How To Use mammilla In A Sentence
- They are especially large in those regions where the amount of perspiration is great, as in the axillæ, where they form a thin, mammillated layer of a reddish color, which corresponds exactly to the situation of the hair in this region; they are large also in the groin. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 2. The Common Integument
- Near the apex the free walls project in rounded or mammillate form but later collapse, leaving the firm lateral walls in position.
- As the fornix passes beneath the corpus callosum it receives fibers from the longitudinal striæ of the indusium and from the cingulum; these are the perforating fibers of the fornix which pass through the corpus callosum and course in the fornix toward the mammillary body. IX. Neurology. 4e. Composition and Central Connections of the Spinal Nerves
- There are three scales of excrement, mammillated areas and larger and smaller ellipsoids.
- I was charmed with the scenery, consisting of fertile fields, rich woods, the ever-winding Thames and undulating mammillated hills, covered with verdure. Canada and the Canadians, Vol. 2
- Unfertilized eggs are usually more oval, and may have a pronounced mammillated coat or an extremely minimal mammillated layer.
- Malachite is typically massive, forming thick, compact crusts with mammillary surfaces.
- The leaf blades are stiff, glaucous to gray with strongly mammillate margins.
- The parts of the brain included within this arterial circle are the lamina terminalis, the optic chiasma, the infundibulum, the tuber cinereum, the corpora mammillaria, and the posterior perforated substance. VI. The Arteries. 3b. The Arteries of the Brain
- To the westward the view extended over an immense level plain as far as the Mount, at Monte Video, and to the eastward, over the mammillated country of Maldonado. Chapter III