How To Use Mandatory In A Sentence
One effortlessly got saturation coverage, the other struggled to get noticed, despite the mandatory presence of a celebrity, a suitably weighty one too.
The patient, priorly known only as "Patient Zeta," came forward Tuesday and called for mandatory condom use in the porn productions.
Derrick Burts, HIV-positve porn actor, calls for condom use in industry
The Slovakian bid seems to have the mandatory safety requirements covered, but not much more is explained.
Yet necessary public-health interventions are by nature paternalistic: think fluoridation of municipal water supplies, compulsory vaccinations and mandatory reporting of communicable diseases.
Is the appointment of worker - directors to be mandatory?

She is campaigning for what she calls ‘sensible’ gun control, advocating trigger locks, childproof guns and mandatory background checks at gun shows.
But FAA regulations require that if a mandatory inspection or other so-called airworthiness directive is skipped, the aircraft must be pulled out of service immediately until the work is done.
Southwest Could Pay Record Fine to FAA
The text may also be viewed as a legal instruction, issuing from God, requiring a particular and mandatory punishment for murder.
A mandatory inclusive executive, however formed, involving those who are criminal godfathers will never gain our support.
Waters managed to get his films screened in New York, where they soon became mandatory viewing for those in the underground art scene.
In some cases the scheduling of records in departments under the guidance of the national archives is mandatory.
According to the new guidance, this mandatory curriculum will include "signposting" and links to abortion and other anti-life/anti-family services in schools, including faith schools. Headlines
Thirdly, much of the rise in incarceration results from the drug laws and the mandatory minimums.
Matthew Yglesias » Out of the Insane Asylum, and Into the Prison
The migration staff might be able to fill out any remaining blank fields later, based on the mandatory input or after a call-back.
For example, the industry is still fighting mandatory labels on the irradiated meat products that may appear in supermarkets this summer.
Britain is currently leading a group of countries blocking the working time directive's mandatory 48-hour week.
Times, Sunday Times
Antituberculous treatment combined with surgical debridement is mandatory to obtain satisfactory results with therapy.
As we approached one of the main avenues of the city, I saw men standing on their heads shouting "Maltu Mephis!" and others saluting and shouting the same stereotyped mandatory laudative.
Carson of Venus
As a general rule, however, military intellectuals tend to face mandatory retirement as lieutenant colonels or colonels, just as they are achieving full intellectual maturity.
That is why Hayward and his cadres imposed mandatory reselection on parliamentary candidates and attempted (only just failing) to remove from the parliamentary leadership any say in compiling the election manifesto.
How my party was betrayed by KGB boot-lickers
And then he likes to be contradictory, and his muse is the freeway and the subdevelopment, so it’s almost mandatory that he not drive.
I Feel Earthquakes More Often Than They Happen
Mix in offbeat football (it has a feature on Super Bowl Gatorade-dumping on coaches), get in network plugs (Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien and Tina Fey will pop up) and don't forget the mandatory cooking segment (in this case Tom Colicchio from Top Chef on NBC-owned Bravo).
NBC putting on the peacock for Sunday
The young woman had acquired (right after receiving her fourth -- mandatory -- anthrax shot) a shockingly precipitous mystery disease, eventually diagnosed as a bizarrely speeded-up form of ametropic lateral sclerosis -- she lost in three months the amount of muscle function a middle aged ALS sufferer would lose in four years.
Sheila Weller: In This Case, A Soldier Was Treated Beautifully at Walter Reed
The offence carries a mandatory life sentence.
To give birds a better chance, make it mandatory for cats to be fitted with a collar with small bells.
Times, Sunday Times
There will be mandatory layoffs of government workers.
Times, Sunday Times
More than a necessary evil, it has become a mandatory fool's errand.
Athletes must undergo a mandatory drugs test before competing in the championship.
Kanawha Circuit Judge Duke Bloom delayed Light's arraignment briefly to allow time for what he called a mandatory conference.
The Charleston Gazette -
If Povetkin takes another fight, tune-up or otherwise, he loses his title opportunity because the IBF will take away his mandatory ranking.
For example, we have a mandatory online training module on racial diversity.
Times, Sunday Times
These musts are mandatory, measurable standards against which to judge new product alternatives.
Many of the companies will now have the right to cut hourly pay to fund the mandatory paid annual holidays.
Times, Sunday Times
Delhi: Four years after the RTI Act came into force, lack of mandatory monitoring mechanism for its implementation remains an important "lacunae" while government agencies are shying from disclosure of subsidies data worth several crores of rupees, vice president Hamid Ansari said - Articles related to Ansari for better safety in mines
Because the plaintiff seeks a mandatory injunction, it must show its claim is almost certain to succeed.
During the mandatory 12-month enrollment period, enrollees are covered for basic restorative services, periodontics, endodontics, oral surgery and dental emergencies.
It is mandatory for the travel service to help customers register with routine boarding and departure.
But, another issue out there you may not be aware of is what they call mandatory enrollment.
CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2009
Addressing the recent survey made among professional racers, UCI technical advisor Jean Wauthier reminded the people at the January 7 meeting about what riders thought before hard-shell helmets were made mandatory a decade ago.
The battle over two-way radios about to explode
I suspect if this (mandatory roadworthiness testing) does happen, it will be done every two years," he said.
ANC Daily News Briefing
All parties are sentenced to mandatory counseling until they are deemed fit to return to society.
Should grabbing hold of that famous stiff-armed bronze trophy come with a mandatory retirement age, like piloting a passenger plane?
Where there is such an approved standard it is, strictly speaking not mandatory for the manufacturer to comply with it.
The information benefits can be achieved by mandatory trade reporting to a repository (which I've advocated for well over 7 years) without requiring mutualized counterparty risk sharing, or centralized risk pricing (in the face of severe information disadvantages). Home Page
Experience tells me, though, that learners certainly opt out of various media when they're poorly chosen (inappropriate for the learning), poorly implemented (talking down, lecturing, fatuous), or poorly administered (mindless administrivia, useless recordkeeping, or mandatory sheep-dip).
Same old story
If anyone really cared about the welfare of slugs and other creepy-crawlies, they would make the use of poisons mandatory, and forbid gardeners to keep nematode worms in their gardens.
It follows that awareness that one of D's confederates might commit murder is sufficient to convict D as an accomplice, with a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment.
It's a missed opportunity he soon rectifies by carving bits off the mandatory cuties who have lost their way.
Times, Sunday Times
The prospect of the BBC “using its massive heft is likely to upset UK media and Internet companies, which have often complained that the corporation – funded by a mandatory tax on UK television households totalling nearly 3 billion pounds ($5.4 billion) – has encroached on activities in the private sector,” says the story, adding”
BBC to sell music downloads
Our task, however, is to analyse the role of company law in providing mandatory rules to control company opportunism.
So in 1998 he filled out the requisite triplicates, signed on the mandatory dotted lines and did whatever else he thought necessary to bring in a foreign domestic to tend to her.
There were demands for the mandatory reselection of MPs, and for the choice of the party leader to be taken from MPs and lodged in an electoral college, which would include the trade unions and the constituency parties.
We have been talking about vaccines for some time, stockpiling them and also developing new vaccines, should this virus mutate, which is the big if that everyone's been talking about, also possibly mandatory evacuations -- this certainly was alarming to some people -- and even deploying the National Guard.
CNN Transcript May 3, 2006
Strict observance of the existing law should be mandatory and would be all that is required.
Times, Sunday Times
Yes, pop culture pedagogy is, indeed, one way to funnily distract students from the mandatory, often punitive-seeming (to both students and teachers) experience of comp class.
It could cover things like whether you get a stent or a bypass, whether your OB/GYN does a caesarian section, whether the president sees that end-of-life counseling made a mandatory part of health care.
Not So Fast
Overall, the Court's conclusions are expressed in terms that indicate no objection under article 3 to a mandatory indeterminate sentence for murder.
The university does not count a year that includes six months or more of medical or family leave as a year toward mandatory tenure review.
Failure to hit these much tighter deadlines now results in a mandatory fine.
Times, Sunday Times
Identity chipping is to become mandatory within the next two years.
Times, Sunday Times
Now we're graduates, people are doing the obligatory year down under, and having the mandatory farewell sessions.
Bolling discussed what he called the Muldoon campaign's lies about his preference for an AG candidate, support for mandatory vaccines for girls and HB 3202, and his taking of contributions from Barr Labs.
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All the three types of road and traffic signs are included under three heads such as mandatory, warning and informatory towards the end.
It should be mandatory that a patient-focused response is both immediate and empathic.
Times, Sunday Times
Educational neglect occurs when a child is allowed to engage in chronic truancy, or is of mandatory school age but not receiving schooling.
The popular president not only made it acceptable for male politicians to sob; he made it practically mandatory.
The mandatory detention requirements that took effect this year, a dramatic increase in long-term incarcerated aliens, and the rise in sophisticated smuggling operations have placed unexpected burdens on INS detention capabilities.
President Asks Congress For Embassy Security Funding
I think that there should be a period of ‘cooling off’, or deprogramming that is mandatory before soldiers who have seen combat are returned to society.
It is doubtful whether all the ministers or other public men and officials have been submitting mandatory annual statements of their income and assets to the government.
It's great fun for children, with the magic lamp and mandatory puffs of smoke from which the genie appears and performs his magic.
According to Arum's affidavit, the IBF agreed that for $200,000 they would drop their mandatory defence demands and allow Foreman to fight the unrated German Axel Schultz.
Mandatory lifers who have not yet had a tariff fixed will now have to wait until the new legislation is in place to have their tariffs judicially set.
Altering the logs was a crime warranting a grounding at home and one leading to detention and mandatory group therapy at school.
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Everyone thinks mandatory Internet filtering is stupid
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The cost for a week of trekking in the park for two hikers - plus a scout, a guide, a muleteer, and two pack animals (all mandatory) - was roughly $200.
The U.S. government responded in 2002 by making the offer of terrorism coverage mandatory in most property-insurance contracts, and agreed to reinsure the risk.
Weaning Insurers Off 9/11 Support
If it fails, there should be mandatory suits for slander or libel, depending on which medium the errant manager uses.
Times, Sunday Times
Parents have no money with which to pay the non-mandatory, quarterly "contribution" that allows the school to provide their children with the necessary extras.
With the rectal exam, I was taught that a rectovaginal exam is mandatory in postmenopausal ladies because sometimes it can detect ovarian cancer.
Performing the Pelvic Exam
The CRC is a mandatory carbon emissions trading scheme for all organisations using more than
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This is the only mention of "mandatory" in conjunction with service, the only other use of the word mandatory is in regard to prohibited qualifying activities (religious ceremonies).
Alex Jones' Prison
Doing that easily is mandatory, along with viewing and modifying information, data mining, ad-hoc querying, and other data manipulations.
He promises to impose spending caps and offset spending increases with mandatory spending cuts or tax increases.
Should grabbing hold of that famous stiff-armed bronze trophy come with a mandatory retirement age, like piloting a passenger plane?
To view s 104 in this way is not to deny the mandatory nature of the duty, nor to derogate from previous authorities - and there is reference to them.
The most controversial aspect of the Bandit Law was its mandatory death sentence.
If it fails, there should be mandatory suits for slander or libel, depending on which medium the errant manager uses.
Times, Sunday Times
Amendments to the Act have now abolished mandatory retirement altogether for most categories of workers.
Where there is such an approved standard it is, strictly speaking not mandatory for the manufacturer to comply with it.
¨ At first instance Mr. Justice Jones characterized it has mandatory and refused to grant it while the Court of Appeal characterized it as prohibitory and granted it.
Privy Council In Bank Ruling Wraps Jamaican Judiciary On the Knuckles, Part III : Law is Cool
An accurate diagnosis of this condition is mandatory in order to avoid unnecessary treatments.
In a game where personal courage is required, it is pretty much mandatory.
Times, Sunday Times
‘It is mandatory that each hotel and tourist spot employs lifeguards at their swimming pools,’ he added.
The mandatory terms of article 18 cannot therefore be given effect.
I thought that it, along with many others that I heard that day should be anthologized for mandatory reading for college students.
Women Without Pants | Her Bad Mother
Violation of mandatory provisions specified in the seafarer service book.
Yet most Catholic parents will make practicing Catholicism mandatory for their children and the Church confirms young adults usually around 14.
Also impacting on the timing issue is the system of potential release on parole after one third of the sentence and mandatory release at two thirds.
The minister is calling for mandatory prison sentences for people who assault police officers.
Or (and this may be over some of your heads) how about his leadership in junking the Court's mandatory deference to certain agency interpretations and actions?
Should grabbing hold of that famous stiff-armed bronze trophy come with a mandatory retirement age, like piloting a passenger plane?
It is not clear whether this provision was mandatory or precatory in nature.
attendance is mandatory
The court made a mandatory order compelling the vendor to allow the person to enter so that the valuation could proceed.
Cities also varied on whether they would require mandatory connection to the sewer or water supply system.
It should be made mandatory that all authorities should get their project plan vetted by at least two or three civic bodies that will validate the plan and programme.
However, the use of those measures for these charges is discretionary - not mandatory.
A sharp rise in injuries related to using foot propelled scooters is leading to an increased demand that children using them should wear mandatory protective gear.
For the same reason they put 'mandatory' in quotes: To both differentiate it from an after-school activity, and because they know that "mandatory" is exactly that – "mandatory" with quotes and all.
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In particular, the Ford Explorer roll-over fiasco from a few years ago which led to Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and Tire-Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) being mandatory on new cars.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » In Case You Didn’t Already Know that California has Lost It
Traffic light labelling should be mandatory.
Times, Sunday Times
I always think it's harder than it is, but once I start making them, I always wonder what my mental hangup is about them - probably the fiddliness of making the ridges (altho that isn't even mandatory).
Recipe: Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Chorizo, Spinach, Lemon, and Pancetta & Chorizo and Spinach Pilaf
What has emerged from the present debate is that we have no standards, at least not mandatory ones for soft aerated drinks.
In both fallen cities, people lined up at barbershops to shave their once-mandatory beards.
FEMA Director: “heck of an opportunity for a self-starting problem solver; training in equestrian helpful but not mandatory. â€
Think Progress » BREAKING: McClellan Throws Rove & Scooter Under The Bus
If you can take your eyes off the handsome lads and their underpants for a sec, I'd like to add that the mandatory corvee demanded of French peasants mostly to build roads is considered a major source of discontent leading up to 1789.
Corvee - French Word-A-Day
Not only is it mandatory to take out such insurance where there is a bank involved, it is seldom that such an item can be left uninsured.
Motorists will be subjected to variable mandatory speed limits at times of particularly heavy traffic or when a lane is blocked.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Skis, or at least snowshoes,’ Ayres writes, ‘should have been mandatory on the expedition, as they distribute one's weight over a much larger area than a pair of feet in finnesko.’
Mandatory workfare was not part of the Alberta reforms.
In my judgment the fact that there are mandatory requirements for release, which affect the Secretary of State, does not affect the legal basis of a prisoner's confinement, namely the length of sentence imposed by the court.
Reserve Officer Training Corps at Berkeley was mandatory for all male freshmen and sophomores in those years.
The mandatory cycle lane would stretch along Belmont Rise and would be situated directly on the carriageway, rather than on the path at the side of the busy road.
They not only reprimanded her, but made her undergo counseling sessions -- in other words, mandatory brain-washing.
A two-year course in a Soviet General Staff academy appears to be mandatory for those taking up senior appointment.
So the number of people that we're warehousing in prisons - and it's been recognized across the board, just as Kennedy came out last year in his report on mandatory sentencing.
The Tata group companies are governed by a set of codes of conduct, which put in force some stringent stipulations that make regulatory compliance mandatory.
Traffic light labelling should be mandatory.
Times, Sunday Times
Unlike SSAPs, SORPs are not mandatory but companies are encouraged to comply with the recommendations that they make.
The Supreme Court struck it down, making it mandatory for all candidates to declare their criminal antecedents.
The workers acted in defiance of a Labor Ministry order for mandatory conciliation.
It was not so much fresh thinking as the fear of mandatory reselection that persuaded 28 Labour MPs to remove red rosettes and don tricolour badges instead.
Social Democratic party: Thirty years on | Editorial
Failure to hit these much tighter deadlines now results in a mandatory fine.
Times, Sunday Times
Students participate in a mandatory fourth-year externship at Trident Medical Center.
He flitted about from obligatory flying jobs and mandatory staff tours and, eventually, wound up again crouched at his master’s feet in the Pentagon.
Phony Veterans and POW's - Article Index
I was standing outside the office (outside the mandatory non-smoking zone) having a quiet bifter as one does.
Army Rumour Service
There is a mandatory 10-day waiting period to allow for the possibility of a transfer to another hospital, to allow for a trip to the court house.
Some Australian states impose a mandatory minimum sentence for wilful murder.
So any mandatory reading list for young women should include at least one quintessential guy book.
The court made a mandatory order compelling the vendor to allow the person to enter so that the valuation could proceed.
He was a scrub for ten years in football at a private school because playing football was mandatory.
The case for mandatory reporting seems unanswerable.
Times, Sunday Times
Congress is considering a two-year delay to the law that requires mandatory country-of-origin labeling on meat, seafood, fruit and vegetables from 30 September.
If you can take your eyes off the handsome lads and their underpants for a sec, I'd like to add that the mandatory corvee demanded of French peasants (mostly to build roads) is considered a major source of discontent leading up to 1789.
Corvee - French Word-A-Day
Will she insist on a guilty verdict and mandatory death sentence?
An unidentified farm labourer cuts through a piece of steel with a gas torch without the use of mandatory safety goggles.
The government is apparently now contemplating bringing into force an ordinance which makes it mandatory for any channel in India to share feed of events of national interest with him.
A two-year course in a Soviet General Staff academy appears to be mandatory for those taking up senior appointment.
The first of them is to grant the mandatory relief that my learned friends sought in the claim form and, as far as I am aware, maintained throughout the hearing.
It was hoped some aspects of traffic separation would be made mandatory, although he would not specify which.
The court made a mandatory order compelling the vendor to allow the person to enter so that the valuation could proceed.
But its hands are tied in key respects by international agreements, some several decades old, that give primacy to commercial shipping and make basic safety measures such as tugboat escorts optional rather than mandatory.
Turkey Turns Focus To Tanker-Clogged Strait
And just like in other areas of our lives, etiquette is mandatory.
Yvonne Durant: Obesity Manners
The popular president not only made it acceptable for male politicians to sob; he made it practically mandatory.
Therefore, it is mandatory to establish an effective technique for screening blood donors for the malaria parasite.
But because Vogler regards noncalculative reasons as optional, Korsgaard and Vogler differ over whether the universalizability of maxims is mandatory.
Practical Reason and the Structure of Actions
At that time there was a lifer population of some 5200 prisoners, of whom over 3700 were mandatory lifers, in prisons in England and Wales.
The findings reported Thursday were the result of non-mandatory tests for schools.
In such a case a coroner has a mandatory obligation to hold an inquest.
He wondered whether the BBC board members had not sat since the last mandatory title fight in December last year.
The tariffs for murder and, for indeterminate terms, the mandatory sentences are all signs that the executive doesn't trust the judiciary.
This should come from within the profession if we are to inculcate a sense of realism and ownership in practices in readiness for mandatory incident reporting.
The state and local vocational rehabilitation program is a mandatory One-Stop employment service partner.
Murder carries a mandatory life sentence .
The state Supreme Court has ruled that a lawsuit seeking mandatory leasehold conversion at the condominium did not have the required number of owners needed to proceed.
All handguns are banned and illegal possession of a firearm now carries a mandatory five-year sentence.
In fact, it would be a fair point to state that mandatory seating in Premier League stadia has played a role in lessening trouble in the stands.
Will she insist on a guilty verdict and mandatory death sentence?
Unlike SSAPs, SORPs are not mandatory but companies are encouraged to comply with the recommendations that they make.
In order to cure an epidemic there must be involuntary, mandatory and humane treatment of people who are engaged in abuse.
In some jurisdictions this is a mandatory sentence of death.
Wavy Gravy, romancer of a suburban rock culture where drug use almost never results in mandatory sentencing.
Handing down a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment, the judge said it was an ‘evil and foul’ murder of ‘unspeakable savagery’.
If he was a commercial pilot, he would have been forced into mandatory retirement by now.
The Sun
I think that there should be a period of ‘cooling off’, or deprogramming that is mandatory before soldiers who have seen combat are returned to society.
Franciscans oversaw construction of San Xavier del Bac during a time when mandatory religious conversion was considered politically correct.
Over five years, $443 billion would be saved in that category, compared to $154 billion in savings from the administration's much ballyhooed freeze on nondefense discretionary spending and $188 billion in revenue from tax increases and tweeks to mandatory programs.
The Fact Checker on the 2012 federal budget
It is mandatory in Judaism, and in Jewish families the circumcision – known as the brith milah – is usually conducted by a mohel.
Circumcising children
‘Faux bourdon’, though not in itself a mandatory canonic instruction, is therefore a kind of trademark that tells the performers that they may increase the sonority of the music by adding one or two canonically derived parts.
Archive 2008-02-01
These standards formalize four mandatory rules and two recommended rules that registries must follow in order to issue IDNs.
Is the appointment of worker - directors to be mandatory?
We've yet to see exactly what people think about mandatory sentencing when it's properly explained to them.
All but two patients were studied in the postoperative period, and all patients were hemodynamically stable and receiving ventilation using the synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation mode.
Professional members seeking mandatory licensing argue that their scope of practice must be defined broadly to prevent unqualified people from engaging in any aspect of their practice.
Attendance is mandatory at all meetings.
Combat-equipped soldiers and police wearing helmets and flak jackets are going door to door in the city to enforce a mandatory evacuation at the point of a gun.
Screening was included as part of existing mandatory premarital blood tests.
Yet it is mandatory that I give this student a grade; moreover, she herself wants an evaluation of her performance.
Post the Machu Picchu adventures we all came back to Cusco to recover (entailing numerous doona days with mandatory singlets for men and trackie dacks for the women). TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
In a case of premeditated murder a life sentence is mandatory.
The continuity of my teaching is broken each time these mandatory lessons are required.
It is mandatory to avoid excessive traction on the foetal head during a forceps delivery;
A two-year course in a Soviet General Staff academy appears to be mandatory for those taking up senior appointment.
It got us mandatory annuities and a lot of dissatisfied people.
Times, Sunday Times
Busy winding up his stay and work in Delhi where he was posted for the past three years, Adam isn't leaving the country without experiencing the few mandatory chills and thrills of the profession.
Mr Cooper said training had been given at the time the new equipment was introduced but supervisors had not insisted on the use of the hoists and some employees were unaware their use was mandatory.
This is essential for the translation of research findings into clinical practice and should be mandatory in reports in clinical journals.
In those days, and indicating very starkly that they had and have absolutely nothing in common with New Labour (who were doing the deselecting at the time), those with the gravest reservations about mandatory reselection feared that it would give too much power to vocal cliques within Constituency Labour Parties, and argued that a CLP should be at least one twelfth the size of the Labour vote at the preceding General Election.
John Rentoul today puts Trevor Kavanagh and myself in the...
Finding a large, ruptured emphysematous bulla makes resection mandatory.