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  1. warm-blooded vertebrates characterized by mammary glands in the female

How To Use Mammalia In A Sentence

  • This indicates a level of plasma membrane invagination comparable with mammalian skeletal muscle.
  • The ‘hammer’ and ‘anvil’ bones of the mammalian ear are descendants of these nubbins.
  • Experts agree that hippos belong to the mammalian order Artiodactyla, a group of even-toed, hoofed creatures whose extant representatives include camels, pigs and ruminants such as cows.
  • This company's workhorse is lemna, also known as duckweed-a tiny, aquatic clonal plant that doubles its biomass every 36 hours-and is skilled at making proteins that mammalian cells struggle, and often fail, to produce. News from The Scientist
  • On the mainland they fall prey to both mammalian and avian predators.
  • I would like to digress at this point, to describe another use for allopruinol which materialized about 10 years later, because it typifies the kind of chemotherapeutic selectivity which can be achieved with purine analogs as the result of differences in the specificties of parasitic and mammalian enzymes. Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • Dorst pursued a parallel career in mammalogy; he edited the quarterly journal Mammalia for 40 years, from 1960 to 2000.
  • The order mammalia is the resultant of a primary sex-distinction developed by natural selection; but the gorgeous plumage of the peacock's tail is a secondary sex-distinction developed by sexual selection. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • Fossil seals from late Neogene deposits in South America: a new pinniped (Carnivora, Mammalia) assemblage from Chile. Archive 2006-02-01
  • As indicators of insect and mammalian resistance we conducted bioassays to measure the performance of a geometrid moth, Epirrita autumnata, and counted the amount of resin droplets on the shoot of the saplings, respectively.
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