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man of letters

  1. a man devoted to literary or scholarly activities

How To Use man of letters In A Sentence

  • He was a man of letters rather than an academic. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He had a badge in his cap and on his arm a brassard with the royal escutcheon; he invariably honoured me with a stiff, military salute which increased my importance in the hotel at the expense of my reputation as an innocent and unofficial man of letters. The Complete Stories
  • Hawthorne posed the problem of being an artist in America most sharply because he was not a "cosmopolite" man of letters but intensely and exclusively a writer of fiction, which was what James felt he must make of himself. 'The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1872-1876, Volume 1'
  • It was then the fashion in Bengal to assign each man of letters a place in comparison with a supposed compeer in the West.
  • The great man of letters William Dean Howells wrote in "Stories of Ohio" 1897 that if Chapman was right in his Swedenborgian belief that we are encircled by spirits that reflect our own behavior, then "this harmless, loving, uncouth, half-crazy man walked daily with the angels of God. A Pro-Growth Strategy
  • Born in Geneva and fleeing that city at age 16, Rousseau moved to Savoy where, under the influence of his benefactress Baronne de Warens, he transformed from an uneducated apprentice to a man of letters.
  • As a follow-up to Délassements culinaires, The Gastronomic Regenerator exhibits both the contradictions inherent in Soyer's status as would-be man of letters, and his efforts to make the most of this tenuous situation. Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • A haunter of bookshops since his childhood, he was a dyed in the wool bookman, and was perhaps the last Man of Letters to have read ‘everything’.
  • The man of letters and the maiden aunt.
  • A diadem is purchased with gold; silver opens the way to heaven; philosophy may be hired for a penny; money controls justice; one obolus satisfies a man of letters; precious metal procures health; wealth attaches friends. Anatomy of Melancholy
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