How To Use Malignance In A Sentence
Mattie, with an expression of deep malignance, departed.
Though brain tumor stem cells are low proportion in tumor tissue, they are the key for maintaining malignance.
Every one thought the decision admirable; it traveled from lip to lip, gaining malignance by the way.
Two Poets
Sowho are these merchants of noise, who work so hard, and so unobtrusively to dominate our attention, while hiding their malignance behind the frenzied smiles and desperate flim-flam of others who more effectively command our loyalty, respect, admiration and even doting adoration?
Have you a radio or tv?
The metastasis of cancer is a vital trait in malignance with extreme difficulties in early diagnosis and therapeutic management.

Doing so by deliberate malignance is called fraud.
D'Arrigo: Making Cherry Pie « Climate Audit
It's recent malignance includes: painting the American President as a foreign-born, communist, Moslem, and the Canadian and all other socialized health care as having death panels to cull the elderly.
Scientist Discusses Latest Report of Rising Global Temperatures | Universe Today
Before there was suspicion, with the citation of his criminal behavior and apparent lack of remorse and contrition and humility etc., there is proof of at least past malignance.
Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
Surely beneficence and malignance are both at play in the contemporary world, at every level.
This past weekend, while feeling very frightened and frazzled at the prospect of losing my oldest continuous friend to a recently discovered mass of malignance, I took a silent vow that I would discontinue this blog if he didn't come out of his nine-hour surgery alive.
The End of Blogging Days - A Rumination
But where the Magician was grumpy, these were evil; there was incredible malignance in their misshapen faces.
Falcon Street
Three-dimensional data can be used to spot and investigate the malignance of tumors.
There can be 2 reasons only for not accepting humans as the main source of global warming: idiocy and malignance.
Think Progress » CNBC Anchor Argues ‘Puny, Gnawing Little Humans’ Can’t Change The Climate
Though brain tumor stem cells are low proportion in tumor tissue, they are the key for maintaining malignance.
Their society has been infected by a pathogenic cuteness of such malignance as to put at risk all that is truly beautiful.
It is very inspiring - a desire for ecological change with no ego or malignance and no messianic tendencies.