

  1. a genus of stemless herbs of the family Solanaceae

How To Use Mandragora In A Sentence

  • But at least the play gives us the chance to hear fine lines and scrunchy words such as 'mandragora'. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also identified certain plants with pharmacological action such as mandragora or nightshade, opium and henbane and gives various recipes for inducing both anesthesia and analgesia before surgery.
  • Among the plants and herbs that were sacred to Hecate was the mandragora or mandrake.
  • Not poppy nor mandragora will ever medicine this bitter feud! ... The Woodlanders
  • Radix mandragora ebibitae, Annuli ex ungulis Asini, Stercus amatae sub cervical positum, illa nesciente, &c., quum odorem foeditatis sentit, amor solvitur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • (variously transliterated _doudou_ or _didi_), which Brugsch [366] and his followers interpreted as "mandragora," is now believed to have another meaning. The Evolution of the Dragon
  • The treatment consists generally in ointments and collyria in abundance, but in fistula lachrymalis incision and tents of alder-pith, mandragora (_malum terrae_), briony, gentian, etc., are recommended, and entropion is referred directly to the surgeon. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • Also, from the leaves of mandragora, a concoction is produced which can be given to those who have need for amputation.
  • Perhaps the most plausible suggestion that has been made as to the derivation of the word "mandragora" is Delâtre's claim [395] that it is compounded of the words _mandros_, "sleep," and _agora_, "object or substance," and that mandragora means "the sleep-producing substance". The Evolution of the Dragon
  • Mandragora caulescens issued after the blisters, and back to the original water should be the previous right into the soup, otherwise parameters after cooking brittle hard, shrink.
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