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[ US /ˈmeɪdʒɝ/ ]
[ UK /mˈe‍ɪd‍ʒɐ/ ]
  1. British statesman who was prime minister from 1990 until 1997 (born in 1943)

How To Use Major In A Sentence

  • In my view his confrontational, gladiatorial style has been a major contributor to the widespread disdain of the British public for politicians generally. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2005, the Mugabe government launched what it called a slum clearance scheme, that bulldozed major shantytowns, brutally displacing hundreds of thousands of people. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2007
  • You would be hard pressed to find a young captain or major who hadn't flown combat sorties in the area of operations.
  • Prior to the 19th century, the region's social structure - outside of a few major cities, including Baghdad - was organized primarily around relatively isolated tribal confederations.
  • Her desired outcome was a bit of money to help with major structural repairs.
  • The major problem is punters here expect a diet of top-class football along with decent grub. The Sun
  • Mr Smith said the department's own funds, which have bankrolled major improvements in the naval service, had been well tapped and it was now time to explore new ways of funding.
  • I have a patient who had major abdominal surgery a few years ago for a fulminant illness.
  • When I looked at the chart a second time, I saw that there was a lot Michael had left out of his personal history; specifically, IVDU—intravenous drug use—dating back ten years, and a major depression that had led to a psychiatric hospitalization and ECT, electroconvulsive therapy. After the Diagnosis
  • The lymphatic vessels of the tongue may be divided into four groups: (1) apical, from the tip of the tongue to the suprahyoid glands and principal gland of the tongue; (2) lateral, from the margin of the tongue—some of these pierce the Mylohyoideus to end in the submaxillary glands, others pass down on the Hyoglossus to the superior deep cervical glands; (3) basal, from the region of the vallate papillæ to the superior deep cervical glands; and (4) median, a few of which perforate the Mylohyoideus to reach the submaxillary glands, while the majority turn around the posterior border of the muscle to enter the superior deep cervical glands. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 3. The Lymphatics of the Head, Face, and Neck
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