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How To Use Mallarme In A Sentence

  • Poe was the juiciest rhymer of the nineteenth century—before Swinburne, that is—but Mallarmé in his wisdom translated Poe into exquisitely rhymeless French prose, and then Mallarmé published his reverent prose translations in a book, with line drawings by Manet. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • Grief with a glass that ran -- of Swinburne, or the mossiness of Mallarmé, Pound's verse is always definite and concrete, because he has always a definite emotion behind it. Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry
  • Mallarmé called him, 'le prosateur ouvragé par excellence de ce temps.' Figures of Several Centuries
  • The joys of rereading might have offered Mallarme a stronger antidote to his ennui than sighing for distant, exotic lands.
  • Mallarmé, than to the ferocious antirationalism of LITERATURE AND ITS COGNATES
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  • And, as I have argued elsewhere, Mallarme does not hesitate to appropriate for himself the status of the mystagogue / joker that many of his contemporaries perceive him to be.

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