How To Use Major scale In A Sentence
The number of bells in a peal varies from three to 12, usually tuned to a diatonic major scale, or part of one.
Unit 3 presents major scales, triads and inversions, and chord progressions on white-key tonics.
Once you have finished, the judge may ask you to play any of the concert major scales or sight-read a chorale.
major scales
Watch our expert show you an example of jamming in an Bb major scale in this free video clip on music theory.
They're not afraid of the occasional use of a major scale, or a long drawn out peaceful ambient break.
Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale.
The song is based on the solfege syllables, “do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti” for the notes in the major scale.
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A minor scale beginning with the same tone as a major scale is referred to as its _tonic minor_.
Music Notation and Terminology
A minor scale having the same signature as a major scale is said to be its _relative minor_.
Music Notation and Terminology
The first thing that you should understand in your interval journey, is what the intervals are in a major scale.
Watch our expert show you an example of jamming in an Ab major scale in this free video clip on music theory.
Watch our expert show you an example of jamming in an Eb major scale in this free video clip on music theory.
Decades of research on a major scale points the finger at cholesterol as one of the key risk factors for heart disease.
It doesn't matter whether we bowdlerize the lyrics, the musical style has nothing familiar to them other than a major scale and it will not strike them as comfortable or familiar unless they are lapsed Luterans.
Contemporary Worship
The Chinese scale is now, as it always has been, one of five notes to the octave, that is to say, our modern major scale with the fourth and seventh omitted.
Critical and Historical Essays Lectures delivered at Columbia University
Bastien uses the little tune for the first five tones of the major scale.
This interval between the first and third tones consists of four half-steps in the major scale and of three half-steps in the minor scale and this difference in size has given rise to the designation _major_ for the scale having the larger third, and _minor_ for the scale having the smaller one.
Music Notation and Terminology
This will give you the major scale (most commonly known as doh, rei, me, fah, soh etc etc).
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The candidate will hum or sing and afterwards name the interval of the second, third, fourth or fifth of the major scale as played by the examiner, in succession to the keynote.
Further encouraged by his teacher he eventually managed to produce all the notes of the major scale.
Every student in the program plays twelve major scales by memory to qualify for one of those three performing bands.