How To Use Malfeasance In A Sentence
Several cases of malpractice and malfeasance in the financial world are currently being investigated.
In the REAL WORLD this kind of malfeasance is scienter for a class action.
Is “Intelligent Design” Un-Christian?
A councilman may also be removed for violation of general state law, such as misfeasance or malfeasance.
Parkersburg News and Sentinel
The inability to get to the bottom of things -- or the top -- when military malfeasance is at issue is an instance of the "culture of impunity.
Archive 2009-10-01
We were defrauded and suffered from malfeasance and abuse.

But all this malfeasance is done by state and local governments.
Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With State Government
If we take back even one house this November we will be able to conduct hearings where the architects of this monstrosity will be required to defend their malfeasance, or nonfeasance, before the dreaded cameras of C-Span.
Yes Nancy, apparently we did have to pass the bill to learn what’s in it
Globe and Mail is a thought-provoking (and somewhat depressing) exercise in linear predictions based on peak oil, rampant financialist malfeasance and climate change:
Boing Boing
Such removal may be effected "for neglect of duty, malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, for any willful violation of Title XXXV of the Revised Code, or for any any other good and sufficient cause.
OpEdNews - Diary: Followup to: I'm a teacher. Would there be consequences from my community if I treat anyone publicly or privately
Issues of due care, failures of diligence and malfeasance have been raised.
Malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance are ancient legal concepts covering how officials misuse power.
Miller, too, was in that issue - with another itty-bitty alleged malfeasance.
If fraud and malfeasance is proven, it should be severely prosecuted.
The 1990's Bubble Economy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
I had to refer to the dictionary to determine the exact meaning of ‘malfeasance’.
He says Ongeri and a number of his colleagues at the education ministry should resign and pave the way for what he calls a holistic investigation into the alleged financial malfeasance.
Kenya’s Education Minister Refuses to Resign
Miller, too, was in that issue - with another itty-bitty alleged malfeasance.
And the article in The Nation provides valuable new evidence to go along with all of the other evidence of malfeasance, misfeasance, and nonfeasance that we've seen up until now.
They don't like it, either (Jack Bog's Blog)
The project has already been useful in filings regarding environemntal regulation, demonstrating the malfeasance of users of the coast, and in showing the effects of abuse of land.
Boing Boing: June 1, 2003 - June 7, 2003 Archives
Rhyme deduced the FBI man was referring to the netherworld of intelligence—government snooping agencies that might not technically have jurisdiction in the country but who can maneuver through loopholes to keep on top of possible malfeasance within the borders.
The Burning Wire
Two officials were dismissed by the bank for malfeasance, a scapegoat gesture.
If you're a professional, exposure of your malfeasance is the critic's job.
Archive 2007-07-01
Responsibilities of investment fiduciaries have been brought to the forefront by recent misfeasance and malfeasance in the investment community.
This would occur whenever the public is made aware of official malfeasance or incompetence.
The recent scandalous examples of malfeasance and untruthfulness of too many big business leaders and some of our foremost politicians have reduced the public trust in the beneficence of anybody.
In both cases, failures would not justify an investigation into malfeasance or complicity.
Last Friday's business news was not untypical: the financial news wires now march to the constant drumbeat of corporate malfeasance.
How much criminality and malfeasance is required to cut these urban parasites off from the money they can't raise on their own?
House passes amendment to cut government funding for ACORN
South African geeks are trying to get their government regulators to pay some attention to this: the telco is keeping the country in the technological dark-ages in order to preserve its dinosauric bizmodel, and the whole national economy is at stake if South Africa ends up largely off the Internet grid as a result of malfeasance and incompetence.
Boing Boing: September 14, 2003 - September 20, 2003 Archives
Unions and victims' groups have already accused the company of fraud, deceit and corporate malfeasance.
But this litigation is often the only means to protect society from medical malpractice or corporate malfeasance.
Firstly, restitution of previously misappropriated assets provides a strong deterrent to future malfeasance.
Also, when people come in to start a recall and I show them the legal definitions of 'misfeasance' and 'malfeasance,' that usually stops it right there.
Archive 2003-08-01
When low performance leads to an organizational crisis, rumors of executive malfeasance spread like wildfire among rank-and-file members.
She seems well equipped to root out malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance of these clowns that had to pass the Montica Goodling (?) loyalty test after she graduated, with high honers, from some place called Regent U.
Why Holder and Obama have not fired the Bush Appointed, Rove-Vetted DOJ Attorneys
Any town officer may be removed from office by the supreme court for any misconduct, maladministration, malfeasance or malversation in office.
But since there's nothing at all wrong with the statute that requires him to perform the ministerial task he has so far petulantly avoided, and because his malfeasance has been used to aggrieve the lawfully appointed Burris, White should be harshly condemned at the very least.
Jeff Norman: Victory For Blago and Burris is Imminent
The buzzsaw is a powerful system of censorship in this country that is revealed to those reporting on extremely sensitive stories, usually having to do with high level government or corporate malfeasance.
The Buzzsaw
Even if they were just friends, that made it newsworthy, because it was about public malfeasance.
“But all this malfeasance is done by state and local governments.”
Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With State Government
Reporters have long been the last bastion against tyranny, wrongdoing and malfeasance.
Their shady deals and malfeasance is ruining our Middle Class and destroying our working poor.
Think Progress » Health Insurance Industry Spin: Funding Attack Ads And Newt Gingrich Is Consistent With Supporting Reform
Its greatest concern has been unrest in rural areas brought on by official malfeasance and land disputes.
Attorney General Eric Holder on Sunday said he had dispatched Justice Department officials to the Gulf Coast to determine whether there had been any "misfeasance" or "malfeasance" related to the leaking oil rig off the Gulf of Mexico.
U.S. Considers 'Malfeasance' in Leak
Two officials were dismissed by the bank for malfeasance, a scapegoat gesture.
Police malfeasance adventitiously preserved her from a disconfirming &, I suspect, unwelcome conclusion.
A Review of Against Our Will (first half)
Yeah, vetting is a drag, but imagine the outcries of "malfeasance" (or worse) if Obama's administration * didn't* properly vet nominees for jobs.
Clinton: Vetting process for administration jobs 'a nightmare'