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How To Use Male child In A Sentence

  • We present a 14-month-old Taiwanese female child who had suffered from sudden onset of nontraumatic seizure attack, after which progressive left limb weakness was noted.
  • Should I launch into a discourse on why I didn't value male above female children?
  • Female infanticide is the practice of abandoning or killing female children in areas where male children are valued more. ProLiteracy Calls for Greater U.S. Investment in Global Literacy « Blogs « Literacy News
  • Wang Lung dyes eggs in red dye to distribute to other villagers in honor of the birth of his first male child.
  • This is, in contrast, to the exalted status given to a newborn male child who is often considered to be the heir to the family's wealth and thereby considered an asset.
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  • Tough economic conditions and the spiraling cost of living have helped diminish appeal of male children.
  • The higher the concentration of dioxin in the serum of exposed males, the less likely they were to sire a male child.
  • It is evident enough why the ancient Israelites considered the puerpera unclean during the first days after childbirth, but it seems difficult to explain why this uncleanliness should have lasted seven days after the birth of a male and fourteen after that of a female child. Labor Among Primitive Peoples
  • Today is Childermas, the commemoration of the innocent male children of Bethlehem who were slaughtered in Herod's attempt to prevent the Magi's words about this newborn "King of Israel" from coming true. Archive 2005-12-01
  • When the king or zamorin dies, his male children, if any, or his brothers by the fathers side, or the sons of these brothers, do not succeed in the kingdom: For, by ancient law or custom, the succession belongs to the sons of the kings sisters; and if there be none such, it goes to the nearest male relation through the female blood. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 07
  • I'm not saying it's totally wrong to desire a male or female child because even common sense tells us variety is the spice of life but the well being of a family should not be jeopardised because a malechild is being clamoured for. Archive 2009-03-01
  • At the same time, levels of excess female child mortality have been rising, as parents seek to ensure having sons.
  • According to Guyanese tradition, a female child will have two godmothers and one godfather, and a male child will have two godfathers and one godmother.
  • In the midst of a discussion about a Jewish tradition mandating that each couple has at least one male and one female childe, Bryan Cap Tracked on July 31, 2005 9:10 PM Be Fruitful and Multiply by 1.5, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But the male children with all the whole male offspring continue still in their own family and be governed of the eldest and ancientest father, unless he dote for age: for then the next to him in age is put in his room. The Second Book. Of their living and mutual conversation together
  • The head teacher who had to accept me as her student was our math teacher, typically valuing the male child only with decadent ideas, hit my self-esteem by many methods.
  • Here the further differentiation of the Suffering Servant archetype occurred with its division or duplication into two figures: the apocalyptic Lamb and the male child, which in a context of the individuation process symbolize the transpersonal and personal Self - which only together can fulfill all aspects of the mythologem. Expecting Rain
  • It is not coincidental that this ritual of tribal belonging necessitates the cutting, blood-letting, and altering -- in a public ceremony -- of the male child's sexual organ. Miriam Pollack: Circumcision: Identity, Gender And Power
  • According to Guyanese tradition, a female child will have two godmothers and one godfather, and a male child will have two godfathers and one godmother.
  • Female child, entirely made character of in autoerotism and masturbation, 79 Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex
  • In addition, she relates to the chiastic structure of Leviticus 15, behaviors during niddah, niddah observance in order to favor the production of male children, the bizarre “case” of the woman who began to menstruate during intercourse, and immersion for purification. Female Purity (Niddah) Annotated Bibliography.
  • Male children worked as bootblacks and newsboys while girls peddled ‘nice Hot Corn, smoking hot, smoking hot, just from the pot!’
  • I had, after all, accounted for two male children and thus done womankind something of a statistical favour.
  • The research team concluded that parents are still raising girls and boys in environments that are “globally different”; they are still encouraging “sex-typed play by selecting different toys for female and male children, even before the child can express her or his own preferences.” Failing at FAIRNESS
  • It revealed a disgusting and shocking obsession with sexual perversion involving young female children.
  • It is the preference and importance given to the male child that makes him arrogant.
  • Two-thirds of the ability of male children on aerobic capacity tests; almost 90 percent in female children.
  • Twenty parents whose male children were admitted for elective hypospadias repair procedures were interviewed using a qualitative approach.
  • An example of the support of rebellion in the notes is found in that on Exodus 1: 19, where the Geneva annotators endorse the disobedience of the Egyptian midwives regarding the killings of Hebrew male children.
  • The passing on of property or titles is also hereditary and through the eldest male child of the family.
  • Spanish and Italian make a distinction between a male child and a female child by giving the words different endings (ni?o, bambino/ni?a, bambina).
  • With regard to the first period the puerpera should be as unclean during the time of the bloody flow as she is during the menstrual flow, and this period after the birth of a male child is fixed at seven days, but after the birth of a female at two weeks. 3 Labor Among Primitive Peoples
  • In folio 145, he described, for the first time, in medical history, a haemorrhagic disease transmitted by unaffected women to their male children - today we call it haemophilia.
  • Presently she anounced the glad tidings to her husband and led her usual life until her nine months of pregnancy were completed and she bare a male child whose face was as the rondure of the moon on its fourteenth night. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Her new born female child inherited a terrible, inexpressible fear, that someone, somewhere, was buried alive.
  • Spanish and Italian make a distinction between a male child and a female child by giving the words different endings (ni?o, bambino/ni?a, bambina).
  • The probabily that a man chosen at random will belong to a two male child family is 250/750, therefore since sum of all probabilities equals one, the probabily that a man chosen at random will have a sister is 1 - (250/750) or 2/3. gearhead Says: Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Common Sense
  • Upon watching the president's speech, I cried 3 times, as I never would have dreamed of being thrusted into the role of single mother raising a male child. White House says speech to students not altered
  • The choli is a bodice which is put on the female child, who never knows what stays are. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton

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