How To Use Malebranche In A Sentence

  • Many a theist would grant that creaturely causes lack necessary efficaciousness on the very grounds that Malebranche had presented, but still argue that this does not mean that they lack causal powers. Occasionalism
  • In 1688, Malebranche published his Entretiens sur la métaphysique et la religion (Dialogues on Metaphysics and Religion), a concise summary of his main metaphysical doctrines of the vision in God and occasionalism that also addresses the problem of evil. Nicolas Malebranche
  • DesCartes, Malebranche, & Locke set them at variance again, but were not so cruel to the secondary qualities as their predecessors in atomical philosophy had been. Archive 2005-03-01
  • The theocentrism that is evident in Malebranche's doctrines of the vision in God and occasionalism would lead us to expect that God plays a central role in his moral theory. Nicolas Malebranche
  • What Malebranche needs to establish, then, is the claim that causation just is necessary efficaciousness, and the pressing question for Malebranche is how he can defend this claim. Occasionalism
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  • Interestingly enough, from this claim concerning the necessary efficaciousness of divine volition, Malebranche immediately infers Occasionalism
  • The theocentrism that is evident in Malebranche's doctrines of the vision in God and occasionalism would lead us to expect that God plays a central role in his moral theory. Nicolas Malebranche
  • Here Malebranche underscores another feature of God: the divine substance is not any particular being but ˜all being™ or what he elsewhere calls ˜being in general.™ Malebranche's Theory of Ideas and Vision in God
  • In itself this doctrine was not unorthodox, but Malebranche's claim that the images were formed through God allowing the soul to look into His divine mind suggested, heretically, that the beatific vision was possible prior to death.
  • The doctrine of occasionalism is reflected in Malebranche's insistence that God is our greatest good since He alone can cause our happiness. Nicolas Malebranche
  • Malebranche was concerned to respond to all of these arguments against occasionalism, particularly as they were developed in the work of scholastics such as Suárez. Nicolas Malebranche
  • Malebranche is known for his occasionalism, that is, his doctrine that God is the only causal agent, and that creatures merely provide the “occasion” for divine action. Nicolas Malebranche
  • Generation and growth were on his view, mechanical processes, for, according to the doctrine of preformation, which he shared with Malebranche, generation is just growth. Kant and Leibniz

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