
How To Use Malleable In A Sentence

  • Nickel is a silvery white metal and is both ductile and malleable.
  • The eager crowd are easily malleable in the Lady's gaze.
  • Belief in malleable intelligence is no free lunch - it could easily lead students to waste years of their lives trying and failing. You Can Do Anything You Put Your Mind To: A Noble Lie?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • As intensity is the urgency in her work, form is the malleable substance.
  • But Ray Cruz, a gunnery sergeant in the United States Marine Corps, was one of those rare men with a personality of hard metal—unmalleable, impenetrable, unstoppable. Dead Zero
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  • Yet past promises can suddenly become malleable amid political ferment. Times, Sunday Times
  • You should all be ‘pedantic old farts’ about unambiguity in words, because no-one else is going to stop them from becoming completely malleable (or, put another way - completely meaningless.)
  • But the rather malleable populace here seems to be quite pleased at this governmental largesse.
  • A malleable metal can be beaten into a sheet whereas a ductile metal can be drawn out into a wire.
  • The chondral phase consists of a unique Type I bovine collagen matrix that provides a malleable, flexible substratum that allows cell infiltration and de novo formation of hyaline tissue. Medgadget
  • When she is given the opportunity to hire an assistant, Carla plumps for the oddball Paul, a comprehensively under qualified but malleable parolee in whom she spots considerable potential.
  • She was young enough to be malleable.
  • To pry for hidden metals, to smelt out riches deposited in the veins of the earth, to fold sure-handed the malleable mass - these skills will come from you, as will aught which is fashioned of silver or gold.…
  • It scares people and people who are scared are more malleable, more easily led.
  • The nonmetals are neither malleable nor ductile; if drawn out or hammered, they shatter.
  • The effect of Si on the crystal lattice parameters, lattice volume and crystal defects of the eutectic cementite in malleable cast iron has been studied by using X ray diffractometer and TEM.
  • He is the artificer of our malleable national soul.
  • Yet past promises can suddenly become malleable amid political ferment. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the most ductile and malleable of all metals.
  • Viewers will wince at the training regime for the young and malleable, and gasp at the electrifying results. Times, Sunday Times
  • Society does not need journalists to be leftist bowdlerisers like John Pilger; nor does it want them to be malleable followers.
  • Of course, the ascription is tenuous, and wars are fought over the erasure of place, as though to suggest it was malleable.
  • Who can bear sorrow without such change, till age has fixed the lines of the face, or till care has made them hard and unmalleable? He Knew He Was Right
  • Gold is soft enough to scratch with a fingernail, and the most malleable of metals.
  • The embrace of ethnic origin presupposes a source culture eager to be embraced, or one that is malleable enough for the author's fancy.
  • Many of the parts are of cast iron, rendered malleable by annealing, and finally casehardened. Scientific American Supplement, No. 598, June 18, 1887
  • The metal compound is soft and malleable but becomes rigid on impact. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even slanguage is malleable, as “bling” has now been molded into the new word “eco-bling” (the more specific piece of slanguage that my fellow blogger wanted me to address). Blog – syllable studio
  • A microscopic image of a slug follows these reflections, reinforcing this notion, reminding us that perception is multitudinous and malleable.
  • Palladium is a relatively soft, silver-white metal that is both malleable and ductile.
  • Neodymium is a soft, malleable metal that can be cut and shaped fairly easily.
  • Wrought iron contains only a few tenths of a percent of carbon, is tough, malleable, less fusible, and has usually a ‘fibrous’ structure.
  • To the extent that the physical make-up of organisms provides heritable variation, it becomes a malleable clay that can be sculpted by selection.
  • It needs to be smolten and poured and once set, is pretty much unmalleable? Wolverine- An Open Letter to Deadpool Fans
  • Ferritic and pearlitic malleable irons are both produced by annealing white iron of controlled composition.
  • Larger more comfortable malleable iron handwheel for easier operation.
  • You might want to buy a cheap but malleable silver ring to practice on, or maybe a couple of them.
  • Iron is a silvery white or grayish metal that is ductile and malleable.
  • Palladium is a relatively soft, silver-white metal that is both malleable and ductile.
  • It has already been explained that human nature is the set of dispositions and capacities to believe, desire and act and, as Reid knowledges, that morality can only be focused on those that are malleable, that is sensitive to the environment these occur in, what else are the means to effect this "human nature" than is via the social forces as a key part of this environment? Planet Atheism
  • Using Mackley's technique, ordinary chocolate is extruded into malleable ropes by being forced at room temperature and at high pressure though steel nozzles.
  • The effects of tempering on the hardness of alloyed and unalloyed malleable irons illustrate the beneficial effects of alloying on as-quenched hardness and stability at elevated temperatures.
  • Europe saw its colonies as a source of raw material and a malleable workforce.
  • Sprocket rim made from cast iron, chain guide is malleable iron.
  • I'm working hard to become more malleable with each passing year. Christianity Today
  • The colt proved infinitely more malleable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is, I think, by accident that he hints at Michael's suggestible nature by referring to his "malleable ear". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The problem with technology is that it is too malleable to be mass-produced and thus does not lend itself to rapid proliferation of common, standard infrastructure. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • The job has changed as MPs have become less malleable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Viewers will wince at the training regime for the young and malleable, and gasp at the electrifying results. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a difficult manuever, but her body was different in his arms, lusher and more malleable. EVERVILLE
  • But truth a delicate and malleable thing : Is Luke Skywalker a freedom fighter or a terrorist?
  • Labor activists say that although there are no legal age cutoffs, the industries prefer to hire young and malleable workers.
  • Others give in to some influences, such as friends and peer pressure, but aren't so malleable that they can be forced to do doltish things.
  • Chouake bemoaned just one Senator as being unmalleable - Virginia Senator Jim Webb - though they successfully procured 491 meetings with other members of Congress during the campaign. Jewish-American PAC Boasts of Instigating War With Iran
  • Henry VI proved to be improvident, malleable, vacillating, partisan, uninterested in the arts of government, and, above all, antipathetic to the chivalric world his ancestors had adorned.
  • Rudich's pet, Jagger, stole all those socks, for example, by climbing up the back of the bureaus and squeezing his malleable body into the small opening at the rear of the drawers.
  • Silver is the most malleable of all metals.
  • I consider it more what I call malleable cinema than interactive," Coppola said. Breaking News: CBS News
  • Textured as in malleable play-doh Eric Bana types? Cheeseburger Gothic » Again, while we wait for the Geek…
  • Apparently, this made the conker more malleable, allowing it to absorb the impact of my prize pickled nut.
  • In order to make malleable wrought iron, the iron pigs were reheated and forged into red hot iron masses called blooms.
  • They are infinitely malleable, which is their greatest power and their greatest weakness. SharePoint Blogs / SharePoint University
  • Language is malleable and suggests change already.
  • It is the most ductile and malleable of all metals.
  • It is, without doubt, a very exciting, innovative, constantly changing, hugely mutable and malleable tool.
  • Apparently, this made the conker more malleable, allowing it to absorb the impact of my prize pickled nut.
  • Apparently, this made the conker more malleable, allowing it to absorb the impact of my prize pickled nut.
  • The yellow shining colour makes gold to children; others add weight, malleableness, and fusibility; and others yet other qualities, which they find joined with that yellow colour, as constantly as its weight and fusibility. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • The hilt of the blade is designed to hug the wrist, made of a lightweight, thin malleable metal for ease of wear.
  • Rather, research suggests that memories are malleable and reconstructed from a person's current remembering context.
  • But the mobile, malleable young Australians of today move back and forth between worlds I thought to be mutually exclusive, and they have more hemispheres than two to choose from.
  • Lead and tin are malleable metals.
  • This allows the clay to form a malleable material.
  • Relays of men sat for up to 16 hours pumping the bellows in order to get the fire in the furnace up to temperatures of 1200 degrees Celsius in order to make the iron malleable.
  • Nickell seems inspired by the malleable qualities of materials.
  • Both malleable and compressible, easy to cut and drip-free, it is heated by electromagnetic induction to bring its polymerization time to 90 minutes.
  • Our personal identity has become increasingly malleable in this modern age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zinc is a bluish white metal that is neither ductile nor malleable.
  • Woman are often shown as dolls, puppets or children in these stories, posable and malleable in any way the photographer pleases.
  • Europe saw its colonies as a source of raw material and a malleable workforce.
  • Language needs its protectors because it is not infinitely malleable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet past promises can suddenly become malleable amid political ferment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Temper carbon - compact aggregates or nodules of graphite found in malleable iron as a result of heat treatment.
  • Iron is a silvery white or grayish metal that is ductile and malleable.
  • My hair felt plumped and malleable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lanthanum is a white metal that is both ductile and malleable.
  • The metal compound is soft and malleable but becomes rigid on impact. Times, Sunday Times
  • [Footnote *: These first four metals have commonly been distinguished by the appellation of perfect or noble metals, on account of their possessing the characteristic properties of ductility, malleability, inalterability, and great specific gravity, in an eminent degree.] [Footnote †: Mercury, in its liquid state, cannot, of course, be called a malleable metal. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • These are not entirely manageable or malleable cultural instruments the way that feudal institutions were.
  • Yet models are malleable, ciphers for the whims of stylists and photographers.
  • Sinclair gives the impression of being malleable, like he bears the print of whoever was last sitting on him.
  • Beginning with performance art and Futurists, she discussed disruptive forums that appeal to a broad public, both anarchic and socially engaged, breaking down categories, bridging disciplines, open-ended and malleable acts.
  • Iron would be more fluxible and malleable than Lead, if the Salt alone could cause a malleableness and fluxibleness, because Iron contains more Of Natural and Supernatural Things Also of the first Tincture, Root, and Spirit of Metals and Minerals, how the same are Conceived, Generated, Brought forth, Changed, and Augmented.
  • This malleable food source can be baked, dried in the sun, or mashed with water to form a porridge.
  • To which the name metal being annexed, there is a genus constituted; the essence whereof being that abstract idea, containing only malleableness and fusibility, with certain degrees of weight and fixedness, wherein some bodies of several kinds agree, leaves out the colour and other qualities peculiar to gold and silver, and the other sorts comprehended under the name metal. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • We will no longer be able to count on human nature to serve as a source of resistance to radical utopians because human nature will become more malleable.
  • The fact that the date line was not drawn straight has led some to conclude that it is further malleable.
  • Gold is extremely malleable, and highly conductive, which is why they make circuits out of it.
  • The chain guide is malleable iron.
  • Malleable, silver may be beaten into a leaf 0.00025 millimeters thin.
  • The ego, as a complex, is extremely malleable and " invariable.
  • Back for lunch, cleaned the house, concreted the inspection hole some more - played with a blowlamp and some spare tarmac - apparently, you can indeed make it more malleable with a flame, and it resists burning nicely. Planet SUSE
  • The white irons of suitable composition can be annealed to give malleable cast iron.
  • roomservice taco, you said gold is ductile aka. malleable ... anon 1:31 can only read in phonetics so he/she saw "Duct Tile" and viola, one funny comment This Just In: Collector's Item Alert!!!
  • After all, it is a showcase for Jim Carrey, the dude with the malleable body and mug who can make you guffaw just by jiggling around and rearranging his phiz.
  • Italian DJs and musicians who chose the musical idiom of rap, which is based on the relation between words and rhymes, found dialect a more malleable language in which to combine rhythm and rhyme.
  • In certain applications, however, malleable iron has a distinct advantage.
  • But if the conjecture is pushed still further, and we suppose that the ore was not an oxide, but rich in iron, magnetic or spicular, the result would in all probability be a mass of perfectly malleable iron. Industrial Biography
  • Like her other work, it is rich with observation and flights of language, revealing how this sensibility is malleable enough to adapt to the death-row murderess without sacrificing its immediateness and power.
  • The varying opinions suggest that the laureateship is both a malleable thing and a work in progress.
  • The malleable iron was inoculated with compound inoculating agent containing Re - Si - Fe alloy and Bi.
  • Digital Bangladesh" shares with all good political slogans a malleable, reverberative quality. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • With each treatment the foot has become less painful, more malleable and is gradually turning a healthier colour.
  • From the malleable scrapings Antonin fashioned plinths, column tops and pedestals.
  • It just goes to show how malleable women are when there's the slightest suggestion of beauty and youth.
  • Labor economists routinely tease out relationships in multicollinear worlds in other aspects with great care, and great success, but it seems to these same people that estimating IQ's effect is impossible Heckman's other tact, that IQ is malleable, was abandoned when he found that IQ was pretty consistent over an individual's life. Two Educational Heresies: Ability Bias vs. Signaling, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Labor activists say that although there are no legal age cutoffs, the industries prefer to hire young and malleable workers.
  • The metal of the pillar has been found to be almost pure malleable iron.
  • But Anna is sexually malleable and could easily be taken advantage of by an unscrupulous dominant.
  • Gold is malleable and does not fracture as it is tumbled about in running water.
  • The job has changed as MPs have become less malleable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tantalum is a very hard, malleable, ductile metal with a silvery bluish color when unpolished, but a bright silvery color when polished.
  • Bones are shifting, hormones are flying all about, neural processes are still plastic and malleable and highly susceptible to influence.
  • All implants are quickly inserted while the cement is malleable to allow proper positioning.
  • It starts off as a malleable glop, neither too stiff nor too liquid, which can be shaped in a mold, where it hardens.
  • The earliest woven stuffs were made for use or ornament, before refinements in spinning and weaving permitted textiles malleable enough to clothe the body.
  • It's not easy being a mindless malleable weak-willed consumer; you have to be ready to go on a moment's notice, just like a firefighter.
  • Industrial and commercial fittings are made from galvanized steel, cast iron, or malleable steel.
  • Here, narrative games includes super linear games like CoD4 AND games with a malleable narrative like Deus Ex or Fallout, but not games where the main draw is futzing with a ruleset, such as the way most people play GTA outside of the missions or games like Noby Noby Boy. The Authorship Conflict
  • What I have said here of the nominal essence of gold, supposed to consist of a body of such a determinate colour, weight, and fusibility, will hold true, if malleableness, fixedness, and solubility in aqua regia be added to it. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • The effort is not all a loss, though, as successive pieces forge a springily malleable array of wiry patchworks that tug at and tease expectations.
  • My hair felt plumped and malleable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her character is weak and Steinbeck characterized her as an archetypical child, both capricious and malleable.
  • Language needs its protectors because it is not infinitely malleable. Times, Sunday Times
  • But truth a delicate and malleable thing : Is Luke Skywalker a freedom fighter or a terrorist?
  • Firm enough to offer support yet soft enough to be malleable, it makes a great perfect (edible) pillow and bookrest. The Guardian World News
  • The food engineers who thought up white bread took the wheat, pounded it into overrefined flour, blasted out all the good nutrients, erased any trace of fiber, and mashed and molded the pale, mealy result into a soft, malleable slice or all-too-aptly-shaped hot-dog or hamburger or hoagie holder. THE HIGH SCHOOL REUNION DIET
  • The white irons of suitable composition can be annealed to give malleable cast iron.
  • Hamsaya relationships between patrons and clients were and remain malleable but strong in Afghan society. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • The ego, as a complex , is extremely malleable and invadable.
  • Our personal identity has become increasingly malleable in this modern age. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order for the clay to be transformed from a soft, malleable state into hard earthenware pottery, the water molecules need to be driven off.
  • Because gold is malleable and soft it tends to get pounded into little pancakes or smeared out in the crushing and milling equipment labs use.
  • It just goes to show how malleable women are when there's the slightest suggestion of beauty and youth.
  • All in all, just the Newt's way of working the media so that if he doesn't get another chance at further damaging our country with political partisanship and using Sarah's coattail to get there he'll send Sarah as the substitue "malleable" obstructionist - scary indeed. Gingrich says Palin 'tremendously important'
  • The film impressively uses CGI effects to transform the bodies of its actors' flesh into something more malleable.
  • Europe saw its colonies as a source of raw material and a malleable workforce.
  • They were there with their control collar ready to make me malleable to their malign manipulations.
  • I envied how the material was so malleable compared to wood and that one could get so close to it.
  • Nothing survived of the malleable personality that so impressed us formerly.
  • But Tom, as always, wanted to win; it was a part of his unmalleable personality, the least pleasant thing about him, the way he got fixed on something and all life ceased to exist except that issue. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • And be aware of what may be imprinted on our impressionable and malleable children in their formative years by the people to whom we expose them.
  • Ms. Srinivasan, who attended Alfred University and worked at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, said her work, made of convexed, mirrorized glass and silicon on canvas, "evokes a malleable memory of all that surrounds it. The Medium of Memory
  • By turning clothing into white porcelain malleable forms are fossilised into permanent , yet fragile, objects.
  • Previous opinion held that the malleable behavior of mammals required the higher-order neocortex found in mammals.
  • The colt proved infinitely more malleable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other key components in Iran's centrifuges, called "bellows," which serve to balance and stabilize the fast-spinning rotors, are made of high-quality maraging steel — a high-strength yet malleable form which is in even shorter supply internationally than carbon fiber, according to nuclear experts. Sanctions Slow Iran's Warhead Capability
  • I'm working hard to become more malleable with each passing year. Christianity Today
  • When she opened the door she saw him as something fixed and Godlike as he had always been, as older people are to younger, rigid and unmalleable. Tender is the Night
  • I have, indeed, some idea that Mr. Herries has already discovered that I am made of different and more unmalleable metal than he had at first believed. Redgauntlet
  • You need a malleable pillow that will mould to the curves of your neck.
  • Yet past promises can suddenly become malleable amid political ferment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are people with this kind of malleable opinion and political cynicism what we want in the Presidency? Palin warns of 'disturbing' health care rationing
  • The living turtles are placed on burning coals and heated until their top and bottom shells become malleable enough to rip off.
  • Thus, I suspect that students with who believe in malleable intelligence are more likely to go to graduate school despite low test scores. You Can Do Anything You Put Your Mind To: A Noble Lie?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He had an actor's typically malleable features.
  • I had grown to cherish the ways of a malleable four-year-old when, all of a sudden, she turned five and I learnt the difference the hard way.
  • Wet wool is quite malleable in terms of size, and you can get it to dry up or down a bit just by handling it properly.
  • He played with power and guile, the bat appearing almost malleable in his hands as he guided the ball around the ground.
  • malleable metals such as gold
  • Apparently, this made the conker more malleable, allowing it to absorb the impact of my prize pickled nut.
  • Sunlight provides the necessary heat, and metal fatigue and design imperfections make the tracks more malleable.
  • He found that leather, highly malleable and easy to dye, was actually an ideal material for realistic sculpture.
  • My hair felt plumped and malleable. Times, Sunday Times
  • A fly-drive with three kids, including a less than malleable 11-year-old, didn't promise a relaxing holiday.
  • I hardly think that the youth of the future are waiting for malleable faculty to lead them by the hand to willing computers.
  • All in all, just the Newt's way of working the media so that if he doesn't get another chance at further damaging our country with political partisanship and using Sarah's coattail to get there he'll send Sarah as the substitue "malleable" obstructionist - scary indeed. Gingrich says Palin 'tremendously important'
  • He produced a far greater range of objects that more interestingly exploit the malleable substance.
  • Iridium is neither very ductile nor malleable at room temperature, although it becomes more ductile at higher temperatures.

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