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How To Use Makeshift In A Sentence

  • A drop-dead-gorgeous crowd was tangoing away in a makeshift, open-air amphitheater.
  • The crews found a makeshift stairwell between the first and second floor that further hindered rescue efforts. Times, Sunday Times
  • You'd think that the fact it took place, not in a makeshift basement church or at a remote backwoods campsite, but in a Senate office building, might have attracted considerable media frenzy.
  • The natives congregated in front of the main gate, or would peer over the walls, standing on makeshift bamboo stilts.
  • The worst troubled flared around the shanty town 's makeshift mosque. The Sun
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  • Conditions in this makeshift camp on the outskirts of the town are appalling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The studio built a movie theater on the island, and it was no makeshift affair.
  • A makeshift wooden bridge is the only access to the ramshackle dwelling leading from the road.
  • Nestling next to the ladies of the night were several mustached, glazed-eyed Afghan men who occasionally took unsteady steps onto a makeshift dance floor to bust some surprisingly graceful traditional moves. The Longest War
  • Although the fitting of the saddle should as far as practicable be limited to the adjustment of the shape of the tree and to regulating the amount of stuffing in the panel; the use of a numdah with a saddle which does not fit the horse or which is not sufficiently stuffed, is often a valuable makeshift when necessity gives no other choice. The Horsewoman A Practical Guide to Side-Saddle Riding, 2nd. Ed.
  • Barracks, tents and makeshift shelters sprang like undergrowth from the soil. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are hundreds of makeshift little studios all over the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • A drop-dead-gorgeous crowd was tangoing away in a makeshift, open-air amphitheater.
  • The father of three is now in a critical condition in a makeshift field clinic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Predictably, producing gourmet food for celebrities from a makeshift kitchen can be far from glamorous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Specifically, motor vehicles deployed within the region were susceptible to explosive attacks, and many army personnel had found themselves raiding junkyards to create makeshift armour in order to protect themselves.
  • A few representatives of the dealer as well as the official financier are present at the makeshift counters to explain the salient features of the product and loan offers.
  • Drinks were being sold from makeshift stalls at the side of the road.
  • The storage of silage on the pad (either in a makeshift straw clamp, or in plastic bags) is an agricultural use and not development.
  • I sat on the end of his makeshift bed and we talked about his life, family, and fishing.
  • The commodious hall was almost full and on the makeshift stage musical instruments were being installed and tested by the accompanists.
  • The peasant family is cramped tightly into a small makeshift shack squatter slum.
  • The reason why we put up with all these makeshifts is because we are so poor that we cannot help it.
  • He wrapped it round her arm in a makeshift bandage.
  • I was just about brushing my teeth in Fajuyi Hall, OAU, when guys in different halls began to shout all over the place. everyone tuned up their radios and the whole campus went gaga ... there was an unarranged parade on the streets, students who hadnt had their bath thronged everywhere waving makeshift flags of victory, beating drums and dancing all over the place ... JUNE 8 AND THE DEATH OF ABACHA
  • Conditions in this makeshift camp on the outskirts of the town are appalling. Times, Sunday Times
  • We cannot understand each other, except in a rough and ready way; we cannot reveal ourselves, even when we want to; what we call intimacy is only a makeshift; perfect knowledge is an illusion. History of a Suicide
  • Between his babble and having to totter into the bushes every half-mile while the troop tactfully looked the other way, I was in poor trim by the time we reached Nuggur Ford, where they slung me a hammock in a makeshift hospital basha, and a native medical orderly filled me with jalap. Flashman And The Mountain Of Light
  • He used a makeshift whetstone to sharpen both blades again.
  • Hundreds of prisoners armed with makeshift weapons then barricaded themselves inside the block. Times, Sunday Times
  • And what better way to protect a vulnerable and makeshift defence than by taking the battle right to the heart of your opponents? The Sun
  • They have communed over the makeshift memorials that have been growing outside her office, at the Safeway near the shooting, and at the hospital. Tucson shooting: With Giffords in Houston, staff vows to carry on her work
  • Ava suddenly became busy tying the makeshift rope together, an excuse not to meet his smoldering gaze.
  • Makeshift wiring criss-crossed walls painted in psychedelic colours. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Nasa had provided forceps and astronauts had rigged up a makeshift hacksaw for Robinson to use if the gap-fillers proved difficult to remove.
  • Behind her is a blank wall or perhaps a sheet tacked up as a makeshift backdrop.
  • Garrido and his wife Nancy, who kept Dugard and her children in a makeshift hut in their backyard, face charges of kidnapping, false imprisonment and rape.
  • It's easy to while away a whole day just walking up and down the beach, exploring the many makeshift stalls where vendors sell everything from tropical-hued pareos to homemade coconut bread.
  • He converted the basement of a university building into a makeshift prison, randomly selecting half of his students to be "guards" and half to be "prisoners. Sociology
  • Charities and human rights groups have accused the government and police of brutality in clearing the makeshift camps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some women started cooking meal under trees while some others gently rocked makeshift cradles hanging from tree branches.
  • When her neighbour's house was flattened in airstrikes she fled again and now lives in makeshift tents sculpted out of tree trunks and beige canvases. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crude wooden peg had been used as a makeshift trigger to set off the deadly device. The Sun
  • The makeshift police training centre was built in the aftermath of the worst attack against the British military by a renegade member of the Afghan security forces. Times, Sunday Times
  • A handful escaped across the shark-infested waters on makeshift rafts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taylor endured primitive living conditions and long marches between an endless series of makeshift camps.
  • The odd white flag with the red cross of St George snaps in the breeze on a makeshift flagpole of old aerials, high above the iron palisades, as if this was the last redoubt of a race on the verge of extinction.
  • Workers are rushing to complete a makeshift levee by packing dirt on top of an old railroad bed.
  • Thousands have tried to flee in makeshift boats.
  • The only way to get the large swine into the boat without capsizing the craft was to build a makeshift floating ramp on the spot.
  • All over town, he says, kids would be hitting golf balls, sometimes with makeshift clubs.
  • Others recounted tales of the privations caused by the blockade and the makeshifts necessitated by them.
  • Sportsmen's Hall, it turned out, was much less grand than its name implied: all makeshifts and mazes, narrow passages harbored by rude planks.
  • Vendors offered services such as knife sharpening, cigarette lighter repair, and bike inner-tube patching from makeshift, cloth-covered wooden crates.
  • The camp itself was essentially a series of huge tents decorated with an eye toward sumptuousness—overstuffed couches, a dinner table made from beached wood, a makeshift bar area—all atop raised, rich hardwood flooring. In the Time of Bobby Cox
  • Ambulance services were quickly overwhelmed, and groups of people helped victims clutching bleedings wounds, and others were carried to private vehicles in makeshift stretchers fashioned from rugs or bits of debris. Quake in New Zealand kills at least 65, traps more; shears ice from glacier
  • She was allegedly drugged and tethered with a makeshift noose attached to a roof beam. The Sun
  • Carers often find their own solutions from locked doors to makeshift alarms to constant surveillance.
  • Early on Saturday tallymen could be seen rushing between booths leaning over the makeshift partitions as ballot papers were unfolded and laid out in bundles.
  • Her body was then wrapped in bin liners, shoved into a makeshift bag stitched from Carol's pinafore dress and a rucksack.
  • So makeshift solutions were invented, revived and refined to get back a certain air of balance.
  • Six strong Mexican men carried my makeshift stretcher through the village out to the little pier and placed me on the ponga (little boat) to make the 45 minute trip to the next village where a ambulance awaited my arrival. Lavoir - French Word-A-Day
  • A few chairs and tables, a juke box, makeshift bar and a few rooms in back for the women. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • Many were housed overnight in makeshift dormitories in Malibu. Times, Sunday Times
  • A digger was also used as the first of the makeshift homes was torn down. The Sun
  • I'll bet they were originally caned/rushed chairs until the bottoms rotted out, then they made quick makeshift bottoms as you see here. Clandestin - French Word-A-Day
  • In Krinding - a makeshift camp of brushwood and plastic close to Sudan's border with Chad - the stories are all horribly similar.
  • Great conflicts of ideas must be solved by straight and frank methods; they cannot be solved by artifices and makeshifts.
  • Later, Charles I, when he presumed to authority above that of Parliament, was prodded out a window in the Banqueting House in White Hall where, on a makeshift platform, his head was chopped off by a French swordsman imported for the occasion. Call Out the Instigator; There's Something in the Air!
  • Charities and human rights groups have accused the government and police of brutality in clearing the makeshift camps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Visitors can sit and pray in a makeshift chapel that features a life-sized statue of Mother Teresa sitting in the ground in a corner, hunched over in prayer.
  • Someone had rigged up a makeshift duckboard for him but it didn't reach quite far enough. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • More than two months after the disaster, many displaced families either depend on their relatives or live in makeshift tents that offer little protection.
  • There was only a man in tattered blue dungarees hammering busily at a makeshift crush at the exit to the fold yard.
  • This book represents the single most significant attempt in print to supply the English ‘economy of makeshifts’ with a solid, empirical basis.
  • At first, to shield the makeshift repair from the buffeting of the waves, a sternboard was attempted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tenuous nature of the rebels' grip on the capital was clear at the makeshift headquarters of the so-called Tripoli Brigade, described as a hand-picked team assigned the job of securing the city. Top Stories
  • Rows and rows of cows and heifers, their moos resounding within the school walls, were tethered to makeshift stalls.
  • Big Red had tried sailing out of this soup without success, and the Wing Riders had been forced to de - scend to the makeshift rafts to wait out the front's passing. Ilse Witch
  • The dome of the mosque that had housed the makeshift hospital had caved in. Times, Sunday Times
  • At one point he apparently even made use of a shopping trolley he found at the side of the road - and rode in it as a makeshift dolly.
  • I despair and I'm disgusted at the ne'er-do-well southern makeshift politicians.
  • And a constant stream of injured protesters were brought into makeshift clinics. The Sun
  • Needham has rigged a plywood makeshift helipad over the logs stacked 20m high from the very bowels of the ship to the topside decks.
  • The shepherds pound the ground with their staffs and curse the sheep as they corral them into makeshift pens.
  • the untreated wounded lay on makeshift cots
  • He knew just how expensive Mary's clothes were, yet he could not blind himself to the fact that Polly's vagabond makeshifts, cheap and apparently haphazard, were always all right and far more successful. BY THE TURTLES OF TASMAN
  • Wounded and held hostage with a makeshift electromagnet stuck in your chest, you take a couple of sardine ... Dan Persons: ReelzChannel: Step Aside, Iron Man: Top 10 Guys Gone Metal
  • Young people preparing for confirmation might also be encouraged to deposit change they would otherwise spend on fripperies into a makeshift poorbox. After asceticism
  • Argueta contrasts these accounts with those dragged into the raid's aftermath - a massive operation where workers were tried ten-at-a-time in makeshift courtrooms at a cattle fairground. Renee Feltz: New Film Tries to Inject Compassion Into Immigration Debate
  • And what better way to protect a vulnerable and makeshift defence than by taking the battle right to the heart of your opponents? The Sun
  • Out back, five young horsebreakers have lassoed a wild stallion into a makeshift corral. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effect was more rustic and less baroque, and reminded him of all of the makeshifts that they had used when the Vale was first settled. Elephant in the City
  • The dome of the mosque that had housed the makeshift hospital had caved in. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a song made for blasting out of speakers in the car or on a makeshift dancefloor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Others were trapped and had to be rescued as a makeshift field hospital was set up. The Sun
  • When her neighbour's house was flattened in airstrikes she fled again and now lives in makeshift tents sculpted out of tree trunks and beige canvases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blood had seeped through the makeshift bandage, soaking it through.
  • The dome of the mosque that had housed the makeshift hospital had caved in. Times, Sunday Times
  • She allows no makeshifts for the discipline of hard work and of self-denial, for the culture of all the strengthful qualities. Black and White
  • The children looked at her dully as they used the legs of the gates as makeshift soccer goals.
  • On the way you pass through the sprawl of makeshift dwellings that are home to tens of thousands of squatters.
  • But there's still the product makeshifts that are on going. CNN Transcript Jan 11, 2010
  • Diesel is available on the pontoons from a long pipe which extends down from a makeshift pump at the pontoon head.
  • The ordinary, slightly makeshift materials, the proportions and the detailing, and the strange tilt of the skillion, confirms that knowing hands are at work.
  • And what better way to protect a vulnerable and makeshift defence than by taking the battle right to the heart of your opponents? The Sun
  • Victoria laid the fragile child in her arms on the hard wooden bench they used as a makeshift bed.
  • She was just one of half a million displaced people in makeshift camps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drowsing on the makeshift pallet, he learns his first lesson of what it means to have money: the rich often endure boredom.
  • Of course, makeshift shelters have been fashioned from transport-industry cast-offs for decades, with railway carriages used as extra bedrooms and old vans used as chicken coops.
  • Tim nodded, lifting his rifle and running along the ridgeway to circle around to the front of the base as Kenny settled down on the ground, now using his knee as a makeshift bipod as he ran the rifle sight over different parts of the complex.
  • She was taken out on a makeshift stretcher, which was like a ladder? Times, Sunday Times
  • Wounded and held hostage with a makeshift electromagnet stuck in your chest, you take a couple of sardine cans and a used vacuum cleaner and build yourself a set of battle armor that gets you out of your predicament. Dan Persons: ReelzChannel: Step Aside, Iron Man: Top 10 Guys Gone Metal
  • We looked for a scale or some measuring instrument and eventually found a makeshift stick to gauge the quantity left.
  • Next to the pigpen is a long, planed board propped on makeshift trestles, and on the board is a cash register-the silver kind where the buttons pop into the window: 50¢, $1, No charge. Songs of the Humpback Whale
  • On a makeshift stage a ghettoblaster had been hooked up to a guitar amplifier, a large Marshall job with separate amp and speaker-bin. Mortal Causes
  • There was only a man in tattered blue dungarees hammering busily at a makeshift crush at the exit to the fold yard.
  • The father of three is now in a critical condition in a makeshift field clinic. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't envisage having much time and set up a makeshift studio. The Sun
  • The makeshift fare would have to sustain him through the night.
  • Thus, a tale, for example, dealing either with "feminism" or "white slavery" as the handiest makeshift of spinsterdom -- or with the divorce habit and plutocratic iniquity in general, or with the probable benefits of converting clergymen to The Certain Hour
  • Toward evening, the sidewalks, especially those in the vicinity of high buildings, were packed with bamboo reclining chairs, stools and a miscellany of makeshift sitting devices such as biscuit tins and blocks of wood.
  • The prisoners lift makeshift weights, line up for shakedowns, showers and meals; they play at dominoes and pass the time.
  • The Bond theme plays as he exits on his makeshift abseiling rope.
  • And people are being urged to take along drums or makeshift percussion instruments - even dustbins - to give the extravaganza a resounding boost.
  • For two months church members fed people porridge and noodles twice a day and made up makeshift beds from the pews. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of cars, traffic was composed of upturned beds, cupboards and doors turned into makeshift rafts, with people paddling seeking food and other necessities.
  • But the busy rapper, below, has turned it into a makeshift studio so he can work on tracks in his downtime. The Sun
  • The scorching sun beat down, and live gospel music blared from the makeshift stage. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: November 27, 2009
  • Behind her is a blank wall or perhaps a sheet tacked up as a makeshift backdrop.
  • At a makeshift relief camp in Nagappattinam, India, refugees complained about what they view as the condescending attitude of relief workers.
  • Despite the makeshift tourniquet, blood had twisted down his jeans, engulfing his knee. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • The video footage shows rows of bodies in makeshift clinics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The iguana, in Wyke, was one of two reptiles discovered in a makeshift vivarium which did not have heat or temperature control.
  • The chalet was turned into a makeshift hospital. Times, Sunday Times
  • He proceeds through the mud surrounding the perimeter, tumbles down a makeshift stairway of mud and logs into the half-buried hootch, a clubhouse of sorts for his platoon. The Last Vietnam War Movie
  • Maybe half of the boys slept on top of cardboard pieces to keep out the chill of the concrete … and a few also had their legs wrapped up in gunny-sacks that they were using as makeshift sleeping bags. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Peering out the window, Donovan made mental notes of the activity he saw along the way: convoys of trucks hauling cedar logs from the interior, workers by the hundreds toiling in muddy rice fields wearing only loincloths, small carts on the road drawn by women, even children, delivery wagons attached to rubber-tired bicycles, young Japanese men in kimonos playing baseball in makeshift fields. Wild Bill Donovan
  • Perhaps a few stone-aged Ciboney reached the island on makeshift rafts of floating logs.
  • Makeshift clinics have been besieged with thousands of victims turning up with pneumonia and diarrhoea.
  • For one night only, the Queens Theatre will be transformed to recreate the makeshift bars and clubs of 1930's Mississippi that became known as juke joints, where weary workers sought release in the simplicity of a cold beer and the grinding rhythms of travelling bluesmen. > Your Access All Areas pass to the latest in Australian rock music! News, Reviews, Photos, Forums and more
  • The looters are using makeshift boats made of pieces of styrofoam to access.
  • It's an amalgamation of makeshift shelters and temporary wooden structures, and it's populated by folks who cannot find affordable housing.
  • For eleven months its grubby surface was covered by a makeshift blue wall, screening the leisurely metamorphosis behind.
  • There was only a man in tattered blue dungarees hammering busily at a makeshift crush at the exit to the fold yard.
  • They rushed him to a makeshift clinic in a basement. Times, Sunday Times
  • GH: In your new book Makeshift Metropolis, you state that architects should resist the urge to plan grand utopias and should instead embrace smaller interventions that fit more naturally into what you call piecemeal urbanism. Guy Horton: Witold Rybczynski's Compelling Makeshift World
  • I think what you call the makeshift contrivances at dear Helstone were a charming part of the life there. ' North and South
  • The contraption I had my camera attached to was a clampod, a makeshift monopod constructed from a laboratory ring stand (with a ring visible at its base) and a couple of clamps. Archive 2009-01-01
  • There were a few tears shed as we loaded the last bits and pieces into our makeshift removal van and bade our farewells. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • So gone are the days when cruise travelers had to made do with makeshift facilities.
  • Urchins with candles preceded them to the Place du Panthéon, where they spread out around speakers standing on a makeshift podium.
  • We've seen harrowing pictures of people left in corridors and on makeshift beds. The Sun
  • Without another thought Royce clambered out the window, keeping a tight hold on the makeshift rope.
  • Police continued to keep a close watch on the squatters to ensure that the makeshift homes were not re-erected once the demolition was completed.
  • She noted with tenderness all the makeshifts: the darned chair-arms, the patent rocker covered with sleazy cretonne, the pasted strips of paper mending the birch-bark napkin-rings labeled “Papa” and Main Street
  • Many are camping out at makeshift transit centres, unable to reach their final destinations. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had a $30,000 check on our doorstep, and we weren't really ready," recalls Arora, who promptly turned his 900-square-foot Los Angeles apartment into a makeshift factory, thick with RadioShack boxes, wire crimps, laptops, serial cables and soldering irons. News
  • They were crammed into makeshift camps, where the conditions were appalling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Others wore makeshift uniforms and masks and carried baseball bats. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bride, wearing a floating off-white crepe dress and matching heels, marched to a makeshift altar where the groom waited.
  • A handful of the migrants stood around the makeshift stage, looking a little bemused and somewhat put upon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parents were more concerned with makeshift childcare arrangements than spending the day in a classroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trinity's makeshift pack were no match for Halifax's big six and Bishop was a great general behind them.
  • A few minutes later, they had fashioned the antenna into a makeshift letter U and put it over the cable.
  • Green hills are studded with makeshift plants which pump acid into the earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • A college can't expect students to accept more than one term in improvised, makeshift spaces.
  • He slipped his hand down and held hers almost subconsciously as they continued to walk down their makeshift path.
  • They also put together a makeshift cricket team and took on locals in all the towns they visited. The Sun
  • Alexander was unattainable for he took command of moving the ship down the makeshift slipway toward the tidal flats.
  • They sleep on mattresses in a makeshift dormitory with hundreds of others and take their meals from a soup kitchen. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a panic, he sprayed the computer with the makeshift flamethrower, and the monitor of his computer exploded in a shower of sparks and fire.
  • They also played a game of soccer with a makeshift soccer ball ( fashioned by the Germans ).
  • Foreign arrivals last summer were obliged to duck under scaffolding and sidestep earsplitting riveters and sandblasters in order to reach a makeshift passport control desk.
  • Football stadiums and military barracks are makeshift camps where hundreds queue for food. The Sun
  • She was just one of half a million displaced people in makeshift camps. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clandestine Sufi orders - chiefly the Naqshbandiya and Qadiriya - survived, as did itinerant mullahs, makeshift mosques, and the pilgrimages to the gravesites and shrines of saints that are so central to Sufism.
  • Our words were supposedly sacrosanct offerings in privacy of a makeshift shrine on the overbridge between the library and the student union. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Am I the only one scratching my head, wondering why everyone hyped up turning OFF a few lights at 8:30 p.m., only to see some makeshifts lights turn ON in its place a mere 60 seconds later? Buzzine » New Math
  • He showed up at the games incognito and stayed in makeshift barracks.
  • With rats scuttling through debris outside their makeshift huts, they take cleanliness seriously.
  • He wore his makeshift plectra to splinters, and his nails raw, but he made music. COUP D'ETAT
  • It had crates piled against it on the inside to serve as sentry stands, and makeshift crenellations atop for better protection of the archers that stood watch.
  • Thus adjured, clinging to the shreds of her modesty because she was simply unable to help herself, Beth retired behind the one high-backed chair and, using it as a makeshift screen, exchanged the quilt for the fresh chemise and petticoat that had been laid out for her, then slipped into her stays. Shameless
  • But the busy rapper, below, has turned it into a makeshift studio so he can work on tracks in his downtime. The Sun
  • Standout scene: Andrew's mother (Mary Steenburgen) and frisky, 90-year-old "Gammy Annie" (Betty White) drag stick-in-the-mud Margaret to a bar for a makeshift bachelorette party. Non-explosive entertainment can be just as enjoyable
  • His back header confounded the makeshift Lions' back four, Brown swanning in to volley definitively into the roof of Main's net.
  • If you’re lucky, you may see a fish called the mudskipper climbing on the roots, using its tail and fins as a makeshift set of legs. The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States
  • The crude wooden peg had been used as a makeshift trigger to set off the deadly device. The Sun
  • Focusing now, rising from his makeshift seat, Jon could see that he was pummeling the intact head of a large filleted fish, probably a bluefish or a striped bass, that had washed up with the incoming tide. Working Title: "Third Persons"
  • They stabled the horses in a small makeshift stable that was in the very back of the warehouse.
  • Most were there to celebrate Co-operative Day, a festival organised by workers' credit unions, but the park seemed to have been double-booked by the Make Poverty History campaign, who are handing out makeshift white wristbands.
  • Thousands have been compelled to flee the country in makeshift boats.
  • The other now has a makeshift trigger welded on so it can be used by an infantry soldier. Times, Sunday Times
  • The makeshift cave was lit by the fire of a few burning torches connected to the walls by age old rusty iron rings and stands.
  • By this point he had won the trust and respect of the subjects of his documentary to such an extent that they also acted as crew members for him, rigging up makeshift lights and constructing dollies that would run on the existing tracks.
  • Several million residents live in makeshift boats, floating slums without electricity or potable water that fester with crime, disease, and prostitution. Richard North Patterson discusses Eclipse
  • While some of the gatherers donned costumes, most settled on picket signs and chants, and some marched to the beat of makeshift drums.
  • To quote the American biologist Colin Pittendrigh, the whole thing is nothing but a ‘patchwork of makeshifts pieced together, as it were, from what was available when opportunity knocked, and accepted in the hindsight, not the foresight, of natural selection’. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • They'd made a hill by packing the snow on one of the stoops and were sledding down the makeshift mountain on a piece of cardboard. ROUGH JUSTICE

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