can now be felt, particularly because the political elite have started maneuvering to serve their own and their groups' interests.
  • The UNSC battle group maneuvered behind the moon, denying the enemy a clean line of fire.
  • The thing is white, in high contrast to his nubby teeth, and he maneuvers it around his mouth.
  • Timing and Late Trading: When Eliot Spitzer was New York Attorney General and earned the handle Sheriff of Wall Street, he uncovered how hedge funds were maneuvering around trading rules like a Ferrari speeding around the hapless shmoes stuck in midtown traffic. Les Leopold: Is Corruption on Wall Street All in the Eyes of the Beholder?
  • On moonless nights when the landlord and his wife were too busy with trade to notice his absence, he prowled the bay, committing to memory its tidal vagaries and hazards to navigation, while he easily scried the maneuvers of the Cathran fleet and judged the competence of the different squadron leaders. Conqueror's Moon
  • She came to them, maneuvering so as to not knock into anyone with her ample hips.
  • Before he graduated from high school, his hometown became part of Romania—a less hospitable country for Jews—and was known as Cluj.3 The young Kasztner also showed other talents, including a knack for maneuvering himself quickly onto center stage. BARGAINING WITH THE DEVIL
  • A reasonable bridge building effort between activists and experts on both sides to try to address the issues through tactical maneuvers might be useful.
  • When flying in the atmosphere, the aerodynamic shape allowed him to maneuver better than most atmospheric craft.
  • If the spacecraft, after running out of maneuvering fuel, should crash into Europa, it might contaminate that moon with stowaway microbes from Earth and confound future searchers for indigenous life.
  • He voted in favor of it in the Cabinet but also tried to torpedo the plan in parliamentary maneuvers.
  • Having pinpointed the exact location, the bird goes in for the kill with an elaborate maneuver, kicking its legs out from under its wings and jackhammering its beak a few centimeters into the soil to nab its wriggling breakfast.
  • What is difficult about maneuver is to make the devious route the most direct and to turn misfortune to advantage.
  • The chopper shot upward in a maneuver matched by the other pilot. INCA GOLD
  • The freshets also provided enough water for large fish like sturgeons to maneuver their way upstream.
  • Every family maneuvers so that it can perceive itself in the most complimentary terms possible.
  • An alliance of limited duration with a player who is deficient in strategy can leave you in a much better position as you outmaneuver him in dealing with the players on the other side of the board.
  • This year, for example, the military also plans to hold joint maneuvers with India.
  • The mechanism is thought to be decreased cardiac venous return associated with the Valsalva maneuver.
  • The machines actually maneuver by climbing the viscosity of the air. PREY
  • This is a video taken from a U.S. Army helicopter on maneuvers.
  • A nine-foot-long "cargo" bicycle that has a super-stiff 48-pound frame, built in dynamo powered lights, a wood platform that can maneuver agilely while carrying 400 lbs., and quick-release wheels. Reinventing the Two-Wheeler
  • She started throwing wild punches but missed every time as he maneuvered around them.
  • Discussions of pectoral fin swimming in fishes have largely focused on the benefits of the fins during hovering, slow swimming and maneuvering.
  • But to outmaneuver tyrants, many need training in the strategies of nonviolent action as well as better information technology.
  • This maneuver adducts the fetal posterior shoulder in an attempt to rotate the shoulders out of the impacted position and into an oblique plane for delivery.
  • That kind of maneuverability, once enjoyed only by pro landscapers, is likely appealing to today’s ruralpolitans. Most Influential Home Products of the Decade, Part IV: Wood-pellet stoves and zero-turn-radius mowers
  • Kids will love reenacting the excitement of Iron Man†™ s aerial maneuvers from the movie. Toy Fair 2008: Hasbro Even Has Iron Man Toys | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The probe's launch is the first in a series of critical navigational maneuvers on which the success of the mission depends.
  • I had the chance to talk with one combat flight medic who specializes in something known as hoist maneuvers, basically being dangled from a helicopter and dropped into tough areas to rescue the injured. CNN Transcript Sep 19, 2009
  • To say that the proposition is imbecilic is not to derogate the intelligence of the folks whose political maneuvers have brought us to this pass.
  • It also requires adequate, trash-free backfill and sufficient soil moisture for compaction, as well as site conditions enabling a trencher to maneuver.
  • The helmsman responded as he maneuvered the Lexington away from the chunk of frozen ice and rock.
  • This maneuver served only to strengthen our resolve and we booked a meeting room in a hotel adjacent to the convention site.
  • Learn how to get your infant to sleep through the night and be a happier, healthier baby! infant hip exam for profesionals including ortolani and barlow maneuver - Articles related to Gates Foundation Signals New Focus on Maternal, Child Health
  • The algorithms used in maneuvering target tracking can be classified as methods based on maximum likelihood estimation and methods based on Bayesian estimation.
  • He had drawn a sword of his own and came at her, while his companion maneuvered for a flanking attack on the slayer.
  • In fact, speed is not a requirement for maneuverability as illustrated with the rigid-bodied boxfish and the fast start acceleration of fish from rest.
  • It takes five minutes to absorb the sort of movement Elkins devises: a mix of modern dance, martial arts like aikido and capoeira, hip-hop, and maneuvers from contact improvisation.
  • He could carry out the intricate navigational corrections, and execute the necessary flight maneuvers when it was time to change course.
  • Gone are maneuvers such as wallrides and heightened elevation ollie jumps.
  • The maneuverability of Opportunity is a factor as well, because remnant boulders from the impact may litter the rim.
  • Her idea of a ‘fun job’ is putting on a crash helmet and maneuvering one of the station's two 47-foot self-righting motor lifeboats through 14-foot breaking waves.
  • The judges are looking for snaps and big cutbacks, all the showy point-scoring maneuvers of professional surfing today.
  • This two-fold maneuver had mixed results: The new name was successful and its friendly logo became instantly pronounceable and familiar all around the world, but Zenith never regained its past glory.
  • For example, blind people can maneuver through unfamiliar areas with the aid of seeing-eye dogs or canes.
  • For many flying animals, natural and sexual selection likely work in concert to promote enhanced maneuverability.
  • Paulson, who has large positions in gold via the GLD ETF, bragged that “in addition to maneuvering our investment strategy based on where we are in the economic cycle, a large part of our success has been based on anticipating market events before they are generally recognized. Billionaire Movers: Google Guys, Buffett, Paulson And More
  • He eluded her only by side-slipping violently, and be lost all the advantage of the speed his dive had given him in that panicked maneuver. Elvenblood
  • He believes there is a right-wing conspiracy organized by the CIA and the military-industrial complex to maneuver the country into another war.
  • Shawn Michaels combined high-flying maneuvers with solid technical skills.
  • During an orchestra rehearsal for New York City Ballet, he rushes onto the stage from the audience, nimbly maneuvering over a narrow strip between the proscenium and the orchestra pit.
  • This rapid maneuver causes surprise, disorientation, and psychologically dislocates the enemy, which disrupts his plans and will.
  • He is a solid strategist, who uses his entire roster and rarely gets outmaneuvered.
  • As Mr. Casey maneuvered the large vehicle through traffic, he said he wouldn't mind having an altercation with another driver: "It would be cool to have a taxi sideswipe us and be at this intersection and have an argument. Storm Chaser and Tank Blow Into Town
  • Instead of constantly maneuvering to maintain contact, the platoon should seize the dominant terrain in the area.
  • Time for maneuvering and backstabbing, that is, if Dork Vader ever stops bragging about his victory. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor Tocantins: Lies and Whispers
  • Deportation or the failure to get a visa is seen as a temporary setback during which strategies to outmaneuver consular officers, who are perceived as racists, are elaborated.
  • Maneuvering and the use of machine guns in fighting made infantry files pressing along the front inefficient.
  • We talked of many things, fashion, religion, politics, all the while she tried to tempt me with new and suggestive maneuvers.
  • No wonder the pre-election atmosphere can now be felt, particularly because the political elite have started maneuvering to serve their own and their groups' interests.
  • He believes there is a right-wing conspiracy organized by the CIA and the military-industrial complex to maneuver the country into another war.
  • One who does not know the topography of mountains and forests, ravines and defiles, wetlands and marshes cannot maneuver the army.
  • An alliance of limited duration with a player who is deficient in strategy can leave you in a much better position as you outmaneuver him in dealing with the players on the other side of the board.
  • The next several weeks Landon's recovery progressed to the point where he had some movement in his arms and could maneuver in a wheelchair.
  • It did that by outmaneuvering and underselling its competitors for decades, thereby earning its station as the top global retailer.
  • The EZ-Rocket performed another series of tight turns, steep climbs, and a wingover maneuver.
  • On these missions, the Crusaders carried little or no munitions to increase their maneuverability and airspeed in dodging the SAMs that were released. Wallace, MIchael W.
  • The use of variation in downstroke and, to a lesser degree, upstroke velocity to maneuver suggests that the evolution of the pectoral girdle was key to both the high power requirements of slow flight and the ability to maneuver during it.
  • At the end of 1990, the speeding Galileo carried out another slingshot maneuver, this time involving the Earth, and entered an orbit that will bring it back for a second slingshot past the Earth some two years later.
  • With her hands behind Myra's neck, she looked down into the space between them and carefully maneuvered herself until the tip of the dildo was at the opening to her own vagina. MORE FROM GINNY BATES: MYRA THE WRITER
  • She was either using too much rudder in her chandelle maneuvers or not enough. Silver Wings, Santiago Blue
  • Nothing was more amusing than standing inside the pivot point and seeing it twist and turn as the driver maneuvered through the windy streets of Kingston.
  • To complete the effect, she makes Jacob wear goatskin to approximate Esau's hairiness, a maneuver that successfully deceives Isaac and results in Isaac's mistakenly blessing him instead of Esau.
  • She put the ship through a series of difficult maneuvers at top speed.
  • These ships were a great design invention and were much more maneuverable and faster than the other style of canoes that were being used by other island peoples in the area.
  • With the masculine fruitless gene, females instinctiely lunge to the exclusion of their usual maneuvers.
  • Bloodwing twisted and arced away from the explosion and the remaining torpedoes, and on the other side, Ortisei, having just begun an evasive maneuver, shuddered and sideslipped as the force of the explosion hit her shields. Rihannsu: The Bloodwing Voyages

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