How To Use Malian In A Sentence

  • This indicates a level of plasma membrane invagination comparable with mammalian skeletal muscle.
  • The ‘hammer’ and ‘anvil’ bones of the mammalian ear are descendants of these nubbins.
  • Experts agree that hippos belong to the mammalian order Artiodactyla, a group of even-toed, hoofed creatures whose extant representatives include camels, pigs and ruminants such as cows.
  • This company's workhorse is lemna, also known as duckweed-a tiny, aquatic clonal plant that doubles its biomass every 36 hours-and is skilled at making proteins that mammalian cells struggle, and often fail, to produce. News from The Scientist
  • On the mainland they fall prey to both mammalian and avian predators.
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  • I would like to digress at this point, to describe another use for allopruinol which materialized about 10 years later, because it typifies the kind of chemotherapeutic selectivity which can be achieved with purine analogs as the result of differences in the specificties of parasitic and mammalian enzymes. Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • The image he himself cultivated during his presidency, and which appears in official portraits and on Malian currency of the period, always shows him wearing a Malian kaftan, or boubou.
  • I couldn't find it in Somalian, but since there are apparently a lot of them at the Sound Politics: Mail Ballot Horror Show (XXIX): Ballot parties for people who can't speak English
  • As indicators of insect and mammalian resistance we conducted bioassays to measure the performance of a geometrid moth, Epirrita autumnata, and counted the amount of resin droplets on the shoot of the saplings, respectively.
  • To conclude, obtaining more data for mammalian groups has given the major gain in understanding eutherian evolution.
  • Our analysis of 1170 mammalian karyotypes provides strong evidence that karyotypic evolution is driven by nonrandom segregation during female meiosis.
  • The mammalian chorioallantoic placenta synthesizes, transports, and metabolizes a suite of steroid and peptide hormones PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Organic livestock producers must not feed mammalian or poultry slaughter byproducts to mammals or poultry.
  • The second argument arises from the demonstration that mammalian mitochondria house the enzyme apparatus that is necessary for recombination.
  • Although fish axons are capable of regeneration, they are nevertheless repelled by mammalian CNS myelin and oligodendrocytes.
  • Mr. GOLD: The particular percussion on that is (unintelligible), which are known as a Senegalese instrument, but it's part of what Toumani's saying, which is part of this (unintelligible) empire idea, whereas the (unintelligible) were very much from part of the Malian music as well. Diabate's Orchestra Showcases Sounds of Mali
  • Absolute majority oocytes consist in mammalian ovary in preantral follicles , antral follicles a small portion.
  • The Koobi Fora deposits are rich in pre-human, mammalian, molluscan and other fossil remains and have contributed more to the understanding of palaeoenvironments than any other site on the continent. Lake Turkana National Parks, Kenya
  • Eagle owls, the most powerful of strigid owls, can even handle larger mammalian prey such as foxes, young roe deer, and monkeys.
  • Tracks of any mammalian visitors were identified to the species level.
  • In the developing mammalian brain, for example, neurons migrate up into the cranium, using much the same kind of amoeboid movement that our deep ancestor employed to capture bacteria. NPR Topics: News
  • a new political party was established, the Democratic Union of the Malian People (UDPM), based on the concept of democratic centralism. Undefined
  • Rose MD, Misra LM, Vogel JP (1989) KAR2, a karyogamy gene, is the yeast homolog of the mammalian BiP/GRP78 gene. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The ability of leptospires to persist in mammalian renal tubules reflects a highly evolved form of parasitism.
  • The East African Rift System bisects the horn of Africa—the Nubian plate to the west moving away from the Somalian plate to the east—before forking down either side of Uganda.
  • I mean, as long as the West maintains naval presence in Somalian waters and are able to shoot the pirates, I really couldn’t care less what happens on land in that God-forsaken place. Matthew Yglesias » The End in Somalia
  • Recent examples of Somalian piracy includes raids on ships carrying supplies for the UN World Food Programme.
  • They are also preyed upon by mammalian predators such as cats, and by snakes such as boas and anacondas.
  • Hominidae, the mammalian family that includes modern humans and their immediately extinct ancestors, contains four genera: Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and Homo.
  • 25 THE HUMAN BRAIN The auricle is another uniquely mammalian feature. The Human Brain
  • I am trying to recall the peculiar instincts of the monsters of the preadamite world, who, coming next in succession after the molluscs, the crustaceans and le fishes, preceded the animals of mammalian race upon the earth. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • The combination of the Malian singer's golden voice and the arrangements of the Guinean guitarist Kante Manfila led many to acclaim it as the finest release of his career.
  • Human growth during the embryonic, fetal, and post-natal periods provides a good model for mammalian growth.
  • Diagram of the four secondary germinal layers, transverse section through the metazoic embryo: Figure 1.74 of an annelid, Figure 1.75 of a vermalian. a primitive gut, dd ventral glandular layer, df ventral fibre-layer, hm skin-fibre-layer, hs skin-sense-layer, u beginning of the rudimentary kidneys, n beginning of the nerve-plates.) The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Two of the bones found in the reptilian jaw are nearly identical to two of the bones in the mammalian inner ear.
  • The ossified Meckel’s cartilage and internal groove in Mesozoic mammaliaforms: implications to origin of the definitive mammalian middle ear. Archive 2006-05-01
  • During the late Permian the dinocephalians suddenly disappeared (possibly due to disease or changing environmental factors), and were replaced by a further wave of more mammalian therapsids.
  • Mammalian introductions have occurred periodically in this region and include species such as agouti (Dasyprocta agouti), fallow deer (Dama dama) to provide game, the indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus) and the inadvertent importation of rats (Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus). Guadeloupe
  • The mammalian liver can regenerate if a part of it is removed, the antlers of male deer regenerate each year, and fractured bones can mend by a regenerative process.
  • The proprietor, Val, has put together a site that should please any aficionado of mammalian aerialists.
  • In mammalian cells, both autofluorescence and the absorption of light are greatly reduced at the red end of the spectrum. Archive 2005-10-01
  • a product made from a transgenic plant-a protein called trypsin produced in corn kernels and sold to the pharmaceutical industry for mammalian cell culturing. News from The Scientist
  • Now one could investigate Ca2+ signals in populations of small mammalian cells, whereas previous techniques required single cells large and robust enough to withstand microinjection. Roger Y. Tsien - Autobiography
  • Only two clades of nonmammalian cynodont are known from the Lower Jurassic: tritylodontids and tritheledontids.
  • Morales CR, Kwon YK, Hecht NB (1991) Cytoplasmic localization during storage and translation of the mRNAs of transition protein 1 and protamine 1, two translationally regulated transcripts of the mammalian testis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Lastly, using antibodies that we raised against ubiquitin with the help of Arthur Haas, we found that the ubiquitin system is involved in degradation of abnormal, short-lived proteins in hepatoma cells, demonstrating that the system is not limited to the terminally differentiating reticulocyte, but is probably distributed "universally" in nucleated mammalian cells, playing an important role in maintaining the cell's quality control, by removing abnormal proteins. Aaron Ciechanover - Autobiography
  • Removal of gonads causes a well-defined increase in circulating concentrations of FSH in all mammalian species.
  • The industry and pains now devoted to the determination of the physical characters of such races, to their ways of living, their tools and weapons, and to the relations of their dermal, osteal, and dental modifications to those of the mammals which follow next after _Bimana_ in the descensive series of mammalian orders, are exemplary. Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882
  • One popular but now outdated theory is that the brain has three parts: the reptilian brain, which includes the structures and functions we share with reptiles such as territoriality; the paleomammalian brain, a group of related structures that manages social emotions and behaviors like nurturing or reciprocity in all mammals; and the neocortex, which manages evaluation and reasoning in the most complex mammals, especially humans. Valerie Tarico: God's Emotions: What Are Emotions Anyway? (Part 4)
  • Peregrines were investigated less intensively than kestrels because of their known preference for birds as opposed to mammalian prey.
  • Somalian man collects his belongings, which were spread out during a sandstorm at a refugee camp on the Tunisia-Libya border.
  • For reasons of its own, evolution allowed mammalian energy to hold sway, and the recently developed human midbrain or mesencephalon, which had folded over the old diencephalon, could be accurately labeled a mammal brain. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • Fruit bats are another example of a mammalian frugivore. Frugivore
  • An estimated 700 foreign-owned vessels are fishing regularly in Somalian waters for endangered tuna, shark and lobster.
  • After necropsy, all recovered birds were classified as killed by avian, mammalian, or unknown predators, or as dying by other causes.
  • In mammalian peroxidases, the prosthetic group is deeply buried inside the bulk of the protein and is covalently linked to the apoprotein through ester bonds.
  • Mammalian examples are the intertwining of the alimentary and digestive systems or the reproductive and excretory systems, which often require medical intervention.
  • Lieberman looked at the growth patterns of a bonelike tissue called cementum, which is continuously deposited around the roots of mammalian teeth. The Goddess and the Bull
  • In fact there are 3 isozymes of NOS in mammalian cells.
  • We do not promote other animalian behaviors (such as murder or rape) to protected status for good reason. MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory
  • Both of these receptors are commonly found in mammalian skin.
  • Mammalian Spongy Bone - Spongy bone, also known as cancellous bone, is less dense than compact bone and is composed of a honeycomb-like network of bones called trabeculae. Undefined
  • Experts agree that hippos belong to the mammalian order Artiodactyla, a group of even-toed, hoofed creatures whose extant representatives include camels, pigs and ruminants such as cows.
  • It's warm-blooded, endoskeletal, and mam-malian-a pseudo-marsupial, really-but it has a lot of legs and a magnificently extrudable whip of a tail, so the spider image sticks. Passage at Arms
  • In the mammalian ova the nutritive yolk or deutoplasm is small in amount and uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm; such ova undergo complete division during the process of segmentation, and are therefore termed holoblastic. I. Embryology. 5. Segmentation of the Fertilized Ovum
  • I’d also like an explanation for the following: Among the 21 proteins in the small subunit, 13 proteins were identified as prokaryotic homologues and eight proteins were specific to the mammalian mitoribosome Table I. Best Protest Signs. Ever. - The Panda's Thumb
  • I bite my lip every time I walk into a CAB or NHS clinic and see signs in Arabic, Somalian, Kurdish, etc. Army Rumour Service
  • Our genetic evidence from Drosophila and previous in vitro studies of mammalian Atonal homolog 1 (Atoh1, also called Math1 or Hath1) suggest an anti-oncogenic function for the Atonal group of proneural basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. Intervallic cell
  • Mammalian hair, made of a protein called keratin, serves at least four functions.
  • The mammalian fauna in the lowlands is typically Indo-Malayan, consisting of langurs (Semnopithecus spp.), Asiatic wild dogs (Cuon alpinus, VU), sloth bears (Melursus ursinus, VU), gaurs (Bos gaurus, VU), and several species of deer, such as muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) and sambar (Cervus unicolor). Biological diversity in the Himalayas
  • Unlike Primates, extreme differences in diet can be found in other mammalian orders such as Carnivora.
  • Microtus fortis is the only one mammalian animals with resistance to schistosomiasis found in the epidemic area in China.
  • Schistosoma mansoni (a platyhelminth) [17] Phylogenetic comparisons of putative Hirudo innate immune response genes present within the Hirudo transcriptome database herein described show a strong resemblance to the corresponding mammalian genes, indicating that this important physiological response may have older origins than what has been previously proposed. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • These studies suggest that vipers are more responsive to chemical stimuli from envenomated mammalian tissue than they are to chemical cues produced by the prey itself.
  • Mammalian females have a fixed number of oocytes at birth, which decreases dramatically with advancing age due to follicular atresia.
  • Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland, a small organ deep in the mammalian brain that conveys information to the rest of the brain and body about the length of light-dark cycles.
  • If a single mammalian fossil were found in situ in precambrian rock strata, evolution would be falsified.
  • U.S. soldiers wander through Mali's river port cities each evening after teaching Malian forces how to fight terrorists and rebels who threaten to take over the country's lawless northern region.
  • Rodents are prey for avian, reptilian, and mammalian predators.
  • You know that under our Dignity in the Workplace Policy you're not permitted to use the word 'bitch' except as a verb or to refer to a female member of a non-human mammalian species. Find an Assistant the Greek Magical Papyri Way!
  • A similar lack of fossil records has also been suggested for perciform families, some teleostean orders, and mammalian and avian orders.
  • The disease can spread from one mammalian species to another.
  • Notably, in the three mammalian groups, equids, murids, and peromyscids, in which placental development of interspecific hybrids was analyzed to date, placentation defects were observed.
  • After hippos, bovids are the most abundant group of mammalian fossils.
  • The mammalian lagena, called a cochlea, is spiral-shaped and drills into the surrounding bone like a corkscrew opening some debased Australian vintage stoppered with bone.
  • This ties into the idea of confabulation as the frontal lobes’ post-facto rationalization of decisions already made by the mammalian or reptilian brains. I have no thesis here, i just like saying numinous
  • Bacq and Brown22 have more recently extended these observations to a series on artificial eserine analogues, and have found that the potentiating action on the response of mammalian muscle to single nerve volleys is, in fact, proportional, in the different compounds of the series, to the anticholinesterase action, as independently determined. Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
  • Another example of a mammalian frugivore is the Gray-bellied Night Monkey, also known as the owl monkey. Frugivore
  • [1] The glyptodon and armadillo are mammalian; the tortoise is a chelonian, a reptile, distinct classes of the animal kingdom; therefore the latter cannot be a representative of the former. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Davis is in contact with the Somalian pirates holding British couple Paul and Rachel Chandler, left. Afghanistan hostage rescue attempt was 'always a high-risk strategy'
  • Transcriptional disruption by the L1 retrotransposon and implications for mammalian transcriptomes. The Edge of Evolution
  • They methodically removed all of the introduced mammalian predators that they encountered.
  • There is a clear difference between the mammalian faunas of the Solomon Islands and the Bismarck Archipelago and richer New Guinea to the west. Solomon Islands rain forests
  • Also, I am not sure I would call the fugu non-catalytic domain “inhibitory”, as opposed to simply non-functional or not fully functional in mammalian cells. 3 recent reports use evolution to study mechanisms of antibody diversification - The Panda's Thumb
  • Artifacts discovered here included potsherds, some tuyeres, a clay smoking-pipe, oval-shaped pieces of chalk, shells of a variety of saltwater shellfish, and mammalian bones.
  • Abstract: For the first time, at least for the Lisbon Miocene series, uncommon ichnologic evidence has been recognized, i.e. mammalian footprints in coprolites. No joke: someone stepped in it - The Panda's Thumb
  • The cooperation pattern of the jaw elevators and depressors has been studied in many different mammalian species.
  • It was by this confidence in finding in the hitherto unexplored domains of nature what reason demanded, that Goethe, from the analogies of the mammalian skeleton, discovered the intermaxillary bone in man; and Sir William The Arena Volume 4, No. 19, June, 1891
  • Mammalian cell receptors can have high solute binding affinity, but also allow for rapid on/off binding kinetics.
  • They are also preyed upon by mammalian predators such as cats, and by snakes such as boas and anacondas.
  • Studies have shown that mammalian cells appear to maintain the pathways required for tissues to regenerate.
  • This evolutionarily maintained mechanism has been detected from yeast to mammalian cells.
  • While the tusk contains some materials similar to other mammalian teeth - dentin, pulp, and cementum - it is constructed ‘inside out,’ said Frederick Eichmiller, who directs the research center.
  • After hippos, bovids are the most abundant group of mammalian fossils.
  • The 10-year study began with an EPA grant to develop mammalian cell lines that would be used specifically to analyze the ability of these compounds to kill cells, or cytotoxicity, and the ability of these emerging disinfection by-products to cause genomic DNA damage. Disinfectants Used To Purify Water Create Toxic By-Products | Impact Lab
  • Mammalian carnivores such as weasels and foxes catch voles by chasing or pouncing and are probably just as dangerous in dense cover as in sparse.
  • Early studies in yeast were followed by experiments demonstrating recombination between retroviral DNA sequences in the mammalian genome and introduced oligomeric retroviral DNA. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
  • Rats, stoats, ferrets, cats, and possums have decimated native animals that were unaccustomed to mammalian predators.
  • The cooperation pattern of the jaw elevators and depressors has been studied in many different mammalian species.
  • In today's photos, Spain celebrates the San Fermin festival, a Somalian boy waits for aid at a refugee camp, a dust cloud looms over Phoenix, and more. Photos of the Day: July 6
  • The number of expressed sequences greatly surpasses the estimated number of protein-coding genes in mammalian genomes.
  • She says that while working on her most recent book, The Ghosts of Evolution, she began to see ‘ghosts’ everywhere - evidence of the lost mammalian megafauna of North America.
  • He insisted that the intervention was in accordance with international law and had followed a request for help from the Malian president. Times, Sunday Times
  • In mammalian systems, treatment of cells with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin inhibits nuclear protein import.
  • The disease can spread from one mammalian species to another.
  • Recent analysis of shrewlike fossil pushes mammalian evolution forward millions of years. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • A sort of mammalian chamelion, the parandrus can change its appearance at will to conceal itself. Archive 2008-04-01
  • A data dump now about problems with metazoan (or chordate or mammalian) phylogeny would be getting ahead of the discussion. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • No one has ever found the semi-bat or the quasi-whale, and no one has ever managed to envision the common ancestor of the fantastic bestiary of mammalian orders.
  • This plasmid is optimal for nonmammalian expression. pDsRed1-1: This plasmid contains an RFP gene that has been altered for human expression of RFP (DsRed1). Archive 2005-10-01
  • The differential expression of mammalian genes depending on the sex of the parent from which they are inherited is known as genomic imprinting.
  • [29] Capecchi MR. High efficiency transformation by direct microinjection of DNA into cultured mammalian cells. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
  • After sperm have been deposited in the mammalian female reproductive tract, they undergo a process known as capacitation which facilitates fertilization by removing certain inhibitory factors.
  • Meuli-Simmen C, Meuli M, Hutchins GM, Yingling CD, Timmel GB, Harrison MR, Adzick NS: The fetal spinal cord does not regenerate after in utero transection in a large mammalian model. CHOP publications spina bifida
  • Because infectious baculovirus virions are not produced in mammalian culture, working with baculoviruses often requires less extensive biosafety precautions. The Scientist
  • While bats are highly specialized for flight, they share anatomical characters with the Insectivora, the mammalian taxon that includes shrews and moles.
  • It is thought losses reflect a period in early mammalian history in which mammals were active mainly at night.
  • My mammalian mind remains mired in the earthly muck of doubt.
  • Insecticidal soaps have the same general mammalian toxicity traits of any soap or detergent.
  • And the imperfect knowledge we have of the ancient mammalian population of our earth leads to the belief that certain of its types, such as that of the 'Marsupialia', have persisted with correspondingly little change through a similar range of time. Lectures and Essays
  • Prior to the early mammal Sinoconodon, the lower jaws of advanced nonmammalian cynodonts such as Probainognathus maintained substantial differences from those of early mammals.
  • Genetic interventions that accelerate or retard aging in mice are crucial in advancing our knowledge over mammalian aging.
  • Initially growing downwards – like any normal mammalian upper canine – it is then rotated as the alveolus itself turns to force the tooth upwards, and it eventually emerges from the dorsal surface of the snout. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Mammals also show an extensive conserved synteny of chromosome X, even though translocations have often rearranged the genome of mammalian species.
  • For some years it was assumed that nothing like intermedin existed in mammals, but in 1955 biochemists at the University of Oregon were able to isolate from the mammalian pituitary a hormone that stimulated the activity of the melanocytes (mel'uh-noh-sites), which are the cells that produce the skin pigment melanin. The Human Brain
  • Hearing (like sight) is one of the most basic faculties of the mammalian organism.
  • Using a method that he pioneered, Dr. Macklis was the first investigator to demonstrate that, following localized injury, the adult mammalian precortex can be repopulated by new neurons.
  • The function of the ossicles (ear bones) in the mammalian middle ear is to efficiently transmit sound vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. A Decade Spanning Single Exchange
  • One thing the Malians have in mind is help in developing their infant tourist industry.
  • For example, the widely employed anthozoan red fluorescent protein drFP583 (commercially available as DsRed) can be utilized as an "optical highlighter" in live mammalian cells.
  • Over 90% of the large mammalian specimens recovered represent members of the order Carnivora.
  • Our work is based on the principle that the mammalian central nervous system is functionally and anatomically well-organized.
  • After bony fishes and mammals diverged about 400 MYA, class II genes increased enormously in the mammalian lineage.
  • The digestion of incisors from mammalian carnivore prey assemblages is more extreme than that of the molars.
  • A data dump now about problems with metazoan (or chordate or mammalian) phylogeny would be getting ahead of the discussion. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Mammalian predators such as raccoons readily prey on frogs with seemingly no ill effects.
  • Mike Maliani, our astrogator, suggested Romus and Remus as nicknames for the planets until we found out their real names from the people who lived there. The Romulan Way
  • However a high number of mammal species, 14 percent of the total mammalian fauna, are considered regionally or globally threatened, including the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis VU), hairy-footed dunnart (Sminthopsis hirtipes), dusky hopping mouse (Notomys fuscus VU), mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda VU), and kowari. Simpson desert
  • Though the conditions are far from those present when a connexin molecule oligomerizes into a functional gap junction in a mammalian cell, Cx43CT oligomerization did not exceed that which occurs in a connexon.
  • However, the sex chromosomes of birds contain a complement of genes different from those on the mammalian sex chromosomes, and the heterogametic sex is the female.
  • This is thought to be an adaptation to deter mammalian and reptilian predators.
  • While bats are highly specialized for flight, they share anatomical characters with the Insectivora, the mammalian taxon that includes shrews and moles.
  • In the developing mammalian brain, for example, neurons migrate up into the cranium, using much the same kind of amoeboid movement that our deep ancestor employed to capture bacteria.
  • Even somebody from lands foreign would have pegged him as a giant: he was unusually tall for a mammalian biped, and more powerful than an elephant.
  • Lange, “Presentation of Benzo(a)pyrene to Microsomal Enzymes by Asbestos Fibers in the Salmonella/Mammalian Microsome Mutagenicity Test,” Environmental Health Perspectives 51 (1983): 337–41. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Iran's official English language press service is claiming that the al Qaeda linked al Shabaab terrorists have agreed to back their formal rivals of the 'moderate' Islamic Courts Union, aka the Somalian Taliban. The Jawa Report
  • Adverse effects on nidation in rats, embryo viability in mice, and metabolism in vitro of rat testis and human spermatozoa have been attributed to Lithium, as have teratogenicity in submammalian species and cleft palate in mice. TreeHugger
  • Large exclosures were used to exclude mammalian herbivores, and open units of the same size were used as controls.
  • Comparative analysis suggests that there has been a considerable amount of divergence of evolution in the cortices of different mammalian lines.
  • There’s a lot of sleeping and animalian mischief going on in both of these titles. Review of the Day: The Zoo
  • All these mammalian orders stem from small insectivorous animals that inhabited the forests while the dinosaurs were still living.
  • Thus, from an ad hoc analysis of the mtDNA of mammalian representatives, we cannot gain conclusive evidence for a sister group relationship of dermopterans and primates.
  • However a high number of mammal species, 14 percent of the total mammalian fauna, are considered regionally or globally threatened, including the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis VU), hairy-footed dunnart (Sminthopsis hirtipes), dusky hopping mouse (Notomys fuscus VU), mulgara (Dasycercus cristicauda VU), and kowari. Simpson desert
  • Moreover, watching crows is not like watching a lot of other non-mammalian creatures, such as other birds or fish, where their experience seems very remote from our own. Awk Talk: Questions and Answers with Layne Maheu
  • My mammalian mind remains mired in the earthly muck of doubt.
  • The analysis of the H-2 system by Snell became a monumental masterpiece in mammalian genetics that has laid the foundations of a new science: transplantation immunology and immunogenetics. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1980 - Presentation Speech
  • Small scars, with furfuraceous, dry and gray exfoliation on round and linear zones of 20-25 x 4-5 cm., were observed in the submammalian region.
  • Mammalian phylogenetics at the ordinal level remains one of the outstanding problems in systematics because of the lack of congruence between different data sets.
  • Mammalian predators such as raccoons readily prey on frogs with seemingly no ill effects.
  • Basal synapsids (things like caseids, ophiacodontids and sphenacodontids) looked superficially reptile-like, and for this reason non-mammalian synapsids have traditionally been dubbed ‘mammal-like reptiles’, and even classified within Reptilia. Archive 2006-05-01
  • In this paper we describe the tracking of single proteins in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of mammalian cells.
  • The date of their divergence means that, unlike most modern mammalian species, the solenodons were around in the age of Tyrannosaurus rex.
  • The fleet will stop in Pakistan's Karachi and Djibouti for supplies and are expected to arrive in the Somalian sea area in 10 days.
  • Enormous temporal fossae for very strong jaw muscles, formed by just one of the reptilian jaw muscles, which has now become the mammalian masseter.
  • The timescale is a fudge (evolution's probably not that quick), and you have to be willing to take the mental leap to accepting this type of speciation in humans (it helps to know that eusociality is possible in mammalian species--Baxter's example is naked mole rats); but once you swallow those lumps, he does get most of the details right. Archive 2004-11-01
  • Smithies and his co-authors concluded that "This modification of a chosen gene in pluripotent ES cells demonstrates the feasibility of this route to manipulate mammalian genomes in predetermined ways" [35]. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
  • Like his people, the Somalian President can only beg for help.
  • For reasons of its own, evolution allowed mammalian energy to hold sway, and the recently developed human midbrain or mesencephalon, which had folded over the old diencephalon, could be accurately labeled a mammal brain. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • DSM contract manufacturing services include: chemical development, registered intermediates, registered starting materials, active pharmaceutical ingredients API's, mammalian cell production of monoclonal antibodies and proteins, formulation development, clinical trial manufacturing and finished dose form manufacturing of solids, semi-solids, and scheduled drugs, aseptic liquid and lyophilized products. DSM and Codexis Sign Enzyme Supply Agreement - Yahoo! Finance
  • Remarkably, sperm mitochondria persist in mammalian interspecies crosses as demonstrated for murine and bovine hybrids.
  • Among the many mammalian hormones are ACTH, sex hormones, thyroxine, insulin, and epinephrine.
  • It's warm-blooded, endoskeletal, and mam-malian-a pseudo-marsupial, really-but it has a lot of legs and a magnificently extrudable whip of a tail, so the spider image sticks. Passage at Arms
  • Underpinning every song are melodic rhythms typical of Malian music.
  • Absolute majority oocytes consist in mammalian ovary in preantral follicles , antral follicles a small portion.
  • The cynodonts are sometimes thought to be mammalian ancestors, but there are minor features which debar them, some believe, from such position.
  • I present a method developed to describe the entire dentition of the Carnivoramorpha and other mammalian meat eaters (Creodonta).
  • Common predators of house sparrows include cats and other mammalian predators, birds of prey, and owls.
  • The theory being that the bioaccumulation of the lead in the system of the carcasses of animals harvested with lead have an adverse effect on these birds of prey and other mammalian predators. Non-toxic projectiles
  • It has a mixture of both mammalian (fur, warmblooded, etc) and reptilian (lays eggs)traits. Casey Luskin embarrasses himself again - The Panda's Thumb
  • Lieberman looked at the growth patterns of a bonelike tissue called cementum, which is continuously deposited around the roots of mammalian teeth. The Goddess and the Bull
  • Our genetic evidence from Drosophila and previous in vitro studies of mammalian Atonal homolog 1 (Atoh1, also called Math1 or Hath1) suggest an anti-oncogenic function for the Atonal group of proneural basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. Archive 2009-04-01
  • That is, a non-mammalian is a fertilized egg _plus_ its parental (or extra-parental) environment; but a mammalian individual is a fertilized egg, _plus its intra-maternal environment_, plus its non-parental environment. Taboo and Genetics A Study of the Biological, Sociological and Psychological Foundation of the Family
  • The monster's half mammalian, half reptilian face glared menacingly at him with cold, merciless yellow eyes.
  • Such events would occur during their incubation in the mammalian lysate.
  • The previously discussed benefits of large size to a mammalian herbivore probably also accrued to large herbivorous dinosaurs.
  • DNA sequences were translated into amino acid sequences (the Drosophila code was used for Gammarus, and the mammalian code was used for Rana and Apodemus).
  • The skull of pangolins is smoothly conical, lacking the ridges and crests found on most mammalian crania.
  • One example of a mammalian frugivore is the maned wolf, or Chrysocyon brachyurus, which is found in South America. Frugivore
  • This fits in with the general trend away from carnivory and toward herbivory that characterises mammalian evolution in many lineages.
  • However, cationic lipids can successfully transfect mammalian cells both in vivo and in vitro. The Scientist

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