How To Use Malign In A Sentence
he had surgery for the removal of a malignancy
These malignant Las Vegas showgirl lookalikes are holding Earth hostage, controlling the monsters with shrewdly hidden remote devices.
Additionally, a polyclonal intracerebral inflammatory response may precede the proliferation of monoclonal malignant lymphoid cells.
Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor in male genitourinary system, it morbidity is increasing in recent years.
Whilst not sent with any malign intent, the letter was an " oppressive document".

Objective: Breast cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm in women in the world.
According to the CDC, the "age-adjusted death rate decreased significantly for 10 of the 15 leading causes of death," including heart disease, malignant neoplasm cancer, various chronic diseases of the liver or respiratory system, influenza and pneumonia.
The March of Health Progress
And he spent considerable time researching the genesis of malignant melanoma.
The Sun
Much-maligned for their derivative style, the band are nevertheless enduringly popular.
There is a definite link between sunbathing and the incidence of malignant melanomas.
Assuming that I don't have some sort of malignant brain tumor *knocks wood furiously*, it must be that this alien life-form, this adorable-but-nonetheless-parasitic superbeing, is sucking every nutrient from my body and turning these to his own nefarious supergrowth purposes.
Pass The Smelling Salts
In that breath the fume of pig foot, chitterling and cheap chili, malign, mocked John.
John Lundberg: Three Poems For Martin Luther King Day
Objective To explore common causes of death in umbilical cord blood transplantation treating malignant and nonmalignant diseases in children.
A pope determined to bring his message to the world makes himself vulnerable to the malign intentions of fanatics.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet there is no evidence that any of this has had a malign effect.
Times, Sunday Times
Conclusion: The leiomyomatous neoplasms are rich in vascularity. the benign and malignant tumor possess vascular feature.
Chemists discovered that in the presence of light, rhodium compounds react with DNA, and they ultimately kill malignant cells by interfering with their ability to reproduce.
Both caseation and calcification are highly suggestive of a tubercular etiology, neither being common in malignancy related lymphadenopathy.
There follows a succession of adventures, dangers, narrow escapes from death, and general blows of malign Fate.
The water then collects underground to emerge at various spots in the Maligne Canyon some 20 km away, another 425 metre descent.
And how much does television have to do with it, that maligned medium always associated with dumbing down?
The most urgent diagnosis is retinoblastoma, a malignancy most likely arising from retinal germ cells.
Some recent research into the causes of malignant melanoma in adults suggests that getting badly sunburned as a child might have something to do with it.
About half of malignant skin melanomas arise from pre-existing moles.
What destroys us most effectively is not a malign fate but our own capacity for self-deception and for degrading our own best self. George Eliot
Primary care clinicians need to be able to discriminate which patients within a relatively unselected population have a higher likelihood of malignant disease.
She has been unfairly maligned as being soft on apartheid, which she detested.
Times, Sunday Times
Second, they'd imply that Chalabi had been unjustly maligned or demonized by opponents with other agendas to pursue.
Patients with these conditions have a greater risk of developing a malignant tumor of the kidney known as nephroblastoma, or Wilms tumor (WT).
WT1-Related Wilms Tumor (WT) Syndromes
Carcinoma of the larynx is a rare malignancy in the paediatric age group.
I suspect most people trying this out are not 14 year old girls (no malignment intended to any 14 year old girls).
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Much maligned for much of the season, the Nigerian coped well when drafted into a central defensive role.
Times, Sunday Times
Have you no regard for true merit, you malignant fellow?
And he spent considerable time researching the genesis of malignant melanoma.
The Sun
The American Empire emerges, then, not as a complex phenomenon with some good effects and some malign ones.
The knee is the most common joint involved in both benign and malignant tumors.
During one, my nurse college mentioned she had seen two cases of malignant hyperthermia.
The cancer stem cell hypothesis suggests that malignant growth depends on a subset of tumor cells with stem cell-like properties of self - renewal.
Stem cell transplantation is commonly used for a variety of malignant disorders such as leukemias and lymphomas.
The most common clinical presentation of urachal malignancy is hematuria, especially in carcinomas.
The stable food, the potato rotted from the land as the first strains of malignant blight struck, and there was nothing left to eat.
Some benign tumours tend to become malignant.
The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
Imperat illi Deus; supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute in infernum detrude.
Why Distributism Can Work (For Us, Right Now) Part I
Youth enters the world with very happy prejudices in her own favor. She imagines herself not only certain of accomplishing every adventure, but of obtaining those rewards which the accomplishment may deserve. She is not easily persuaded to believe that the force of merit can be resisted by obstinacy and avarice, or its luster darkened by envy and malignity. Samuel Johnson
Only highly malignant brain tumors, glioblastomas, were considered.
Shope virus in vitro and reimplanted in the animals from which they had been procured, their cells, on proliferating anew, exhibited the mongrel aspect indicative of viral influence, and their malignancy was also greatly enhanced.
Peyton Rous - Nobel Lecture
Fewer than 1% of malignant melanomas occur in the anorectal region, and patients with these tumours are usually seen by surgeons with no special experience of these rare lesions.
This malignant tumor was most likely of neuroendocrine origin because of the histological appearance of the neoplastic cells.
The Scientist
If the War Crimes Act, denial law and Holocaust day were unarguably just, calculations about malign side-effects would be irrelevant.
It turned out to be malignant melanoma.
The Sun
Credit goes to a much-maligned offensive line that had struggled at times.
Cardinals, Kurt Warner outlast Packers in 51-45 OT thriller
A malignant tongue makes men like the old serpent; and poison in the lips is a certain sign of poison in the heart.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
They are less dangerous than another common form of skin cancer - malignant melanoma.
The Sun
It was eventually identified as a non-malignant but all-enveloping meningioma.
Times, Sunday Times
And did that essay exercise a malign influence in subsequent centuries?
Times, Sunday Times
Quem infirmum libido solicitat, aut avaritia, aut honores? nemini invidet, neminem miratur, neminem despicit, sermone maligno non alitur.
Anatomy of Melancholy
The sullen-faced Xavier glowered in surly silence, but the malignant, beady eyes of Du Mont regarded the officer keenly.
The Gun-Brand
In Pune, the oft-maligned Osho Community converted a polluted runnel into a green haven using nature's own sustainable, purifying, systems.
She is often maligned as a political performer.
Times, Sunday Times
We found no evidence of malignancy, but dysplastic changes were present in the glandular cells.
Mucinous cystadenoma: Filled with a thick fluid, these growths account for 10 to 15 percent of all malignant cysts.
Getting Pregnant
One half of these malignancies are rhabdomyosarcomas originating in striated muscle.
The 7th chapter denounces "the anti-astrological process" (the malignant academic complot to exclude astrology from the science mainstream).
The most serious and least common skin cancer is malignant melanoma.
An Introduction to Community Health
Unusual malignant gynecologic cytopathology by Irma Rube
Female Genital Mutilation in the US? - Sadly Yes
Trilateral retinoblastoma is a rare malignancy of childhood with high mortality. We reported such a case with delayed treatment.
While eggs may have an unhealthy image, the evidence suggests they have been unfairly maligned.
Hysteria was at one time thought to be caused by the womb moving upwards due to the influence of malign humours.
The difference is attributable largely to malign ideology.
Times, Sunday Times
This is the sickest and most dispicable malignment that anyone could make against Bush.
American Coastopia!
These authors do not clearly state whether these 14 cases represent true malignant mixed tumors or carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenomas.
Poor prognostic indicators include poorly responsive disease, delay in diagnosis and the presence of malignancy.
Conclusion:Desmoplastic small round cell tumor is a distinct high-grade malignant neoplasm.
I get angry, but I don't hate because hate causes malignancy in me, not the person I'm hating.
Small border outposts along the Iranian border have allowed the military in recent years to collect valuable intelligence on what it calls malign Iranian influence.
Despite political uncertainties in Iraq, U.S. sticking with drawdown plan
Chronic radiation enteritis is now recognised as a frequent and clinically important sequel of abdominal and pelvic irradiation treatment for malignant disease.
Each successive classification of salivary neoplasia holds space for malignancies that defy these classification schemata.
witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating " wicked ".
Sections of the bone marrow demonstrated areas of erythroid hyperplasia; however, there was no evidence of malignant lymphoid infiltrates or a significant increase in blast cells.
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme, which is positively expressed in most malignant tumor cells, while negatively expressed in normal somatic ones.
I. i.10 (396,5) Fair is foul, and foul is fair] I believe the meaning is, that _to us_, perverse and malignant as we are, _fair is foul, and foul is fair_.
Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
Hyperglycosylated hCG inhibits apoptosis in extravillous invasive cytotrophoblast cells promoting cell invasion, growth and malignancy.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
The only reason America has lasted as long as she has, and even still has more than a few years left, is that this malignancy is at present encysted in a thick husk of sclerotic scar tissue – our permanent civil service.
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No parang song has ever created animosity, incited anarchy, induced horning, glorified carnage, supported drug abuse or unprotected sex, condoned domestic violence or maligned any person.
After hours spent quelling the fire with cold water, ‘he succumbed to a fever so malign that in just a few days he expired in the icy embrace of death.’
The work, if confirmed, could eventually lead to clinical application in the treatment of aplastic anaemia and malignancy.
The humanity of the characters is never totally eclipsed by their more malign traits.
Examination of cells under the microscope to identify the presence of malignancy.
For these reasons, a direct tumorigenic effect that transforms infected hepatocytes into malignant cells is probably unlikely.
In his last great battle there was only a baleful and ridiculous malignancy.
A malignant neoplasm in the neck can arise as a primary tumor or as metastasis from the upper aerodigestive tract or a distant site.
Tumours of the liver may be cystic or solid, benign or malignant.
If similar restrictions on service provision continue, this could constitute implicit acknowledgement of an ‘acceptable level’ of missed malignancy.
Some benign tumours tend to become malignant.
The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
No malignant cells were found in the lymph nodes, omentum, or pelvic washings.
Most of the experimental mammary tumors are malignant, specifically adenocarcinomas.
But there is somewhat difficulty to distinguish benign lesions from malignancy.
Imperat illi Deus; supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute in infernum detrude.
An Interview With Thomas Storck
The thrillingly malign soliloquies are rapped out with sharp articulacy, crisp, controlled and highly organised.
Times, Sunday Times
Every conceivable nook and cranny is stuffed with malignant faunae waiting to pounce.
My Family and Other Animals
The results of the biopsy from the original operation have not been made public, so it is not known whether the tumour was benign or malignant.
Times, Sunday Times
The term malignant is used in describing cancerous tumors (see cancer) because such growths are a threat to the health of the individual.
By the very nature of what it is, Empires are malignant, not benign though they cloak this malignancy with shallow kindness.
The frequency of envy makes it so familiar that it escapes our notice; nor do we often reflect upon its turpitude or malignity, till we happen to feel its influence.
Usually, the clinical presentation is not subtle, and the presence of a malignancy becomes obvious after a thorough clinical examination.
Lassa fever malaria measles meningitis rift valley fever scarlatina maligna scarlet fever scurvy smallpox sweating sickness toxic shock syndrome tularemia typhoid fever typhus typhus complicated by bubonic plague/dysentery/yellow fever yellow fever complicated by scurvy
Sometimes, I love being wrong - The Panda's Thumb
Yet it's not the malignity of some papers, but the mentality of their readers, that is the problem.
The achievement of greatness through daring and adventurousness is intolerable to the mediocrities who malign him, as it reminds them they are parasitic worms.
Columbus: The Far Left is Dead Right, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Advocates say voodoo is a legitimate African-based religion that has been unfairly maligned in movies and popular culture.
In malignancies of the breast, it is the oestrogen hormone, oestradiol that is the key.
Poor Aethelred of Mercia gets a very unflattering portrayal, and probably has grounds for joining the Support Group for People Unfairly Maligned in Historical Fiction.
Sword Song, by Bernard Cornwell. Book review
Histologic sections of the tumor revealed a malignant neoplasm with a diffuse growth pattern.
Malt lymphomas are low-grade malignancies, and progression to a high-grade lymphoma is rare, occurring in less than 10% of cases.
A malignant brain tumour was diagnosed last September.
Times, Sunday Times
There are four basic types of melanoma: superficial spreading melanoma, lentigo maligna, acral lentiginous melanoma, and nodular melanoma; the first three types are found in the uppermost layer of skin, the epidermis, and are noninvasive.
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Presumptive diagnoses ranged from a malignant pleural tumor to malignancy occupying the complete lower lobe.
_malignant_ and _poisonous_ affections, as scirrhus and other varieties of cancer, and also cases of infectious virus, demand continually, or with but occasional exceptions, the primary galvanic current A B. ☞ In treating these malignant affections, the current should be run through as short a distance of _healthy_ tissue as possible, yet so as fairly to reach the diseased part.
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He accurately intuited that all power is essentially implacable and malign.
Foreign domination had a malign influence on local politics.
Tubular adenomas account for 75% of adenomas but comprise only 5% of malignancies.
Despite their obvious malignity, so pronounced as to have raised clinical questions, Mr Latham's own diagnoses are not entirely faulty.
A German man who lost his lower jaw nearly 10 years ago to a malignant tumor regained the ability to eat more than soup this year when he was given an engineered jawbone.
His hooded eyes gleamed with the malignant satisfaction of a correct deduction.
If the paranoid imagines that everyone he meets is involved in a nebulous pattern of malign intentions, in his accident scene the harm was literal and the direct cause perceptible.
She is often maligned as a political performer.
Times, Sunday Times
gave him a malign look
At worst, he would construe it as an act of such unutterable naivety that it could only be interpreted as being malign in intent.
Some appear to stimulate cell replication but haven't been shown to provoke malignancies.
The Scientist
Drugs that trigger malignant hyperthermia include potent inhalation agents like halothane, isoflurane and sevoflurane, and older drugs like ether.
A Fresh Focus
It means it is the same whether healthy, benignant or malignant cells are concerned, the only important thing is how great the actual growth rate is.
Varices or unsuspected luetic, malignant, or tuberculous lesions may be found to be the cause.
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Spotted early, malignant melanoma can often be cured.
The Sun
An honest plaine meaning man, (simply and conscionably) reprehended the malignity, hypocrisie, and misdemeanour of many
The Decameron
An appropriate strength sun block will minimise the risks of burning, with its associated risk of malignant tumours.
A ten-year study in Sweden suggested that heavy mobile phone users were more prone to non-malignant tumours in the ear and a Dutch study had suggested changes in cognitive function with mobile phone use.
Chronic inflammatory disease is a well recognised risk factor for the development of gastrointestinal malignancy.
The reason it is often maligned and dismissed is because it takes a lot of work to get right.
The Sun
Thus neither radionuclide scans nor ultrasound reliably distinguish benign from malignant disease.
So we see the heathen poets, when they fall upon a libertine passion, do still expostulate with laws and moralities, as if they were opposite and malignant to nature: Et quod natura remittit, invida jura negant.
The Advancement of Learning
These may be caused by inflammatory bowel disease, local or systemic malignancy, venereal infection, trauma, tuberculosis, or chemotherapy.
However, it is also a fundamental step in the transition of tumors from a dormant state to a malignant one.
The man told us that in that valley there had been a particularly malignant devil, and that this extraordinarily big chorten had been built in order to keep him in subjection.
The Mount Everest Expedition
Malignant melanoma is the least common yet most dangerous form of skin cancer.
Squamous cell carcinoma and tumors of lymphoid tissue are the main malignancies of the pharynx.
In these cases, the presence of distant metastasis was a clear sign of malignancy.
At 18 months she began to suffer regular epileptic fits, caused by a non malignant tumour on her brain.
There is also the ancient issue of aligning the man-made year with the solar year, but that's relatively easy to deal with by creating 31 September - or bequeathing another day to much-maligned February.
He seems to have known much about affections of the gums and recognizes a benignant and malignant epulis.
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Bronchiolar diseases and amyloid and malignant lymphoma were seen less frequently.
Malignant melanomas, other cancers and conditions are the consequence of not taking the proper precautions," added Dr Leitner.
The differential diagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica includes malignancy, acute and chronic infections, thyroid disorders, depression, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and polymyositis.
And while I will not dispute their use of the term when they are merely alluding to her somewhat contrary nature, I do take issue with them when they use the word to malign what she believes is her calling.
Water Witches
I wrote it last year: 'You left / Not in silence / But in loud malignity.
I'm happy for James. He's a much-maligned player but has tremendous spirit.
Conversely, up to 5% of gastric malignancies are lymphomas.
Poor vascularization of the target area is one of the reasons that high-dose antibiotic therapy is needed to treat malignant otitis externa.
The research determined a protein called aldehyde dehydrogenase 1, or ALDH1, can be used to identify, isolate and track these ultra-resilient cells throughout the development of malignant colon or rectum disease.
University of Florida News
Meanwhile, in the darkened depths, a threat greater than any Thor has ever before faced rises when the malignant Mangog threatens to unsheathe the Odinsword and bring Ragnarok upon the Norse gods.
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Lymph node infarction is followed by malignant lymphoma in some but not all patients.
Nobody has to remind me that frequent cell division is not by itself malignancy.
More nasty is malign narcissism, which he calls reactive narcissism.
Times, Sunday Times
Armed with a scalpel, a steady hand, keen intelligence and an array of technology, Keith Black, M.D., is known for the unerring skill he brings to excising malignant brain tumors.
In addition, 4 of the 50 tumors were found to be histologically malignant.
The formation of a malignant negative identity is generally disguised by the socially conforming "false self.
Trauma and Recovery
The systemic features of both entities can mimic occult infection, malignancy, multiple myeloma and connective tissue disease.
Patients who had previously received conjugated estrogens or who had cancer with low malignant potential were excluded from the study.
The disease was called murrain or distemper, and its malignity known, but not for a century was the cause ascertained and direct effort made for cure and eradication.
A Manual of North Carolina Issued by the North Carolina Historical Commission for the Use of Members of the General Assembly Session 1913
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor is a rare malignant small cell neoplasm which tends to occur in adolescents and young adults.
Serous cystadenoma: These are also known as the 50-50 cyst because they are malignant about 50 percent of the time and because they occur in both ovaries 50 percent of the time.
Getting Pregnant
Four times he raised his voice, four times a cry of indignation drowned his words, and at length, seeing that he could obtain no farther hearing, he resumed his seat with an expression fiendishly malignant, and a fierce imprecation on Rome, and all that it contained.
The Roman Traitor (Vol. 1 of 2)
Mattie, with an expression of deep malignance, departed.
Much maligned, the adder is our only venomous snake, feeding on other reptiles and small mammals.
Method Polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism were used to examine 40 oral malignant tumors for loss of heterozygosity at chromosome 3p.
Hemangioendothelioma is the term utilized to describe a varied group of vascular tumors that usually appear as red or blue nodules and tend to behave biologically in a manner that can be classified as falling between a benign hemangioma and malignant angiosarcoma.
All the control lymph nodes were removed as part of radical surgeries for malignant disease conditions and were negative for malignancy.
Doctors had found a malignant melanoma on his face and he was given emergency surgery which left him needing major facial reconstruction.
The Sun
A 66-year-old woman with no previous history of malignancy presented with melena.
Alternatively, infiltrating microglia near a focus of radiation necrosis may be mistaken for a malignancy in a treated glioma.
Over 150 wolves, from eight packs, now roam Yellowstone's forests and river valleys, attesting to a radical reversal of fortune for the maligned predator.
In addition, it is effective in cases requiring radical surgery of malignant tumors.
The malignant course of the disease is over, and it is now progressing more moderately.
This derives from a malign mix of undigested social psychology and post-1960s social relativism.
To put it in plain English, chemotherapy damages normal cells as well as malignant ones.
Leclère, to lay his heavy hand on the bit of pulsating puppy life, to press and prod and mould till it became a big bristling beast, acute in knavery, overspilling with hate, sinister, malignant, diabolical.
Youth enters the world with very happy prejudices in her own favor. She imagines herself not only certain of accomplishing every adventure, but of obtaining those rewards which the accomplishment may deserve. She is not easily persuaded to believe that the force of merit can be resisted by obstinacy and avarice, or its luster darkened by envy and malignity. Samuel Johnson
Kaposi's sarcoma is the most common skin malignancy associated with HIV infection.
Despite their histologic benignity, sinonasal papillomas have a small but definite potential for malignant transformation.
Malignant melanoma is twice as common in women and those who were sunburned as children are most likely to develop the more serious strain of the disease, as are people who don't tan.
She took herself off to a dermatologist who took a biopsy and diagnosed early malignant melanoma.
Times, Sunday Times
It is possible we will soon see an acceleration of our own malignment over the coming year.
Information Liberation
In the brain, both malignant and benign tumours can be harmful because they increase pressure in the skull.
A whole-body bone scan showed no evidence of bony metastases, and a mammogram showed no evidence of malignancy.
They will find that ‘cancer’ does not include many kinds of non-malignant tumour.
The much-maligned right winger is used to getting stick.
And so a much-maligned series comes to an end.
Times, Sunday Times
Key topics of this CME conference include: an update on the management of the main types of lymphomas as well as multiple myeloma; recognizing new prognostic markers in lymphoma including the impact of PET scan imaging; incorporating emerging molecular stratification of both lymphoid and myeloid malignancies; and new trends in autologous and allogenic stem cell transplantation.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
The much-maligned former leader said he was "looking at doing some television, doing some writing ... and of course making some money.
Michael Steele: 'Nothing wrong with a government shutdown'
But though Himself in His sinless nature "unconquerable" by temptation -- immutably secure from the world's malignant influences, it is all worthy of note, as an example to us, that He never unnecessarily braved these.
The Mind of Jesus
Truth that is allowed to lurk uncovered becomes a malign entity for in that hidden state it allows untruth to accumulate credence and masquerade as gospel.
St. Honore, at Paris, sat a man ALONE — a man who has been maligned, a man who has been called a knave and charlatan, a man who has been persecuted even to the death, it is said, in Roman
Roundabout Papers