How To Use Malfeasant In A Sentence
Too bad CNN and most of the rest of "journalists" are dishonest and malfeasant, and put their political bias ahead of doing their jobs responsibly,
Palin set to let the tweets 'fly'
To the two kinds of behavior methods of this offense, "Figure for malfeasant benefits" is the common element of them.
It is no longer the case that a malfeasant physician can escape her record by moving to another state.
The problem here is the tendency to conflate all "negative attacks" as equally malfeasant.
Hillary And Obama Campaigns Both Pull Their Negative Ads
I have no evidence to back up this sort of malfeasant roguish claim.
Local malfeasant with cartoon middle name such as "the librarian", "the landscape gardener" or "the ticket inspector" botches a hit and has to get out of town for a while.
2010 – a Mourinho of a year, a special one | Kevin McKenna
They are a malfeasant U.S. corporation that has potentially caused us to lose $500 million.
At the least he ought to have known or is malfeasant for not making it his business to know.
The media, such as CNN, is malfeasant in its journalistic ethics, so that means someone else has to speak up with the facts.
Palin warns of 'disturbing' health care rationing
Resolved, That the House disapproves of the malfeasant manner in which the Democratic Leadership has thereby discharged the duties of their offices.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Does Marshall Field v. Clark Preclude a Challenge to “Deem and Pass”?
Local malfeasant with cartoon middle name such as "the librarian", "the landscape gardener" or "the ticket inspector" botches a hit and has to get out of town for a while.
2010 – a Mourinho of a year, a special one | Kevin McKenna
How much gumption does it take to pillory the malfeasant editors, reporters, and publisher who turned to compost ages ago?
What is unacceptable about this (so-called) "compromise" renewal of FISA is that, by immunizing the malfeasant telecoms retroactively, it strips the system of one of the checks that exist against its abuse.
Why Obama's Support For FISA Cave-In Is Such A Downer
Federal troops in a policing role is just as violative of Posse Comitatus statutes as state peace officers functioning in a military role at “war” (vs. theater of drugs): consequential gains realized from malfeasant actions are intrinsically unlawful.
Phelps and Obama-- leading the way Towards legalizing Marijuana.
Not only will Republicans be basically powerless, they will also have to endure the ignominy of Bush administration officials and employees testifying under oath before the investgation committees of Waxman, Conyers, Leahy, Boxer, Levin, etc. and proving to everyone just how corrupt, dishonest and malfeasant Bush Republicans have truly been.
McCain: Sorry, Five Joint Appearances With Obama Just Won't Do It
It's still possible that this is just a cataclysmic bankruptcy for which a few malfeasant executives will pay a stiff price.
I provide a lovely graphical presentation of this wildly malfeasant, destructive nose-dive into federal budget red ink in Part 4 of my series, "The Economics of Wreckage," which stands to this day and ever after as but one piece of my record of correctly predicting what was to come of the GOP's incomprehensibly bad economic policies.
A Paleo-Conservative Message to Republicans
As head of a state, Yuan puts state laws and regulations under his thumb, which sets a bad precedent for those malfeasant rulers of the Republic.
The collusion is an activity of alliance made by some people in an organization for seeking a certain kind of malfeasant benefit.
How much gumption does it take to pillory the malfeasant editors, reporters, and publisher who turned to compost ages ago?