
How To Use Malpractice In A Sentence

  • The president talked up the tax cut deal, talked up the one-year expensing of depreciable assets, vowed to veto any bill with earmarks, talked about cutting corporate tax rates, talked about streamlining government, even talked up medical malpractice reform. Love Train In The House!
  • All we have to do is take malpractice out of the hands of private, for-profit attorneys.
  • A broad definition would encompass all disclosures of malpractice, as well as illegal acts or omissions.
  • In one of his early sonnets, Shakespeare wittily turns such "unthrifty" wasting into economic malpractice: Me, Myself, and I
  • the fear of being sued for malpractice has magnified physicians' defensiveness
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  • I know of no one who was put off medicine by the threat of imprisonment for medical malpractice. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has written, testified, and lectured widely on subjects such as obstetrical malpractice, IUDs, hormone therapy, and product liability. Personal Information for Sybil Shainwald
  • A consent form does not give the health care provider a license to commit malpractice.
  • Fear of malpractice suits may be one element. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • Malpractice cases carry a significant emotional cost for doctors, said study co-author Amitabh Chandra, an economist and professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government"They hate having their name dragged through the local newspaper and having to go to court," he said. Study: Only 1 in 5 medical malpractice cases pay
  • The causality of medical malpractice lawsuit is an important problem.
  • We only have five malpractice insurance companies writing policies in northeast Ohio.
  • The idea of attacking malpractice costs at the bedside is the most effective solution. Curbing medical lawsuits: What Obama really means
  • At the PP meeting held this afternoon, the UML decried what it called the malpractice of trying to send the nation back to the old constitution and also the talks on drafting the constitution from the streets. Ekantipur News | Top Stories
  • He is currently standing trial for alleged malpractices.
  • According to federal legislation Dr. Henry Morgentaler did not qualify as Order of Canada recipient due to his prior unpardoned criminal conviction and past findings of medical malpractice. Ahenakew to be Retried for Hate : Law is Cool
  • The malpractices, incompetence, cronyism and corruption he rightly castigates are not a product of devolution.
  • They are accused of medical/financial/electoral malpractice.
  • The Home Office also revealed the Police Complaints Authority - which investigates serious incidents and allegations of malpractice - is reviewing the high accident level.
  • Fourteen candidates were expelled from the examination venue on the charge of indulging in malpractices.
  • But this litigation is often the only means to protect society from medical malpractice or corporate malfeasance.
  • Only honesty isn't likely if the reward for it is crucifixion in the press, four different malpractice suits and an exemplary jail sentence.
  • Far from the fictional underpinnings of the verb "bork," Judge Sotomayor has been the victim of journalistic malpractice. Karl Frisch: Forget Being "Borked," She's Been "Sotomayored"
  • He paid tribute to employees from various organisations who have been reporting cases of default to the Authority and other malpractices by their employers.
  • disorganised", but then goes on to say that there was no evidence of "deliberate scientific malpractice". British Blogs
  • Foreign observers also accused the authorities of widespread malpractice.
  • Conduct by a physician that does not meet the standard of care is said to be malpractice.
  • He is currently standing trial for alleged malpractices.
  • Nor will my modern versionist relegate to a foot-note, as is the malpractice of his banal brotherhood the interesting and often startling phases of his foreign author's phraseology and dull the text with its commonplace English equivalent -- thus doing the clean reverse of what he should do. Arabian nights. English
  • The Supreme Court had previously left intact legislation aimed at limiting medical malpractice awards in California and Idaho.
  • To maintain neurosurgery service, Levine recommended waivers for two neurosurgeons so they could work without malpractice insurance, which is known in medical circles as ` ` going bare. '' Archive 2003-01-01
  • If that is true, then lawyers will remain unconstrained in filing baseless lawsuits against medical providers, and the cost of medical malpractice insurance will continue to skyrocket. Freshman Dem: Passing health care reform worth losing my seat
  • While he spreads his malicious malpractice throughout time, you've been chosen to kick his butt.
  • Even if the malpractice case was lost, the defense can claim that the perjured testimony was unimportant or was a result of honest confusion.
  • Although many millions of people are seriously harmed each year by the so-called antipsychotic drugs, relatively few victims are able to bring malpractice or product liability suits. Dr. Peter Breggin: Antipsychotic Drugs, Their Harmful Effects, and the Limits of Tort Reform
  • The Senate Democrats successfully filibustered the Federal medical malpractice awards act.
  • The malpractices, incompetence, cronyism and corruption he rightly castigates are not a product of devolution.
  • Even when the appropriate staff were available routine malpractices, like reusing unsterilised needles and confining patients to their beds for hours on end, continued.
  • Walton also charged the team with the misuse of the pain-modifying drugs Xylocaine and Marcaine, and the anti-inflammatory drugs Butazolidin (phenylbutazone) and Decadron (dexamethasone). filed both a malpractice lawsuit and a contract grievance against the Trail Blazers, and he got what he seemingly wanted: a one-way ticket out of Portland. Basketbawful
  • These facts, together, add up to a cognizable malpractice claim.
  • A broad definition would encompass all disclosures of malpractice, as well as illegal acts or omissions.
  • How much does the average doctor pay a year in malpractice insurance? 44 with Ed Henry: Tune in at 11 a.m. ET
  • But if rage or desire implied freedom we must allow freedom to animals, infants, maniacs, the distraught, the victims of malpractice producing incontrollable delusions. The Six Enneads.
  • While he spreads his malicious malpractice throughout time, you've been chosen to kick his butt.
  • DeVine Law regretfully had to agree with a unanimous court that struck down medical malpractice non-economic damage caps tort reform as violative the "inviolate" right to a jury trial granted in the State Constitution. The Minority Report -
  • The rumours have also caused media headlines and accusations of malpractice and illegality aimed at the farming community.
  • If the advice is always bad then why wouldn't malpractice lawsuits take care of the problem? Online Trade Barriers, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Collusion between supposedly independent scrutineers of business practice and their employing clients can cover up malpractice and misuse of funds.
  • The function of the Medical Malpractice Act is to punish the involved health institutions and persons responsible for medical malpractice and to compensate the patients.
  • Often, alternative claims of breach of fiduciary duty are routinely dismissed as included in, or "coextensive" with the legal malpractice claims. New York Attorney Malpractice Blog
  • Not "ravaging" him would have amounted to journalistic malpractice. News & Record Article Feed
  • Firstly it said that they engaged in medical malpractice, in other words they'd been sued.
  • Yugo KovachWinterborne HoughtonDorsetNick Cohen's piece ("Let the law save whistleblowers, not silence them", Comment) highlights the whistleblower's dilemma – how do we strive to encourage parrhesia ("free" or "true" speech) and prevent the damaging consequence of wrongdoing or malpractice in the workplace while at the same time protecting those who speak up and challenge the hierarchy? Stop immigration to help the British unemployed get jobs | Letters
  • Cap the amount people can sue for in malpractice suits. Moderate Dems will determine if health care bill gets to Senate
  • There are many risks involved to the consumer and the nurse anesthetist in hospitals or physician practices wherein the nurse anesthetist carries malpractice insurance only as provided by the agency or practice.
  • She has rebutted charges that she has been involved in any financial malpractice.
  • But uncovering incompetence, malpractice and abuse of power is another matter.
  • Medical malpractice and other blunders are rewarded with huge settlements often in the Millions.
  • Malpractice attorney firstborn practicably domestic scrum and bathometer to hooker painstaking, meliorative, and extempore candor. Rational Review
  • Its information enables subscribers to minimise the risk of loss from fraud and malpractice.
  • Medical malpractice is kept somewhat in check by the risk of lawsuits. The Volokh Conspiracy » Telos Returns to ‘New Class’ Analysis and the Critique of the ‘Wholly-Administered Society”
  • If chiropractic care were as dangerous as he would have us believe, malpractice premium costs would make practice prohibitive.
  • The survey by the Bureau of Economic Analysis includes a disclaimer that because its statistics do not measure the level of work in a particular profession -- a lawyer litigating multimillion dollar malpractice lawsuits vs. one conducting government audits -- the data cannot be used to compare federal and nonfederal workers. Federal officials fight back over criticism about salaries
  • Is $250,000 enough money to compensate victims of medical malpractice for their pain and suffering in all cases?
  • In theory a creditor or malpractice lawsuit is threatened.
  • But no senior officer was found guilty of serious malpractice. Times, Sunday Times
  • These diagnostic failures were not malpractice, but the fallibility of humans and machines.
  • GAINESVILLE - A Hall County State Court Jury Tuesday afternoon took two hours after a week long civil trial to decide in favor of a Gainesville nerosurgeon accused of malpractice. Undefined
  • (MICRA), imposing the $250,000 limit on "noneconomic" damages, which had been the form of the big malpractice verdicts, despite opposition from lawyers who represented plaintiffs Home
  • It claims that those groups inappropriately benefited from the team's final recommendations to cap pain-and-suffering in malpractice awards at $250,000 and to create a medical indemnity fund to help hospitals pay for the costs of treating brain-damaged infants. Ethics Questions
  • The physician in that type of case may or may not have committed malpractice, but admitting the label consumes time without giving the jury useful information. Colloquy : Northwestern University Law Review
  • “[T] ort reform does not provide a magical ‘silver-bullet’ that will immediately affect medical malpractice insurance rates.” Think Progress » Woman With Colon Cancer Turns To Pasta Fundraisers To Finance Chemo After Insurers Deny Her Coverage
  • The head nurse was reduced to ordinary nurse due to malpractice.
  • Maybe the AMA should mind their own business, and given the state of nondiagnosis, misdiagnosis, nontreatment and malpractice, might be a business which needs minding. Brain Blogger
  • · Approximately 4 years ago, the governor put on his 10-gallon white Stetson and "galloped" around Texas pushing legislation to eliminate "frivolous" medical malpractice lawsuits with the promise that doing so would lower medical and health care costs; however, after voters took him for his word and voted for the legislation costs are still high and are continuing to rise Capitol Hill Blue - The oldest political news site on the Internet
  • Grassley also called for reducing health-care costs through better management of chronic conditions and capping the damages in malpractice lawsuits. Republican senator hears health-care concerns back home
  • The ballot was re-run on Mr Todd's insistence after accusations of malpractice.
  • All the misdemeanours and malpractices of the town, -- and they were happening every day and every night, -- were all reported to the Recorder; they were all, so to say, charged home upon the Recorder, and he was held responsible for them all; till his office was a perfect laystall and cesspool of all the scum and corruption of the town. Bunyan Characters (3rd Series)
  • She has rebutted charges that she has been involved in any financial malpractice.
  • Bodies is a complex drama that dares to go where no other medical dramas have ventured - into the culture of malpractice, whistle-blowing, cover-ups, star-ratings and government targets.
  • In view of the great significance and the extent of these malpractices the investigations should be tackled by parliament, the public prosecutor said.
  • The rule would require every malpractice suit to have a certificate of merit.
  • The head nurse was reduced to ordinary nurse due to malpractice.
  • Failure to monitor his patient's post surgical temperature, failure to palpate a growing mass in his stomach, and a growing tenderness in the patients stomach suggests medical malpractice and medical negligence. Was medical error to blame for Rep. Murtha's death?
  • He challenged his opponent's mendacity (and badly butchered a response on malpractice reform).
  • Most courts have rejected clergy malpractice as a basis for liability in all cases. Christianity Today
  • WASHINGTON (CNNMoney. com) – As President Obama turns up the heat on health care reform, one new and surprising detail to emerge is his pledge to tackle medical malpractice. Curbing medical lawsuits: What Obama really means
  • A commission has been set up to enquire into alleged malpractice.
  • This endless cycle of doctors being thrust at you like hot bullets from a machine gun has far too much potential for deadly mishaps and malpractice.
  • The committee has full powers to deal with any cases of malpractice that arise.
  • obstetricians have to pay high rates for malpractice insurance
  • Statements about what to expect, enabling discussion to take place, and taking time to explore the human dimensions were all seen as teachable behaviours associated with fewer malpractice claims.
  • He said he supported the role of the media in exposing corruption, dishonesty and malpractice in public life.
  • He is currently standing trial for alleged malpractices.
  • And at least some of them emanate from right wing political lobbies funded by big business interests who want to avoid being sued for malpractice.
  • The British lender is the only bank yet to reach a deal for its alleged malpractice. Times, Sunday Times
  • A descendent of a famous eunuch of the Ching Dynasty is suing a Taipei hospital for medical malpractice.
  • Even if the state doesn't prosecute you for it, doing it voids your malpractice insurance which means you may lose your ability to practice anywhere.
  • The Review Board could be mandated to use the cheapest Drugs and medical treatments appliable to said illness, cutting Malpractice insurance costs as well as Doctor-purchase by Drug companies. Cost of Health Care Regulation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Errors related to the misdiagnosis of fractures accounted for the third largest amount of dollars paid out to settle malpractice claims.
  • Defensive medicine is just one of the supposed systemic ills that doctors, doctors 'lobbies and doctors' insurers invoke when they shill for what they call malpractice reform. Salon
  • Here in MA, for example, the tribunal is a doctor, a lawyer and a judge who hear evidence to determine whether it is actually a malpractice case or mroe along th elines of an unfortunate medical result. Liberal Dems 'stand in strong opposition' to Sebelius statement
  • The previous chapter discussed the substantive law that governs malpractice cases.
  • John Lemon has an excellent post about medical malpractice and frivolous lawsuits.
  • Have we reached a point where journalism can be indicted for media malpractice?
  • I can tell you from my personal experience as a P attorney in med mal cases, if the tort reform measures so often bandied about were implemented, many very deserving Ps would not be compensated and some very egregious medical malpractice would go unsanctioned. The Volokh Conspiracy » An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen
  • Furthermore, shared responsibility increases cooperation and reduces the resentments that often lead to malpractice suits. Love, Medicine and Miracles
  • We can then use that money to pay for lawsuits, malpractice, and bribing politicians… I mean lobbying politicians.
  • There are many risks involved to the consumer and the nurse anesthetist in hospitals or physician practices wherein the nurse anesthetist carries malpractice insurance only as provided by the agency or practice.
  • Victims of legitimate malpractice are entitled to their access to the courts.
  • Private Doctors are far more regulated as they are more likely to be caned by the lawyers for any malpractice.
  • He lied about medical malpractice to cover up the abuses of the insurance industry.
  • Put a cap on malpractice suits. that will bring down what a Doc. has to charge. close the loop holes in Medicaid that will inable a mill. more peps. to get free insurace. Two key House Dems dispute Pelosi's health care assessment
  • the widow sued his surgeon for malpractice
  • Both revealed systematic malpractice, and led to the imprisonment of several senior detectives.
  • What evidence can you adduce that we are plagued by a great many “frivolous” medical malpractice suits? The Volokh Conspiracy » An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen
  • an allegation of malpractice
  • Afterward, the paper reported and lawmakers confirmed Monday, Gingrich angrily said that Baran had a malpractice problem.
  • Over the past three years he has uncovered corruption and malpractice in the highest echelons of power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The emerging malpractices and general chicanery of these cash-driven outfits defy belief.
  • Recent case law on malpractice litigation and informed consent has been incorporated.
  • They've been helped by the fact that medical malpractice rates really are at record highs, and doctors are understandably apoplectic.
  • Surgeons and obstetricians are leaving or curtailing their practices, fleeing the increasingly high cost of malpractice insurance.
  • Many of you wrote about our face-off last night, debating putting a cap on medical malpractice awards.
  • But an investigation by the FSA into alleged malpractice can take years to complete before an errant trader can be banned from working again. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has rebutted charges that she has been involved in any financial malpractice.
  • It required cases to be filed in the county where the alleged malpractice occurred.
  • He claimed that you did not mention malpractice insurance on camera, but I am glad you mentioned that the issue of malpractice is covered in your book. Another COA Review, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Millions are won by parents whose children die as a result of medical malpractice, and to people injured at work.
  • CSD chief executive Frank Peters is calling on the Design Council to take a lead in stamping out malpractice. Double standards from the design industry
  • A commission has been set up to enquire into alleged malpractice.
  • Second, there are medical malpractice claims against doctors and hospitals.
  • This argument that bad doctors are responsible for the medical malpractice crisis is the most infuriating argument out there.
  • But the damage to the real economy was more a result of bad policy than financial malpractice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The doctors are getting crunched by the ever-increasing malpractice insurance premiums and by the diminishing reimbursements from insurance companies.
  • One solution to the problem would be to fix liability for malpractice due to inadequate resources on the commissioner rather than the provider.
  • Then we hear about widespread accounting malpractices, even in giant corporations, and start to wonder if this is not a huge conspiracy to swindle us out of our money.
  • Over the past three years he has uncovered corruption and malpractice in the highest echelons of power. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has repeatedly stated that he fully intends all-postal ballots to be staged, the use of which sparked complaints about malpractice during last month's elections.
  • A consent form does not give the health care provider a license to commit malpractice.
  • Lastly, when are people going to get smart and look behind the green curtain shielding the income and profit of the malpractice carriers, and huge bonuses being handed out to the executives. Video: Malpractice lawyers: Don’t blame us
  • Critics stopped just short of charging the Spin Doctors with malpractice.
  • At the firm, he specializes in medical malpractice and other complex litigation.
  • They have also campaigned actively for limits on insurance payouts, particularly for medical malpractice. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • Everyone in this debate realizes we've got overbaking of the costs because of medical malpractice concerns. CNN Transcript Sep 6, 2009
  • Several cases of malpractice and malfeasance in the financial world are currently being investigated.
  • The biggest malpractice of the profit system is that the majority of people make absolutely nonprofit .
  • Doctors argue rising malpractice insurance rates are driving them out of business, leaving their communities underserved.
  • I personally try to force myself to use the term medical liability insurance rather than medical malpractice insurance. Terminology
  • My question to you would be, if you want to talk about the law and you were disabled, do they have what's called a micra-cap in your state where they limit the amount that you can sue for malpractice? CNN Transcript Dec 5, 2005
  • All applicants are screened by Engel and Rudman to see if there are any outstanding malpractice suits.
  • Is it a deterrent to malpractice but also a deterrent to practice as well?
  • The legal blawgosphere is buzzing with the news of the medical malpractice defendant who blogged duringand abouthis trial. Flea, flea, as fast as you can
  • The committee's longest running cases have concerned suspected research malpractice.
  • In many malpractice cases, the facts lie particularly within the knowledge of the Defendants.
  • For more than 20 years, trial lawyer Rick Boothman defended doctors and hospitals in malpractice lawsuits. Do No Harm
  • Compensation is granted regardless of medical responsibility or malpractice.
  • Nor will any modern versionist relegate to a foot-note, as is the malpractice of his banal brotherhood, the striking and often startling phases of the foreign author's phraseology and dull the text with well-worn and commonplace English equivalents, thus doing the clean reverse of what he should do. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
  • Lastly, I’m not sure what changes you are imagining by the term malpractice reform. The Volokh Conspiracy » President Obama Claimed that the Individual Mandate is Not a Tax
  • he charged them with electoral malpractices
  • Before taking his own life, the gunman wrote that the judge had abused her judicial power in dismissing his medical malpractice case.
  • Smith, like the surgeons who walked out in Wheeling, is insured by a state run malpractice program: Archive 2003-01-01
  • He is currently standing trial for alleged malpractices.
  • The real cost of malpractice liability is limited to the cost of the actual resources consumed by such liability, principally the time of lawyers and expert witnesses (roughly half the total amount awarded in judgments goes to pay lawyers and expert witnesses), unless defensive medicine is assumed to cost more than its benefits in improving treatment outcomes. Malpractice Reform, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Two people were arrested in Greater Manchester over alleged fraud and malpractice, but neither has yet been charged.
  • At the urging of trial lawyers, Democrats also carved out the most contentious components of Mr. Cuomo's Medicaid overhaul, which seeks to impose a $250,000 cap on pain and suffering malpractice awards and establish a special indemnity fund to help hospitals pay for medical costs of treating neurologically impaired infants. Cuomo Budget Plan Under Siege by Democrats

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