How To Use Manes In A Sentence
The Benedictine abbey is long gone but the eleventh-century church remains, and is one of the finest survivors of the Romanesque in France.
The greatest lexicographer of the 19th and early 20th century, James A.H. Murray, began his Romanes Lecture in 1900 on The Evolution of English Lexicography — one of the key texts in English lexicography — with a little story:
Analyzing Becky Sharp’s Trash
Huxley's interest in these great problems appears and reappears throughout his published writings, but his views are most clearly and systematically exposed in his "Romanes" lecture on "Evolution and
Thomas Henry Huxley; A Sketch Of His Life And Work
They're the cruddy ones no one wants, not the spectacular, awesome ones with fairy wings and gypsy stallions with big manes," she says.
Virtual Products, Real Profits
Add the romanesco, squashing some of the bigger florets.
Times, Sunday Times
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Romanesco is of the cauliflower family, but is totally green - a cross between cauliflower and broccoli.
Times, Sunday Times
The horses hurtled past, manes streaming behind them.
If Mr. Burroughs cannot answer to his own satisfaction, he may call Dr. Romanes a nature-faker and dismiss the incident from his mind.
The Other Animals
Trim flat the base of each romanesco.
Times, Sunday Times
Honoring Spanish custom, stallions are never gelded, long manes and tails are never clipped on the stallions, and the mares' tails are clipped in a fashion that tells age and status.
Fifteen miles north of Cambridge is the splendid Romanesque cathedral at Ely.
The Drumaness bowler scythed through the defence of Alan Millar with just the second delivery of his first over, dismissing the Bangor opener for 4 runs.
With the amount of sun and surf streaming out of Australia, creating a top of the line hair product to tame their manes is a concept Evo takes seriously.
Cool Hunting
Along the path there were fascinating details, composed of the manifold greenery which revels in damp heat, ferns, mosses, confervae, fungi, trailers, shading tiny rills which dropped down into grottoes feathery with the exquisite Trichomanes radicans, or drooped over the rustic path and hung into the river, and overhead the finely incised and almost feathery foliage of several varieties of maple admitted the light only as a green mist.
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
A prodigious amount of backcombing and a preponderance of blondes created a fair few leonine manes but the effect was more catwalk queen than Lion King.
Has the Little Black Dress finally fallen out of fashion?
With a Romanesque Revival exterior style, the interior has extensive hand-carved woodwork in the shape of mermaids and mythical animals.
Talking of twists, balletomanes will smile at the the doting ‘Ballet Mother ‘that appears a few times.
The males have great lionlike manes of tawny fur.
Romanesco can be eaten raw or cooked.
Times, Sunday Times
Outside the ancient settlement, with its alleyways and arches reinforced with bamboo canes, is the early 13 th-century romanesque church of St Esteve.
Balletomanes from all corners of the world testify to the prestige and popularity of this world-class event.
Why, don't you know, Patsy," replied his friend, "that it manes our party have made a clane swape of the cowld-wather men?
From Wealth to Poverty
The teleplay begins as a simulated documentary about the impact of a nuclear strike on Sheffield, but ends up as a coolly Bergmanesque vision of a literal hell on earth.
The influential balletomanes associated with the Russian companies were limited and conservative in the extreme in their attitude to music.
The legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Romanesque architecture.
A Whitmanesque catalogue filled with futurist horrors, this powerful prose poem visualizes the aboveground as a world where technology and rationality have become tools of violence and destruction on a world scale.
They are sexually dimorphic and male lions are the only cats with manes.
The legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Romanesque architecture.
The Romanesque wing is all church decorations of various sorts, and all the rooms are designed like actual Romanesque churches, with columns or apses as appropriate to display the (usually fragmentary) decoration in the right place.
It has also been suggested that the Romanesque crypt of the Chapel of Notre-Dame du Dromon may originally have been the mausoleum of Dardanus and his wife, Nevia Galla.
Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, baroque, and rococo facades combine to create majestic results.
[168] Qual Madama Sposa danzò molte danze al suono delli suoi Tamburini alla Romanesca e Spagnuola: report of Niccolò Gagnolo of Parma, who had accompanied the French ambassador to Ferrara.
Lucretia Borgia According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day
Instantly the lions of Solomon, which had been newly furbished, raised their heads, erected their manes, brandished their tails, until they excited the imagination of Count Robert, who, being already on fire at the circumstances of his reception, conceived the bellowing of these automata to be the actual annunciation of immediate assault.
Count Robert of Paris
Before the main rampart of the castle (from the Romanesque period) he placed a new bailey wall.
Further south the Romanesque architecture is traditional but strongly tinged with classical forms from Rome.
Testimonio personal de la manifestación contra la islamización en Colonia Estuve ayer, y lo ucneto en ingñes Briselas: Padre e hijos mulmanes golpean a muerte a un mendigo por beber cerveza en Ramadán
Eurabian News
Common blacks have very very large, noticable 'manes' of spiky hair around their face.
Blue-Eyed Lemurs: Or why gentlemen prefer blondes.
This "gentle madness" that characterizes librarians and all kinds of bibliophiles and bibliomanes may well frighten historians of economic thought.
The home to which Manesquier takes his new friend is clearly that of a wealthy man, careless of his surroundings.
Linda Griffiths's play, inspired by George Gissing's The Odd Women, has already been seen widely in North America, but it gets its UK premiere in a production by Stellar Quines, directed by Muriel Romanes.
This week's new theatre
This heresy was a compound of Priscillianism, the dualism of Manes, Oriental and Gnostic fancies, Gothic Arianism, and indigenous superstition, all fused together in what was known as Albigensianism, and which was hardly
Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
A group of St Petersburg balletomanes are said to have celebrated their devotion to Taglioni's art by cooking and eating a pair of her shoes.
The Cathedral of Saint-Nazaire-et-Saint-Blaise is similar in quality; it consists of a Romanesque nave that is flanked by aisles and crossed by a transept in early Gothic style.
Local balletomanes wondered, ‘Who is this Helgi Tomasson?’
This is where the green, pointy romanesco comes in: its flavour is sweeter and it looks 10 times better.
Times, Sunday Times
Their neighing was the shout of the tempest in the rocks; and their gusty manes were a cloud that tatters in the storm!
"The Fading of Shadow Flower"
The bell tower dates from the eleventh-century and is the oldest in the Lombardy Romanesque style that still exists.
Latins called the maleficent ghosts of the dead, Larvae, and called the beneficent or harmless ghosts, Lares, or Manes, or Genii, according to Apuleius.
Japan: an Attempt at Interpretation
But I knew how much he'd relish navigating me through the Auvergne on a car-borne hunt for the gems of Romanesque church architecture that have lodged themselves in his heart over all these years.
I think it will entertain you when it appears in November -- and perhaps interest -- by the adumbration of the line I mean to take if ever that "Romanes" Lecture at Oxford comes off.
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 3
Their manes and tails are trimmed evenly, never wrapped and always comfortably cut just above the hocks.
Add the romanesco, squashing some of the bigger florets.
Times, Sunday Times
More bare-faced and bold by far is The Asylum, the Cormanesque micro-studio whose stock in trade is the "mockbuster".
LA gets blown up once again in Battle: Los Angeles
Richardsonian Romanesque, named after architect H.H. Richardson, who interpreted Romanesque architecture into a distinctly different style, and created one which abandoned the vertical silhouettes and smooth stone facings of earlier times.
The American Country House | Edwardian Promenade
Moreover, 'dook' in Romanes means spirit, ghost, and very likely Sinfi found some power of association in this fact; for Videy was a born sceptic.
When he rose it was to shear off all his hair, and to order to have all the ornaments in the city taken off the walls and the manes and tails of all the horses sheared as well.
We have seen examples of this adopted in architectural figures of the Romanesque period in the south-western schools.
The ornament about this window, especially that in the long panel below it and upon the cyma of the soffit above, is Byzantine in character, while the columns, with the exception of the capital of the one at the left, are much more Romanesque.
The Brochure Series of Architectural Illustration, Volume 01, No. 04, April 1895 Byzantine-Romanesque Windows in Southern Italy
Lena's eyes narrowed against the harsh glare of the sun gleaming off the backs and manes of several horses in the surrounding pastures.
The E and W responds of both nave arcades are Romanesque.
The legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Romanesque architecture.
Romanes most inuincible, Henry king of England, duke of Normandie and Aquitaine, Earle of Anjou wisheth health and concord of sincere amitie.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Briselas: Padre e hijos mulmanes golpean a muerte a un mendigo por beber cerveza en Ramadán Testimonio personal de la manifestación contra la islamización en Colonia Estuve ayer, y lo ucneto en ingñes
Eurabian News
In field experiments female lions tend to choose male partners with the darkest manes.
We begin with one of nature's more unusual vegetables — the romanesco: part broccoli, part cauliflower.
Times, Sunday Times
An unpretentious man, he even kept his hair slicked down because, as he said in 1977, he could not stand musicians who affected dramatic manes of hair.
Tribes of hoodlum punkers rumble easy clean on vintage American Harleys in monsoon rushes of postindustrial airbrushed green and blue and orange manes.
I'm alternately running and driving through this Gaimanesque forest/Wisconsin backwoods, when I get to THE BORDER.
Day in the Life of an Idiot
Romanesque illuminators paid particular attention to the elaboration of the initial, which might be richly decorated with fantastically distorted human or animal figures.
Male lions develop thick woolly manes on the neck and shoulders, signifying maturity.
We have seen examples of this adopted in architectural figures of the Romanesque period in the south-western schools.
The name of Satan is Babylonian, and is in somewise the Arimanes of
A Philosophical Dictionary
Many are in a poor physical state with dull coats and thin manes, suffering from a variety of ailments caused by inbreeding.
Dr.C. J. Romanes tells of a female chimpanzee who was taught to count straws up to five.
The Other Animals
I first saw them on a postage-stamp-size stage in the Village where the troupe consisted of perhaps eight balletomanes.
MADAME DE SCHULEMBOURG'S carriage, drawn by two beautiful Hanoverian ponies, cream in colour, with long manes and tails like floss silk, was followed by a britzka; but despatches called away Mr. Revel, and Novalis stole off to his studio.
The high quality of the die-cutting places the bracteates in the ranks of the most important small works of Romanesque art.
The torpidity of this sick animated humaness is a figuration of the total energic flow of this world-body in which life-and-death are its metabolic (anabolic and katabolic) currents.
From the Moulin de Cambelong a twisty road rises to the perfectly preserved medieval village of Conques, huddled on the edge of a gorge round the towering Romanesque cathedral church of Sainte-Foy.
Inside the cemetery is a Romanesque - style memorial chapel in memory of Robert Morrison.
Of these the earliest known is a “Romanesca per violone Solo e Basso se piaci,” and some dances, by Biagio Marini, published in 1620.
Famous Violinists of To-day and Yesterday
Closer to the present-day frontier in the section known as the Col de Panissars the ruins of the Romanesque church have been shown by excavation to overlie the remains of an unusual Roman structure.
Trim flat the base of each romanesco.
Times, Sunday Times
Like many New York armories, it looks like a medieval fortress with towers and turrets and Romanesque corbeling.
New York Sun - All Articles
The legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Romanesque architecture.
They are pretty little things with floating manes and dished faces; not quite the angry war horses you would imagine from the tribesmen's descriptions.
In the sixteenth century the new towns on the Spanish islands were a compilation of mixed styles dominated by the plateresque style, although there were also many Gothic and Romanesque elements.
Manes of threaded fog leaped and bowed with balletic malice, embracing the adversaries, whispering promises of beautiful demise into their unheeding ears.
They are buildings of the Romanesque or Gothic periods and possess strong Byzantine characteristics.
their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind
His version of Château Lafite follows the original French blueprints but adds two extra floors, and has the building's two wings linked by an arc of Romanesque columns.
This is where the green, pointy romanesco comes in: its flavour is sweeter and it looks 10 times better.
Times, Sunday Times
Petipa had mellowed by the time he created Don Quixote; in 1847 he was still trying to impress the Czar and the St. Petersburg balletomanes.
The prices which bibliomanes are sometimes reported as paying for their coveted treasures almost stagger belief.
Many competitors make their own hobbyhorses, gluing-on eyes and attaching manes of thread that flutter as the rider gallops along.
Times, Sunday Times
You have used both "Romanes" and "Inuktitut" without explanation in the past, though. LANGUAGE GUESSER.
The stone statue of King Shalmaneser III, from the 9th century BC, was returned in four pieces.
a "brumby," with as much breed as the boy; a brace of chumars in gold-laced caps; three or four ekka-ponies with hogged manes, and a switch-tailed demirep of a mare called Arab because she has a kink in her flag.
Plain Tales from the Hills
Its progress was the realisation of three great aims, towards which the Romanesque architects were ever striving -- the perfecting of the arcuated and vaulted construction, the increase of the altitude of their proportion, and the general adding of refinement and delicacy to their details. [
Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
I posted last night about heroes and tousled manes at Oddshots last night.
Oddshots Post
Similar images commonly appear within French Romanesque tympana of the Last Judgment.
He is a fine late Romanesque painter open to more modern influences, particularly those emanating from Byzantium, perhaps via Franciscan illuminated manuscripts.
Most recently he agreed to contribute to a book I'm editing on Walt Whitman, though he apologized that his deteriorating health would prevent his penning a new essay -- drats, I thought, because Jean Bethke Elshtain is also a contributor to the new volume, and it would have been nice to reenact their earlier dispute, albeit now on Whitmanesque territory.
John Seery: Richard Rorty: Ironically Upbeat in Dark Times
Romanesco can be eaten raw or cooked.
Times, Sunday Times
Others kept aside, manes ashiver, as if whispers went between them.
Male lions use their manes to attract females, to scare competitors, to make them look bigger and to protect their head and neck during fights.
If you're showing, check any relevant breed society guidelines first - pure-bred Arabs and natives should be shown with full, unplaited manes, whilst part-breds should have their manes pulled and plaited.
The black slate wall demarcates the boundary of the site and encloses an internal patio garden on the south-west side, landscaped in a similar Eisenmanesque fashion.
The Church of S. Servaas has a Romanesque east end with apse and twin towers.
Female lions do not have manes.
Woody trailers, harsh hard grass in tufts, the Asplenium trichomanes in rifts, the Pellea ternifolia in sand, and some ohia and mamane scrub in hollow places sheltered from the wind, all hard, crisp, unlovely growths, contrast with the lavish greenery below.
The Hawaiian Archipelago
I recall visiting Calvin's church in Geneva, a twelfth-century Romanesque building dedicated to Saint Peter.
Igitur in locum ambobus placitum [422] exercitus conveniunt; ibi fide data et accepta Jugurtha Bocchi animum oratione accendit: Romanes injustos, profunda avaritia, [423] communes omnium hostes esse; eandem illos causam belli cum Boccho habere quam secum et cum aliis gentibus, libidinem imperitandi, quis [424] omnia regna adversa sint; tum sese, [425] paulo ante Carthaginienses, item regem Persen, post, uti quisque opulentissimus videatur, ita Romanis hostem fore.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
Long manes and flowing tails set the reining horse apart from other equine sports.
And Suetonius, speaking of Otho, says, “He endeavours, by all kinds of piacular sacrifices, to propitiate the manes of Galba, by whom he had seen himself thrust down and expelled.”
A Dissertation on Divine Justice
McCain gives me that ... well ... that imperial Romanesque kind of twinge in my belly.
Several protesters interrupt McCain speech
The Notes, with the papers which precede them, will, I think, be better understood if I give some preliminary account of their antecedents, that is of Romanes 'previous publications on the subject of religion.
Thoughts on Religion
An 11th century Romanesque Abbey is the centerpiece of Conques and it provides abode and comfort to over 100 pilgrims a night during the high season of the pilgrimage, from May to September; the village has concerts and street markets and a spirit of faith drawn from its patron saint, a fourth century adolescent martyr, Sainte Foy.
Lloyd I. Sederer, MD: Journey for Body and Soul: The St. Jacques de Compostelle Pilgrimage Trail
The first thing one remarks of Paul Manes's paintings of sprawlingly rendered stacked bowls is the complex sensuousness of their surfaces.
Two young stable boys with pointed ears and long manes of black hair grabbed the reins of their horses and steadied the animals as the riders dismounted.
Sirens, the most common hybrids to be included in Romanesque sculpture, appear frequently in the context of the monastic cloister.
In the Romanesque and Gothic styles, the archivolt frames the tympanum, a richly sculpted panel.
His Navajo cheekbones dazzled; his classic Romanesque nose left one breathless.
The lay-out of the chevet is characteristic of the bigger Romanesque churches in Auvergne; the pyramidal arrangement of the tiers of clearly distinct masses makes it easy to follow the architectural design of the interior.
The men greeted him with feet threateningly lifted for the kick, the dogs with bristling manes and bared fangs.
Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, baroque, and rococo facades combine to create majestic results.
There have been at least three churches on the site since the one built by Eadwine counting his timber church and its stone replacement as one: a larger ‘Anglo-Saxon’ church built in the 8th century and sometimes called the Anglian Minster; a Norman Minster built in the Romanesque style in the 11th century; and the present Minster built in the Gothic style between the 13th and 15th centuries.
Archive 2010-01-01
Boa Sr, the 85-year-old last speaker of "Bo, " was the oldest member of the Great Andamanese tribe, R.C. Kar, deputy director of Tribal Health in Andaman, told reporters on Friday.
Study and research into pre-Romanesque architecture is still comparatively recent and more is being found out each decade.
Romanesco is of the cauliflower family, but is totally green - a cross between cauliflower and broccoli.
Times, Sunday Times
Three year-old male lions grow manes that vary in color from black to blond.
Ever north, through a fat and flourishing rejuvenated land, stopping at the towns of Willows, Red Bluff and Redding, crossing the counties of Colusa, Glenn, Tehama, and Shasta, went the spruce wagon drawn by the dappled chestnuts with cream-colored manes and tails.
The most spectacular of these is the Capel Garmon firedog from North Wales, with its magnificent horns and elaborate and fanciful manes.
The teleplay begins as a simulated documentary about the impact of a nuclear strike on Sheffield, but ends up as a coolly Bergmanesque vision of a literal hell on earth.
Sled collided with sled, and dog-team fastened upon dog-team with bristling manes and screaming fangs.
The manes and tails streamed out as the horses cantered.
Adad -nirari I's successor, Shalmaneser I, made Calah his capital, and followed up on expansion to the northwest, mainly at the expense of the Hittites, reaching as far as Carchemish.
The new factory will be the third unit at Maruti's complex in Manesar, Haryana, which is about 30 kilometres (18 miles) from New Delhi.
The Times of India
In the latter case, Gothic evolved from Romanesque vaulting (modelled on Roman precedent) following brilliant experiments in the eleventh century.
For one thing, it's being held at the Gladstone, that ragged, Romanesque marvel on Queen West, home to bohos and assorted karaoke casualties.
Durham Cathedral is one of the most majestic cathedrals in Britain and a unique combination of Romanesque and Gothic architecture.
New York who was married to one and spoke Romanes herself (a rare accomplishment for a gadjo); she found the use of "Roma" by outsiders bizarre, and always spoke of "Gypsies" and said those she knew did the same in English.
At the western extremity of Florentine territory (in the outskirts of Pisa) was a historic Petrine site, the Romanesque church of San Piero a Grado.
If a man wants your money, he ought to ask for it, or send round a subscription-list, instead of juggling about the country, with an Australian larrikin; a "brumby," with as much breed as the boy; a brace of chumars in gold-laced caps; three or four ekka-ponies with hogged manes, and a switch-tailed demirep of a mare called Arab because she has a kink in her flag.
Indian Tales
The crypt of the Romanesque-Gothic transitional Basilique Saint-Paul, which contains several Roman sarcophagi, is considered to have been the mausoleum of a wealthy family.
After this mass, another was celebrated in one of the apsidiole chapels at the Romanesque cathedral of S. Reparata.
The singer has composed songs in some rare ragas such as Vandhanadhaarini, Sumanesaranjini, Bagesri and Madhukauns.
The news that The Royal Ballet's artistic director had resigned in September set balletomanes buzzing and journalists digging.
This led Shalmaneser to invade Syria (2 Kings 17:5) and besiege Samaria for three years.
The Master smiled, and simply watched as Heather combed her fingers through the horses' manes.
Bedad, I don't ondercumstubble," he replied, taking off his cap and scratching his head reflectively, rather taken aback by my Latin quotation; "though if that haythen lingo manes soft sawder, by the powers I've got lashins av it!
Afloat at Last A Sailor Boy's Log of his Life at Sea
Maruti has two factories in Haryana, at Gurgaon and Manesar.
Maruti Expects Sales to Grow 19% This Year
So, musicians make a better living, while balletomanes enjoy the status and the possibilities for collaborative fireworks that come only with live accompaniment.
Only 10 strands of hair from the tail, forelock, but preferably the mane, are needed, pulled in exactly the same way as required for thinning manes.
But this famous apostrophe closes on a truer note with six lines of unsurpassed satire (454) -- mortalia nulli sunt curata deo. cladis tamen huius habemus vindictam, quantam terris dare numina fas est: bella pares superis facient civilia divos; fulminibus manes radiisque ornabit et astris, inque deum templis iurabit Roma per umbras.
Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
The government passed prohibitory orders barring nearly 2,000 employees of Maruti's Manesar plant in Haryana from continuing with the strike--which has left the country's largest auto maker by sales with a daily production loss of 1,200 cars, or 400 million rupees $8.9 million--and referred the problem to the local labor court.
Maruti Strikers Ordered Back to Work
We begin with one of nature's more unusual vegetables — the romanesco: part broccoli, part cauliflower.
Times, Sunday Times
Construction began in 1903 on the neoclassical Romanesque style house of worship.
Rounding off an exceptionally well-filled and desirable disc is a handful of Poulenc miniatures, ranging from the vulgarity of his early Valse via the farcical Manes de la Tour Eiffel pieces to the rumbustiously jolly Matelote provencale.
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What was generally made use of consisted of vervain, tenia, and hippomanes; or a small portion of the secundine of a mare that had just foaled, together with a little bird called wagtail; in Latin motacilla.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Male lions develop thick woolly manes on the neck and shoulders, signifying maturity.
With neon-lit mock Chinese fishing villages, a Romanesque coliseum and a man-made volcano spewing artificial lava, Macau believes it would, like Las Vegas, draw people from across the continent to spin the wheel of fortune.
Manescu had noticed a network of aerials, wires and dishes mounted on the roof.
Horse owners know the whole story when it comes to our horse's manes, tails and forelocks.
We looked up at the massive museum, an exquisite neo-Romanesque exercise in pink brownstone and granite, with a sweeping stone staircase and an overscaled Beaux-Arts monument to Theodore Roosevelt.
First Love & Other Obsessions
Male lions develop thick woolly manes on the neck and shoulders, signifying maturity.
The man's genius was a known fact; known, that is, by England's critics, cognoscenti, and a small coterie of that country's balletomanes.
Both mares have roached manes for the polo season.
Lions'manes vary from light blond to black and can be up to a foot long.
The only sounds he heard were the crickets chirping, the manes and tails being swished about and the occasional grunts and snorts from the animals that occupy the stables.
There are a few actresses, like Betty White, Helen Mirren and Judi Dench, who proudly sport their white manes on screen, and even the occasional part that requires gray for the role -- remember Streep went white to play The Devil Wears Prada's Miranda?
A Gray Area? Rethinking Hair Norms
The black slate wall demarcates the boundary of the site and encloses an internal patio garden on the south-west side, landscaped in a similar Eisenmanesque fashion.
We do not usually link to reports which are mostly pictorial, but the images of the ordinations celebrated last Sunday by the Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X FSSPX / SSPX, Bishop Bernard Fellay, at the austere Romanesque abbatial church of the Benedictine Monastery of Our Lady of Bellaigue are truly beautiful and deserve to be seen.
Archive 2009-05-01
As far as the historical aspects are concerned, it is necessary to mention the Romanesque Baptistry and the adjacent cupelled boulder with Celtic engravings.
It may not be filling the House but it's certainly fuelling the balletomanes!
Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, baroque, and rococo facades combine to create majestic results.
You can hardly see their faces under their manes, just black markings around the mouth and lolling pink tongues.
Indeed in one of the very passages I have quoted in order to show that Mr. Romanes accepts the phenomena of heredity as phenomena of memory, he speaks of "heredity as playing an important part _in forming memory_ of ancestral experiences;" so that whereas I want him to say that the phenomena of heredity are due to memory, he will have it that the memory is due to the heredity, {236a} which seems to me absurd.
Selections from Previous Works and Remarks on Romanes' Mental Evolution in Animals
Further south the Romanesque architecture is traditional but strongly tinged with classical forms from Rome.
The bears are like moon bears but with astonishing golden coats, dark manes, and black, pandalike rings around the eyes.
Cyber Poem shemen manch grapo caroa wifequal humly padotess semattat nugavin regerr amize tracen chrednu untesi dappre ciancep umanes nessoni amude iscult bitings voinia flogm emove unceent phain masters flansa nongocl prexpop adetsis elcisia restidig remstio lemph imlmsani waillyau messesel dicingeo muslies snote baciumog pstred interver faings gringlin bardshie suribi estermis chskur pesses chmpor conessi pecaten buden leggl focha ingeflo abrato smasied mange
365: It Was a Lovely Year
I do not feel called upon to characterise the accuracy of the drawings of embryos of different classes of the Vertebrata given by Haeckel in his popular works, and reproduced by Romanes and, for all that I know, other popular exponents of the evolution theory.
Haeckel had a point - The Panda's Thumb
The fact that the author seems to so terribly miss the point of pacifism is odd because another strong message that he tries to convey in this book is that there is something human in all of us that we can all recognize and that our shared humaness has nothing to do with our beliefs about any particlular invisible diety.
Archive 2008-10-01
Manescu had the impression the apparition behind the opaque glass wall was drinking from an absurdly shaped vessel.
[3923] Ad cinerem et manes credis curare sepultos?
Anatomy of Melancholy
When I'm chatting with someone and want to refer to Romanes, I call it "Gypsy" for the same reason -- it would be appallingly discourteous to use a name certain to go over their head, and I would find it unbearably pedantic to be saying things like "now, in Romanes, which is what you call 'Gypsy'... LANGUAGE GUESSER.
Also, the company's Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. subsidiary—India's biggest car maker by volume—since June has grappled with labor problems at its Manesar factory that have disrupted production.
Suzuki's Net Falls 4.7% on Yen, India Crunch
The bell tower dates from the eleventh-century and is the oldest in the Lombardy Romanesque style that still exists.
A destacar la Basilica del Pilar, el nostre estimat Ebre (amb força, imponent), i les antigues muralles romanes.
Dia a Saragossa | [bauen]
There was light snow falling, and it caught in the horses' manes and actors' hair.
Three year-old male lions grow manes that vary in color from black to blond.
The Romanesque is of Transitional type, with wide pointed arches and barrel vault, a clerestory but no triforium.
In his Romanes Lecture recently published, he states, page 4: "My first thesis is that an electric charge possesses the most fundamental and characteristic property of matter, viz. mass or inertia; so that if any one were to speak of a milligramme or an ounce or a ton of electricity, though he would certainly be speaking inconveniently, he might not necessarily be speaking erroneously.
Aether and Gravitation
The legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Romanesque architecture.
They have pointy snouts, bulbous noses and grizzled manes.
Romanes" was used in a special sense to denote the Romans who maintained their independence against the Slavs.
Twenty Years Of Balkan Tangle
_Manda_, and from Shalmaneser II onwards the Assyrian kings had to devote ever more attention to the Manda country, raiding it, sacking it, exacting tribute from it, but all the while betraying their growing consciousness that a grave peril lurked behind Zagros, the peril of the
The Ancient East
The symmetry, smooth finish of the stones, and the perfectly proportional square belltower with Romanesque arcades creates a pleasing image of quiet unity.
In the sections where Jackson discusses the hunters and collectors of books, he shows that bibliomanes often do not read their books.
The term approaching nearest thereto that we can find, is _M'cheejacmih_, which signifies _Shade_, and may be construed something in the nature of the _Manes_ of the Romans.
An Account of the Customs and Manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets Savage Nations, Now Dependent on the Government of Cape-Breton