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How To Use Make-believe In A Sentence

  • She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister.
  • We should integrate literacy into play only if it furthers a play theme in progress, and we should avoid literacy props that may distract children from make-believe.
  • Collect any piece of clothing or accessory that could lend itself to make-believe.
  • And, as always, to Mom and Dad and my family and friends for the unwavering support, and to Audrey, James, and Jonathan for putting up with my “spacey” moments and allowing me time to dwell in make-believe lands. Darkness Becomes Her
  • This is when hundreds of communists and non-communists ‘confessed’ to make-believe crimes in show trials.
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  • He is in Billy's make-believe world of ambrosia the moment the curtain rises.
  • And those of us who actually make up that make-believe market share?
  • a kelpie is an imaginary water sprite, you know, and a pixy is a-- a-- why, a sort of make-believe fairy who lives in the water. Patty in Paris
  • Children know how to imagine and make-believe, and how to play.
  • I could play make-believe, pretend away all the pain.
  • The ideal of a perfectly fair society is just make-believe.
  • The dark-haired child gave way to her sister's commands, slinking to the base of the stone pedestal that would be make-believed into a high and impenetrable lair.
  • You can tell the difference between make-believe and reality, between truth and falsehood. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • The grotesque comedy of the couvade, which proved a tragedy so often for the poor mother compelled by the custom to rise in her weakness and even neglect her new-born baby, in order to do double work and to tempt the appetite of her lord after his make-believe pangs of childbirth, was one sign that primitive consciousness found the new knowledge of double parentage very exciting. The Family and it's Members
  • The tea parties were make-believed but the talks and the memories were real.
  • Other six-year olds solve math problems for make-believe school, as illustrated in Figure 3. 4.
  • This city is often described as one of dreams and fantasy, of tinselish make-believe.
  • There's no fairy-tale involved like Midsummer Night's Dream where there's make-believe.
  • Under that make-believe Florentine, all angelicalness, there was an experienced business man, who well knew how to look after his pecuniary interests and was even reported to be somewhat avaricious. The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 5
  • The exacting demands of the theatrical calling dims the luster that lured the deluded one recklessly to enter the seemingly attractive circle, to appear as the make-believe heroines of romance on the stage. A Pirate of Parts
  • I knew that these images were only visible to my eyes in a make-believe dreamland.
  • The only option for survival is submerging oneself in an illusion of meaning, a world of make-believe.
  • There is an interesting story here - in fact, the only story of Mai that isn't make-believe.
  • There are witches, fairies, and mermaidens [24] in the ballads: omens, dreams, spells, [25] enchantments, transformations, [26] magic rings and charms, "gramarye" [27] of many sorts; and all these things are more effective here than in poets like Spenser and Collins, because they are matters of belief and not of make-believe. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • But, interestingly even though these children slip easily into fantasy their make-believe world is not rich and full.
  • All the rest of it - the precision choreography, the processed vocals, the glittery minidresses - is just so much make-believe.
  • In scene one, Edie, the make-believe cheerleader, queens it over bashful high-school boy Tom.
  • Or living in a fantasy of wishful make-believe.
  • With documentaries I guess I feel I want to just enjoy a world of make-believe, of fiction, and not have my emotions tossed all over the place. Movie Review: Exit Through the Gift Shop « Colleen Anderson
  • If only I could have lived in that make-believe world where a mother displayed her affection for her daughter without hesitation.
  • Politicians and the media engage in sanctioned make-believe.
  • The violence in those films was too unreal, it was make-believe.
  • Very young kids might think its a game of make-believe pretending to be sleeping doggies, lions and snakes.
  • It's a real-world situation in a make-believe town.
  • And she found within days that it was all just make-believe.
  • And I†™ m arguing, finally, that that relationship is one of convergence; that in the strange new world of immateriality toward which the engines of production have long been driving us, we can now at last make out the contours of a more familiar realm of the insubstantial†the realm of games and make-believe. Inkblurt · Dibbell on the game-reality shift
  • The country's economy, too, was a land of make-believe.
  • Nigel Hadgkiss can make-believe all he wants in the Tool Shed this week while he protects the murderers in the industry, all he's done so far is make Inspector Clouseau look like Perry Mason.
  • It is only under the remorseless pressure of dealing with the reality of Iris that the make-believe barriers sometimes break down and he shouts that he hates her.
  • In the beginning of the story, Mia is in Genovia, the make-believe country that seems so real.
  • Much of that function, they shrewdly foresee, would be sheer make-believe.
  • They’ll soon get ready to head out for entrepreneur day camp, where they role-play as banker, shopkeeper, and mayor of a make-believe city and learn how to levy taxes and create products.
  • Despite my resources, despite my high profile, when it came to intimate relationships I lived in the world of make-believe. True You
  • It weakens their precarious hold on their make-believe world.
  • After this epiphany, she and Furii work to dismantle the fantasies of Deborah's make-believe world.
  • Dreams and make-believes are all very well in the daytime and the sunshine, but when dark and storm come they fail to satisfy.
  • However, I am deeply concerned with what goes on within the REAL world not the make-believe one of Hollywood.
  • the make-believe world of theater
  • Which brings me back to that make-believe laundry pile and my own lesson: uncovering a life purpose by defining my values.
  • He turned his hand in to the shape of a gun and he pulled the make-believe trigger towards my head.
  • I'm not dead, just living in a make-believe world right now.
  • `Your mom says we should concentrate on things that are real and not waste our time with make-believe.
  • Of course all photography is illusion, all cinema make-believe.
  • My make-believe was more convincing because Nana had gone upstairs to quilt while dinner baked, and the kiddo was doing homework at the dinette. Arcane Circle
  • Building a city from blocks, dice, toy soldiers and other odds and ends, he's transported into a make-believe municipality just in time to slay a monster, whup a villain, load up an ark - and learn a few lessons in kindness and humility.
  • She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister.
  • Vampires were just make-believe; horror-movie stuff like demons and zombies. Haven
  • The doll and blanket went flying, bounced off the far end of the block, and fell into the make-believe river.
  • He has nothing to do with the choppy rhythms of the Rococo, nor its obvious confession of make-believe.
  • But I make-believed the dyno and tried the mantle… and did it!
  • She's not really a queen -- it's only make-believe.
  • The virtual, as associated with VR, is seen as a kind of pretend reality, or make-believe.
  • No one would have known Griselda; she looked like a fairy queen, or princess, at least, for even her little white feet had what _looked_ like butterfly shoes upon them, though these, you will understand, were only a sort of make-believe, as, of course, the shoes were soleless. The Cuckoo Clock
  • in acting you have make-believe and reality side by side, and you have to discover the way those two things are balanced - so you could say I'm like a juggler, doing a balancing act.
  • Even that image had been a projection of some earthly thing into her make-believe kingdom.
  • In the end, the magnetic pull of opera is strong even to those who, unlike MacMillan, are not openly ‘fascinated by the make-believe world of the opera’.
  • They’ll soon get ready to head out for entrepreneur day camp, where they role-play as banker, shopkeeper, and mayor of a make-believe city and learn how to levy taxes and create products.
  • Mimi is a make-believe character in Chinatown but I can give you directions to my favorite cuchifrito in the Bronx for six papa rellena, and directions to Lincoln Hospital for an angioplasty. La Bloga
  • It must be nice to live in the land of make-believe.
  • But I have learned the hard way that Superman is make-believe.
  • But suddenly one day, right in the middle of a make-believe adventure, she stopped, quite chilled with fright.
  • A three-year-old can imitate adults and playmates, play make-believe with dolls and use pronouns or plural words.
  • The novelist instantly senses make-believe, and so do we.
  • It was the ‘nightmare’ of her life with her drunken father that made her seek refuge in make-believe.
  • The ideal of a perfectly fair society is just make-believe.
  • I liked to fill it with various objects represented the ‘equipment’ I'd need for my current make-believe mission.
  • She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister.
  • At the paybox I would be given enquiring glances as to my appearance, but this was of no concern as I had three pennies in my hand to enter a new world of adventure, escape and make-believe.
  • People love to be frightened by make-believe versions of the supernatural, such as ghost stories and vividly hideous specters that pop out of the dark.
  • But Horotiu, a mythical monster, put the NZ$2.6 billion project in doubt after an indigenous Maori board protested that it will destroy grounds once patrolled by the make-believe taniwha, pronounced tani-fa. The Australian | News |
  • So fantasy novels go capped and belled into literary society, saying in effect: this is not the real world we are talking about, this is of course faerie, make-believe, where bicoloured rock pythons speak, where little girls converse with packs of cards, where boys become kings by drawing swords from stones, and where caped counts can suck the blood of beautiful women and live forever. On Fantasy and Science Fiction
  • This ain't Powerpoint make-believe no more - it's building a real, working rocket. Doubts About Ares 1 Continue to Mount - NASA Watch
  • Are they all totally imaginary, inspired by real people, or just an amalgam of the make-believe world and the real one?
  • Well, that wasn't make-believe but a reality for one man, Timothy Treadwell.
  • Mengestu is commenting on the life-giving properties of make-believe, as Jonas tries to save his parents, his job, his marriage with the drama and depth of his tales. Dinaw Mengestu's 'How to Read the Air,' reviewed by Ron Charles
  • Whilst we were running down there was a ‘roar from the crowd’ and Tom Courtney walked along the road behind us and make-believed the ‘roar’ was from the crowd at a Nuremburg rally saluting him’.
  • Of course Billy was spot-on from curtain-up, grabbing the audience in the palm of his hands while simultaneously squirting them with make-believe doggy wee.
  • When the teens were younger they used to play a game, where they would make-believe that they all lived in the royal palace in the middle of the city.
  • a shade or two at most frostily touched by the winter of old age -- but a berouged, beraddled, bedizened old make-believe, with wrinkles plastered thick, and skinny shoulders dusted white with powder -- ah me, how you would wish you had not gone! Jersey Street and Jersey Lane Urban and Suburban Sketches
  • People love to be frightened by make-believe versions of the supernatural, such as ghost stories and vividly hideous specters that pop out of the dark.
  • So I made up some Cubans, put a make-believe protagonist among them and published a novel that caught not the place I'd seen and transcribed so much as the one I'd felt and intuited. The Good Luck of Notes Turned to Ash
  • But, interestingly even though these children slip easily into fantasy their make-believe world is not rich and full.
  • I was angry with his seven-year game of make-believe.
  • But the 42-year-old Cruise shrugs it off as just another make-believe soul that grabbed him.
  • So she played a game of make-believe in the rue du Faubourg Saint Honore. YELLOW BIRD
  • So we can probably rule out the theory that he is indulging in a weekly exercise in make-believe.
  • He faced a little bush and lifted his make-believe gun.
  • We spent days ‘shooting’ each other with our toy guns and kicking make-believe stirrups into imaginary horses.
  • Yes, Massenet tells the tale charmingly and makes much of those moments that have fuelled children's make-believe for all time – the ball, the midnight-hour escape and that magical shoe-fitting episode. Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review
  • A three-year-old can imitate adults and playmates, play make-believe with dolls and use pronouns or plural words.
  • It is true that he looks a bit of a bruiser and has played the role of a hardman in EastEnders, but that is only make-believe.
  • Whereas one week ago our puppy basked in make-believe: Subir - French Word-A-Day
  • In his last studio, one wall was reserved exclusively for the original dog-eared photographs of his make-believe family and the fictive families of old friends.
  • Compared to astrophotographs, images of computer simulations often seem like shabby make-believes.
  • In fact, has not experience taught us that adults are more susceptible to make-believe than children, and far more skilled at creating it?
  • And the judge said ‘Guilty’ in a make-believe trial and slapped the sheriff on the back with a smile
  • The swank apartments, fine restaurants, and posh hotel suites in which the stars spend all their time represent solid luxury rather than obvious Hollywood make-believe.
  • a land of make-believe
  • So I think, Sir, that these stories are all make-believe; there are no kings and princes, or goblins or gold.
  • The discrepancy between the Congressional Budget Office's findings and those make-believe numbers from the White House leaves us with an 8.6% shortfall, but that piece of legislation is not our only worry. Policy Debates Should Use Real Numbers
  • At bottom, beneath this make-believe Florentine all-angelicalness, with long curly hair and mauve eyes which grew dim with rapture at sight of a The Three Cities Trilogy: Rome, Volume 3
  • Edgar spares us the spectacle of a make-believe Lamour, it's studded with other vignettes and dubious representations of historical figures: a charm-free Ginger Rogers, a blank-slate Charles Lindbergh, a cloddish Robert F. Kennedy and an appallingly crude approximation of Richard Nixon. 'J. Edgar': Hoover's Life, in a Dramatic Vacuum
  • An allegory may depart from everyday life into a make-believe world.
  • The ideal of a perfectly fair society is just make-believe.
  • An allegory may depart from everyday life into a make-believe world.
  • Does Kartheiser, single, possessionless, doing brilliant make-believe for a living, have anxieties in this regard by any chance? Vincent Kartheiser: 'I definitely do psychopathic. I don't try to, but it just sneaks out'
  • That's really how it began: me playing make-believe in front of the house, shooting at an imaginary basket with a ball of rags.
  • The ideal of a perfectly fair society is just make-believe.
  • In his latest, he remembers Audrey Hepburn 14 years after her death: "In the 40 years between Hollywood's make-believe headlines and the horrifying reality of Somalia, Hepburn as actress and woman seemed an emissary from a finer world than ours. GreenCine Daily: Weekend shorts, fests, etc.
  • She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister.
  • `Because - because - "Because that was real and the others were make-believe, but the complaint stuck in Alice's craw. WEEKEND FOR MURDER

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