How To Use Maladaptive In A Sentence

  • This kind of maladaptive feature would be hard to explain if we had been designed by an all-wise creator, but it is to be expected if structures change their functions in the course of evolution. Tangled innards of a snail or how we know the intelligent designer was a klutz
  • Shtulman doesn't use the term 'vitalism' but transformationism as he characterizes it involves the following characteristics: 1. Variation: Individual differences are nonadaptive or maladaptive deviations from type. Intuitive Essentialism (IV)
  • The way we cope with the blows of life can be adaptive (healthy) and maladaptive (unhealthy). Times, Sunday Times
  • And to do this successfully she needs to understand what underpins this maladaptive behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers have recently tried to spell out traits that are most clearly manifest in the maladaptive personality. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Indeed, some traits are simply maladaptive, leading to costs for individual members of the species.
  • For them procrastination is a lifestyle, albeit a maladaptive one.
  • An article on Lesswrong. com attempts to tease apart the varying perspectives that lead to conflict over whether or not various behaviors should be classified as maladaptive, and whether medical intervention is a desirable means of solving problematic behavior. MetaFilter
  • Therapists help identify these maladaptive behaviors and how to counteract them.
  • Voice therapy for dysphonia consists of a series of techniques that aim to correct maladaptive and inappropriate vocal behaviours.
  • According to these models, aggression is associated with maladaptive patterns of encoding, interpretation, and retrieval of interpersonally relevant information.
  • The cycle of success and the maladaptive cycle are one behavioral system
  • In its excessiveness, such behavior may seem maladaptive, given the modern, capitalistic attitude that espouses minimum effort for maximum return on investment.
  • Addictions are coping strategies, but they are maladaptive (unhealthy) ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also describe ways of cultivating positive and agentic feelings and modifying maladaptive interpersonal patterns of expression.
  • Movement in any other direction than shoreward in circumstances of disorientation would take the animal away from food and mates, with maladaptive consequences.
  • He diagnosed maladaptive grief and sent me to see a psychologist. Times, Sunday Times
  • This may affect their psychosocial stability, furthering firesetting tendencies and other maladaptive behaviors.
  • Cognitive models focus on maladaptive or biased thought processes, whereas interpersonal models focus on social difficulties and stressful interpersonal environments as precipitants of psychopathology.
  • Such analysis of available alternatives suggests that many behavior patterns society finds disruptive and labels pathological are not maladjusted or maladaptive, but are highly successful operants.
  • The term codependency," says Darlene Albury, LMSW, "refers to a relationship where one or both parties enable the other to act in certain maladaptive ways. The Moderate Voice
  • Group maladaptive responses are often misunderstood by leaders and citizens of developed societies, which do not have to contend with all-pervasive societal anxiety.
  • And for more than 20 years, clinicians have talked about the maladaptive personality. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are all maladaptive ways of coping that offer short-term relief but create more entrenched difficulties. Times, Sunday Times
  • And they say their study clearly suggests too much Internet use could be linked to "maladaptive" behaviors. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Some have suggested it is a maladaptive reaction to viral infection, others that it is psychological. Times, Sunday Times
  • Irrational or disturbed emotional reactions, however, are often maladaptive.
  • They are nit-pickers with low emotional intelligence and zero creativity — maladaptive perfectionists, hypercritical passive-aggressives, all-or-nothing thinkers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The self-harm is not just a maladaptive way of coping but also an expression of self-hatred and self-blame. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anecdotally we found no supporting evidence in the literature, some pain theorists view swearing as a sign of ‘pain-related catastrophising’, which may be defined as a maladaptive response in which negative and unhelpful thoughts and ideas are brought to bear when pain is experienced. Oh $#*%! Cursing can reduce pain perception
  • Here, the therapist is looking for maladaptive coping strategies which can be altered at a later date in homework assignments.
  • Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder are illnesses associated with maladaptive eating regulation responses and are most commonly seen in women.
  • Anecdotally (we found no supporting evidence in the literature), some pain theorists view swearing as a sign of ‘pain-related catastrophising’, which may be defined as a maladaptive response in which negative and unhelpful thoughts and ideas are brought to bear when pain is experienced. Oh $#*%! Cursing can reduce pain perception
  • The subjects in the investigation were well-being or maladaptive pupils of grade three to grade five. They were required to describe and evaluate their self-traits.

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