How To Use Manageable In A Sentence

  • It felt like chewing string dipped in weed killer, but within a couple of minutes the trembling in his limbs gave way to a kind of enervated thrumming and the pounding in his head subsided to a manageable level. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • There's a level of debt in proportion to income that the world will accept as manageable, and there's a level of short-term nett borrowing that will be acceptable through a temporary period of difficulty. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • So much for postcrisis efforts to whittle banks down to a more-manageable size. J.P. Morgan Plays a $20 Billion Hand
  • It was one of these dishes that are a tasting menu in and of themselves, giving you the sensory pleasures of a voluptuous feast - only in tiny, manageable portions.
  • The only requisite is manageableness of the ship herself and of the numbers she carries on board.
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  • They called the prospects of U.S. success in Iraq "farfetched," writing: "We are skeptical of recent press coverage portraying the conflict as increasing manageable and feel it has neglected the mounting civil, political and social unrest we see every day. CNN Transcript Sep 14, 2007
  • It works well for us, at a manageable cost of about 400 a month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why he should choose to express that interval by fifty, rather than by fifty-two, weeks, may be surmised in two ways: first, because the latter phrase would be unpoetical and unmanageable; and, secondly, because he might fancy that the week of the Pagan Theseus would be more appropriately represented by a lunar quarter than by a Jewish hebdomad. Notes and Queries, Number 72, March 15, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Indoors at De Montfort; outdoors in a manageable hillside parkspace and two-four tents on flat areas. All Bruced Up « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • There is need to reduce the almost limitless possible tasks to a manageable number. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • It made running the house almost unmanageable. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the quantity is manageable, have someone address the envelopes for you.
  • It then became a more manageable task to decide what to keep. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's doing awfully well with it, and settling down to a manageable pace.
  • The journey is easily manageable in half an hour.
  • We will show the conditions under which some of the more complex problems in the evaluation of overseas investments can be reduced to manageable size. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • The Government also suggests that a second Baker factor justifies our finding that this case is nonjusticiable: the Court could not fashion “judicially manageable standards” for determining either whether a bill is “for raising Revenue” or where a bill “originates.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Marshall Field v. Clark Preclude a Challenge to “Deem and Pass”?
  • Despite these depressing facts, the problem is manageable. Times, Sunday Times
  • To protect children, the state should act to try to make family life more manageable, through better school hours, flexible hours at work, means-tested childcare, and maternity and paternity leave. Layard and Happiness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • When people contact us with unmanageable debt problems, it is rare for them to have just one payday loan. The Sun
  • He recommends applying a firm gel at the base and a light mousse on the ends to make hair manageable, without frying it.
  • The venture was rightly abandoned and instead the old position was split into more manageable, bite-sized pieces.
  • Tommy soaked and scrubbed the cookware and then dropped them into the rinse water, while Will put them through the dishwasher before placing them in manageable stacks.
  • The problems that these advances also bring are more manageable on surface ships than anywhere else. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • This divergence of interests is manageable, but it is also fundamental.
  • Step 1: Admit that your are powerless over your egos and past glories, that your lives have become unmanageable.
  • With the invention of the credit card, unmanageable debt is as easy as a magnetic swipe and a signature. Christianity Today
  • With travelling reduced to a manageable level, stress levels have decreased, and headspace has been restored.
  • Against that backdrop, the inflationary effect of a rise in Chinese prices should be much more manageable. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was one great steer in particular, reckoned to be ten or twelve years old, quite a celebrity in fact on account of his unmanageableness, his independence and boldness, which we had frequently seen and tried to secure, but hitherto without success. Ranching, Sport and Travel
  • My fine hair felt healthier and more manageable after the first wash. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is due to somewhat less favourable circumstances, to a nobler and less manageable race of aborigines; the land perhaps more beautiful, is by the very character of its beauty less subduable. Great Britain and Her Queen
  • Talk these through and you'll soon reduce them to a manageable size. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will be of a size to be manageable and stress-free, while still rewarding exploration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within that image he unified three unmanageable forces in his life - nature, the muse, and his mother.
  • Amazingly, the gun press reviews I've consulted say that it is a genuinely manageable, shootable gun, the result of excellent design.
  • While playing into a cold north-westerly breeze, Bruff kept the deficit down to a manageable size until just before half time, when we conceded two quick goals.
  • Rinse and shake the oak leaf dry and tear into manageable sized pieces. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they did so with such disregard for the logistics of the whole that it rapidly proved unmanageable.
  • He will now try to cut down the task to a manageable size.
  • The revenge plot is intertwined with a romance between wagon train cutie Emily Hudson (a struggling Tamara Hope) and Jonathan (Trent Ford, not much better), the son of Samuelson who, in what may be the film’s only honest scene, tames an unmanageable horse. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • The journey is easily manageable in half an hour.
  • The mountain is rife with couloirs, spikes, boulders, cornices, and knobs, and a majority of its leaps are manageable by most advanced skiers.
  • However, with only eight students enrolled in the course, the increased workload was manageable.
  • Therefore, on any given project, a manageable chunk will be completed to secure enough cash for wages.
  • I felt that weakness and unmanageableness of knee which comes with strong mental anguish, and I sank back impotent upon the baron, whose lingering legs repudiated the pressure, so that we both accumulated miserably upon Grandstone. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • Although the United States leads the pack by many measures, it's bested in this category by the micronation of Singapore, not only because of the Asian country's manageable size, but also thanks to its uniquely successful brand of state capitalism. Overall Ranking
  • The object of fear is then gradually reintroduced in small, manageable steps - a process known as exposure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Holding the option key changes the choices from half-size windows (which can be too big on a large monitor) to smaller windows that are a little more manageable.
  • The debt has been reduced to a more manageable level.
  • It drew us together for a manageable problem that was focused outside our own petty bickering. Christianity Today
  • On the other side, but equally healthful, may be put the fact that the style and structure of the originals and earlier versions, and especially that verse division which has been now so unwisely abandoned, served as safeguards against the besetting sin of all prose writers of their time, the habit of indulging in long wandering sentences, in paragraphs destitute of proportion and of grace, destitute even of ordinary manageableness and shape. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • I am interested in something that is much more manageable and has longevity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problems that these advances also bring are more manageable on surface ships than anywhere else. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • Cash flow was very positive and had enabled the company to reduce its debt to a more manageable level.
  • History teaches us that unless these pernicious tendencies are scotched, they grow to become unmanageable monsters later on.
  • English gardeners corrupted that into something more manageable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ideal for recording studios and small rooms, the 1. 5-watt Peavey Studio Special allows players to achieve "cranked" amp tones at a very manageable volume level. Modern Guitars Magazine
  • The book now swells to almost unmanageable bulk, but with inevitable casualties. Times, Sunday Times
  • Big, unmanageable hair isn't only for summer heat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Knowing some of the local politics I am aware that trying to support six chief executives, all with different working styles, may be an unmanageable job.
  • An individual pet is usually more manageable and tolerable for most households.
  • Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable.
  • Like a garden your problems need to be tended if they are not to become tangled and unmanageable. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • The object of fear is then gradually reintroduced in small, manageable steps - a process known as exposure. Times, Sunday Times
  • While I polished off the vino, Judi finished with a manageable baked coconut and lime dessert, which she reckoned was more figure-friendly than the white chocolate and whisky bread-and-butter pudding.
  • This is one of the things that has given nervous diseases such a bad name for unmanageableness and incurableness, and that for years made us regard their study as so nearly hopeless, so far as any helpful results were concerned. Preventable Diseases
  • Looks sleek and diffuser was good for unmanageable, curly hair. The Sun
  • Assumptions of the world as fair and manageable are shattered by an unsolvable mystery that can go on for a lifetime.
  • an unmanageable situation
  • They've all been manageable but in vastly different ways. "A Manageable State of Anxiety" - SpouseBUZZ
  • Against the Taliban and Iraqi insurgents, these problems are manageable.
  • Unlike many museum exhibitions, the curators provided the information to the viewer in manageable pieces.
  • The soldiers formed the celebrated corps of the janissaries (Turkish Yeni cheri, ‘new troops’) These infantrymen took to the use of handguns in the form of arquebuses and, later, the more manageable early forms of musket.
  • They were, like the others, much impressed by its vast power and manageableness. James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography.
  • The problems that these advances also bring are more manageable on surface ships than anywhere else. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • The concern is not with the way scientists and geographers parcel out land in manageable pieces, although this is where the contentiousness surrounding bioregionalism resides.
  • You may well be able to extend payments to make them more manageable. The Sun
  • Each chapter has a select bibliography which will be very useful for scholars and students alike and which makes a hefty book eminently manageable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They called the prospects of U.S. success in Iraq "farfetched," writing: "We are skeptical of recent press coverage portraying the conflict as increasing manageable, and feel it has neglected the mounting civil, political and social unrest we see every day. CNN Transcript Sep 13, 2007
  • It has to take effective action to reduce itself to a size which is manageable. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • The great battle of modern domestic life is keeping the clutter within manageable proportions. Times, Sunday Times
  • You might sit there for 54 weeks watching what was a manageable problem getting really out of hand.
  • We were prepared to take those risks because the costs were manageable. Times, Sunday Times
  • No, my argument is that progressives aren't not connecting on a primal level with great masses of people who should be in their camp; that because of this, no matter how smart either the audience is or progressive policies are, they won't be won over; and that this situation is at least analysable and perhaps manageable. Archive 2005-05-01
  • A manageable amount of good firm spaghettini was anointed with, but not drowned in, the ragu.
  • Two loads from the bucket will fill the tank, however two full loads make the bucket unmanageable to lift and control the pour efficiently causing splashing.
  • At the time of his death, he was fighting off bankruptcy although he had told friends that he considered his financial problems to be manageable. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't know if changing buses in Puebla is more time consuming than taking a taxi to the bus station in Mexico city, but it is certainly easier; and if a layover is necessary Puebla is a relatively manageable and pleasant city. Flying to Veracruz?
  • It felt like a very manageable size and it was very interesting, a unique offer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Little showed admirable poise trying to manage the unmanageable Red Sox bullpen.
  • Back in olden times, say the early 1990's, a time of linear media and a small clutch of manageable news outlets, candidates routinely pivoted right (in GOP primaries) and left (in Democratic primaries) knowing that for the general election they could slide towards the center to build the winning coalition of their own party faithful, plus independents and a sprinkling of disaffected voters from the other party. Fernando Espuelas: Meg Whitman's Big Fat Latino Problem
  • With the tide running, the work of moving the rolling logs became almost unmanageable.
  • The journey is easily manageable in half an hour.
  • The unmanageableness came from the size of the family.
  • Rinse and shake the oak leaf dry and tear into manageable sized pieces. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's because both clip the sonic range of the recording to produce manageable file sizes. Times, Sunday Times
  • What you need are huge and unmanageable Visa and store charge card debts, with a few court proceedings and the odd repossession threat hanging over your head.
  • To be fair, adding them would probably have made the book unreadable and certainly unmanageable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Then the ship would become unmanageable and drift away, with the possibility of getting excessive sternway on her and so damaging rudder or propeller, the South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • In order to keep things manageable, I decided to choose just two from each continent.
  • There is need to reduce the almost limitless possible tasks to a manageable number. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • Set a schedule for yourself; novels are big and you should try to break the work down in manageable chunks. Jeff Abbott - An interview with author
  • We make life manageable by creating social institutions that do for us what instincts do for other animals.
  • This exercise enabled me to cut the crowd down to a manageable size and gave the speeches a more personal quality. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • The manageableness of ecclesiastical regulation will be improved.
  • From its beginning, this outlook was reinforced not merely by its appeal in terms of conceptual simplicity and manageableness, but by reason of its tremendous success in the extension of technology and of man's control over the natural order.
  • The only requisite is manageableness of the ship herself and of the numbers she carries on board. Notes on Life and Letters
  • If the actual number of entry-versions exceeds the design assumption by more than 25%,(Sentence dictionary) the system will be unmanageable.
  • With comics, you have to simplify it to make it work, to make it manageable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is of them that I would talk a little, for my own comfort partly, and also because I am sticking all the time to my subject to illustrate my point, the point of manageableness which I have raised just now. Notes on Life and Letters
  • The problems that these advances also bring are more manageable on surface ships than anywhere else. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • Pros Easy to use and understand and limits the suggestion of alternative funds to a manageable five. Times, Sunday Times
  • We may soon come to see this dread disease largely as a manageable and chronic condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • They introduce new factors with a lot of statistical uncertainty, and we cannot be confident that their risks are manageable.
  • Attending to them each month makes the piles manageable and allows the books to live where they are best cared for – away from spilt drinks, cat hair, dust, the direct sun and so forth … and where you can find them! The Lunar Writer: 10 Tips for Using the Dark Moon « Write Anything
  • They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.
  • To review, the term codec refers to silicon technology that can compress and decompress large signals into smaller, more manageable ones. The Movie Business Book, Third Edition
  • The volunteers collect several tonnes of wood and then chop it into manageable pieces, ready for the fireplace.
  • Slice the capsicums lengthways into 3 or 4 pieces and the aubergine and zucchini into manageable chunks.
  • To be fair, adding them would probably have made the book unreadable and certainly unmanageable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The Ho Wong offers a stripped-down, credibly manageable menu: food with a palpable freshness to it, featuring a lot of lovely fresh fish and shellfish.
  • They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.
  • The most beautiful beaches of the Gulf Coast are a manageable drive away and there are many day trips that can include time at the beach.
  • As usual, Joan Armour was present at center stage or behind the scenes, as necessary, to keep the logistics manageable, the computers humming, and the coffee urns flowing.
  • Add sufficient extra flour to make the dough manageable, then knead it thoroughly for about 10min, until smooth and shiny.
  • This treatment lasts three to four months and leaves hair manageable, sleek and soft. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet each step brought not the institutionalisation of these people's forms but the cementing of minority representative forms on the pretext that such minority representative structures are much more wieldy and more manageable.
  • Mr. Fox's condition was manageable through medication for many years, says Mr. Philippi, but after his arrival at Bear Stearns, new issues began to emerge.
  • Or you can spread the cost into manageable bits with interest free credit 0% APR typical. The Sun
  • Divide the task into manageable sections.
  • The present flow of refugees was manageable.
  • About two and a half million are reckoned to be floundering in unmanageable debt. Times, Sunday Times
  • To use it as a tool to make your life more enjoyable and manageable. BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident
  • The recoil is manageable but it has enough thump to drop anything up to deer size. Best hunting revolver. S&W X-Frame revolvers (.460 and .500) are not acceptable answers. Go.
  • We may soon come to see this dread disease largely as a manageable and chronic condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The signs are that indulged children tend to become unmanageable when they reach their teens.
  • It's a brioche made with sponge that ferments longer, so it's lighter and yeastier," she says of what might also be described, dough-wise, as a rustic brioche, which means, it's manageable for beginners. NYT > Home Page
  • The first is relatively manageable: Lower the flag on American universalism - not to half-mast, but not as toplofty as it has been flying since the end of the Second World War.
  • I am confident that we can adapt our working methods to make our task more manageable and to progress with our work more quickly. Times, Sunday Times
  • This provides time for independent work, if students and professors choose, and is a more manageable amount of rest and relaxation.
  • With travelling reduced to a manageable (and much more enjoyable) level, stress levels have decreased, and headspace has been restored.
  • A further delay in the price hike would increase the budget deficit to an unmanageable level and strengthen inflationary pressures.
  • There are five gentle shampoos and six nourishing conditioners which leave your hair soft, manageable and in peak condition.
  • Jenkins wants to trim the evenings down to a manageable size.
  • Yet he constantly scuttles any optimism that the nightmare is possibly manageable.
  • A seven point gap had suddenly been opened and another seven seemed very manageable.
  • He might become more unmanageable. Middlemarch
  • The unmanageable profusion of tags for people, places, and kinships, distinguishes scientific expertise from other modes of knowledge and authority.
  • The main fold occurs centrally on the frame, followed by quick release of the handlebars, seat, and mudguard to compact into a light, manageable size.
  • The political bill for a swollen public sector will grow as the financial bill becomes unmanageable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The advantage of Professor Tait's apparatus is its manageableness and the certainty with which the desired result can be produced. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume III: Modern development of the physical sciences
  • He felt dizzy, felt simultaneously small and huge, powerful and powerless, dwarfed and ennobled by the might and manageableness of things. THE WOUNDED SKY
  • For larger bombs the group cuts it into manageable sections so it can be removed and dealt with.
  • Decide on listing manageable tasks and it becomes a lot easier. The Sun
  • They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.
  • English gardeners corrupted that into something more manageable. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, if the plant has gotten leggy over the summer, shear it back to a more manageable height.
  • Caregivers identified lack of mobility and loss of bladder control most frequently as unmanageable symptoms.
  • Generally dry hair is unmanageable, lifeless, dull, frizzy and/or flyaway.
  • The goal of analyzing and interpreting data is to reduce the enormous amount of raw data that have been collected to a manageable aggregate.
  • Administering all ten techniques to control spam effectively can quickly become unmanageable.
  • Mushroom would have to remain its more manageable intriguing self, a word calling out to be loved for its divisibility. The English Is Coming!
  • Meanwhile the monstrous and unmanageable dreams about Sethe found release in the concentration Denver began to fix on the baby ghost.
  • Lack of proper ballast made the ship unmanageable and he dropped her port bow anchor and radioed for help.
  • This treatment lasts three to four months and leaves hair manageable, sleek and soft. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our masoned stone originally comes from blocks of stone which are taken off their natural beds and split into manageable sizes.
  • Granted, the people in the academic ranks do feel a certain degree of unmanageableness about it, as it is their own right, however, it would be very myopic of them if they cut themselves completely off from the Wiki-wise movement.
  • I was brought up in the cattle country of Dakota, although I was born in Manitoba (my parents moved across the line when I was young) and I know the wild cattle and horses there were less manageable than the undomesticated musk-ox; and I know from watching my mother work wool, and helping her work wool, - we were very poor, and my mother used to knit socks to sell them-I know the wool is as good as any wool. The Canadian Arctic Region
  • It will not be eager to initiate those steps which would enable that society to function in unmanageable or unexpected ways.
  • Government targets for increased productivity are described as "tough but manageable".
  • It is this habit that has made flocks manageable on large unfenced commons and has helped keep sheep evenly distributed across the land, preventing localised overgrazing.
  • At the time of his death, he was fighting off bankruptcy although he had told friends that he considered his financial problems to be manageable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It drew us together for a manageable problem that was focused outside our own petty bickering. Christianity Today
  • Remove existing lawn by slicing under the sod with a spade and cutting it into manageable pieces.
  • When one of these moods overtook her, she became unmanageable.
  • The house becomes unmanageable and she moves to a bungalow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The governor projected a budget deficit next year of about $2 billion, a gap he described as "manageable. Two Governors, One Radio Show
  • The comprehensions are normally difficult but it was really manageable.
  • Then again, every driver felt the impact of a new, shorter spoiler that shaved even more downforce from the cars and made them less manageable. - Waltrip's season of missteps tops list in crash study
  • It will not be eager to initiate those steps which would enable that society to function in unmanageable or unexpected ways.
  • Your five year plan is well prepared and your separation of the various parts of the town into divisions establishes manageable work programmes in each.
  • Surely this calls for a return to physical discipline to halt the endless slide into an unmanageable society.
  • As for the surroundings, consider buying a driving guide (Cook's has a good one) for the area -- these guides link up several areas of interest, in manageable pieces, in a drive order that minimizes backtracking. Que Faire a Aix-en-Provence? / What to do in Aix-en-Provence? - French Word-A-Day
  • The natural flavour and tenderness of the salmon is not smothered and the combination is far more manageable.
  • James was on turning duty (turning all the peats we cut last week and cutting some of the biggies down into a more manageable size) whilst David and I finished off the bank we started last week.
  • The tricky part is going to be to keep the currency at a manageable strength otherwise we just repeat the same cycle over again.
  • People were visiting the house every day, sometimes in unmanageable numbers.
  • You may well be able to extend payments to make them more manageable. The Sun
  • And as of today I have had my hair shorn down to a more manageable length again.
  • Decide on listing manageable tasks and it becomes a lot easier. The Sun
  • For those things, whose unmanageableness, even when represented on paper, makes one gasp with a sort of amused horror, were manned by men who are his direct professional ancestors. The Mirror of the Sea
  • When one of these moods overtook her, she became unmanageable.
  • Today's looming climate, ecology, energy, and nuclear threats are not isolable into narrow specialty areas, and are not manageable by economic and fiscal measures alone. Ervin Laszlo: The G-20: Fighting for a Safe Spot on the Deck of the Titanic
  • As modern civilization spreads, population increases become more manageable.
  • The first was the significance of a climate in which every participant is guaranteed a hearing; some people were dismissive of the 'indaba' process, the method of organising group discussion in units manageable enough for everyone to speak, without pressure to produce an agreed statement – but the importance of this became apparent, if I may hazard a rather sharp judgement, in the light of how some other aspects of the Conference worked. Archbishop's Presidential Address
  • Founders are then encouraged to sell to avoid what he says are quite manageable problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • It then became a more manageable task to decide what to keep. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, if nowhere else, her small size and manageableness were in her favour. The Ontario Readers: Fourth Book
  • Government targets for increased productivity are described as "tough but manageable".

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