
How To Use Malay In A Sentence

  • From Australia and New Zealand to Malaysia and India — in text and film and music and image — this booklet is a snapshot of the Asian commons. ACIA: Furthering the Commons in Asia
  • There was a Malay steward behind each chair, and over in the corner, silent but missing nothing, the squint-faced Jingo; even he had exchanged his loin-cloth for a silver sarong, with hornbill feathers in his hair and decorating the shaft of his sumpitan* (* Blowpipe.) standing handy against the wall. Flashman's Lady
  • The houfes of the town of Puna are built on pofts ten or twelve feet high, into which they go up by ladders, and are thatched with palmeto-leaves: the like contriv - ance I have feen among the Malayans in the Eaft Indies. A new collection of voyages, discoveries and travels : containing whatever is worthy of notice, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America
  • Malayan barn owls are adapting quickly to this rich habitat and are reproducing much faster than elsewhere.
  • Then follows a comparison of the performance of the main categories of skippers: Burghers, Chinese, Malays and the most important group of Sulawesians.
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  • Similar struggles exist in east Malaysia, where the land rights of indigenous groups are bitterly disputed with loggers eager to harvest the timber for export.
  • It helped her defuse a life-threatening situation in the Himalayas, when she and her friends were confronted by knife-carrying attackers.
  • This restaurant offers a buffet with a wide selection of traditional boerekos such as tomato bredie, chicken pie and a lavish carvery, as well as Malay curries and bobotie. Muti
  • And that was still the black-and-white period, though it is still regarded as the golden era of Malayalam cinema.
  • I am a Chinese New Zealander, I am Asian tauiwi, my parents are from Malaysia and my ancestors from China.
  • The Jamaican may retain his farinaceous banana and the Malay his durian, but for us, it's the apple.
  • Haha. btw, if I have illicit sexual intercourse with any malay, it is not me who will be subjected to "hudud" for eg. News
  • The countries, which the think tank says should be " censured " by the G-20, include China, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland and Taiwan. The Search for a New Currency System
  • But the party hopes that the formation of the new National Integration Council with senior leaders from the state and also from the peninsular will be a more permanent solution to help improve ties with the two East Malaysian states. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • These subtropical forests were then defined as the Himalayan Subtropical Broadleaf Forests. Himalayan subtropical broadleaf forests
  • Med den nye linie bliver det projekt, Fibertex Malaysia har været siden 2003, en investering til en samlet værdi af 750 millioner kroner. Scand News for S.E.A - Scandinavian News Portal for Southeast Asia
  • I am not a student or professor of glottology, contenting myself with being able to speak one or two languages without troubling my head over their origin, so I dare not judge upon the affinity more or less remote of the not too sweet Sakai idioms with others, but there seemed to me such a marked difference between the Malay and Sakai phraseologies that My Friends the Savages Notes and Observations of a Perak settler (Malay Peninsula)
  • It happened in this southern state of Johore, Peninsular Malaysia. Security Guarad Absconded With RM320,000.
  • It's rejected the Pacific Islands Forum but some of the countries its courting such as Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, even Papua New Guinea, could all bring something to the table here and I don't think we have really trialed that, Jones stated. Australia Urged to Rethink Fiji Ties
  • Himalayan balsam's pink flowers are an attractive sight on the river's edge but it is a menace that needs to be stopped in its tracks.
  • Four years ago she won two medals in Malaysia, but only in a warm-up competition.
  • These are Bengali, Tamil, and Malay, spoken in south and southeast Asia.
  • I am very happy to get a chance to compose songs in the Malayalam movie 'Plavilla Police'," a jubilant Ramatheerathan told PTI after the 'pooja' for recording of songs at a studio here. You Don't Know Me
  • Which is why Queensland's finest are on their way to Malaysia - home of the world's only herd of wild cattle - to prove that a carefree life of leisure reduces the incidence of bovine sapphism.
  • Himalayan shikar reserves; surveys and management proposals. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  • A lime tree there is already turning a beautiful bright yellow, and a large Himalayan spindle bush is taking on rich red and pink colouring.
  • So it's not a virus that every Himalayan palm civet has always had and is chronically infected with.
  • Beng Hee is in the same half as top seed Ramy Ashour of Egypt and faces a tall order to end his title drought on tour having last won at the Malaysian Open in July 2008. Nst online
  • He described it in the 1930s as the richest bird habitat in peninsular India, comparable only with the Eastern Himalayas.
  • The grand first prize is a vacation package for a couple in Malaysia sponsored by the country's national carrier.
  • Saya juga mohon bantuan dan petunjuk, di mana boleh saya rujuk jersi-jersi semua team dalam liga malaysia musim 08-09 atau 07-08 utk membina jersi bagi FIFA09. saya dah usaha google tetapi setakat ini hanya terjumpa blog awak. Arsenal away shirts 2008-09 campaign by Nike
  • Asset management companies set up by governments in Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand have mopped up the worst bad loans, unburdening banks by pulling the plug on deadbeat borrowers.
  • Rates are in Ringgit Malaysia and subject to change without prior notice.
  • The women in Indonesia and Malaysia wear what is known as baju kurung and baju kebaya. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Celebes has lately been successful, and the _campong_, where every hut was closed for a year in consequence of the local Rajah forcing his people to join in his insurrection, has at last been re-opened, though under a guard of Dutch and Malay troops. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • Ari taught us the Malay words for the parts of the body. Literacy News – 903th Edition « News « Literacy News
  • In his tours he found sacred woodlands ‘most carefully protected’ in many districts-from the Devara Kadus of Coorg in the south to the deodar temple groves in the Himalaya.
  • Like oxygen bottles on Everest and increasing Himalayan tourism, bolting is something which has to be controlled.
  • Sailors from all around the Indian Ocean went by the name 'lascar'East Africans, South Asians, Filipinos, Chinese, Malays. Amitav Ghosh discusses Sea of Poppies
  • Genetic information shows that the species, Canis aureus lupaster, is more closely related to Indian and Himalayan wolves than golden jackals.
  • Malaysia, with its abundant melliferous plants and indigenous honeybees has a promising future in this industry.
  • To your left you pass Cho Oyu, Mount Everest, and Makalu, each summit spiking in a web of frosted snow and giving way to yet more distant summits, the shining whiteness becoming a filigree of ice trails as your eyes fall to the lower ridges and then to stepped fields and trees—the last great undestroyed forests of the Himalayas. Vanity Fair - Enter the Dragon King
  • Reproduced are paintings, which won the top prizes in a contest organised by a Malayalam daily.
  • A friend of mine has a book which was published commercially in Malaya and which isn't even listed on Amazon, but he has been able to sell a goodly number in his local bookshops, despite that.
  • There are countless yogis, jnanis, tapasvis, siddhas, and rishis who dwell in the sacred realm of the Himalayas.
  • March 25th, 2010 more images more images KERALA, INDIA (GaeaTimes. com) - Today, a Malayalam comedy flick named 'In Ghost House Inn' is releasing all over Kerala. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • I didn't know what to make of his story of meeting two yetis in the high Himalayas.
  • When moving, the Malayan tapir walks slowly with its head down, which probably allows it to pick up the scents of other tapirs.
  • Penang is one of those businesses owned by Chinese Malaysians, so the cuisine is highly representative of those groups, which include the Cantonese, Fujian, Teochew and Hakka peoples, among others. NJ Dining: Penang
  • In the past, the Malays were tied to their agrarian communities, and the British brought in Chinese and Indians to partake in different spheres of economic activities.
  • Excluding these three groups, Rosenberg found a strong correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance, as the clinal theory would predict, but also found that the three main kinds of barriers -- oceans, the Sahara, and the Himalayas -- "adds an equivalent amount of genetic distance as traveling approximately 3,100 km on the same side of the barrier. More revelations about the genetics of race
  • In The Big Year we relive their searches up snowy mountains to see ptarmigan, their boat trips to see noddies and albatrosses, their chartered helicopter rides to see Himalayan snowcocks in the Nevada desert.
  • Plants are greater stitchwort, bluebell, devils bit scabious, Himalayan balsam, ragged robin, marsh marigold, quaking grass and lady's smock.
  • But now you no longer need a safe harbor from U.S. monetary tightening, so Malaysia shouldn't be selling at a premium.
  • In Indian legend, every rishi, or yogi, who possesses divine power has a retreat in the mountain vastness of the Himalayas.
  • Subsequently, they were asked to write a breed standard for the Himalayan, a name the colorpoint longhair had acquired somewhere in transition between England and Canada.
  • We must not believe, notwithstanding the assertions of almost all zoological writers, that the word orang-otang is applied exclusively in the Malay language to the Simia satyrus of Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 2
  • Just south of the provincial capital, the murky waters of the Golok River mark the border between Malaysia and Thailand.
  • 'It is found upon the lower Himalayan slopes, and bears a close resemblance to the white odontoglossum of commerce, except that the flower is much smaller. Fire-Tongue
  • Yes, zany classicalism was our keynote this time; also snatched up like precious gems was Ralph Ellis' K2: Quest of the Gods y'see, Alexander the Great was looking for the Pyramid Treasure in the Himalayas and Felice Vinci's The Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales, which title strikes me rather as a subtitle in search of a lurid phrase, but has the virtue of clarity. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • Girl power: This female Malaysian Orchid Praying Mantis is, at 60mm, long, twice the size of it's diminutive male counterpart.
  • On Malaysia's west coast, thousands of residents fled high-rise apartment buildings and hotels.
  • The plant that produces the pine-apple known as the "ananas," or by the Malays as "nanas," grows literally wild upon the hills on Blakan Mati Island, and other islands round about Singapore. Prisoners Their Own Warders A Record of the Convict Prison at Singapore in the Straits Settlements Established 1825
  • There, on the fore-deck of the prau, old Lingard found her under a heap of dead and dying pirates, and had her carried on the poop of the Flash before the Malay craft was set on fire and sent adrift. Almayer's Folly
  • Polls consistantly put Britain up in the high 80's percentile comparedto the U. S which is about half that and near countries like Malaysia, etc. Australian Writes About Boycott of U.S. Products There
  • Meanwhile, the EU lets oilseed enter the market duty free, but imposes high duties on processed oils from Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • Policy: offered Malaysia 120 hours connecting visa-free policy, whoever holds to third countries visa and 120 hours from Malaysia ticket, can apply for transit visas at the airport.
  • (2. 5\%) prefer to read in English, marginally more than Malayalam. 50\% of Indians preferring to read in English live in rural areas  Average monthly family income in India is Rs. 5,930 ( 'per capita' is Rs. 1,350)  70\% of all Indian families earn average to below-average incomes * accounting for approx. 1,112 million individuals (343 million urban and 769 million rural) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • However, these forests contain numerous primate species such as several leaf-monkey species, slow loris (Nycticebus coucang), long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis), pig-tailed macaque (M. nemestrina), and siamang (Hylobates syndactylus), the region's largest gibbon and found only in Malaya and Sumatra's lowland forests. Sumatran lowland rain forests
  • For the conservation of Himalayan monal and its associated species, it would be important to set aside large undisturbed areas of high altitude oak-rhododendron forests.
  • That same night, police, perhaps to give the lie to claims they only break up peaceful demonstrations, raided a karaoke club in Subang Jaya where they broke up the ebullient attempts of several Malaysian men at improving Malaysia-China relations. Nst online
  • Nuclear-armed neighbors India and Pakistan have fought two wars over Kashmir and continue to dispute ownership of the former Himalayan princedom, India's only Muslim-majority state. Kashmir's young chief minister tested amid efforts to quell protests
  • The ship was transporting coal cinders from Malaysia to Shanghai.
  • Between the curving cross-spars, the sail adopts a vee form not unlike that on a Malay or triangular kite.
  • Having shown good pace all weekend, the speedy young Malaysian was understandably disappointed to come away from Thruxton with just a brace of 11 th place finishes.
  • Timor comes from the Malay word for "East;" the island of Timor is part of the Malay Archipelago and is the largest and easternmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands The 2004 CIA World Factbook
  • [36] Fabulous birds of gigantic size, often known under the Indian term garuda, play an important part in the beliefs of the Peninsular Malays. A Study in Tinguian Folk-Lore
  • Like the Himalaya, alpine elevations support shrubbier vegetation on northern exposures because these hold a protective blanket of winter snow. Tian Shan montane steppe and meadows
  • They found that UK MNEs operating in Malaysia generally presented untranslated versions of the text of their ‘corporate visual identities’ or ‘CVI’.
  • We had only two weeks to tour Malaysia, which was hardly enough time to scratch the surface.
  • Dulongjiang area is the north part of Burma-Malaya Geoblock of Gondwanaland. During th Mesozoic Era it collided with the Eurasian Plate, and became the southwestern borderland of East Asia Continent.
  • Both men were hit by debris from accidents and Sunday's Malaysian Grand Prix will be under close scrutiny.
  • David Loh/Reuters A Chinese opera singer played on his cellphone as he waited to perform for Goddess of Mercy's birthday celebration in George Town, Malaysia. Asia in Pictures
  • Another garnet, a mixture of pyrope and spessartine, is called malaya garnet in the gem trade.
  • Where troubled with conceptions of "anito" or "diwata" it is almost certain that he has been learning at the feet of some demon-worshipping Malayan. The Negrito and Allied Types in the Philippines and The Ilongot or Ibilao of Luzon
  • Deccan, which make up the southern half of the Empire; the great plain which stretches southward from the Himalayas and constitutes what was formerly known as Hindustan; and a three-sided tableland which lies between, in the center of the empire, and is drained by a thousand rivers, which carry the water off as fast as it falls and leave but little to refresh the earth. Modern India
  • The industries most highly encouraged in Malaysia are the high-technology, capital-intensive industries, which do not require much labour.
  • At the therapy centre, we treated ourselves to a traditional Malay health and beauty treatment.
  • Beginning in Early Miocene time, southward extrusion of the Greater Himalayan Slab has had a profound influence on the geological and geomorphological evolution of the Himalaya.
  • France first holds up the vote and then abstains, as do Russia, China, and Malaysia.
  • She tackled the Himalayas at eighty-eight, occasionally allowing porters to carry her pick-a-back across impossible terrain.
  • Moreover, the Malaysian judiciary has been subjected to close political control since independence in 1957.
  • One supplier of bottled water imported from Malaysia started to hold roadshows at shopping malls recently.
  • One of the nearby recipient countries, Malaysia, had actually begun towing refugee boats back to sea, where they often sank or capsized. The Good Fight
  • This sense of statelessness terrified him and he dreaded what might happen if the Indonesian or Malaysian police nabbed him.
  • It is impossible to say what quantity of gold the Kunsi may get; but their pretence that they _get none_ must be false, when every common Malay obtains from half to one bunkal per month. The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. Dido For the Suppression of Piracy
  • Visitors looking for a less ‘interactive’ attraction can pay a visit to Langkawi Crystal, Malaysia's only glass-blowing factory, which is several kilometres north of the capital Kuah.
  • The Jamaican may retain his farinaceous banana and the Malay his durian, but for us, it's the apple.
  • The island's population - made up of Chinese, Malays and Europeans - is descended from indentured labour brought in to work the deposits of phosphate of lime discovered in 1887.
  • Singapore's exotic mix of cultures - mostly Chinese, Indian, and Malay - makes it a fascinating holiday destination.
  • We had only two weeks to tour Malaysia, which was hardly enough time to scratch the surface.
  • I remounted Malaya and jogged the short distance back to my own house.
  • There are several threatened species such as the endangered snow leopard, takin, and Himalayan goral (Naemorhedus baileyi), and the vulnerable serow (Capricornis sumatraensis) and Himalayan tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus) (in eastern Nepal and Sikkim) in this ecoregion. Eastern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
  • The user-friendly touchscreen will display details in English, Tamil and Malayalam.
  • There are many species of the plant found in different parts of the world, and nearly a dozen kinds in the Himalaya Mountains themselves; but the one pointed out by Ossaroo was the _Aconitum ferox_ of botanists, the species from which the celebrated "bikh" poison of the The Plant Hunters Adventures Among the Himalaya Mountains
  • However, the snow leopard is not the lone predator here, for the ecoregion harbors the Tibetan wolf (Canis lupus) and large avian predators such as the lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus) and golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), which soar high above the mountain peaks searching for colonial marmots (Marmota himalayana). Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
  • He who had once negotiated with the nawab of Bengal to build a trading station on the banks of the Hoogly and traded horses and sugar in Persia and on the Malay archipelago; he who lost cargoes and gambled on trades now was building fifty Anglican churches. THE DIAMOND
  • And when that happens you end up with a $ 65 snakegourd (known as padavalanga in Malayalam). 2006 August 29 « Salt and Pepper.
  • Malaysia has also pledged to send personnel to Indonesia and has provided two military aircraft for rescue missions.
  • Clearly enthused at the prospect of seeing Lara Croft – adventurer, archaeologist, skin diver, jet pilot, skilled equestrian, and expert markswoman – leap onto a well-tuned mountain bike and go bombing down a Himalayan mountain. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Immigration police last week busted an international drug ring operating out of Naklua, arresting five people, two Thais and three Malaysians.
  • Winds drive the vast plumes of smoke northwards towards the base of the Malaysian peninsula where Singapore sits. Times, Sunday Times
  • I well remember the first occasion on which I saw a spotted forktail; I was walking down a Himalayan path, alongside of which a brook was flowing, when suddenly from a rock in mid-stream there arose a black-and-white apparition, that flitted away, displaying a long tail fluttering behind it. Birds of the Indian Hills
  • To the Irishman, Flaherty, who served in the Palestine Police, East is Palestine, and not Malaya, which, naturally, for us Europeans is further east than India but which to Nabby Adams, the deuteragonist we meet on the very first page of the book, is no east at all.
  • They may have the Himalayas in all their splendour laid out before them, walks in pine-scented forests, lakes of a blue you can die for, wild flowers that would make mafia dons go gaga, and what is it that they demand?
  • Timor-LesteAustronesian (Malayo-Polynesian), Papuan, small Chinese minority Ethnic groups
  • He gave a fascinating slide show on climbing in the Himalayas.
  • However, the publicity blurb does make clear that Malaysia has three pin electric plugs at 240 volts which is more than Thailand can claim.
  • The Malaysian financier, Benedict said, demanded 29 percent interest, a usurious amount indeed.
  • Birds common to the mountains include rosefinches, Guldenstadt's redstarts, Himalayan monals, raptors, and vultures.
  • C . O . D . RESTRICTED TO BUYERS IN PENANG, MALAYSIA ONLY. Point of Collection : Penang Rifle Range Post Office.
  • The blog in bahasa Malaysia because my aim to gather more Malaysian friends, but i'm still post it English here, got to remember switchimageproject still the main football fan kits. My new blog start today
  • To make the best use of them, continuous and intensive research needs to be undertaken into the form of Malayalam alphabets, formation of the words and the construction of sentences.
  • Flying into this Himalayan Shangri-La, I was immediately struck by the world's highest unclimbed mountain, the exquisite temples perched precariously on cliffs, the friendly and handsome people adorned in traditional silk attire, and a healthy dose of wafting incense and chanting mantras. Chip Conley: The Happiest Place on the Planet?
  • The starling (sturnus), of which I know not the Malayan name. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • No serious linguist, journalist or politician would dare pass judgment on Tagalog or Malayalam without having gathered facts on those languages.
  • Hiked to the top of a Himalayan peak in thigh-deep snow. Eliezer Sobel: What's on Your Bucket List?
  • An Egyptian-educated scholar, Nik Aziz said non-Muslims had nothing to fear from strict sharia punishments, known as hudud, and a lot to gain from them, especially Malaysia's large and wealthy ethnic Chinese minority. Now, here's a political platform....
  • Women's rights groups in Malaysia displayed outrage Wednesday at a court judge's ruling acquitting a policeman accused of raping two female detainees in a police lock-up.
  • He illustrates fetishism with a story of "two Malay women in Keeling Island who held a wooden spoon dressed in clothes like a doll ... this spoon danced about convulsively like a table or a hat at a modern spirit-seance."
  • Underneath are Himalayan poppies Meconopsis, primulas and trilliums, many of them also collected from the wild.
  • i only got, baptismal certificate, birthcertificate, Transcript of record at cedulla and also school ID. is that enough po bah? salamat po. additional question po pala, ilang days po bah ang e allow ng bureau of immigration in taking vacation inside asia? from philippines po ako and im planning to visit my girlfriend in malaysia. kaya po bang 1month? ma'am/Sir Intiendes
  • The waterfall area had forktails (upstream from the falls), Malayan water shrews (in the waterfall lake after sunset), and Malayan whistling-thrush (in the forest about 300 m downstream).
  • Other good choices are sayur lodeh (a vegetable curry), ayam masak merah (red curried chicken) and egg sambal, which is a Malay-style of chili sauce. Powerfully Good Cookie
  • Malaysia's sultans are considered standard-bearers of traditional dress and the baju kurung itself was refined and popularized a century ago by a sultan.
  • Please imagine profound peace overflowing from our hearts permeating all existence -- even to the hearts of those we consider our enemies," Swami Amritaswarupananda said on behalf of Amma, whose native tongue is Malayalam. Laura Amazzone: Amma: The Divine Mother Embracing The World
  • Singapore seceded from the Federation of Malaysia and became an independent sovereign state.
  • Malaysia must not deviate from upholding the pluralism, tolerance and understanding that are the hallmark of a civil, democratic, multireligious, multicultural and polyglot society.
  • But to a close-knit community not far from the city centre, Fietas was a thriving community and home to several thousands of coloureds, Malays, Indians and whites in the decades before the 1970s.
  • Nevertheless, the first woman literary critic of Malayalam proved her critics and sceptics wrong.
  • But now, in the days of aggiornamento worst crime possible remains unpunished as a rule, not only in Malaysia. Outrage in Malaysia
  • Unlike the sultans of Malaya, who retained a constitutional position after the British left in 1957, India's maharajahs could retain only their titles and personal assets.
  • An official at the Malaysian embassy said that the factory which be would situated in Otjimuise in Windhoek, would be up and running by September.
  • The baju kurung moden is a hybrid from the true traditional baju kurung, and is worn frequently by Malay women in Malaysia even to work.
  • Most Malaysian Indians are Hindus, and they worship a pantheon of gods.
  • And while misemploying the police in its repressive measures, the crime rates for Malaysia have been allowed to go through the roof.
  • Napah Virus, a severe respiratory disease that Malaysian farmers caught from their swine, originated in bats.
  • I'm proposing a bibiobibuli award for Malaysia's squidgiest bookshop (based purely on ambience - not on the range of books they carry) and nominations are now open. Archive 2005-11-01
  • I know there aren't any monkeys or apes that could stand our winters except maybe the harmless Himalayan langur.
  • Nor it deposed a grandson of the Sun King, but rather seeks refuge in the Malay Supreme Ruler.
  • May be Malayalam is nasal so I didn't figure out and am blank about Tamil. P for PuranpoLi and PuranpoLi for P
  • Malaysia is to consider using mass circumcision ceremonies to promote racial harmony.
  • An island of Malaysia off the northeast coast of Borneo . At one time a British crown colony(after1848), it became part of Malaysia in1963.
  • The further it sailed into the Gulf of Siam, however, the less credible that destination became, and the more certain an observer could be that this was an invasion force bound for Thailand and/or Malaya. Sealing Their Fate
  • With our unrefined ways and backwoods Malayali attire, we would sit coyly, yet smugly, as the juke-box sang at our command.
  • Then we had a slim repast of soda water and bananas, the Hadji worshiped with his face toward Mecca, and the boatmen prepared an elaborate curry for themselves, with salt fish for its basis, and for its tastiest condiment blachang — a Malay preparation much relished by European lovers of durion and decomposed cheese. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • A project in the Himalayas diverts 6 million litres of sewage per day that would otherwise be dumped into the Ganges and uses it to raise fodder crops.
  • She has given noteworthy piano recitals as soloist and accompanist at Perth, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Bangalore.
  • I shall now take a more particular view of the Malayan states, as distinguished from those of the people termed orang ulu or countrymen, and orang dusun or villagers, who, not being generally converted to the The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • At this height, among the Himalayas, the sky looms like a low ceiling and the snow does not have far to fall.
  • An alternative view on uplift and climate change proposes that the Quaternary glaciations in the Himalayas could have enhanced uplift.
  • The sarong is the national garment of Malayia, though not restricted to that area.
  • The track was soft and mossy, and it led though ferns and brackens, thickets of brambles and groves of tall Himalayan cedar trees.
  • It was built in 1646 with materials brought in bat-winged junks from China and is the oldest Chinese Temple in Malaysia.
  • Climbers see the Himalayas as the final frontier.
  • Some kind of swiftlet, presumably Himalayan.
  • The trees bearing rudraksha fruits are found in the Himalayan region, Nepal, and also in Indonesia and belong to the Eleo Carpus Ganitras type of plants.
  • The Malay badger (_Mydaus meliceps_) is confined to the mountains of Java (where it is called the teledu), Sumatra and Borneo. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Over the past two years, from factories in Penang, Malaysia, to the recruitment agencies of Manila and Hanoi and the migrant worker camps of the UAE, we have seen firsthand how migrant workers are often the most at-risk workers in global supply chains. Chris Nolan&nbsp: Safeguarding the Movement of Migrant Workers
  • Likewise, the bhikkhuni order never made the demanding passage across the Himalayas into Tibet.
  • He did not claim asylum at the airport because he was afraid that he would be returned forthwith to Malaysia.
  • Malaysian police have arrested 21 suspected followers of a religious sect called the Sky Kingdom.
  • In Borneo and Malaysia, the Nepenthes pitcher plant traps insects using a jug-shaped attachment, or pitcher, at the end of its leaves.
  • Malay, looks upon the Englishman as little removed from a "Kafir" -- an uncircumcised Philistine -- who through ignorance constantly offends in minor points of etiquette, who eats pig and drinks strong drink, is ignorant of the dignity of repose, and whose accidental physical and political superiority in the present world will be more than compensated for by the very inferior and uncomfortable position he will attain in the next. British Borneo Sketches of Brunai, Sarawak, Labuan, and North Borneo
  • The fire fighters are being dispatched partly in response to requests from officials in Singapore and Malaysia, which are being covered with a smoky haze from the fires. Indonesia Battles Fires Causing Haze in Southeast Asia
  • The Malays call the sago-tree the _rumbiya_ and its pith _sagu_ from which word we get our name _sago_. Chatterbox, 1905.
  • Pengadilan Malaysia Vonis Hukum Cambuk Bagi Pasangan Berhubungan Seks Di Mobil KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP): Pengadilan Islam Malaysia memerintahkan satu pasangan di luar nikah dikenakan hukum cambuk karena berusaha melakukan hubungan seks di atas mobil. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • On the agenda are 59 proposals involving the minke whale, yellow-naped Amazon parrot, bigleaf mahogany, Malaysian giant turtle, and Patagonian toothfish, among others.
  • The other, Tricondyla aptera, is one of the most curious forms in the family of the Cicindelidae, and is almost exclusively confined to the Malay islands. The Malay Archipelago
  • Vietnamese (official); English (increasingly favored as a second language); some French, Chinese, and Khmer; mountain area languages (Mon-Khmer and Malayo-Polynesian) ASIAN BUSINESS CUSTOMS & MANNERS
  • The user-friendly touch screen will display details in English, Tamil and Malayalam.
  • Winds drive the vast plumes of smoke northwards towards the base of the Malaysian peninsula where Singapore sits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seaglegs amphibious RIB has completed a 1620 kilometer "circumnavigation" of the Malaysian Peninsula in a record time of Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • Early in his quest to save India's wild tigers, he had heard about a site in the Himalayas of Nepal where Buddha is said to have given his life to feed a starving tigress and her cubs.
  • Just so you know, the capital L sound is found in Malayalam and Tamil as well. P for PuranpoLi and PuranpoLi for P
  • Pakistan had whipped the same Malaysian team 6-1 in an earlier league match.
  • Even when they were filming in remote parts of the Himalayas, ‘there were thousands of people turning up and having family picnics and singalongs and wandering around on the set.’
  • The deeply spiritual actress makes no secret of the fact that wherever she goes she carries a small, gold amulet - a gift from her Guru in Malaysia and a potent symbol of his protection.
  • Visitors looking for a less ‘interactive’ attraction can pay a visit to Langkawi Crystal, Malaysia's only glass-blowing factory, which is several kilometres north of the capital Kuah.
  • Blue water sailing is as different from coastal sailing as a Himalayan expedition is from backpacking in the Rockies.
  • An amateur mountaineer, Bert Holm becomes an international celebrity overnight after accidentally scaling an unclimbed Himalayan peak. PEARL BUCK IN CHINA
  • Initially, however, the gamble seemed to pay off, as the Japanese armed forces outmanoeuvred and outfought their opponents in campaigns which brought victories in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaya, Burma, and the Philippines.
  • Percival was off mistreating Irish Republican Army (IRA) leaders during the Anglo-Irish War before commanding British Malaya in World War II.
  • His garden has a ‘contemplative side’, with plants from China and Japan, including maples and Himalayan poppies, and a sunnier, Mediterranean side, with euphorbia, osteospermum, sedums, cistus and lavenders.
  • Around the ponds and burn there are paths and various plants, such as Himalayan poppies and rhododendrons.
  • Take Malaya, take Borneo and attrit the US forces on the Philippines. Cheeseburger Gothic » A Sweet Jane alt-hist challenge!
  • Of these plants, 5 out of 6 species globally threatened are not found in Nanda Devi National Park or elsewhere in Uttaranchal: Aconitum falconeri, A. balfouri, Himalayan maple Acer caesium, the blue Himalayan poppy Mecanopsis aculeate and Saussurea atkinsoni. 31 species are classified as nationally rare. Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, India
  • In their undeveloped corner of the Himalayas, these people still dress in traditional tribal clothes, barter their produce and scratch a living from land that would be discarded as uncultivable in most Western countries. Daniel Keeler: The Big Green Gamble
  • Malaysia cbank hikes rates to unwind crisis measures bank raises rates by 25 bps * Joins handful of global banks unwinding crisis rate cuts * Says policy to remain "accommodative" * Unlikely to prompt other c. - Articles related to Honda sees India, Southeast Asia boosting sales
  • I'm really waiting for it because it is one Malayalam film which is likely to have a national release as it is dubbed in Hindi, Telegu and Tamil. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7

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