How To Use Malarkey In A Sentence

  • This was the real deal too - none of your tourist queso malarkey, just a bunch of locals sitting around, strumming and drumming and clapping and singing.
  • And I can't really argue with Adam Quigley when he says it replicated the feelings of childhood, because that's subjective, but to say it captures the spirit of the book is just plain malarkey. This Week in DVD & Blu-ray: 2012, Where the Wild Things Are, Ponyo, and More | /Film
  • There's certainly much more to this ice-sculpting malarkey than you'd think…
  • I guess the same people who follow your malarkey are the ones who go to church recruiting events for the military.
  • Not surprisingly, given our growing national devotion to mystical malarkey, Irish people are flocking to this supernatural health centre.
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  • Now amongst other things, I'm a student of natural history and a little bit sceptical about all this Global Warming malarkey.
  • The claim that Thomas Jefferson was a cockfighter is just malarkey! Waldo Jaquith - Cockfighters come out of the woodwork.
  • This decorating malarkey don't half take it out of you.
  • The elderly gentleman from Morningside was having trouble getting his kip, what with all that festival malarkey going on.
  • Here are five reasons for calling malarkey on all this pessimism: Carla Wise: Climate Change Action a Casualty of the Economic Crisis? Not So Fast.
  • I can bet we're going to hear the word malarkey a lot as well. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2008
  • LJ on Fr. Moloney's melodramatic malarkey lome on Do you think "Consent is Sexy"? Pope Benedict XVI
  • `No. They'd have been publicly accused, and they weren't, so I guess the whole thing was just another load of media malarkey. LOADED QUESTIONS
  • I have been trying to keep up with the gym malarkey.
  • Minyard believes criticism of coroners is "malarkey" -- in fact, he doesn't believe coroners even need a high-school diploma to do the job. Medical Examiners In America: A Dysfunctional System
  • But I’m glad it’s happened, I’ve always wanted to use the word malarkey; besides, there are plenty of people who haven’t got an ounce of faith. Vivian Rising
  • All of us in the band are having to learn about this showbiz malarkey as we go along.
  • Malarkey is doing a fishburger based on his fish sausage that he won a challenge with -- a scallop, shrimp and sea bass burger. Jane McGivney: Top Chef: Blah Zone
  • When he drags them in the house, my mom will see two kids covered in mud, and her husband up to the usual malarkey.
  • I'm sure she knows that's "malarkey" - to steal a common Biden word - but she said it anyway. Waldo's Virginia Political Blogroll
  • And I think everybody just assumes that it's, you know, a bunch of malarkey for now.
  • Don't put your eggs into one basket and all that malarkey.
  • Griffin wouldn't have dared to make that comment in front of Mark Roberts, or any other knowledgeable debunker of his malarkey, which is why he's never accepted an invitation to appear with him publicly. Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Rob Kall Radio Show
  • I'm surprising myself by how involved I'm getting in the federal election malarkey.
  • Allen, did you use the word malarkey in that discussion? CNN Transcript Mar 10, 2007
  • I'm not interested in all this scientific malarkey.
  • Happy Birthday to me, and all that kind of malarkey!
  • I'm not interested in all this scientific malarkey.
  • Well this working nights malarkey isn't too bad actually.
  • Do halos work of the same colour scale as that aura malarkey?
  • Sure, there's all that inner peace malarkey, but maybe there's something else going on?
  • I really don't think I'm cut out from this expat malarkey.
  • All the rest of that miserable, desiccated, dry-as-a-bone malarkey ? BEHINDLINGS
  • Listen," he said, stopping abruptly, "I'm trying to be as polite as I can, but my patience for this malarkey is long gone. ANGELS EVERYWHERE
  • This whole new James Bond malarkey is never going to end, is it?
  • It's the tool I use to measure malarkey—also known as balderdash, hogwash and flimflammery—in politics.
  • Patrick Malarkey, of the Christian Homophobia Coalition, organized protests at the meeting in Houston against the abandonment of what he described as a lifelong dream. Gay Marriage Fight Switches to 10 Commandments
  • Anyhow, this is how it was pretty much written, but I started pondering on whether it was really building the way I wanted it to, and ended up trying out some fancy malarkey with verse lyrics for Puck to sing in countermelody to the Regulars verses. Archive 2009-10-01
  • They have come to believe their own malarkey.
  • Hopefully the new system will be worth this small loss, particularly if it brings an end to that irritating 400 character limit malarkey.

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