man's body

  1. the body of an adult man
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How To Use man's body In A Sentence

  • It would only be a matter of seconds before the man's body was completely burned, but it would take a while before his entire body would burn to ashes.
  • He took the unconscious woman's body and set her down in a chair in one of the bedrooms.
  • Furthermore this bit is Lindsay, not Farmer - but I'm sure that she would agree with it, the idea of fertility as a medicable condition, requiring powerful drugs or even surgical interventions to prevent a woman's body from doing exactly what it does naturally, is basicaly and ultimately the idea that femaleness itself is such a condition, a sort of XX Syndrome. Abortion Figures Shame This Country
  • The clothes a snug fit and highlight the woman's body underneath.
  • A naked woman's body lay in the middle of the floor.
  • What seemed like a shower of bullets ripped into the woman's body, sending spurts of crimson blood gushing out at every direct hit.
  • Just over an hour later a Garda knocked on their trailer door to tell them a man's body had been found nearby.
  • The humor in ‘G,’ for instance, comes from the gap between a lithe and elegant woman's body and her evocation of a bull, perhaps also a toreador, in response to verses about cowboys lassoing cattle in Argentina.
  • I do not wish to drag you back to our erotic temple art - there are after all any number of perverse moneybags funding such orgiastically sacred architecture - but look closer home at the popular calendar art since the time of Raja Ravi Verma and his seductive see-through portrayals of woman's body that attained pan-Indian acceptability. Kafila
  • Edwin Bentham was a boy, thrust by mischance into a man's body, -- a boy who could complacently pluck a butterfly, wing from wing, or cower in abject terror before a lean, nervy fellow, not half his size. THE PRIESTLY PREROGATIVE
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