How To Use Malocclusion In A Sentence
Types of malocclusion include overbite, underbite, and crowding.
Any situational factors should be corrected, and dental malocclusion and caries should be treated.
Any situational factors should be corrected, and dental malocclusion and caries should be treated.
Some malocclusions cannot be treated successfully without removing permanent teeth, though tooth removal is contraindicated in other situations.
Dentists and orthodontists assess and treat dental and oral diseases and malocclusion.

Your orthodontist will explain which is most suitable for your particular malocclusion.
According to the National Institutes of Health, most misaligned bites (technically known as malocclusions) are so minor that they do not require treatment.
This," he explained, "will distalize the maxillary arch in the right buccal segment and correct the Class 2 malocclusion.
Jerry Zezima: "The Invisible Man"
Such malocclusions resolve spontaneously if thumb-sucking stops before the permanent teeth erupt.
The deformations in subjects with Class III malocclusion may represent a developmental elongation of the mandible anteroposteriorly , which leads to the appearance of a prognathic mandibular profile.
his malocclusion was caused by malposed anteriors