How To Use mandibula In A Sentence
- Common complications were snap of temporomandibular joint hemimandibular , restriction of mouth opening and facial nerve injury.
- One of the more important aspects of mandibular reduction is to seat the occlusion or bite, as it existed before the accident.
- Three-segmented ectothermic quadropod, filiform antennae, mandibulate mouthparts, tegmina and hindwings, seemingly asocial. MINUTES TO BURN
- Methods Cap splints wereto the occlusional and were used to fix the mandibular fracture.
- Hertwig considered that the following bones were originally formed by coalescence of teeth -- parasphenoid, vomer, palatine, pterygoid, the tooth-bearing part of the pre-maxillary, the maxillary, the dentary and certain bones of the hyo-mandibular skeleton of Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
- Mecoptera: long-winged: neuropterous insects with similar, large, unfolded wings; mouth mandibulate, prolonged into a beak: head free; thorax agglutinated; transformations complete: the scorpion flies or Panorpidae. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
- Three-segmented ectothermic quadropod, filiform antennae, mandibulate mouthparts, tegmina and hindwings, seemingly asocial. MINUTES TO BURN
- Accessory slips may join the muscle from the digastric, from the stylomandibular ligament, or the angle of the mandible.
- According to Von Meyer no mandibular tusks were present and most probably the jaw possessed a short elephantine symphysis.
- Sound is conducted through the middle ear via the stapes or columella (both are ear ossicles derived from the hyomandibular).