
How To Use Make it In A Sentence

  • When Modin scored from the right circle to make it 3-0, it looked bleak for the Devils, who rallied from one-goal deficits twice before winning Game 2 in overtime. - Tampa Bay creeps closer to New Jersey with 4-3 win
  • Outrages like the Thomas case make it a good deal more difficult for enlightened penal reformers like the Professor to get a fair hearing when they advocate bringing back the lash.
  • We would have make it earlier, but I procrastinated with completed and sealed ballots sitting on my desk for a couple of days -- no good excuse, but the reminders to spare the GOTC callers (and ourselves) reminder calls goosed me into action. BlueOregon
  • I used to massage the skin, too, to make it supple and alive. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have kept it alive in the past and continue to make it plausible for millions of people today.
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  • We'll fry anything - as long as it's fryable and edible, we'll make it deliciousable. Blogposts |
  • Simply inserting the word "conservation" in the pesticide label and slightly watering down the percentage of the active ingredient, brodifacoum, does not make this rodenticide safe for wildlife, nor will it make it any less persistent. Maggie Sergio: The Proposal to Poison a Wildlife Refuge
  • Actually, I was thinking of M&P on top of the CP, as a cover for the paper, but since the water in CP would make it wet to pour on top of the paper, dunno. Microsoft Soap - Set Up
  • The only way to make it last is to turn it into cheese, yoghurt or quark.
  • One way is to make it easier for a user to default to your engine - by embedding a toolbar on his desktop, say, or putting a search box into his browser window.
  • Other are supporting the attempt to make it less straightforward to obtain ebooks through a library. Times, Sunday Times
  • The searing heat and dense, acrid smoke inside a burning building make it almost impossible for firefighters to see what is around them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exhaust fumes from the Apache engines are also cooled as they emerge to make it difficult for heat-seeking missiles to seek and destroy the aircraft.
  • So numerous and various were the influences, formative and impellent, which combined to bring the colonies up to the precise ripening-point of their independence, as to make it difficult to assign each its proper force. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876
  • Rachel and a friend of hers were standing at the end of the parking lot, and hearing them yell my name perked me up enough to make it to the track itself. From the Mind of the Dawnie
  • The reform will make it more difficult for MPs to block legislation.
  • But shortage of teachers and timetabling problems make it very difficult for schools to work any great breadth into the system.
  • The precis accompanying the weekly summaries of incidents also make it possible to explore in more detail the deaths of individual policemen.
  • Eric Widstrand, City Traffic Engineer for the Seattle Department of Transportation, told the newspaper that the hula hoop is a sticker (which is graffiti) that has been applied to the sign to make it look like the pedestrian is hula-hooping. | Blog | Hula Hoop Pedestrian-Crossing Sign Confuses Some
  • In my business the less you worry about making money the more likely you are to make it.
  • The back four looked loose and needs work to make it a cohesive unit. The Sun
  • Tiger Woods rescued from crash by wife Elin Nordegren carrying a golf club Trapped in his own body for 23 years - the coma victim who screamed unheard Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go away | George Monbiot Michelle Obama 'racist' picture that is topping Google Images removed nhs tower hamlets. aneurin bevan house, aldgate east, inner east lond …. Latest financial, market & economic news and analysis |
  • The effect of interest arbitrage is to make it irrelevant where a person invests or borrows. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • He dampened his hair to make it lie flat.
  • Cheaper jet fuel means we save money by flying to Florida with enough go-juice to make it both ways. Undefined
  • We are using the term 'featured' because we want to make it clear to people that they're seeing content from a Page or person they have chosen to connect to. Gizmodo
  • The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the US market.
  • Add an egg-yolk to the flour and fat to make it bind/to bind the mixture.
  • For example, it would be impermissible for the Society because it did not wish to offer annuities itself to use its discretion as to bonuses to make it more attractive for the policy holder to use another provider.
  • Manda could see the building had been restored numerous times to make it looked authentic.
  • Those who don't make it in Treviso usually sign with clubs in lower divisions, and, if they are enrolled in a university, continue studying at a slower pace because of the demands of pro basketball. - Team-first, back-to-basics foreigners changing NBA
  • Restarauteurs and cinema chains have an annoying habit of filling a glass half with Coke and half with ice, no doubt to make it go further.
  • I must have a prodigious amount of mind; it takes me as much as a week, sometimes, to make it up! Mark Twain 
  • That will make it easier for businesses such as haulage companies which might have suffered losses as a result of this to bring claims. The Sun
  • He made it over two months from a combination of processes involving painting and cut-and-paste images, using a crackled paint effect to make it look old.
  • Make it sloppy food for the first few days after the whelping.
  • Any broken/latin stuff? looopz: What time are you on, might well make it down to this …. provided I can persuade someone else cassien: u.k. funky is house music for ol junglist like myself I'd like to break it here in the states but ... Grievous Angel
  • Her charms would captivate me and make it difficult later to leave her.
  • The lad and devoted dad must overcome corruption and indifference as they strive to make it in the rarefied world of the concert musician without connections.
  • Well, in view of the fact that there is a slave part in it, I shall do just as I said and make it tragi-comedy. nunc hoc me orare a vobis iussit Iuppiter, ut conquaestores singula in subsellia eant per totam caveam spectatoribus, si cui favitores delegates viderint, ut is in cavea pignus capiantur togae; Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Puddings are a small pleasure in a sea of grey days, one of those things that make it bearable. The Sun
  • The fact that flickers did not defend feeding territories suggests that characteristics of their prey make it uneconomical to monopolize.
  • We need at least 10 days of 6 strong rowers and 1 bailer to make it back. Are We All Bozos on this Minivan? (Or the Detroit version of the Prisoners' Dilemma)
  • Crookes, a toy called the spinthariscope, on which radium particles impinge upon sulphide of zinc and make it luminous, induced him to associate the two sets of phenomena. The World Set Free
  • Every pack comes with a two free ‘make it yourself’ aircraft kits.
  • When meeting a man for the first time, wear an item of clothing that will make it easy and fun for him to spot you.
  • Its ageing components make it increasingly inefficient and difficult to adapt to the demand for more and greener power. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are too many 'yous' and 'yours' in it; you ought to say 'one' now and then, to make it seem more like good writing. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
  • Look at the brightness of what lies ahead and work out a way to make it come to you.
  • The logs ignited with a simple glimmer, and he gently blew on the ember to make it flare to life.
  • Buy yourself a light, plastic rake to make it easy. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are now used to make items as diverse as garden furniture and car upholstery.
  • I actually bred a labradoodle for myself, then I decided to make it a hobby.
  • At low tide you can make it all the way back to town along the beach. Times, Sunday Times
  • LIFE IS HARD: That does not mean unrewarding; the very fact that it is hard is what will make it so. Rene Syler: Happy Birthday to Me!
  • It would also have turned an already peaky engine into a serious screamer and would have undoubtedly have required shorter gearing to make it work.
  • attributive: -s/-l directive: -is locative: -eBy renaming the genitive case as "attributive", we make it clearer that these endings are not just restricted to mere "possessives" or "ablatives" but rather we recognize their many other usages. Liber Linteus and religious formulae, part 2
  • You could make it rhyme or make it seasonal or current. The Sun
  • Once power is applied and the USB cable connected, the computer should immediately recognize the drive and make it ready for use.
  • It was only to be the edging on a shawl for her, but he spent three days and two nights on it; and then she asked him to make it over with jack-in-the-pulpit inset, because she was sure to grow tired very soon of Sweet William; then she changed her mind about jack-in-the-pulpit and decided on wintergreen berries. The Best Short Stories of 1915 And the Yearbook of the American Short Story
  • There are dozens of different ways to make it, but I enjoy it with a squeeze of lime.
  • Smart clothes also make it possible for the wearer's vital functions to be monitored, using, for example, an electromyograph.
  • In town is another story, as its massive bulk can make it unwieldy in tight parking areas.
  • Organisers hope the project will make it easier for people to contact their GPs on health and fitness matters.
  • A long latency period can make it difficult to associate asthma with an occupational source.
  • The photos make it a great gift idea, while the information acts as a starter for readers with a new interest in wine.
  • But that doesn't excuse the tribalism from the people with my skin color who want to deprive honest and hardworking people of the chance to make it in a free society because they don't happen to have a high-IQ. A Childish Question About Immigration, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The spider manages to make its fiber at body temperature, without high pressures, heat, or corrosive acids.
  • ADN if you want to download no reason why a 99$ account should not get you 50 megabit unlimited, give 9 a month to hollywood and the riaa and tell them to bugger off. make it a law and make the only way they get an increase is by national referendum, WHAT HOLLYWOOD FEAR DEMOCRACY? Rogers bill of consumer rights
  • You know what I mean, those blue cubes that you use to chalk up your cue when you're playing snooker or pool in an attempt to make it look like you know what you're doing.
  • Terraforming, or altering the atmosphere of Mars to make it habitable for humans, via planetary engineering processes, is still being discussed in planetary circles and is the seed to more current discussions of planetary or geo-engineering to reduce the impacts of global warming on our planet. Mel Averner - NASA Watch
  • So again like a good politician I shall try to tailor my ideology to make it sound more attuned to a reality that surprises and confounds me.
  • I make it my business to acquaint myself with where objects properly belong in a house.
  • Conviction is everything in wishing. If you don't believe in your own power to make your wish come true, your wish will fly away, never to be seen again. But which leads to the most important point of all. If you're wishing for something possible, then it may be possible for you to do whatever you need to make it come true. The ultimate magic is not wishing, but doing.
  • If you've got friends or family coming to stay, make it really special by giving them the full treatment.
  • Seeing the potential of its software besmirching the Symantec name irreparably, Symantec's CEO surged forward with a new plan: re-write its security software to make it the best in the industry, so as to super-strengthen its stranglehold on the summit of sales supremacy while swiftly swinging its way back into the good books of consumers. ITWire - Latest Headlines
  • All my life, whenever it comes time to make a decision, I make it and forget about it. Harry S Truman 
  • Of course it would be common courtesy for a transexual to make it known they are a pre-op transexual.
  • If only grey will do for you, make it charcoal and add texture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch.
  • In connection with an item of Ru ware of the Northern Song dynasty, for instance, which many connoisseurs regard as one of the absolute pinnacles of Chinese ceramic art, the author of the pertinent catalogue entry states that certain qualities of shape and decoration “make it incredibly rare even within this exceptional group.” Archive 2009-08-01
  • Five women and their partners wrestle with the demands of impending parenthood, and discover that it's not as easy as the books make it out to be. The Sun
  • The melodies and harmonies make it sound like it belongs on an emo record.
  • The hope is that all this technology will make it as efficient as possible. The Sun
  • Yes | No | Report from muskiemaster wrote 31 weeks 2 days ago captain brad makes a good point the name's alone make it hard to compare the two and if I had to say though it'd be cabela's which contains lots of fishing stuff and hunting more hunting stuff to. Cabelas or BassPro?
  • But the mid-west's real achievement has been to make its old businesses, particularly manufacturing, much more productive.
  • I expect this was a conscious tactic for assuaging a common anxiety, and it did make it easier to ignore that difference between us.
  • I usually make it with chana dal what sindhis call sai bhaji. Dal bhaaji
  • The monotonous stretches of this concert package make it difficult to feel anything about him at all.
  • Its freedom and economic prosperity make it an attractive place for many Haitians.
  • Jacki is the lead singer and guitarist in an all-girl LA-based band struggling to make it.
  • Nuclear power has always needed taxpayer handouts to make it profitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Could you make it brief? I've got a meeting in ten minutes.
  • The aim was to make it easier to oust bad directors and make boards more responsive.
  • During the first twenty minutes or so, I wasn't sure I would make it through the entire movie -- it was, I thought, similar in style to a kind of movie I find unbearable: a style based on long handheld shots, a soundtrack that contains little or no music and lots of environmental sounds characters breathing, eating, walking, and a general attitude that seems to fetishize "artlessness", though offers little to replace the art it so disdains. 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days
  • Life is just like a painting. Many things make it colorful and meaningful.
  • There is a danger - as some young American web reviewers have pointed out - that, by following the book so closely, the film will make itself inaccessible to those who haven't read it.
  • The things round her wrist and the scars do make it seem she may be a self-harmer, perhaps but under medication. More Alice In Wonderland Character Photos | /Film
  • did not quite make it
  • Just curious as they seemed to be crying about how bad the atmosphere is here while going out of their way to make it worse. Think Progress » Right-Wing Fringe Rebels Against Palin Over Her Endorsement Of ‘RINO’ McCain
  • Then you can pick the best one and add the careful planning to make it work. The Sun
  • To make it more of a challenge for her fitter students, she relies on an array of aqua accessories, such as webbed gloves that increase resistance and foam dumbbells that help mimic land-based strength exercises. New workout programs show that pools can attract exercisers of all ages
  • I don't know how it followed a curved course in space - maybe it was outgassing and rotating, which would make its path helical.
  • make it hot for him
  • Commerce requires governance by politics, art, culture, and nature: to slow it down, to make it heedful, to make it pay attention to people and place.
  • Chop the chilli finely, removing the seeds if you wish (leaving them in will make it hotter) and add it to the dressing with most of the finely shredded mint (and coriander) leaves.
  • It was possible that Riddle had committed suicide in such a way as to make it appear that he had been murdered.
  • Maybe those elites could even attend the same public Universities with overfilled lecture halls as the common people that will never make it to the elite off any sector. Matthew Yglesias » Institutional Aspects of Regulatory Reform
  • I repeated the image and posterised it in an attempt to make it look like a Warhol repeat.
  • But it does not, by itself, make it rational to believe there is any such a connection.
  • I make it with broccoli, peas and corn on the cob. The Sun
  • That would make it nasty, brutish and short. Times, Sunday Times
  • You said this would purify the Faith and make it stronger.
  • Messenger bags have been around for many years and, like most fashion items, they have evolved with the times, which is why this messenger bag has the trimmings to make it one of the hippest bags around.
  • It took almost a year to housebreak her, mainly because in her excitement she could generally only make it a flight or two down from my apartment before releasing her bladder. El Perro
  • I'd also like to introduce some more training aids and pyrotechnics to make it more exciting and induce the adrenalin.
  • The superjet will make its debut commercial flight from Melbourne to Los Angeles on October Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • It was the kind of unspectacular housing block that makes up vast swaths of the city, scattered in between the genteel stucco mansions that make it into the films. NDTV News - Top Stories
  • · SQL Commander - Make it possible to run scripts of unlimited size with the @run command Softpedia - Windows - All
  • The newly graduated 46-year-old created a batch of trolley-based furniture for his degree course and is now hoping to make it into a business.
  • The prosecution alleges that Gilfoyle killed her and tried to make it look like suicide.
  • Furthermore, there is a marked absence of peer pressure here, which would make itself palpably felt when such anti - social conduct occurs.
  • You take them as a matter of course if you are outward bound, but on your call homeward (if you make it) you will look on them as a blessing and a curiosity. Travels in West Africa
  • That is, only 2.7% of phone numbers would even make it possible to accidentally call the police if you miskey at most one digit. Stories / Popular
  • Execshield also randomizes the memory address of a program stack to make it harder for malicious code to know where to gain entry into the program.
  • More baffles, in a herringbone pattern, will also be placed on the face of the weir, causing the speed of flow to be reduced, which will make it easier for the fish to swim up and over the weir.
  • The Israeli government is so concerned that America's adversaries may miscalculate U.S. intentions that it is privately urging Washington to make it clear that the U.S. would intervene in Saudi Arabia should the survival of that government be threatened. The Arab Spring and U.S. Policy: The View From Jerusalem
  • Elements of the design were tweaked to make it more efficient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those unfortunates who don't make it will then play up to seven more events to determine who gets to play the tour in 2008 and who doesn't.
  • Can you really take two companies that are perceived as the slow-moving players in the online market, combine them, and make it an "accelerant," to your business, as you described it? Ballmer Makes Big Bet
  • How are they supposed to make it in the outside world if they leave school not knowing how to speak properly? Times, Sunday Times
  • SARAH PALIN, (R) ALASKA: When my amniocentesis results came back showing what they called abnormalities, oh, dear God, I knew I had instantly an understanding for that fleeting moment why someone would believe it could seem possible to change those circumstances, just make it all go away and get some normalcy back in life. CNN Transcript Apr 17, 2009
  • The story is a steamroller, flattening everything in order to make its ‘big ironic point’.
  • The English cottage has a rheumatic floor of beaten earth or tile; its rooms are few and small, and very dark; the water-supply is scanty and most inconvenient; its chimney smokes; mice and rats find secure refuge in the thatch; the masses of clinging vines make it damp and earwiggy; but what a lovely bit it is in the landscape! Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 12, No. 32, November, 1873
  • The sax and swung ride cymbal suggest sexuality, but the lyrics never make it explicit.
  • Certainly, Theotimus, beauty is without effect, unprofitable and dead, if light and splendour do not make it lively and effective, whence we term colours lively when they have light and lustre. Treatise on the Love of God
  • They feed their chicks with food that is digestible for the cuckoo chick, and they have a nest size and egg size that make it possible for the young cuckoo to eject the nest contents.
  • What I don't like about the Snopes posting is that they make it seem as if the phonecard thing was unwarranted. Archive 2004-12-01
  • An investigation showed that some milk suppliers were adding the industrial chemical melamine, which is used to make plastic, to their milk production to make it appear higher in protein. China Shuts Nearly Half its Dairies in Safety Checks
  • Boards that run lengthways will make a room look longer, and boards that run widthways will make it look wider.
  • The reassuringly solid build and sleek finish make it feel that it really should cost more. Times, Sunday Times
  • American English Coonhound: I know this coonhound has waited awhile to make it into the WKC show, but I just don't see any star power from this guy. Westminster Dog Show 2012—as it happened
  • That deal could make it more expensive for the state if Mr. Walker succeeds in canceling the project. New Midwest Governors Could Derail High-Speed Trains
  • I mean, we - we're actors, so we're supposed to make it look like we're winging it.
  • Poluski's quip; but that fleeting glimpse had thrilled her with subtle recognition of something grasped yet elusive, of a knowledge that trembled on the lip of discovery, like a half remembered word murmuring in the brain but unable to make itself heard. A Son of the Immortals
  • Nuclear power has always needed taxpayer handouts to make it profitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He whipped the horse to make it run faster.
  • Rebuilding of the ropewalk started the day after the Burning, and Pelzed himself came down to supervise and make it clear that the kinless working there were never to be molested. The Burning City
  • The pigments color the paint, make it opaque, and aid in UV resistance.
  • When a eurozone country experiences an economic shock it cannot devalue its currency to make its exports more competitive, thereby supporting employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the same way that slimming pills claim to make you feel full without eating, these pills make it possible to feel drunk without actually consuming excessive alcohol.
  • The aim is to make it impossible to trace specific data to individual computers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Additional cream would make it too rich.
  • He allowed the engine to tick over for 5 minutes to make it warm up gradually.
  • They enjoyed it so much that they've decided to make it a full or part-time business.
  • I make it a point to know them (my rights) so I feel more free in exercising them than most people would. Doing 55 in a 54 « Blog
  • Halfway through the day I took it down to redo it, and couldn't make it go the right way at all because there was a massive kink in it.
  • Stretched upon a low child's bed, of the sort called trundle-bed in those days, which could be wheeled under the high-legged bed of the parents, lay the bridegroom, in his wedding-dress and gaitered shoes, with his steeple-crowned hat upon the faded calico quilt beside him, and his face as red as burning fever could make it. The Entailed Hat Or, Patty Cannon's Times
  • In airbrushing the brutality of slavery, we make it possible to ignore the tremendous power that race had - and continues to have - in shaping this society.
  • Classy equestrian facilities and a model railway make it really stand out. Times, Sunday Times
  • But hardly anyone has fussed about a more practical concern: Some of the more elaborate plate designs make it difficult to read the tag numbers.
  • Whenever Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell might be tempted to act collegially, Tom Coburn (who asked America to pray that some senators — meaning ailing Sen. Robert Byrd — didn't make it to the chamber last month to vote), Jim DeMint (who hopes to "break" Obama), and David Vitter (whose adventures in New Orleans's brothels don't appear to have induced any humility) are there to set McConnell right. You Ain’t No Friend of Mine
  • And we gave H.O. some of the hardbake, to make it easier for him to keep his vow. The Story of the Treasure Seekers
  • Make it slightly thicker than you normally would, or it will be really difficult to transfer the grissini to the baking sheets.
  • In their urge to smirk and wink, they make it impossible for the profundity of any work in the show to shine through. Times, Sunday Times
  • What, then, we have to beware of, is not being refuted, but seeming to be, because of course the asking of amphibolies and of questions that turn upon ambiguity, and all the other tricks of that kind, conceal even a genuine refutation, and make it uncertain who is refuted and who is not. On Sophistical Refutations
  • When drawing the figure I am interested in the way it moves - stretches, muscles, limbs - how do they twist, how do you make it look realistic.
  • Alan is a strong-minded client with definite ideas of what he wanted and we had to make it work for him.
  • The satire is so laden with invective and is so dense that I wish there was an annotated version of this book to read which would make it much easier to read.
  • As a democrat, I think it's shameful to suggest McCain will be losing his seat because "[e] very Latina is Arizona will turn out to make sure he does not make it back to Washington" for voting against Sotomayor. McCain to vote against Sotomayor
  • Make it easy for her to change her mind and say yes. The Sun
  • It cannot make itself heard above the general clamour for attention. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government said it wanted to overhaul the employment training scheme to make it cost effective.
  • But it does make it very embarrassing when you discover you're not good at things. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other words, Bulgaria will again have to diplomatically maneuver and make its choice in a vulnerable situation.
  • While the runabout is a faster deep-space vessel, the streamlined hull and large reinforced wings of the aeroshuttle make it significantly more efficient in high-speed atmospheric maneuvers and operations. STARSHIP SPOTTER
  • Lounging around the family home, the Dane's good house manners make it a good house pet.
  • To give birds a better chance, make it mandatory for cats to be fitted with a collar with small bells. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I make it up when two superbikes decide they'll cut me up, and we effortlessly keep pace as they attempt to shoot off into the distance.
  • Prognostics capability will make it possible to replace about-to-fail parts before they fail, reducing system failures, in-flight aborts, and aircraft accidents.
  • Pressure from powerful corners must make it awfully easy to misplace files.
  • We train elite athletes in hopes that they will make it to the Olympics.
  • Solar panels will also be installed to make it more energy-efficient. The Sun
  • ‘The perfect acoustics in the Heritage Centre make it the ideal venue for storytelling, music and song,’ says Ms Byrne.
  • Any devaluation of sterling would make it even more difficult to keep inflation low.
  • We could make it a self-fulfilling prophecy if we assume they have civility and regard them all and treat them all as one.
  • DIRECTOR RAINES: I think there is a great chance to have a bill that we can sign, and we have worked with the conference committee and the leadership of the appropriations committees to make it very clear to them what steps would need to be taken to make it signable. Press Briefing On The Line Item Veto
  • In mid-May, for example, he told the Labor Ministry to look into ways to loosen up restrictions that make it hard for companies to fire workers and hire temp staffers as replacements.
  • If you've never grown or tasted French sorrel, now is the time to make its acquaintance.
  • It may not be as bad as some lifestyle scolds make it out to be.
  • It can also be used with domestic pork to make it taste more like wild boar.
  • Carefully nibbling on the crumbly, buttery, oaty square, trying to make it last until we got home. One For The Table: Tracy Tynan on Flapjacks - The British Madeline
  • It puts women's sport and female sporting heroes on the map and some of them are the unsung heroes who make it happen. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second sandwolf peered from the side of the quarasote, then turned, and bounded to a second clump of quarasote, before vanishing into a gully so small that Wendra could barely make it out. Darkness
  • have to keep prices high enough to make it economic to continue the service
  • The marker is actually for the movie to remake its production costs in domestic sales. Exclusive: G.I. JOE SEQUEL is Happening; Zombieland’s Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick Writing G.I. JOE 2 –
  • They wanted to make it easier and cheaper to offer banking, insurance and underwrite share issues under one roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of flitting from one idea to the next, you now focus on one project and make it work. The Sun
  • For the poor bumblers then go forth, believing that even though they can't understand how the world works, they can nevertheless figure out how to make it work better!
  • Its bountiful supply of offshore oil should make it one of Africa's richest countries.

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