
How To Use Mallard In A Sentence

  • The mallards, golden-eyes and trumpeters were still there, working the shallows of the river for aquatic plants.
  • There were painted mallards, wood ducks, and mergansers carved where possible in and on the armrests, in fact.
  • Emerald-headed mallards bob alongside kayakers in the river's riffles of whitewater.
  • As the sex ratio in the adult population of mallards tends to be biased toward males, some males remain unpaired during the breeding season.
  • On your walk you will probably see mallards, grebes, canvasbacks and coons and perhaps snapping turtles and white pelicans.
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  • More than 218 species have been recorded on the reserve, including mallards, teal, widgin, great crested grebes, pochard, wild geese and Canada geese.
  • A deer was said to be broken, a cony unlaced, a pheasant, partridge, or quail winged, a pigeon or a woodcock thighed, a plover minced, a mallard unbraced. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
  • It is known as a wintering site for whooper swans, which arrive from Iceland, and wildfowl such as widgeon, teal and mallard.
  • A mallard suddenly took wing, rising steeply into the air with an angry squawk.
  • I watched lapwings competing for nest sites on the damp fields where I also saw pheasants, grey partridges, teal and mallards.
  • With just a few dissenters, those at the meeting voted to send a delegation to meet with Trevor Mallard to discuss the future of the school.
  • Of course, native birds such as the American coot, mallard, and Brewer's blackbird also used this valuable oasis.
  • In fall you'll see Northern flickers, herons, kingfishers, downy woodpeckers, and lots of ducks (common goldeneyes, mallards, mergansers).
  • Mallards are omnivorous, eating seeds, stems, and roots from a variety of aquatic plants, especially sedges, grasses, pondweeds, and smartweeds.
  • Mallards, ring-necked ducks, killdeer, marbled godwits, and peregrine falcons settle in for the fall.
  • The plumages of hand-reared mallards, baldpates, blue-winged teal, shovellers and ring-necked ducks develop more slowly although pintails, redheads and canvasbacks appear similar.
  • I was expecting at least a stout defence, and probably new evidence that would help buttress his case, but he barely rated a mention in Trevor Mallard's speech, and I will tell the members why.
  • I was a Minister for 9 years, and what the Hon Trevor Mallard has said is absolute arrant nonsense.
  • One of the hunters crouched in the bow with a 12 - bore shotgun ready to bring down one of the mallard or teal that flew up at our approach.
  • GADWALL Population numbers are up, so toss three to five gadwall decoys — or mallard hens — in a cluster near the shore side of your decoy spread to convince "gray ducks" to pitch in. Tips, Tactics, and Gear for Beaver Pond Ducks
  • In light of the recent PowerPoint compiled by a Duke student, chronicling her sexual exploits in excruciating detail, I realized that she left out one contender: Duke lacrosse player Sam Mallard. Meredith Fineman: Fifty First (J)Dates: The Duke Duck List
  • This helps to explain why pintails, mallards, and other ducks landed on farms and infuriated farmers in the Klamath Basin during the summer of 1946.
  • The thrashing wings of a mallard skimmed over their heads. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Not that he's an avid trainspotter with a penchant for the Mallard or the Flying Scotsman.
  • Just offshore some mallard and pintail – birds usually found on fresh water – were bobbing up and down on the waves, along with two truly marine ducks, an eider and a common scoter. Birdwatch: Black redstart
  • The only way in the world to serve a canvas-back or a mallard, or a sprig, or even the toothsome teal, is as follows: The plucked bird should be stuffed with a tight handful of plain raw celery and, in a piping oven, roasted variously 8,9,10, or even 11 minutes, according to the size of bird and heat of oven. Jack London's Recipes: An Insight Into Jack's Dietary Habits
  • Its skies were often darkened by blizzards of snow geese and immense flocks of great blue herons, swans, diving ducks, terns, pintails, mallards, Canada geese, osprey, bald eagles and more.
  • There proved to be several varieties of duck among the countless flocks which I saw, notably mallard, teal, pochard, and shoveller. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • There were several pairs of great crested grebes but there were also good numbers of tufted duck, pochard, gadwall mallard and teal.
  • Slice brawn, spoil a hen, unbrace a mallard, untache a curlew, border a pasty, thigh small birds, splat a pike, fin a chub, barb a lobster Early English Meals and Manners
  • The website provides students with a guide to the number of moorhens, mallards, coots and other wildfowl to be found on streams, ponds and other stretches of water near their chosen university.
  • On Sunday trainee veterinary nurse Laura Harrison-Allan was amazed to find a male mallard and nine ducklings standing outside the pen holding the recovering bird.
  • At certain times there can be a million birds in front of you consisting of sandhill cranes, snow geese, cackling geese, white-fronted geese, pintails, wigeons and mallards.
  • Just offshore some mallard and pintail – birds usually found on fresh water – were bobbing up and down on the waves, along with two truly marine ducks, an eider and a common scoter. Birdwatch: Black redstart
  • On the lake there are mallard, moorhen and other water birds as well. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • He is helped by local creatures like a stinkpot turtle, a spring peeper, a muskrat, a kingfisher and a mallard duck.
  • In the European election there was some suggestion that although some small unionist towns like Lisbellaw (within the Enniskillen DEA) stayed loyal to the DUP, others such as Kesh and Ballinamallard and the unionist vote in the border areas of West and South Fermanagh has moved away from the DUP. Slugger O'Toole
  • An hour later, we were shooing gadwall and teal out of the decoys as we waited for one last bunch of mallards to fill our mixed-bag limit. Great American Duck Hunts
  • The male of the wild dock is called a mallard; and the young ones are called flappers. The Book of Household Management
  • The most abundant and widespread of all waterfowl, the mallard is also the most hunted game bird.
  • In light of the recent PowerPoint compiled by a Duke student, chronicling her sexual exploits in excruciating detail, I realized that she left out one contender: Duke Lacrosse player Sam Mallard. Meredith Fineman: Fifty First (J)Dates: The Duke Duck List
  • Be patient: Teal and gadwall fly early, but the main event starts at midmorning when the mallards come back from the fields. Great American Duck Hunts
  • The short list includes gadwalls, wigeons, mallards, shovelers, mottled ducks and pintails.
  • I ruled out vociferous interjections, and Mr Mallard was more restrained after he was warned.
  • At certain times there can be a million birds in front of you consisting of sandhill cranes, snow geese, cackling geese, white-fronted geese, pintails, wigeons and mallards.
  • Mr Deacon says that far from damaging wildlife, the lake and wetlands already attract kingfishers, mallards, woodpeckers, coots, waterhens, curlews, plovers, deer and foxes.
  • The little oasis on Buckshaw Hall Road, off Chancery Road, has been home to kingfishers, herons, mallard and a moorhen that has recently settled there.
  • We strolled half the length of the lake to locate a party of mallards, in a vain attempt to avoid catching the beady eyes of the Canada geese.
  • I had come to observe so we passed a 'sord' of mallards by harmlessly.
  • Bird species like garganey, gadwall, mallard, shoveller, pintail and wigeon use the lake in transit.
  • Like the Mariana mallard, the Guam broadbill also was probably never abundant.
  • This paper examines the function of female resistance behavior in one of the dabbling ducks, the mallard.
  • The teals, mallards and other small ducks were all paddling about.
  • Rather than being shared by all of the brown-plumaged teals, this character appears to be shared by only the New Zealand teals, because male Chestnut Teals (like Mallards) have a fully green head.
  • It was beside Henry's Fork that we skied and watched goldeneyes, mallards and trumpeter swans floating in the shallows.
  • Females and males in eclipse plumage may look superficially similar to Mallards.
  • As we towed the boats along the shore, we kicked up little bunches of ducks here and there, and the low sun at our backs lit up hundreds of them-mallards, teal, gadwall-flushing at our approach, swirling like multicolored flakes in a snow globe. Great American Duck Hunts
  • Willows provide nesting sites for several types of finches and many different birds can be seen throughout the year, including cuckoos, yellowhammers, mallards, moorhens and whitethroats.
  • Surprisingly, rather than grouping the South Island Brown Teal with the North Island Brown Teal or one of the subantarctic teals, the South Island Brown Teal grouped with the Mallard and Grey Duck.
  • On your walk you will probably see mallards, grebes, canvasbacks and coons and perhaps snapping turtles and white pelicans.
  • • Other species you can hear include wood pigeon, carrion crow, blue tit, blackcap, mallard, pheasant, coot and the great-crested grebe. Listen to the National Trust audio guide to Britain's bird species
  • Northern pintail, shoveler, green-winged teal and mallard are most numerous, but a discerning eye will spot many types of ducks such as wigeon, cinnamon teal, gadwall and varieties of divers like canvasback, ring-necked and ruddy ducks. Undefined
  • With the big radial engines grumbling, the Mallard eased past a starboard handmarker labelled `Bald Head". CORMORANT
  • The mallard and the graylag goose are the ancestors of our domestic ducks and geese. The Minds and Manners of Wild Animals A Book of Personal Observations
  • There are mallards galore, the males with their metallic green heads and the females a dowdy brown, and busy little black scaups, bobbing like bath toys.
  • A mallard is a plain silly fat Amsterdam duck sitting on the canal. Tumbleweed
  • Close by lies a lochan, known locally as the duck pond, a place usually ringing with the cackles of mallards.
  • The teals, mallards and other small ducks were all paddling about.
  • It looks as it has been a good year so far for the wild duck as a few clutches of young Mallard have been noticed on the river.
  • The pond is usually dominated by the usual waterbirds: Mute Swan, Canada Goose, Mallard, American Black Duck, and Double-crested Cormorant.
  • As a result, foraging conditions that female Mallard and pintail encounter during spring migration influence the amount of lipid stored and, thus, reproductive success.
  • The men who were supposed to be slaughtered in their sleep were now dropping Indians on the field like shotgunned mallards. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • A sord of mallards dive for food.
  • The hunters, dressed in camouflage in floating duck blinds offshore, take aim at the broadbills, black ducks and mallards that are the prized bounty of these waters.
  • Rain sheeted down on gad wall, tufted duck, coot and mallard.
  • I watched lapwings competing for nest sites on the damp fields where I also saw pheasants, grey partridges, teal and mallards.
  • He got halfway and dropped like a shotgunned mallard onto the mat. Babylon Nights
  • How freaked out will people get if they discover 10,000 or so American widgeon have died in Alaska this year, along with about 20,000 mallards? Massive Bird, Fish Kills in Alaska -- No One Noticed
  • The most abundant and widespread of all waterfowl, the mallard is also the most hunted game bird.
  • So far as I am aware the mallard is the only wild duck that has been bred in sufficient numbers to slaughter for the markets. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • Prince Philip stepped up to the footplate of Mallard, the world's fastest steam locomotive, before moving into The Works, where pupils from Poppleton Road School in York were enjoying a storytelling session.
  • Other water birds include grey and mallard ducks, black swans, black shags.
  • Duck of both races like diminutive duck Mallard, with black and green speculum and whitish belly.
  • Wigeon, scaup, ringnecks and a considerable number of mallards make use of the parkland habitat, Sharp said.
  • We saw lots of waterfowl, mostly Canada geese and mallards with the odd Gadwall.
  • The male mallard has a green head and reddish-brown chest.
  • The male mallard has a green head and reddish-brown chest.
  • Being called a mallard should be enough to embarrass any thinking human. Think Progress » Tennessee Mosque Vandalized After Local TV Station Airs Irresponsible Report On ‘Homegrown Jihad’
  • Surprisingly, rather than grouping the South Island Brown Teal with the North Island Brown Teal or one of the subantarctic teals, the South Island Brown Teal grouped with the Mallard and Grey Duck.
  • Tak a mallard and pul hym drye and swyng over the fyre draw hym but lat hym touche no water and hew hym in gobettys and do hym in a pot of clene water boyle hem wel and tak onyons and boyle and bred and pepyr and grynd togedere and draw thorw a cloth temper wyth wyn and boyle yt and serve yt forth. The Forme of Cury A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled, about A.D. 1390
  • There were about 50 coots, 25 shovelers, and a handful each of mallards and ferruginous ducks.
  • This time will provide the window of opportunity to collect the baseline health data on mallard ducks and rockhopper penguins prior to the teals’ release.
  • Mallards and black ducks also dive for pond snails and probably a range of aquatic insects like dragonfly nymphs.
  • And while the local migratory birds are flying out, the foreign ones like mallards, pintails, teals, shovelers, pochards, waders and curlews are coming in.
  • Darwin noticed that some monogamous birds have very colorful males: mallards, for example, and blackbirds.
  • There are the usual species for this wetland habitat mallard, tufted duck, coot, wigeon, teal and mute swan.
  • Close by lies a lochan, known locally as the duck pond, a place usually ringing with the cackles of mallards.
  • This group of duck species includes mallards, teal, pintails, and others that feed at or near the surface, where viruses in water are most likely to be picked up.
  • The Mallard grudgingly accelerated, sheets of spray thrown out, the airspeed creeping up. CORMORANT
  • Certain it was that The Big Mallard was the supreme test of courage and boatmanship. The Man from the Bitter Roots
  • When I was a kid (forty years ago) I literally picked up a hen and drake mallard from a drainage ditch in then remote Western Montana. ASA Calls for Action Against Proposed Washington Lead Ban
  • Some ducks, such as mallard and pintail, will nest in grass and lush ground cover up to a kilometre or more away from the water body.
  • The haunts of the mallard, the snipe, the redshank, and the bittern, have been drained equally with the summer dwellings of the lapwing and the curlew. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 531, January 28, 1832
  • A mated pair of mallards came first, winging around till they finally landed in the skinny stretch of water I'd opened.
  • Today, dozens of Britain's greatest steam locos - from the Mallard to the Duchess of Hamilton - are proudly on display at the National Railway Museum in York.
  • More than 70 varieties of birds breed on and around the lake, including the famous ospreys, tufted ducks, goldeneyes, coots, pochards, mallards and widgeons.
  • About a dozen mallard ducks were sleeping on the sand or quacking in a subdued manner under the dock.
  • In light of the recent powerpoint compiled by a Duke student, chronicling her sexual exploits in excruciating detail, I realized that she left out one contender: Duke Lacrosse player Sam Mallard. Meredith Fineman: Fifty First (J)Dates: The Duke Duck List
  • Examples of dabbling ducks are the mallards, cinnamon teals, shovellers, green and blue-winged teals, pintails, black ducks, baldpates and gadwalls.
  • Another said that 50 of his mallards are missing; the RSPB is investigating. Fear and Awe As Sea Eagles Spread 8ft Wings | Impact Lab
  • I went downstairs immediately to see if the window was damaged, and saw a drake mallard (anas platyrhynchos) lying motionless on its belly in the sand, two metres outside the facade.
  • Down in the pond there were mallards, northern shovelers, coots and a few gallinules.
  • In a sord of mallards, the breeding male stands out with his green head, black rear, and yellowish orange bill tipped with black.
  • Dabblers like the mallard seem to demand that the spiral moves clockwise from the eye over the full round forehead.
  • It already attracts birds - paradise and mallard ducks, spur-winged plovers and welcome swallows.
  • Female mallard quacked away from nearby rushes and the overall sounds were as impressive as the sight of the birds. Country diary: Cromarty Firth
  • Mallard had got the vertigo, he reported the gambler's launch on dementedness to the earl. The Amazing Marriage — Complete
  • Others contributing to the soundtrack include the goldcrest, blackbird, thrush, chiffchaff, wren, mallard, coot and even the garden bully, the wood pigeon. Beat winter blues with birdsong, National Trust urges
  • They had a duckling that didn't look like the mallard ducklings that were there already.
  • Last year the club reared and released into natural environments over 400 pure-bred mallard duck and 1,000 pheasant.
  • And while the local migratory birds are flying out, the foreign ones like mallards, pintails, teals, shovelers, pochards, waders and curlews are coming in.
  • A mallard or widgeon are best for this purpose. The Sun
  • There was in 16c England a set of verbs for carving kinds of game, fish, and poultry, which included allaying a pheasant, barbing a lobster, chining a salmon, fracting a chicken, sculling a tench, and unbracing a mallard.
  • Mallards, ring-necked ducks, killdeer, marbled godwits, and peregrine falcons settle in for the fall.
  • There are mallards galore, the males with their metallic green heads and the females a dowdy brown, and busy little black scaups, bobbing like bath toys.
  • An example is the sequence of acts performed by a mallard drake during courtship.
  • Our two most common ducks, Mallard and American Black Duck, are dabblers, as are teals (like the Green-winged Teal we saw on New Year's Day) and wigeons.
  • Tapping around my rooted limbs and grounded chest, a circus of quail, woodcock, and mallard perform.
  • And the hundreds of thousands of migrating waterfowl that stop there every winter include mallards, canvasback ducks, blue-winged and green-winged teals, and wood ducks.
  • With their drab plumage, it is not unusual to mistake a gadwall for a hen mallard at a distance.
  • Particular importance is attached to black duck, mallard, gadwall, bluewinged teal, wood duck, bobwhite quail, ringnecked pheasant, American woodcock, mourning dove and recently reintroduced turkey, because of their importance as game birds and their occurrence as nesting species in the wetlands and upland fringe. Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve
  • The teals, mallards and other small ducks were all paddling about.
  • Egrets, terns, mallards, pelicans, eagles, tundra swans, and herons browsed amid thickets of 10-foot-tall bulrushes known as tule (too-lee).
  • We saw lots of waterfowl, mostly Canada geese and mallards with the odd Gadwall.
  • There was a coyote with a foreleg fracture, and a mallard with an injured foot. The Rally Squirrel Runs to Safety
  • Yield is best from ducks that weigh at least 4 pounds, although many mallards weigh only 2 to 3 pounds.
  • I turned onto Hill Road, which led up to the Tillotsons ' house, and crashed into a mailbox shaped like a mallard. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
  • Nevertheless, to understand the game aright, they feared neither the cormorant nor mallard of Savoy, which put the good people of my country in great hope that their children some time should become very skilful in algorism. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Mallard duck, grey wagtail and occasionally kingfishers frequent the waterside. 6.
  • In the hand The drake mallard is the most readily recognized duck, but the hen can be easily confused with the black duck, gadwall, and mottled duck. Field Guide: Know Your Waterfowl
  • During the short drive to Joe's favourite diner in Madrid I spotted a group of five deer, several skeins of Canada geese and a group of mallard.
  • A modest duck pond becomes exciting when one realizes that not all waterfowl are Mallards and Canada Geese.
  • I stood on the shoreline observing a sord of mallards paddling around.
  • Bird species like garganey, gadwall, mallard, shoveller, pintail and wigeon use the lake in transit.
  • In more western regions, there have been more frequent sightings of "mainland ducks" such as pintail ducks (Anas acuta) and mallard (A. platyrhynchos [9]). Recent and projected changes in arctic species distributions and potential ranges
  • Seasonal migrations and potential for high rates of gene flow without simple geographic directionality suggest that Mallard populations may show very little geographic structure.
  • The website provides students with a guide to the number of moorhens, mallards, coots and other wildfowl to be found on streams, ponds and other stretches of water near their chosen university.
  • Mallard" holds the speed record for a steam locomotive.

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