How To Use Make-up In A Sentence

  • To touch up make-up to get rid of shine, gently press a dry tissue to your skin to absorb excess grease, or use grease-absorbing make-up tissues.
  • It acknowledges that some students may be experiencing difficulty, so we should be sensitive to their needs - such as allowing make-ups.
  • Also, it paints a very good picture of the make-up of our wintering bird population.
  • A man's personality and mental make-up do have a bearing upon his conduct.
  • The batwing sleeves and column shape flattered, but her messy hair and heavy make-up could have been more refined. The Sun
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  • One of the quickest and most effective ways to give glitz to your looks is to add blusher to your make-up routine.
  • Normally she wore little make-up.
  • The new report has the laudable aim of changing the make-up of the judiciary. Times, Sunday Times
  • The invention also relates to a cosmetic care or make-up process for a keratinous material.
  • She had used make-up skilfully to mask her bruise, and with the subdued stage light it was scarcely visible.
  • She had wigs prepared so as to limit her hair and make-up time. Times, Sunday Times
  • He laughs as he recalls a particularly arduous day on location, trying to take some gear off a make-up girl for a long trudge up a hillside for the next scene, and being told off for it.
  • She used no make-up on her puffy face. Somewhere East of Life
  • This season's purple make-up hues are equally exhilarating: intense amethyst, fig and crushed mulberry, to name a few.
  • The logical progression of all of this is make-up for blokes — much-fabled manscara and guyliner. The Sun
  • Without a scrap of make-up, the chocolate-box prettiness is still there: the clear turquoise eyes, creamy skin and chiselled bone structure are luminous.
  • ‘After several days of flying in space, the astronauts may look wan and sallow, so medical staff will put make-up on them to make them look ruddy,’ the newspaper said.
  • Some teachers save one Saturday a month for make-ups, and all lessons for the month may be made up only on that day.
  • The charcoal attaches toxins for extra cleansing oomph, getting rid of impurities and make-up. The Sun
  • Sticking to a monochrome make-up palette will similarly mask a multitude of skin sins. Times, Sunday Times
  • But including a bottle of my favourite tipple in my make-up kit is a new one on me. The Sun
  • Although she followed this with hit after hit, she was desperately insecure and hid herself under thick make-up and a beehive hairdo.
  • Although she treats the scarring with ointments, balms and appropriate make-up, camouflaging the scars is only partially successful.
  • Other items: skincare products from Jurlique, Stemulation, make-up setting spray by Model in a Bottle, eyelash conditioner from Maximum Lash, Kamasutra powders, oils and the newly-launched lip-gloss, candles form Gold Canyon, red carpet clutches from Menbur Zorianna Kit: 2011 Academy Awards Gifting suites
  • I think a sense of proportion is required - stupid parents will tell their daughters that they must wear make-up when they go out.
  • Mr. TREE, as the titled cad, _Lord Illingworth_, is perfect in make-up and manner. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 104, May 6, 1893
  • I was very pleased with my eye make-up, and I only used two colours this time - black and gold.
  • Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at health care, believing in faith healing, our first attempt at philosophy. Christopher Hitchens 
  • One bizarre addendum to his ‘performance’ was his extraordinary application of stage make-up.
  • The scope of earning has brought about a sea change in the mental make-up of the women.
  • Back in Scotland, she modelled for ten years and worked as a make-up artist before making the break into media.
  • There is a thin coating of make-up on her face and her silvery hair is delicately cut.
  • We believe the committee should reflect the diverse make-up of our community.
  • Russell himself carried her to the nearby emergency ward, with her catsuit soaked through with champagne, make-up smeared across her face and blood pumping from her hand.
  • They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city.
  • She put in some clothes, odds and ends, and make-up.
  • Her long black hair, having been pinned randomly across her head, and dark eye make-up gave for a very gothic look.
  • I think the exact make-up of the triune goddess depended on what city you came from and what mysteries you were initiated in, as well as period as Anna points out.
  • Wipe off any excess make-up with a clean, moist cotton flannel.
  • He criticised the make-up of the panel for failing to include anyone with experience in tabloid journalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet there I was in thick make-up and bad costumes, willingly standing on the stage and blurting my few lines.
  • We were hunting for directional make-up trends. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was given make-up and told to change into a red stripy top. The Sun
  • I help keep her organised but sometimes she has a stylist and an entourage of make-up people to do that. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was tall and slim, wore her hair in a ponytail high on her head, and her make-up was immaculate. THE GOSPEL MAKERS
  • She had a responsive face and wore make-up but no wig. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the images show some pretty gnarly zombie make-up work that promises to be even drippier, ooey-gooey, and bloodier after some post-production effects are introduced. First Images From Frank Darabont’s ‘The Walking Dead’ Arrive Online
  • Less forward-looking ones had slipped into a more valetudinarian mode, forgetting to shave or apply make-up. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Polka-dot make-up, scarification done in tribal designs, and pig grease enhance the appeal of a Minj clanswoman.
  • He noticed the artful make-up, the elegant hair style.
  • While it may seem like an unnecessary extra step, the make-up pros wax lyrical about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • They each carry a single spider silk gene in their genetic make-up of some 70,000 goat genes.
  • I hired make-up artists and hairdressers to see to them. The Sun
  • She then tweeted a "selfie" that shows her clearly wearing make-up.
  • The time constraints meant that she had to testify in full stage make-up and dressing gown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apply layers of pancake make-up, in the style of kabuki theatre.
  • It's Hallowe'en this Friday, the perfect opportunity to cast off your tried and tested clothes and make-up and emerge in a more daring disguise.
  • He once sent a photograph of himself in a blonde wig and make-up to a superior officer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The make-up was plastered on and her hair teased and combed to make her look years older. The Sun
  • The final act exposes the fatal flaws in his make-up.
  • No amount of make-up could hide her age.
  • Incidentally, at least three people complimented me on the make-up and said I looked great and should do it more often.
  • Make-up and jewellery are worn openly and pupils are late for school ‘with impunity’.
  • They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city.
  • We can give them rhinestones or glitter on the nails, or make-up, which is blusher, eyes and lips.
  • They are also joining ‘diversity committees’ to change the racial make-up of their sanghas, or Buddhist communities.
  • The structural make-up of Irish employment is changing, with the number of women in paid employment increasing rapidly.
  • Robbins was looking over the morning _Pic. _, detecting, as young reporters will, the gross blunders in the make-up, and the envious blue-pencilling his own stuff had received. Roads of Destiny
  • They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city.
  • But I knew that there was a certain 'something' which I wished to add to my violinistic make-up, and instinctively felt that he alone could give me what I wanted. Violin Mastery Talks with Master Violinists and Teachers
  • Why do our churches not generally reflect the ethnic make-up of the society they are in?
  • He wears a suit and a huge Rolex; she dons a dress of thick nunnish lace and a mask of make-up. Lesley M. M. Blume: 15 Going On 50: How Gossip Girl is Killing Youth Culture
  • The gang have been known to alter their looks with prosthetic make-up. The Sun
  • Some features of its make-up were evidences of his goodness and beneficence, while others displayed his displeasure.
  • The only downside is that it doesn't cleanse or remove make-up. Times, Sunday Times
  • She loves dressing up in my clothes, tottering around in my heels and playing around with my make-up. The Sun
  • Revenge is fixed, he argues, in our 'biosocial make-up'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • She put in some clothes, odds and ends, and make-up.
  • She found the make-up room and went in, a faint smile playing about her lips as she looked round.
  • Some of the make-up artists gave me sympathetic looks but continued to apply black eye liner and mascara.
  • The girls' version adds a nail file, moisturiser, cotton buds and pads, and eye make-up remover, while the boys get a disposable razor, shaving cream, aftershave and hair gel.
  • It is also assumed that a bimbo is unintelligent, couldn't possibly have an interest in anything other than clothes and make-up.
  • Angela gave a talk and demonstration on skincare, cosmetics and make-up.
  • Once my hair was completely pale blonde again, I titled my face upward to wash away the smeared make-up.
  • He was interested in, you know, geological make-up, earth's crust, astronomy, he'd learn about different constellations, ornithology, he was a keen bird-watcher. Archive 2008-03-01
  • In their parti-garb make-up the women looked more sailorly than the sailors themselves. The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • She removed her make-up with a tissue.
  • The great grandson of the famed make-up artist was supposed to be wearing an electronic tracking device while free on $1 million bail.
  • I did observe that the lady with full make-up, jewelry and coif was just as decked out today.
  • You have to remember they have had hair and make-up and styling. The Sun
  • Unfortunately, the team is playing catch-up and make-up ball.
  • They don't know who the final make-up of the team will necessarily be.
  • Her blonde hair was carefully combed, and she had put too much make-up.
  • Students may study and prepare differently for the initial and make-up exam.
  • Drew and I only got to exchange a few words the whole week because of my make-ups and his soccer practices we never got to see each other.
  • Two: think of make-up and you either imagine a lipstick or a powder compact. Times, Sunday Times
  • He shot Tigerland almost like a documentary, with hand-held cameras and no make-up.
  • They mattify without messing with your make-up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cohen saw potential in a beauty parlour where women could get make-up done, have eyebrows plucked or false eyelash extensions applied.
  • Another teacher may say, ‘I have a firm makeup policy and my students all understand it, and I have no problems with make-ups.’
  • A makeover isn't just something that happens to the lucky few that get onto TV and have the pick of London's best make-up artists, hairdressers and stylists.
  • Just as make-up requires a smooth, prepped canvas, so do your nails. Times, Sunday Times
  • In cases where the husband is impotent but not sterile, the sperm could easily be his, in which case the test tube child would have the same genetic make-up as a naturally conceived child.
  • In her white granny nightie and her white flour make-up Noreen could have easily disappeared in that room.
  • The soft brown plumage has a texture like velvet; they have insuppressible crests and a face pattern to inspire a make-up artist.
  • If you can't even take the risk not to wear a tie or make-up according to your birth sex if you want to make your way in this world then you are either a bondsman or a bondswoman; in short a slave. Let's put women first in 2011 | Mervyn Davies
  • An 'best in your favor, you hain't got that streak of fat in your make-up which has sent many a husky man to the bosom of Abraham afore his right and proper time. GRIT OF WOMEN
  • Do you think he would have commanded as much respect if he had worn different coloured contact lenses, white make-up and black eye-shadow?
  • Make-up artists and beauty consultants will be on hand throughout the day offering advise and tips on how to perfect your make-up and skincare regime.
  • She was busy touching up her make-up in the mirror.
  • At the make-up department, there was another computer and one of the salesgirls helped her out by showing her how to use it and what shades would suit her best.
  • In her report she recommends a radical change in the make-up of the new board.
  • Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at health care, believing in faith healing, our first attempt at philosophy. Christopher Hitchens 
  • I want to work in make-up prosthetics on sci-fi and horror films so this is the first step towards getting my dream job. The Sun
  • The actors were still in costume and make-up.
  • I don't usually wear all this make-up, so I feel a bit whorish with all it on.
  • For optimum results, let it dry for a few minutes before applying make-up. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a time when a bottle of hair dye, pancake make-up, a toupee and a darkly lighted room was about the best effort we could make.
  • Blend away any creases in your make-up and gently apply the new eyeshadow, highlighter and pencil,(sentence dictionary) the blusher and lipstick.
  • She described her look for the film as ‘completely unglamorous, almost no make-up, bit of a dumpy potato’.
  • Pride has always been an important part of his make-up.
  • She still approaches her daily toilette with all the excitement of a seven-year-old let loose in her mum's make-up bag.
  • Backstage, the children sit in front of naked light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, wiping away the make-up they carefully applied before the performance.
  • The make-up exam was exactly the same as the original and was administered 12 days after the original exam.
  • For $15 a day, you have a changing area, make-up mirrors, a huge bathroom with showers, fresh towels, shaving supplies and a lounge to schmooze in afterwards with all the chips and pop you want.
  • I have never been the kind of person who can dismiss physical appearance, who passes a make-up counter without a glance.
  • The Eyes Apply dark brown shadow over the socket and, as in day make-up, over one-third of the eye.
  • To what degree do you think that's going to change the social make-up of the people who live right by the coast?
  • However, many of those who complain about vivisection in the make-up industry would be the first to sue a cosmetic firm if their animal-testing-free mascara blistered their skin.
  • He insisted that he needed his own personal make-up artist and hair stylist and two hair colourists.
  • They each carry a single spider silk gene in their genetic make-up of some 70,000 goat genes.
  • To the extent that the physical make-up of organisms provides heritable variation, it becomes a malleable clay that can be sculpted by selection.
  • It includes natural make-up, skincare products and excellent herbal remedies for a huge range of conditions.
  • To a lesser extent, the line includes swimwear, bats and bags (from handbags to make-up bags).
  • The 24-year-old put on a miniskirt and blouse and make-up and borrowed an identity card from a female friend.
  • Her make-up was smudged from last night and her usually clean-cut hair was sticking out every which way.
  • The guard allocated to her had removed all her make-up kit from her handbag, a subtle attempt at demoralization.
  • Her face was a white powder mask with black eye make-up and black lip gloss.
  • Make-up colours look different depending on a person 's skin tone. Times, Sunday Times
  • By blending the colour into skin it gives a naturally flushed finish without making her look like she's wearing too much make-up. The Sun
  • I am thinking here of one of the most pertinent subjects any exhibition can address: the make-up of creativity itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lies Van Riel is a make-up artist from Belgium whose site features a random presentation of her work. Connect the dots, click the dots...
  • The case will hinge on chimps and humans differing in their genetic make-up by only a TINY percentage. The Sun
  • Cohen saw potential in a beauty parlour where women could get make-up done, have eyebrows plucked or false eyelash extensions applied.
  • Clever use of make-up can greatly enhance your appearance and leading make-up artist Teresa Fairminer will give you expert advice.
  • She then took out her concealer and eye make-up to hide the puffiness.
  • Melvyn Tan strikes an admirable balance between the classical and romantic in the young composer's make-up.
  • I also had a tiny smudge, rather than a bruise, on the left of my forehead, which was easily camouflaged by make-up and a fringe.
  • Lies Van Riel is a make-up artist from Belgium whose site features a random presentation of her work. Connect the dots, click the dots...
  • Seamus started his own career as an apprentice compositor, during the days when all page make-up was in hot metal.
  • I had my hair and make-up done by professionals, was taught how to walk on a catwalk and got to model three outfits.
  • At Clinique, for example, they not only have a whole range of foundations especially for mature skin called Dewy Smooth, they also give you a mini make-up lesson.
  • Facial make-up, mehendi and impressive costumes enhance the expressive powers of classical dancers, as they unravel a tale of folklore and mythology to the accompaniment of sitar, flute, harmonium, tabla and tambura.
  • Why not dress in powdered wigs and make-up too? Times, Sunday Times
  • The final act exposes the fatal flaws in his make-up.
  • Sadly that element of this great fighter's make-up may well have rendered him liable to the damage that he undoubtedly suffered.
  • At the same time, Jason Flemyng’s look as Caliban is more practical using make-up FX, and you have an animatronic Medusa head, so how important is it to use practical in-camera FX whenever possible rather than CGI? Producer Kevin De La Noy On Set Interview CLASH OF THE TITANS –
  • Standing there in front of the mirror in my dress and heels, with my hair and make-up done, I felt way overdressed for anything.
  • It was full of horrible taffeta and knarly make-up.
  • Make-up wasn't my thing, but mascara, concealer, and lip gloss were my life savers.
  • I fixed my hair and make-up and then changed into a tank top and a pair of jeans that I had brought from my house.
  • She chose fairly neutral make-up.
  • I don't usually wear much make-up .
  • After he left Big Brother he became famous for his use of guyliner and helped to promote a range of man make-up for YSL.
  • There is compelling evidence that an important factor contributing to the development of cancer is the emotional make-up of a person.
  • One option, they say, is for the Fed to alter the make-up of its securities portfolio, by reinvesting its money in longer-term Treasurys.
  • It mattifies, hides pores and acts like a magnet to keep your make-up in place all day. The Sun
  • It is not essentially any failings in Andrew's mental or sporting make-up.
  • The make-up woman daubed mock blood on Jeremy.
  • The 'Closer' beauty thinks she has only been so successful because of her looks, but has admitted she and her actress friends are "grubbier" than most women and often look "ugly" when they wake up wearing last night's hairstyle and make-up. disgusting after showbiz parties. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • The role also meant wearing no make-up and having a very different hairstyle. The Sun
  • Should a student fail a final exam, he or she is allowed two make-up exams.
  • She is very pretty (still way too much make-up for me though) and lovely long brown/blond hair that she sweeps back into a ponytail.
  • Your cupboards are full of new clothes, shoes, jewellery and make-up, either unworn with labels still attached or worn once and never touched again.
  • KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudanese police briefly detained more than 20 models, make-up artists and designers after a rare mixed-sex fashion show in Khartoum, participants said Saturday. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Yet see how she pulls offthe bright, bold make-up colours shown here with such freshness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Modern fiction, like high heels, make-up, alcohol, TV, was indicative of worldliness - a give-away sign of the Devil's intent.
  • Currently, most camps have two office staff members spending the bulk of their days coordinating absences and make-ups!
  • I put my copper-colored hair up in a classic bun and applied a small amount of make-up.
  • The woman was brunette and had a plum evening gown on with matching make-up and a coordinating flower and feather in a bun on the base of her neck.
  • Make-up, prosthetics, and a lot of hair was used to get the effect of their heads being enlarged. Times, Sunday Times
  • She evened out the heaviness of the dress's fabric with natural make-up that played up her radiant skin.
  • There is support in the manifesto for a free vote of MPs on the make-up of the Lords.
  • As a courtesy to the viewers, put several layers of heavy pancake make-up on.
  • She wore little in the way of make-up, save for a smear of liner and mascara on her eyes and a touch of color on her lips.
  • The make-up was plastered on and her hair teased and combed to make her look years older. The Sun
  • Two: think of make-up and you either imagine a lipstick or a powder compact. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wearing make-up, radios, music involving instruments, mobile phones, newspapers, magazines and wearing jeans uncovered by a jilbab were all forbidden. Times, Sunday Times
  • I clipped one side of my hair back with two barrettes and put on some light make-up.
  • I had to admire the artistry of the make-up as he hovered over us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make-up mayhemAre your cosmetics becoming 'hothouses' for bacteria? National Nine News
  • And even if they did use the same methodology, how dependent is the analysis on the make-up of the user base, and how does the user base vary from city to city? Who Knew? Seattle Leads the Way in Reducing Traffic Congestion « PubliCola
  • He was wearing women's clothes and make-up, and there was a wig next to his handbag on the passenger seat.
  • Two hours of hair, make-up and styling later, she's ready for her closeups. Times, Sunday Times
  • They say the boots are the perfect finishing touch for their artificial tans, bleached hair, white make-up and bright scanty skirts.
  • Before the show we sneaked a look backstage to get the low-down on the make-up artists.
  • It's not about make-up and a hairstyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take a dowdy young spinster, before, add make-up, hair, a new wardrobe - and shazam - after she's a movie-star.
  • She put in some clothes, odds and ends, and make-up.
  • A make-up and prosthetics artist will be on hand to transform you into your favourite character. Times, Sunday Times

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